997 resultados para Florian, 1755-1794.


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This paper analyzes the Nova Student Portfolio (NSP) with the objective to understand performances of the fund. Each investment style has been analyzed (growth, value and momentum) in order to highlight what style allocation contributed positively and which had a negative impact. The results show that the team mainly invested in value stocks, which contributed positively but that its growth investments had a negative impact on the stock picking performance. The stock selection shows a major influence of the value investment style. A statistical approach shows that the market factor was the one explaining the most the NSP returns.


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Analisando a implantação dos dois edifícios mais emblemáticos da cidade de Lisboa – o teatro em época romana e a Sé em período medieval –, apresentam-se algumas considerações sobre a sua edificação, proximidade e simbolismo. Enquanto marcos urbanísticos, estes monumentos moldaram a fisionomia citadina, traduzindo-se em ambiciosos planos de engenharia que modificaram topograficamente a urbe. O terramoto de 1755 inaugurou um novo plano para a cidade, embora nesta área os projectos de reconstrução se traduzam numa nova reorganização arquitectónica mais do que numa monumentalização. Por outro lado, a pré-existência que constituiu o teatro romano condicionou algumas das soluções então delineadas. Estes indícios, cotejados entre a informação arqueológica e documental, permitem uma melhor compreensão da evolução desta área citadina.


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This paper attempts to prove that in the years 1735 to 1755 Venice was the birthplace and cradle of Modern architectural theory, generating a major crisis in classical architecture traditionally based on the Vitruvian assumption that it imitates early wooden structures in stone or in marble. According to its rationalist critics such as the Venetian Observant Franciscan friar and architectural theorist Carlo Lodoli (1690-1761) and his nineteenth-century followers, classical architecture is singularly deceptive and not true to the nature of materials, in other words, dishonest and fallacious. This questioning did not emanate from practising architects, but from Lodoli himself– a philosopher and educator of the Venetian patriciate – who had not been trained as an architect. The roots of this crisis lay in a new approach to architecture stemming from the new rationalist philosophy of the Enlightenment age with its emphasis on reason and universal criticism.


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Accessibility is nowadays an important issue for the development of cities. It is seen as a priority in order toguarantee equal access to fundamental rights, to improve the quality of life of citizens and to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, mobility or ability, have equal access to all the resources and benefits cities have to offer. Consequently, factors closely related to the accessibility have gained a higher relevance for identifying and assessing the location of urban facilities. The main goal of the paper is to present an accessibility evaluation model applied in Santarém, in Brazil, a city located midway between the larger cities of Belem and Manaus. The research instruments, sampling method and data analysis proposed for mapping urban accessibility are described. Daily activities were used to identify and group key destinations. The model was implemented within a geographic information system and integrates the individualâ s perspective through the definition of each key destination weight, reflecting their significance for daily activities in the urban area. Accessibility to key destinations was mapped over 24 districts of the city of Santarém. The results of this model application can support city administration decision-making for new investments in order to improve urban quality of life.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil.


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial de utilização de madeira de Schizolobium amazonicum (Paricá) e Cecropia hololeuca (Embaúba) para produção de painéis aglomerados. Foram produzidos painéis experimentais com densidade nominal de 0,70 g/cm³, utilizando a resina uréia-formaldeído e partículas de madeira de Paricá e Embaúba, e mistura destas, em proporções de 75, 50 e 25%. A madeira de Pinus taeda foi utilizada como testemunha. Os painéis foram prensados com pressão específica de 40 kgf/cm², temperatura de 160ºC e tempo de prensagem de 8 minutos. Os resultados das avaliações de propriedades de absorção de água, inchamento em espessura, ligação interna, módulo de elasticidade e módulo de ruptura, indicaram que as madeiras de Schizolobium amazonicum (Paricá) e Cecropia hololeuca (Embaúba) são tecnicamente viáveis para produção de painéis aglomerados.


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This study describes the professional experience of military police officers from the Portuguese Republican National Guard (N = 95). We focused on the main sources and consequences of stress and the coping strategies used to deal with stress. The evaluation protocol included one closed-ended question and four open-ended questions. Data analysis of meaningful text segments was conceptually based and data categorization followed deductive content analysis. Results allowed the identification of 483 meaning units. Factors intrinsic to the job and the relationships at work were the main stressors referred by participants. The consequences of stressors were evident at an individual level, affecting family, psychological, and physical/health domains. The coping strategies used to deal with the main source of stress in the professional career were focused on problem solving (e.g., active confrontation) and emotional regulation (e.g., situation acceptance). Practical implications and future avenues of research with these professionals are discussed.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o emprego da colorimetria na caracterização da biodeterioração das madeiras de marupá, jequitibá e cumaru submetidas ao ataque de fungos de podridão branca e parda. Para tanto, corpos de prova de cada espécie amazônica foram submetidos a ensaios de apodrecimento acelerado, de acordo com a American Society for Testing and Materials - ASTM D2017, durante 20 semanas. Os parâmetros colorimétricos L* (luminosidade), a* (coordenada verde-vermelho), b* (coordenada amarelo-azul) e a variação total da cor (∆E) foram determinados semanalmente até a quarta semana, e posteriormente a cada duas semanas até a vigésima semana, com auxílio de um espectrofotocolorímetro. Adicionalmente, foram determinadas as perdas de massa dos corpos de prova. Os resultados permitiram destacar que a colorimetria foi eficaz no monitoramento da biodeterioração da madeira, bem como para diferenciação da podridão branca e parda. As melhores predições da resistência natural aos fungos de podridão branca e parda foram obtidas com os parâmetros b* e L*, respectivamente. Enfatiza-se também, o emprego da ∆E como parâmetro auxiliar na estimativa da biodeterioração da madeira, em razão de suas correlações significativas com a perda de massa.


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Early-life stress (ELS) induces long-lasting changes in gene expression conferring an increased risk for the development of stress-related mental disorders. Glucocorticoid receptors (GR) mediate the negative feedback actions of glucocorticoids (GC) in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary and therefore play a key role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the endocrine response to stress. We here show that ELS programs the expression of the GR gene (Nr3c1) by site-specific hypermethylation at the CpG island (CGI) shore in hypothalamic neurons that produce corticotropin-releasing hormone (Crh), thus preventing Crh upregulation under conditions of chronic stress. CpGs mapping to the Nr3c1 CGI shore region are dynamically regulated by ELS and underpin methylation-sensitive control of this region's insulation-like function via Ying Yang 1 (YY1) binding. Our results provide new insight into how a genomic element integrates experience-dependent epigenetic programming of the composite proximal Nr3c1 promoter, and assigns an insulating role to the CGI shore.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the incidence of and variation in myocardial ischemia over 48 hours in patients with unstable angina. METHODS: Thirty-nine patients with unstable angina underwent long-term electrocardiography for 48 hours. The number of events and the period of time of ischemia (in minutes) were analyzed for the 48 hours, in two periods of 24 hours, and in periods of 4 hours. RESULTS: We analyzed 1755.8 hours of monitoring tapes, and ischemic episodes were detected in 18 (46.2%) patients, corresponding to 173 ischemic episodes, allowing the evaluation of 1304 minutes of ischemia.only 4 of which were (2.2%) symptomatic, Considering the entire period of time of recording and the predetermined time intervals, we observed a higher number of ischemic episodes (38) and a longer duration of ischemia (315.4 minutes) between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. However, no significant differences occurred among the values in the different intervals. CONCLUSION: Long-term electrocardiography over 48 hours showed a high incidence (97.8%) of silent ischemic episodes in patients with unstable angina. No evidence of a circadian variation of myocardial ischemia in unstable angina was observed.