940 resultados para FNDC clipping on-line
Abstract Working memory has been defined as the ability to maintain and manipulate on-line a limited amount of information. A large number of studies have investigated visuospatial working memory in schizophrenia. However, today, the available data concerning the functioning of these processes in schizophrenia are largely controversial. These inconclusive results are due to incomplete knowledge on processes involved in visuospatial working memory tasks. Recent studies suggest that visuospatial working memory processes may be divided into an active monitoring and a storing components. Furthermore, it has been shown that visuospatial working memory processes are strongly interconnected with early encoding processes (perceptual organization). In our view, the two working memory components, and the relationship that they entertain with early encoding processes, may be investigated using dynamic and static visuospatial stimuli in a working memory paradigm. In this thesis we aim at comparing dynamic and static visuospatial working memory processes in patients with schizophrenia and first-episode of psychosis patients. This analysis may clarify the functioning of visuospatial working memory and the dysfunction of these processes in schizophrenia. Our results are in accord with the hypothesis of two visuospatial working memory subcomponents. Dynamic, rather than static, stimuli are strongly involved in the visuospatial working memory encoding process. Indeed, the results are congruent with the idea that static stimuli may be strongly encoded by parallel perceptual organization processes. Patients with schizophrenia show important deficits in both working memory and perceptual organization encoding processes. In contrast, perceptual organization processes seem spared in firstepisodepsychosis patients. Considering our findings, we propose a model to explain the degradation of visuospatial processes involved in a working memory task during schizophrenia. Rsum: La mmoire de travail est dfinie comme la capacit maintenir et manipuler on-line un nombre limit d'informations pour une courte priode de temps (de l'ordre de quelques dizaines de secondes). Un grand nombre d'tudes a montr que les processus de mmoire de travail visuo spatiale peuvent tre affects dans la schizophrnie. Malgr cela, les donnes concernant les dficits de ces processus chez des patients qui souffrent de schizophrnie sont contradictoires. La difficult de comprendre la nature des dficits de mmoire de travail visuospatiale dans la schizophrnie est en grande partie imputable aux connaissances encore lacunaires sur le fonctionnement de ces processus dans un tat non pathologique. Dans cette thse, on cherche lucider le fonctionnement des processus de mmoire de travail visuospatiale. Pour cela, on a cr un nouveau paradigme qui sollicite ce type de mmoire. Dans ce paradigme, on prsente des stimuli dynamiques et statiques. Aprs un court dlai, le sujet doit reconnatre le stimulus qu'il a visualis parmi six possibilits. Sur la base de rcentes tudes neurophysiologiques, neuroanatomiques et psychologiques, nous avanons l'hypothse que l'encodage de stimuli dynamiques et statiques repose sur deux processus distincts de mmoire de travail : un processus d'organisation qui manipule les informations sensorielles et un processus d stockage qui est responsable du maintien de l'information au cours de la manipulation. Ces processus sont en relation directe avec les processus responsables d'une organisation de l'information un niveau prcoce du traitement visuel. Les tudes prsentes dans cette thse ont pour but de vrifier la pertinence de la distinction entre les processus de mmoire de travail visuospatiale, selon la modalit dynamique ou statique . L'investigation des processus dynamiques et statiques de mmoire de travail dans la schizophrnie prsente deux avantages principaux. Premirement, 1a pathologie pourrait permettre de mettre en vidence, par les dysfonctionnements qu'elle prsente, la pertinence des hypothses sur le fonctionnement des processus de mmoire de travail visuospatiale et de leur interaction avec les processus sensoriels. Deuximement, ces investigations rendent possible une analyse des dysfonctions des diffrents processus dans la schizophrnie. Dans cette thse, on analyse aussi les processus de mmoire de travail dynamiques et statiques chez des sujets dans une phase initiale de la psychose. Les rsultats de cette tude permettent de faire une comparaison avec ceux obtenus avec des patients qui souffrent de schizophrnie. Cette comparaison peut apporter des informations intressantes sur l'volution des dysfonctions dans les processus impliqus dans les fonctions de mmoire de travail visuospatiale au cours de la schizophrnie. Les rsultats obtenus dans les diffrentes tudes sont cohrents avec l'hypothse d'une implication diffrente des processus d'organisation de la mmoire de travail sur des stimuli dynamiques et statiques. -Nos rsultats montrent que les processus de mmoire de travail responsables de l'organisation (manipulation active) des informations est dficitaire dans la schizophrnie. Ce dficit semble jouer un rle de premier plan dans la dgradation des processus visuospatiaux au cours de la schizophrnie.
