955 resultados para First-order Reaction
This paper applies two methods of mathematical decomposition to carry out an optimal reactive power flow (ORPF) in a coordinated decentralized way in the context of an interconnected multi-area power system. The first method is based on an augmented Lagrangian approach using the auxiliary problem principle (APP). The second method uses a decomposition technique based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) first-order optimality conditions. The viability of each method to be used in the decomposition of multi-area ORPF is studied and the corresponding mathematical models are presented. The IEEE RTS-96, the IEEE 118-bus test systems and a 9-bus didactic system are used in order to show the operation and effectiveness of the decomposition methods.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We seek new couplings of chiral bosons to U(1) gauge fields. Lorentz covariance of the resulting constrained lagrangian is checked with the help of a procedure based in the first-order formalism of Faddeev and Jackiw. We find Harada's constraint and another local one not previously considered. We analyze the constraint structure and part of the spectrum of this second solution and show that it is equivalent to an explicitly covariant coupling of Siegel's chiral boson to gauge fields, which preserves chirality under gauge transformations.
The fate of four new fungicides (cyprodinil, fludioxonil, pyrimethanil, and tebuconazole) from the treatment on vine to the production of wine was studied. The influence of clarifying agents (bentonite, charcoal, potassium caseinate, gelatin, and polyvinylpolypyrrolidone) on residue concentrations in wine was also studied. The fungicide residues on grapes showed different decay rates after treatment, with first-order kinetics and half-lives ranging from 8 to 57 days. Grape processing into wine caused considerable residue reduction with cyprodinil (ca. 80%), fludioxonil (ca. 70%), and tebuconazole (ca. 50%) and no reduction with pyrimethanil. The two wine-making techniques employed (with and without maceration) had the same influence on the residue concentrations in wine, except for fludioxonil which showed maximum residue reduction with vinification with maceration. Among the clarifying agents tested, only charcoal showed effective action on the elimination of residue content in wine, proving complete elimination, or almost, of fungicide residues.
The persistence of three pesticides (fenitrothion, dimethoate, and ziram) in apricots in field conditions and their fate during the drying process were studied. After the treatments, the pesticides showed fast decay rates with pseudo-first-order kinetics and half-lives ranging from 6.9 to 9.9 days. The drying process showed a different effect on residue concentrations in dried apricots: omethoate (metabolite of dimethoate) and ziram residues had almost doubled, while fenitrothion disappeared and dimethoate remained constant.
The purpose of this paper is to characterize the lability/inertness metal fractions complexed by aquatic humic substances (HS) in relation to pH, complexation time, and HS concentration. HS were preconcentrated by ultrafiltration and complexed with bivalent metal ions. These fractions were characterized by ion exchange with the chelating collector cellulose Hyphan by applying batch procedure. The metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The results show that the distribution coefficients, Kd, decreased with HS presence, and that the relative lability of metal fractions complexed by HS is dependent on variables such as pH, complexation time, and HS concentration. Until c.a. 15 min, the metal change between aquatic HS and ion exchanger occurs following a 2 order reaction. Afterwards, the remaining metal fraction in the HS reacts following a 1st order reaction. For traces of metal ions bound to dissolved HS, the lability orderPb > Mn > Cd, Ni > Cu is revealed. ©1997 Soc. Bras. Química.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The two-body Dirac(Breit) equation with potentials associated to one-boson-exchanges with cutoff masses is solved for the deuteron and its observables calculated. The 16-component wave-function for the Jπ = 1+ state contains four independent radial functions which satisfy a system of four coupled differential equations of first order. This system is numerically integrated, from infinity towards the origin, by fixing the value of the deuteron binding energy and imposing appropriate boundary conditions at infinity. For the exchange potential of the pion, a mixture of direct plus derivative couplings to the nucleon is considered. We varied the pion-nucleon coupling constant, and the best results of our calculations agree with the lower values recently determined for this constant.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We report on first-order micro-Raman and resonant micro-Raman scattering measurements on c-InxGa1-xN (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.31) epitaxial layers. We have found that both, the transverse-optical (TO) and longitudinal-optical (LO) phonons of InxGa1-xN alloy exhibit a one-mode-type behavior. Their frequencies at Γ lie on straight lines connecting the corresponding values obtained for the c-GaN and c-InN binary compounds. Evidence for phase separation is shown in the sample with the alloy composition x = 0.31. The Raman spectra, with excitation energy close to 2.4 eV, show an enhanced additional peak, with frequency between the values found for the LO and TO phonon modes of the C-In0.31Ga0.69N epitaxial layer. We ascribed this peak to the LO phonon mode of a minority phase with In content of ≈0.80.
In the present paper we introduce a hierarchical class of self-dual models in three dimensions, inspired in the original self-dual theory of Towsend-Pilch-Nieuwenhuizen. The basic strategy is to explore the powerful property of the duality transformations in order to generate a new field. The generalized propagator can be written in terms of the primitive one (first order), and also the respective order and disorder correlation functions. Some conclusions about the charge screening and magnetic flux were established. ©1999 The American Physical Society.
We study the effects of a repulsive three-body interaction on a system of trapped ultracold atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensed state. The stationary solutions of the corresponding s-wave nonlinear Schrödinger equation suggest a scenario of first-order liquid-gas phase transition in the condensed state up to a critical strength of the effective three-body force. The time evolution of the condensate with feeding process and three-body recombination losses has a different characteristic pattern. Also, the decay time of the dense (liquid) phase is longer than expected due to strong oscillations of the mean-squared radius.
We use a five-dimensional approach to Galilean covariance to investigate the non-relativistic Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau first-order wave equations for spinless particles. The corresponding representation is generated by five 6 × 6 matrices. We consider the harmonic oscillator as an example.
We analyze the average performance of a general class of learning algorithms for the nondeterministic polynomial time complete problem of rule extraction by a binary perceptron. The examples are generated by a rule implemented by a teacher network of similar architecture. A variational approach is used in trying to identify the potential energy that leads to the largest generalization in the thermodynamic limit. We restrict our search to algorithms that always satisfy the binary constraints. A replica symmetric ansatz leads to a learning algorithm which presents a phase transition in violation of an information theoretical bound. Stability analysis shows that this is due to a failure of the replica symmetric ansatz and the first step of replica symmetry breaking (RSB) is studied. The variational method does not determine a unique potential but it allows construction of a class with a unique minimum within each first order valley. Members of this class improve on the performance of Gibbs algorithm but fail to reach the Bayesian limit in the low generalization phase. They even fail to reach the performance of the best binary, an optimal clipping of the barycenter of version space. We find a trade-off between a good low performance and early onset of perfect generalization. Although the RSB may be locally stable we discuss the possibility that it fails to be the correct saddle point globally. ©2000 The American Physical Society.
We apply a five-dimensional formulation of Galilean covariance to construct non-relativistic Bhabha first-order wave equations which, depending on the representation, correspond either to the well known Dirac equation (for particles with spin 1/2) or the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation (for spinless and spin 1 particles). Here the irreducible representations belong to the Lie algebra of the 'de Sitter group' in 4 + 1 dimensions, SO(5, 1). Using this approach, the non-relativistic limits of the corresponding equations are obtained directly, without taking any low-velocity approximation. As a simple illustration, we discuss the harmonic oscillator.