Radionuclide concentrations, ratios, and derived ages of massive sulfides from ODP Leg 139 and Leg 169 sites

Autoria(s): Scholten, Jan Christoph; Lackschewitz, Klas S; Marchig, Vesna; Stoffers, Peter; Mangini, Augusto

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 46.854690 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -128.428941 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 41.000080 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -128.681880 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 48.438100 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -127.494190 * DATE/TIME START: 1991-07-20T13:15:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1996-10-08T10:00:00




Massive sulfide samples from the Bent Hill area were analyzed for 230Th/234U and 231Pa/235U disequilibria. Apparent ages calculated from these ratios are between 8.2 and >300 ka. Concordant ages were found for only three samples that originate near the surface from the clastic sulfide zone and suggest "true" ages of between 8.5 and 16.0 ka (mean of 230Th and 231Pa ages). The uranium vs. depth distribution in the Bent Hill Massive Sulfide deposit suggests an open system for uranium for the deeper part of the deposit, which was probably caused by extensive recrystallization processes inhibiting true age determinations.


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Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Scholten, Jan Christoph; Lackschewitz, Klas S; Marchig, Vesna; Stoffers, Peter; Mangini, Augusto (2000): 230Th/234U and 231Pa/235U disequilibria in massive sulfides from the Bent Hill area (Legs 139 and 169). In: Zierenberg, RA; Fouquet, Y; Miller, DJ; Normark, WR (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 169, 1-15, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #+std dev; 230Th; 230Th/234U; 230Th/234U std dev; 230Th std dev; 231Pa; 231Pa/235U; 231Pa/235U std dev; 231Pa std dev; 232Th; 232Th std dev; 234U; 234U/238U; 234U/238U std dev; 234U std dev; 238U; 238U std dev; Age, 231Pa/235U Proactinium-Uranium; Age, dated; Age, dated standard deviation; Age, Uranium-Thorium; Age dated; Age std dev; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Event; Label; mbsf; Min assembl; Mineral assemblage; No; Number; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; of sample; Protactinium 231; Protactinium 231, standard deviation; Protactinium 231/Uranium 235 ratio; Protactinium 231/Uranium 235 ratio, standard deviation; Py = pyrite, M = marcasite, Mg = magnetite, Pyr = pyrrhotite, Goe = goethite, Q = quartz, B = barite, Ch = chalcopyrite; Radionuclide determination (Anderson & Fleer, 1982); Sample code/label; -std dev; Thorium 230; Thorium 230, standard deviation; Thorium 230/Uranium 234 ratio; Thorium 230/Uranium 234 ratio, standard deviation; Thorium 232; Thorium 232, standard deviation; Uranium 234; Uranium 234, standard deviation; Uranium 234/Uranium 238 activity ratio; Uranium 234/Uranium 238 activity ratio, standard deviation; Uranium 238; Uranium 238, standard deviation; X-ray diffraction (XRD)