Blood doping involves the use of products that enhance the uptake, transport, or delivery of oxygen to the blood. One approach uses artificial oxygen carriers, known as hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs). This study describes an analytical strategy based on CE for detecting intact HBOCs in plasma samples collected for doping control. On-capillary detection was performed by UV/Vis at 415 nm, which offered detection selectivity for hemoproteins (such as hemoglobin and HBOCs). On-line ESI-MS detection with a TOF analyzer was further used to provide accurate masses on CE peaks and to confirm the presence of HBOCs. An immunodepletion sample preparation step was mandatory prior to analysis, in order to remove most abundant proteins that interfered with CE separation and altered the ESI process. This analytical method was successfully applied to plasma samples enriched with Oxyglobin, a commercially available HBOC used for veterinary purposes. Detection limits of 0.20 and 0.45 g/dL were achieved in plasma for CE-UV/Vis at 415 nm and CE-ESI-TOF/MS, respectively.
Pour permettre une femme enceinte de continuer travailler en toute scurit, l'OProma (ordonnance du Dpartement fdral de l'conomie sur les activits dan- gereuses ou pnibles en cas de grossesse et de maternit) est entre en vigueur en 2001. Cette loi concerne les employeurs, les mdecins traitants, les gyncologues et les travailleuses enceintes et prcise comment certains travaux, substances, ou micro- organismes peuvent faire courir un risque potentiel la mre et son enfant et comment ces risques doivent tre valus et traits. Le but de l'tude est d'valuer, par le biais de questionnaires, l'tat des connaissances des mesures lgales de protection de la maternit au travail en gnral et plus spcifi- quement de l'OProma, chez 76 femmes enceintes suivies la consultation d'obsttrique du CHUV (questionnaires administrs en face face) et chez 87 gyncologues du CHUV et installs en Suisse romande (questionnaire on line). Les objectifs sont : dterminer la prvalence de la connaissance de ces dispositions lgales, valuer les facteurs person- nels pouvant influencer la connaissance de ces dernires, les raisons possibles du manque d'information et les mesures pouvant tre prises pour amliorer cet tat de fait. Concernant les femmes enceintes, 68% savent qu'il existe des mesures lgales et 32% connaissent l'OProma, surtout par le biais de l'employeur et de l'entourage. L'unique facteur personnel significatif influenant la connaissance des mesures lgales est le niveau de formation. Concernant les gyncologues, 95% savent qu'il existe des mesures lgales et 47% connaissent l'existence de l'ordonnance, surtout dans le cadre de la formation continue. Les facteurs personnels significatifs sont l'ge et leurs annes d'exprience pro- fessionnelle. Les deux populations trouvent que le manque d'information provient d'une mconnaissance de ces dispositions lgales chez les employeurs. Les gyncologues re- connaissent aussi leurs lacunes et se sentent mal informs. Pour amliorer le manque d'information, les femmes demandent en tre informes par leur gyncologue. Les gy- ncologues dsirent plus d'information et de formation sur la thmatique. Il en ressort que les deux populations ont une bonne connaissance de l'existence de me- sures lgales en gnral mais l'OProma spcifiquement est peu connue. Les gyncologues la connaissent mieux que les femmes enceintes, ce qui est loin d'tre suffisant. Chez les femmes enceintes, le niveau de formation a t choisi dans cette tude comme indica- teur pour la classe sociale. L'appartenance une classe sociale plus leve induit une meilleure connaissance des mesures lgales et de l'OProma. Chez les gyncologues, les mdecins plus gs et donc plus expriments connaissent mieux les mesures lgales et l'OProma. Probablement, un mdecin avec plus de pratique, la globalit de la patiente avec sa problmatique sociale sera mieux prise en considration, en comparaison un jeune mdecin plus focalis sur les problmes somatiques. Il y a encore des efforts faire concernant la formation des gyncologues et des em- ployeurs propos de ce sujet. En effet, ces derniers se doivent d'assurer la travailleuse enceinte une grossesse sans danger.
