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Coupled analyses of n-alkane biomarkers and plant macrofossils from a peat plateau deposit in the northeast European Russian Arctic were carried out to assess the effects of past hydrology on the molecular contributions of plants to the peat. The n-alkane biomarkers accumulated over 9.6 kyr of local paleohydrological changes in this complex peat profile in which a succession of vegetation changes occurred during a transition from a wet fen to a relatively dry peat plateau bog. This study shows that the contribution of the n-C31 alkane from rootlets to peat layers rich in fine and dark roots is important. The results further indicate that the n-alkane Paq and n-C23/n-C29 biomarker proxies that have been useful to reconstruct past water table levels in many peat deposits can be misleading when the contributions of Betula and Sphagnum fuscum to the peat are large. Under these conditions, the C23/(C27 + C31) n-alkane ratio seems to correct for the presence of Betula and S. fuscum and provides a better description for the relative amounts of moisture. The average chain length (ACL) n-alkane proxy also appears to be a good paleohydrology proxy in having larger values during dry and cold conditions in this Arctic bog setting.
Manganese nodules have been found by the author in the shallow waters of the Hyotan-se bank west of Shikime-jima, an island of the Izu archipelago in the Sea of Japan. The slopes around the bank are steep and rocks are exposed; gravels and coarse material cover the broad and flat plain on its top; andesite and basalt, which are very common in the bedrock, are found mingled with liparite gravels together with a number of manganese concretions from the bank.
In contrast to the adjacent parts of the Transantarctic Mountains, the Mesozoic macrofossil record of north Victoria Land remains poorly documented. During the Ninth German Antarctic North Victoria Land Expedition (GANOVEX IX 2005/2006) twelve fossil sites in southern north Victoria Land were discovered and sampled. Fossils from the Triassic to Early Jurassic Section Peak Formation were collected from Archambault Ridge, Anderton Glacier, Skinner Ridge, Timber Peak, Vulcan Hills, Runaway Hills, Section Peak and Shafer Peak. These localities have yielded abundant fossil wood and compressions of horsetails, ferns, and seed ferns. In addition, several beetle elytra were found at Timber Peak. Fossil localities of the overlying Shafer Peak Formation and Exposure Hill-type deposits occur at Shafer Peak and in the Mount Carson area, and have yielded various trace fossils, permineralized wood, leaf compressions, and conchostracans. Two newly discovered fossil sites are associated with the late Early Jurassic Kirkpatrick lava flows. Upright-standing tree trunks have been recorded at Suture Bench, and highly fossiliferous sedimentary interbeds occur at the southwestern end of the Mesa Range. Of special interest is the exquisite fossil preservation at some of the sites. Compression fossils from Timber Peak and Shafer Peak contain well-preserved cuticles, which is very rare in the Antarctic. An Early Jurassic permineralized deposit at Mount Carson contains structurally preserved ferns. Furthermore, the arthropod fossils from sedimentary interbeds at the Mesa Range are preserved in minute detail, including antennae and limb spines of a blattid insect.
The intertidal and subtidal soft bottom macro- and meiofauna of a glacier fjord on Spitsbergen was studied after complete ice melt in June 2003. The abundances of the benthic fauna were within the range reported from estuaries and similar intertidal areas of boreal regions. The high proportion of juveniles in the eulittoral zone indicated larval recruitment from subtidal areas. The macrobenthic fauna can be divided into an intertidal and a subtidal community, both being numerically dominated by annelids. Deposit feeders were numerically predominant in intertidal sites, whereas suspension feeders were most abundant in the subtidal area. Among the meiofauna, only the benthic copepods were identified to species, revealing ecological adaptations typical for intertidal species elsewhere.
The usually high concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cd, and Cu in the most recently accreted portions of ferromanganese nodules from the western Baltic Sea are thought to reflect increased metal input due to anthropogenic mobilization. If so, the point of increase represents a time horizon within the structure of the nodule. Similar trace metal distributions of radiometrically dated sediments from the same area suggest that the ferromanganese nodules have grown in thickness between 0.02 and 0.16 mm yr-1. From this growth rate anthropogenic Zn flux to the nodule surface was calculated to be 80 mg m-2 yr-1.
Sixteen piston cores and twelve gravity cores were successfully recovered from northern and southern crests of the eastern Alpha Ridge andfrom the Alpha Ridge graben. All but one core contain late Cenozoic muds with variable amounts of sand- to pebble-sized clastic material that probably reflects transport by ice during the past 4-5 Ma. Sixteen Cenozoic-Holocene lithostratigraphic units have been delimited on the basis of sediment texture, structure, colour, detrital carbonate and authigenicferromanganese content. The composition of the upper 13 units in the CESAR cores is similar to the Fletcher's Ice Island cores; hence most units can be broadly correlated over most of the Central Arctic Ocean. Three new lithostratigraphic units (A1-A3) occur at the base of CESAR cores from the northern Alpha Ridge crest. Paleomagnetic and palynological data indicate a Late Miocene-Early Pliocene age for unit A3, which confirms previous reports of a slow sedimentation rate during the Cenozoic. CESAR core 6 was obtained from an erosional surface on top of a fault block at the north edge of the Alpha Ridge graben. This core contains ca. 2m of laminated diatom ooze of Campanian-Maastrichtian age and two ?Paleogene volcanic ash units below a brown mud unit which probably corresponds to units A2 and A3. The biosiliceous ooze contains no foraminifera or silicoflagellates and only few dinoflagellates. There is little difference in biogenic or clastic sediment content between light and dark laminae and the rhythmites do not appear to be annual varves produced in an upwelling environment. The microstructure and fluctuating mineral composition of the laminae most closely resemble those of lami- nated chert beds in the Triassic forearc basins of Japan.
