903 resultados para FUZZY-LOGIC SYSTEMS


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Background Rapid Response Systems (RRS) consist of four interrelated and interdependent components; an event detection and trigger mechanism, a response strategy, a governance structure and process improvement system. These multiple components of the RRS pose problems in evaluation as the intervention is complex and cannot be evaluated using a traditional systematic review. Complex interventions in healthcare aimed at changing service delivery and related behaviour of health professionals require a different approach to summarising the evidence. Realist synthesis is such an approach to reviewing research evidence on complex interventions to provide an explanatory analysis of how and why an intervention works or doesn’t work in practice. The core principle is to make explicit the underlying assumptions about how an intervention is suppose to work (ie programme theory) and then use this theory to guide evaluation. Methods A realist synthesis process was used to explain those factors that enable or constrain the success of RRS programmes. Results The findings from the review include the articulation of the RRS programme theories, evaluation of whether these theories are supported or refuted by the research evidence and an evaluation of evidence to explain the underlying reasons why RRS works or doesn’t work in practice. Rival conjectured RRS programme theories were identified to explain the constraining factors regarding implementation of RRS in practice. These programme theories are presented using a logic model to highlight all the components which impact or influence the delivery of RRS programmes in the practice setting. The evidence from the realist synthesis provided the foundation for the development of hypothesis to test and refine the theories in the subsequent stages of the Realist Evaluation PhD study [1]. This information will be useful in providing evidence and direction for strategic and service planning of acute care to improve patient safety in hospital. References: McGaughey J, Blackwood B, O’Halloran P, Trinder T. J. & Porter S. (2010) Realistic Evaluation of Early Warning Systems and the Acute Life-threatening Events – Recognition and Treatment training course for early recognition and management of deteriorating ward-based patients: research protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66 (4), 923-932.


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In previous papers from the authors fuzzy model identification methods were discussed. The bacterial algorithm for extracting fuzzy rule base from a training set was presented. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was also proposed for determining membership functions in fuzzy systems. In this paper the Levenberg-Marquardt technique is improved to optimise the membership functions in the fuzzy rules without Ruspini-partition. The class of membership functions investigated is the trapezoidal one as it is general enough and widely used. The method can be easily extended to arbitrary piecewise linear functions as well.


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The design of neuro-fuzzy models is still a complex problem, as it involves not only the determination of the model parameters, but also its structure. Of special importance is the incorporation of a priori information in the design process. In this paper two known design algorithms for B-spline models will be updated to account for function and derivatives equality restrictions, which are important when the neural model is used for performing single or multi-objective optimization on-line.


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This paper presents a method of using the so-colled "bacterial algorithm" (4,5) for extracting a fuzzy rule base from a training set. The bewly proposed bacterial evolutionary algorithm (BEA) is shown. In our application one bacterium corresponds to a fuzzy rule system.


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In modern measurement and control systems, the available time and resources are often not only limited, but could change during the operation of the system. In these cases, the so-called anytime algorithms could be used advantageously. While diflerent soft computing methods are wide-spreadly used in system modeling, their usability in these cases are limited.


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The normal design process for neural networks or fuzzy systems involve two different phases: the determination of the best topology, which can be seen as a system identification problem, and the determination of its parameters, which can be envisaged as a parameter estimation problem. This latter issue, the determination of the model parameters (linear weights and interior knots) is the simplest task and is usually solved using gradient or hybrid schemes. The former issue, the topology determination, is an extremely complex task, especially if dealing with real-world problems.