This study was designed to check for the equivalence of the ZKPQ-50-CC (Spanish and French versions) through Internet on-line (OL) and paper and pencil (PP) answer format. Differences in means and devia- tions were significant in some scales, but effect sizes are minimal except for Sociability in the Spanish sample. Alpha reliabilities are also very similar in both versions with no significant differences between formats. A robust factorial structure was found for the two formats and the average congruency coefficients were 0.98. The goodness-of-fit indexes obtained by confirmatory factorial analysis are very similar to those obtained in the ZKPQ-50-CC validation study and they do not differ between the two formats. The multi-group analysis confirms the equivalence among the OL-PP formats in both countries. These results in general support the validity and reliability of the Internet as a method in investigations using the ZKPQ-50-CC.
A large percentage of bridges in the state of Iowa are classified as structurally or fiinctionally deficient. These bridges annually compete for a share of Iowa's limited transportation budget. To avoid an increase in the number of deficient bridges, the state of Iowa decided to implement a comprehensive Bridge Management System (BMS) and selected the Pontis BMS software as a bridge management tool. This program will be used to provide a selection of maintenance, repair, and replacement strategies for the bridge networks to achieve an efficient and possibly optimal allocation of resources. The Pontis BMS software uses a new rating system to evaluate extensive and detailed inspection data gathered for all bridge elements. To manually collect these data would be a highly time-consuming job. The objective of this work was to develop an automated-computerized methodology for an integrated data base that includes the rating conditions as defined in the Pontis program. Several of the available techniques that can be used to capture inspection data were reviewed, and the most suitable method was selected. To accomplish the objectives of this work, two userfriendly programs were developed. One program is used in the field to collect inspection data following a step-by-step procedure without the need to refer to the Pontis user's manuals. The other program is used in the office to read the inspection data and prepare input files for the Pontis BMS software. These two programs require users to have very limited knowledge of computers. On-line help screens as well as options for preparing, viewing, and printing inspection reports are also available. The developed data collection software will improve and expedite the process of conducting bridge inspections and preparing the required input files for the Pontis program. In addition, it will eliminate the need for large storage areas and will simplify retrieval of inspection data. Furthermore, the approach developed herein will facilitate transferring these captured data electronically between offices within the Iowa DOT and across the state.
En aquest article es presenten uns nous qestionaris on line dissenyats per millorar la comprensi dels continguts de l"assignatura Qumica Bsica II i, alhora, propiciar el treball autnom dels estudiants. En el grup pilot que ha disposat dels qestionaris, els resultats acadmics dels estudiants que els han realitzat diverses vegades han estat millors que els dels alumnes que no els han utilitzat amb regularitat. Els resultats acadmics del grup pilot tamb ha estat millor que els de cursos anteriors.
As novas tecnologias da Informao esto criando "bibliotecas sem paredes para livros sem pginas". Mais conhecidas como bibliotecas virtuais, estas novas formas e suportes esto redefinindo os paradigmas atuais sobre informao, comunicao e o prprio mbito de trabalho dos profissionais da rea. Interdisciplinaridade e interatividade tornam-se as novas palavras de ordem. medida que avanamos na chamada Era da Informao, esta transio faz surgir a necessidade de repensar os modelos ticos, legais, estticos, culturais, profissionais e outros, estabelecidos pelo suporte impresso. Ocorrendo paralelamente off e on-line, a tambm chamada Revoluo da Informao utiliza ampla gama de aplicativos e equipamentos para tornar-se operativa. Coleo versus acesso, usurio local versus remoto, indexao hierrquica ou hipertextual, imprimir e distribuir ou distribuir e imprimir, navegar no oceano da informao ou afogar-se? Este artigo pretende discutir essas questes dentro de um enfoque diacrnico e interdisciplinar, contribuindo para o debate e a reflexo que a convergncia de mdias para o suporte digital faz surgir.