Saucer-shaped iron-manganese crusts occur adjacent to gravel shoal areas in Oneida lake in central New York. The crusts usually have a crude concentric banding owing to an alternation of orange, iron-rich layers and black, iron-poor layers. Materials from both types of layers are x-ray amorphous. The Oneida lake crusts, like most other freshwater manganese nodules, contain about the same Mn concentration as marine manganese nodules, but are usually higher in Fe and lower in trace metals than their marine equivalents. Although Fe and Mn may be precipitating directly from the lake water, it is more likely that the oxidate crusts are the result of precipitation of Fe and Mn when reduced sediment pore water comes in contact with well oxygenated bottom waters. Organisms, particularly bacteria, may play a role in the formation of the crusts, but to date no evidence of this has been found.
Ferromanganese nodules in the deep-sea and in freshwater lakes usually accrete layers rich in manganese oxides alternating with layers rich in iron oxides. The mechanism producing these alternating layers is unknown; indeed, the mechanism producing the nodules themselves is unknown. In Oneida Lake, New York, precipitants from the lake water and the surfaces of nodules at the sediment-water interface are enriched in Mn, whereas nodules buried in lake sediments have surface layers enriched in Fe. It is hypothesized here, using field and laboratory evidence, that reduction and mobilization of Mn from the nodule surface during periods of anoxic sediment cover produce the high Fe layers observed in the nodules.
A manganese oxide encrustation (2.5 kg) was dredged, in an island arc setting, downslope of Bertrand bank, a seamount culminating at 70-m depth and located NNE of Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe, and SE of Antigua, West Indies. A thorough texturai analysis indicated a rhythmic precipitation and growth polarity as well as mineralogical ( 10 A tektomanganate) and geochemical (low concentrations of Ni, Cu, Co, Zn, Pb and REE) criteria, point to a submarine hydrothermal origin for most of the sample. The crust was coated with a fine ferromanganese oxide cortex deposited iii a "normal" oceanic environment; it also included micritic fillings, a main pyroclastic zone near the top of the crust, and a Mg-Al sulphate deposit. Planktonic foraminifera coeval with the precipitation of the manganese oxide indicate an age of ca. 3 m. y. (upper Pliocene); i.e., more than 20 m. y. after the cessation of the volcanic activity of the Lesser Antilles outer arc that was responsible for the buildup of the Bertrand seamount. Furthermore, the genesis of the crust is not linked to the activity of the contemporaneous inner arc (Miocene to Present), particularly of its nearmost segment (Basse Terre, Guadeloupe-Montserrat) located about 50 km to the West. The authors suggest that the manganese oxide is the result of convective circulation of sea water through a faulted system occurring in an area of intense seismic activity. The remobilization of chemical elements (Mn, S, etc.) within the seamount volcanic core bas probably affected a substratum that was still hydrothermally altered during the previous volcanic activity of the outer arc. The authors insist on the interest in using texturai analysis for Fe/Mn oxide investigations.
In a study of ODP Hole 689B no iridium (Ir) anomaly was found in Sections 1 through 6 of Core 25X or in Core 26X from the top down to section 2, 3-12 cm. The background Ir abundance averaged 11 parts per trillion (ppt) and a clay-enriched region had nearly the same average, 26 ± 12 ppt. If the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) contact is in the region studied, then sedimentation was not continuous, and the K-T boundary was probably either not deposited or it was eroded away. In a study of Cores 15X and 16X of ODP Hole 690C, an iridium peak with a maximum abundance of 1566 ± 222 ppt was found in Section 4 of Core 15X at 39-40 cm with a half-width of 6.6 cm. Background abundances were ~15 ppt and distinctly higher Ir abundances were observed from 119 cm below to 72 cm above the main peak. The Ir distribution below the main peak is attributed to bioturbation by organisms with burrows extending at least 0.4 m. The Ir distribution above the main peak may be due to the same cause but other explanations may be significant. There are variable enrichments of clay in the mainly CaCO3 sediment of Core 15X, and the stratigraphically lowest part of the most abundant clay deposits is found (within 2 cm) in the same position as the main Ir peak. The clay deposit, which is estimated to be about 50% of the sediment, extends upward ~19 cm and then slowly decreases to a background level of 10% over 1 m. The degree of homogeneity of the clay-rich interval suggests it was not due to episodic volcanism but may have been due to a decrease of the CaCO3 deposition rate which was possibly triggered by the impact of a large asteroid or comet on the Earth.
Massive sulfide samples from the Bent Hill area were analyzed for 230Th/234U and 231Pa/235U disequilibria. Apparent ages calculated from these ratios are between 8.2 and >300 ka. Concordant ages were found for only three samples that originate near the surface from the clastic sulfide zone and suggest "true" ages of between 8.5 and 16.0 ka (mean of 230Th and 231Pa ages). The uranium vs. depth distribution in the Bent Hill Massive Sulfide deposit suggests an open system for uranium for the deeper part of the deposit, which was probably caused by extensive recrystallization processes inhibiting true age determinations.