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All systems found in nature exhibit, with different degrees, a nonlinear behavior. To emulate this behavior, classical systems identification techniques use, typically, linear models, for mathematical simplicity. Models inspired by biological principles (artificial neural networks) and linguistically motivated (fuzzy systems), due to their universal approximation property, are becoming alternatives to classical mathematical models. In systems identification, the design of this type of models is an iterative process, requiring, among other steps, the need to identify the model structure, as well as the estimation of the model parameters. This thesis addresses the applicability of gradient-basis algorithms for the parameter estimation phase, and the use of evolutionary algorithms for model structure selection, for the design of neuro-fuzzy systems, i.e., models that offer the transparency property found in fuzzy systems, but use, for their design, algorithms introduced in the context of neural networks. A new methodology, based on the minimization of the integral of the error, and exploiting the parameter separability property typically found in neuro-fuzzy systems, is proposed for parameter estimation. A recent evolutionary technique (bacterial algorithms), based on the natural phenomenon of microbial evolution, is combined with genetic programming, and the resulting algorithm, bacterial programming, advocated for structure determination. Different versions of this evolutionary technique are combined with gradient-based algorithms, solving problems found in fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy design, namely incorporation of a-priori knowledge, gradient algorithms initialization and model complexity reduction.


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This article examines the impact of presidential approval and individual minister profiles on minister turnover. It claims that, in order to prioritize sustainable policy performance and cabinet loyalty, government chiefs protect and remove technocrats, partisans, and outsider ministers conditional on government approval. The study offers an operational definition of minister profiles that relies on fuzzy-set measures of technical expertise and political affiliation, and tests the hypotheses using survival analysis with an original dataset for the Argentine case (1983–2011). The findings show that popular presidents are likely to protect experts more than partisan ministers, but not outsiders.


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Food product safety is one of the most promising areas for the application of electronic noses. The performance of a portable electronic nose has been evaluated in monitoring the spoilage of beef fillet stored aerobically at different storage temperatures (0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20°C). This paper proposes a fuzzy-wavelet neural network model which incorporates a clustering pre-processing stage for the definition of fuzzy rules. The dual purpose of the proposed modeling approach is not only to classify beef samples in the respective quality class (i.e. fresh, semi-fresh and spoiled), but also to predict their associated microbiological population directly from volatile compounds fingerprints. Comparison results indicated that the proposed modeling scheme could be considered as a valuable detection methodology in food microbiology


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The paper proposes a methodology to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point by identifying new investments in distribution energy systems. The proposed methodology is based on statistical failure and repair data of distribution components and it uses a fuzzy-probabilistic modeling for the components outage parameters. The fuzzy membership functions of the outage parameters of each component are based on statistical records. A mixed integer nonlinear programming optimization model is developed in order to identify the adequate investments in distribution energy system components which allow increasing the probability of delivering power to any customer in the distribution system at the minimum possible cost for the system operator. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study that considers a 180 bus distribution network.


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To increase the amount of logic available to the users in SRAM-based FPGAs, manufacturers are using nanometric technologies to boost logic density and reduce costs, making its use more attractive. However, these technological improvements also make FPGAs particularly vulnerable to configuration memory bit-flips caused by power fluctuations, strong electromagnetic fields and radiation. This issue is particularly sensitive because of the increasing amount of configuration memory cells needed to define their functionality. A short survey of the most recent publications is presented to support the options assumed during the definition of a framework for implementing circuits immune to bit-flips induction mechanisms in memory cells, based on a customized redundant infrastructure and on a detection-and-fix controller.


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The Portuguese northern forests are often and severely affected by wildfires during the Summer season. These occurrences significantly affect and negatively impact all ecosystems, namely soil, fauna and flora. In order to reduce the occurrences of natural wildfires, some measures to control the availability of fuel mass are regularly implemented. Those preventive actions concern mainly prescribed burnings and vegetation pruning. This work reports on the impact of a prescribed burning on several forest soil properties, namely pH, soil moisture, organic matter content and iron content, by monitoring the soil self-recovery capabilities during a one year span. The experiments were carried out in soil cover over a natural site of Andaluzitic schist, in Gramelas, Caminha, Portugal, which was kept intact from prescribed burnings during a period of four years. Soil samples were collected from five plots at three different layers (0–3, 3–6 and 6–18) 1 day before prescribed fire and at regular intervals after the prescribed fire. This paper presents an approach where Fuzzy Boolean Nets (FBN) and Fuzzy reasoning are used to extract qualitative knowledge regarding the effect of prescribed fire burning on soil properties. FBN were chosen due to the scarcity on available quantitative data. The results showed that soil properties were affected by prescribed burning practice and were unable to recover their initial values after one year.