Un sueo se volvi realidad. La tarea gratificadora de colocar a disposicin de los usuarios de recursos tecnolgicos de informacin en el mbito interno e forneo, emprendida por la Universidad de Colima, en uno de los estados de Mxico. En 1983, la Universidad de Colima cre la Direccin General de Desarrollo Bibliotecario con el objetivo fundamental de estructurar el sistema de bibliotecas universitrias para dar apoyo a la enseanza e a la investigacin. Fue un proyecto que envolvia un arduo trabajo de capacitacin de personal, sistematizacin de informacin y captacin de recursos financieros. La automatizacin de las bibliotecas posibilit sistematizar el acervo de las bibliotecas de Colima, adems de servir como base para la organizacin de la primera biblioteca electrnica de America Latina. La biblioteca electrnica de ciencia fu inagurada el da 1 de Junio de 1995. Ofrece servicio on-line de informacin sobre documentos de su propia biblioteca as como de otras extranjeras. El edifcio fu proyectado para acomodar equipos modernos e rpidos, conectados a la Internet. Ocupando un rea de 3000 metros, el complejo abriga reas de consulta automatizada, espacio destinado a textos electrnicos; CD-ROMs, colecciones, fonoteca para 20 usurios; 44 cabinas individuales y 10 colectivas, equipadas con Internet y um auditrio con capacidad de 250 persoas para congresos. La biblioteca electrnica despert un gran inters en los usurios, aumentando los servicios con que atiende desde a una ama de casa como a pesquisadores universitrios. Los desafios y las perspectivas de esta nueva experiencia son los de cmo contar con recursos inovadores, personal y usurios capacitados y equipo adecuado.
This document contains two related, but separate reports. The Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report is a summary of outcomes from services and activities funded through the Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund in FY2001. The Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary describes Iowa communities current prevention and sanction programs supported with funding from the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) during FY2002. The material in Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report is presented in response to a legislative mandate to report specific prevention outcomes for the community Grant Fund. It includes a brief description of a Youth Development Results Framework established by the Iowa Collaboration for Youth Development. Outcomes are reported using this results framework, which was developed by a number of state agencies as a common tool for various state programs involving youth development related planning and funding processes. Included in this report is a description of outcomes from the prevention activities funded, all or in part, by the Community Grant Fund, as reported by local communities. The program summaries presented in the Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary provide an overview of local efforts to implement their 2002 Juvenile Justice Youth Development plans and include prevention and sanction programs funded through the combined resources of the State Community Grant Fund and the Federal Title V Prevention, Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act Formula Grant and Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant programs. These combined funds are referred to in this document as the Juvenile Justice Youth Development (JJYD) funds. To administer the JJYD funds, including funds from the Community Grant Fund, CJJP partners with local officials to facilitate a community planning process that determines the communities priorities for the use of the funds. The local planning is coordinated by the Iowas Decategorization Boards (Decats). These local officials and/or their staff have been leaders in providing oversight or staff support to a variety of local planning initiatives (e.g. child welfare, Comprehensive Strategy Pilot Projects, Empowerment, other) and bring child welfare and community planning experience to the table for the creation of comprehensive community longterm planning efforts. The allocation of these combined funds and the technical assistance received by the Decats from CJJP is believed to have helped enhance both child welfare and juvenile justice efforts locally and has provided for the recognition and establishment of connections for joint child welfare/juvenile justice planning. The allocation and local planning approach has allowed funding from CJJP to be blended or braided with other local, state, and federal dollars that flow to communities as a result of their local planning responsibilities. The program descriptions provided in this document reflect services and activities supported with JJYD funds. In many cases, however, additional funding sources have been used to fully fund the programs. Most of the information in this documents two reports was submitted to CJJP by the communities through an on- line planning and reporting process established jointly by the DHS and CJJP.
In its 2007 Session, the Iowa General Assembly passed, and Governor Culver signed into law, extensive and far-reaching state energy policy legislation. This legislation created the Iowa Office of Energy Independence and the Iowa Power Fund. It also required a report to be issued each year detailing: The historical use and distribution of energy in Iowa. The growth rate of energy consumption in Iowa, including rates of growth for each energy source. A projection of Iowas energy needs through the year 2025 at a minimum. The impact of meeting Iowas energy needs on the economy of the state, including the impact of energy production and use on greenhouse gas emissions. An evaluation of renewable energy sources, including the current and future technological potential for such sources. Much of the energy information for this report has been derived from the on-line resources of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the United States Department of Energy (USDOE). The EIA provides policy-independent data, forecasts and analyses on energy production, stored supplies, consumption and prices. For complete, economy-wide information, the most recent data available is for the year 2008. For some energy sectors, more current data is available from EIA and other sources and, when available, such information has been included in this report.
Apresentao dos aspectos principais da Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertaes da Universidade de So Paulo (USP): o processo de desenvolvimento adotado para a implementao do site, a tecnologia utilizada, a arquitetura e a funcionalidade. Discusso sobre a Biblioteca Digital no processo de ps-graduao da USP. Relato das vrias decises no-tcnicas adotadas ao longo do projeto, que tiveram grande impacto no resultado final.
Examina a utilizao que fazem revistas de divulgao cientfica das tecnologias hipermdia. Em uma srie de dois estudos, analisamos a argumentao e as condies de legibilidade de um conjunto de textos e hipertextos de seis revistas internacionais e avaliamos a compreenso de um hipertexto de divulgao cientfica atravs de um estudo experimental de leitura. Os resultados mostram que as revistas no levam em conta recomendaes da pesquisa em ergonomia da hipermdia e que os hipertextos podem induzir mudanas de argumentao. Nosso estudo experimental mostrou efeitos significativos de reduo da compreenso e de aumento da percepo carga cognitiva na condio de leitura do hipertexto. Concluimos que a legibilidade das revistas eletrnicas de divulgao cientfica , no estado atual da arte, insatisfatria, mas pode ser melhorada, caso as revistas sigam critrios oriundos da pesquisa experimental sobre o tema. Os resultados desta pesquisa podem orientar conceptores de revistas de divulgao cientfica em suas decises sobre a elaborao de verses on-line.
Este artigo trata de uma pesquisa aplicada de jornalismo cientfico on-line que fundamenta a questo energtica contemplada no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel. A pesquisa, desenvolvida em nvel de mestrado, originou uma mdia digital on-line com informaes cientficas e tecnolgicas que permitem visualizar no somente o mbito tcnico, mas tambm a efetiva relao interdisciplinar do tema com outras reas de conhecimento, o que constitui um fato de particular importncia no contexto de abordagem do desenvolvimento sustentvel.
Biblioteca Digital de Peas Teatrais - BDTeatro um projeto para preservao, formatao, armazenamento e disseminao de Peas Teatrais. Este projeto foi desenvolvido pela Faculdade de Computao, Faculdade de Artes, Filosofia e Cincias Sociais e Biblioteca Central da Universidade Federal de Uberlndia - UFU. A Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) forneceu parte do suporte financeiro para o PROJETO. BDTeatro foi proposto para resolver os problemas de preservao e disseminao de uma coleo com aproximadamente 800 peas teatrais em papel. Esta coleo apresenta sinais de deteriorao e sua digitalizao foi a motivao deste projeto. Adicionalmente, a ausncia de um catlogo on-line e de um processo automatizado para pesquisa de informaes na coleo tambm motivou o projeto. Este artigo descreve o desenvolvimento da Biblioteca Digital de Peas Teatrais, onde foi usada uma perspectiva interdisciplinar de trabalho, garantindo desta maneira, padres de qualidade no processo de construo do catlogo, na entrada dos dados e nos mecanismos de pesquisa de informaes na coleo.
Anotamos, neste trabalho, reflexes sobre as conseqncias das Tecnologias da Informao e da Comunicao (TICs) para o direito autoral e sobre os atores do processo informativo. Partimos da lei do direito autoral vigente no Brasil, perguntando-nos como tais normas protegem as obras intelectuais no contexto digital e at que ponto h legalidade e legitimidade na digitalizao de livros protegidos, disponibilizados on-line, tomando como exemplo o caso "Google Book Search". Constatamos que a lei atual pouco defende os direitos dos autores e dos leitores, pois se volta para a proteo dos interesses privados comerciais, e que a sociedade civil encontra formas de ampliar o fluxo comunicativo em decorrncia da facilidade de reproduo e distribuio de cpias de obras intelectuais proporcionada pelas TICs.