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This paper proposes a PSO based approach to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point by identifying new investments in distribution energy systems. The statistical failure and repair data of distribution components is the main basis of the proposed methodology that uses a fuzzyprobabilistic modeling for the components outage parameters. The fuzzy membership functions of the outage parameters of each component are based on statistical records. A Modified Discrete PSO optimization model is developed in order to identify the adequate investments in distribution energy system components which allow increasing the probability of delivering power to any customer in the distribution system at the minimum possible cost for the system operator. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study that considers a 180 bus distribution network.


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Heyting categories, a variant of Dedekind categories, and Arrow categories provide a convenient framework for expressing and reasoning about fuzzy relations and programs based on those methods. In this thesis we present an implementation of Heyting and arrow categories suitable for reasoning and program execution using Coq, an interactive theorem prover based on Higher-Order Logic (HOL) with dependent types. This implementation can be used to specify and develop correct software based on L-fuzzy relations such as fuzzy controllers. We give an overview of lattices, L-fuzzy relations, category theory and dependent type theory before describing our implementation. In addition, we provide examples of program executions based on our framework.


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Un objectif principal du génie logiciel est de pouvoir produire des logiciels complexes, de grande taille et fiables en un temps raisonnable. La technologie orientée objet (OO) a fourni de bons concepts et des techniques de modélisation et de programmation qui ont permis de développer des applications complexes tant dans le monde académique que dans le monde industriel. Cette expérience a cependant permis de découvrir les faiblesses du paradigme objet (par exemples, la dispersion de code et le problème de traçabilité). La programmation orientée aspect (OA) apporte une solution simple aux limitations de la programmation OO, telle que le problème des préoccupations transversales. Ces préoccupations transversales se traduisent par la dispersion du même code dans plusieurs modules du système ou l’emmêlement de plusieurs morceaux de code dans un même module. Cette nouvelle méthode de programmer permet d’implémenter chaque problématique indépendamment des autres, puis de les assembler selon des règles bien définies. La programmation OA promet donc une meilleure productivité, une meilleure réutilisation du code et une meilleure adaptation du code aux changements. Très vite, cette nouvelle façon de faire s’est vue s’étendre sur tout le processus de développement de logiciel en ayant pour but de préserver la modularité et la traçabilité, qui sont deux propriétés importantes des logiciels de bonne qualité. Cependant, la technologie OA présente de nombreux défis. Le raisonnement, la spécification, et la vérification des programmes OA présentent des difficultés d’autant plus que ces programmes évoluent dans le temps. Par conséquent, le raisonnement modulaire de ces programmes est requis sinon ils nécessiteraient d’être réexaminés au complet chaque fois qu’un composant est changé ou ajouté. Il est cependant bien connu dans la littérature que le raisonnement modulaire sur les programmes OA est difficile vu que les aspects appliqués changent souvent le comportement de leurs composantes de base [47]. Ces mêmes difficultés sont présentes au niveau des phases de spécification et de vérification du processus de développement des logiciels. Au meilleur de nos connaissances, la spécification modulaire et la vérification modulaire sont faiblement couvertes et constituent un champ de recherche très intéressant. De même, les interactions entre aspects est un sérieux problème dans la communauté des aspects. Pour faire face à ces problèmes, nous avons choisi d’utiliser la théorie des catégories et les techniques des spécifications algébriques. Pour apporter une solution aux problèmes ci-dessus cités, nous avons utilisé les travaux de Wiels [110] et d’autres contributions telles que celles décrites dans le livre [25]. Nous supposons que le système en développement est déjà décomposé en aspects et classes. La première contribution de notre thèse est l’extension des techniques des spécifications algébriques à la notion d’aspect. Deuxièmement, nous avons défini une logique, LA , qui est utilisée dans le corps des spécifications pour décrire le comportement de ces composantes. La troisième contribution consiste en la définition de l’opérateur de tissage qui correspond à la relation d’interconnexion entre les modules d’aspect et les modules de classe. La quatrième contribution concerne le développement d’un mécanisme de prévention qui permet de prévenir les interactions indésirables dans les systèmes orientés aspect.