966 resultados para Estratégias de cálculo mental
Introduction The critical challenge of determining the correct level and skill-mix of nursing staff required to deliver safe and effective healthcare has become an international concern. It is recommended that evidence-based staffing decisions are central to the development of future workforce plans. Workforce planning in mental health and learning disability nursing is largely under-researched with few tools available to aid the development of evidence-based staffing levels in these environments. Aim It was the aim of this study to explore the experience of staff using the Safer Nursing Care Tool (SNCT) and the Mental Health and Learning Disability Workload Tool (MHLDWT) in mental health and learning disability environments. Method Following a 4-week trial period of both tools a survey was distributed via Qualtrics on-line survey software to staff members who used the tools during this time. Results The results of the survey revealed that the tools were considered a useful resource to aid staffing decisions; however specific criticisms were highlighted regarding their suitability to psychiatric intensive care units (PICU) and learning disability wards. Discussion This study highlights that further development of workload measurement tools is required to support the implementation of effective workforce planning strategies within mental health and learning disability services. Implications for Practice With increasing fiscal pressures the need to provide cost-effective care is paramount within NHS services. Evidence-based workforce planning is therefore necessary to ensure that appropriate levels of staff are determined. This is of particular importance within mental health and learning disability services due to the reduction in the number of available beds and an increasing focus on purposeful admission and discharge.
Thought speed and variability are purportedly common features of specific psychological states, such as mania and anxiety. The present study explored the independent and combinational influence of these variables upon condition-specific symptoms and affective state, as proposed by Pronin and Jacobs’ (Perspect Psychol Sci, 3:461–485, 2008) theory of mental motion. A general population sample was recruited online (N = 263). Participants completed a thought speed and variability manipulation task, inducing a combination of fast/slow and varied/repetitive thought. Change in mania and anxiety symptoms was assessed through direct self-reported symptom levels and indirect, processing bias assessment (threat interpretation). Results indicated that fast and varied thought independently increased self-reported mania symptoms. Affect was significantly less positive and more negative during slow thought. No change in anxiety symptoms or threat interpretation was found between manipulation conditions. No evidence for the proposed combinational influence of speed and variability was found. Implications and avenues for therapeutic intervention are discussed.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if mental toughness moderated the occurrence of social loafing in cycle time-trial performance. Method: Twenty-seven men (Mage = 17.7 years, SD = 0.6) completed the Sport Mental Toughness Questionnaire prior to completing a 1-min cycling trial under 2 conditions: once with individual performance identified, and once in a group with individual performance not identified. Using a median split of the mental toughness index, participants were divided into high and low mental toughness groups. Cycling distance was compared using a 2 (trial) × 2 (high–low mental toughness) analysis of variance. We hypothesized that mentally tough participants would perform equally well under both conditions (i.e., no indication of social loafing) compared with low mentally tough participants, who would perform less well when their individual performance was not identifiable (i.e., demonstrating the anticipated social loafing effect). Results: The high mental toughness group demonstrated consistent performance across both conditions, while the low mental toughness group reduced their effort in the non-individually identifiable team condition. Conclusions: The results confirm that (a) clearly identifying individual effort/performance is an important situational variable that may impact team performance and (b) higher perceived mental toughness has the ability to negate the tendency to loaf.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialidade em Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-03
The paper concerns the moral status of persons for the purposes of rights-holding and duty-bearing. Developing from Gewirth’s argument to the Principle of Generic Consistency (PGC) and Beyleveld et al.’s Principle of Precautionary Reasoning, I argue in favour of a capacity-based assessment of the task competencies required for choice-rights and certain duties (within the Hohfeldian analytic). Unlike other, traditional, theories of rights, I claim that precautionary reasoning as to agentic status holds the base justification for rights-holding. If this is the basis for generic legal rights, then the contingent argument must be used to explain communities of rights. Much in the same way as two ‘normal’ adult agents may not have equal rights to be an aeroplane pilot, not all adults hold the same task competencies in relation to the exercise of the generic rights to freedom derived from the PGC. In this paper, I set out to consider the rights held by children, persons suffering from mental illness and generic ‘full’ agents. In mapping the developing ‘portfolio’ of rights and duties that a person carries during their life we might better understand the legal relations of those who do not ostensibly fulfil the criteria of ‘full’ agent.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Em trainéis descendentes de grande extensão e inclinação, os veículos pesados podem perder a capacidade de frenagem devido à utilização contínua e prolongada dos travões, pelo que, para minimizar potenciais danos em pessoas e bens, têm vindo a ser utilizadas, em alguns casos, infra-estruturas adicionais de segurança denominadas leitos de paragem de emergência. Os leitos de paragem de emergência visam garantir a dissipação da energia cinética dos veículos fora de controlo – em particular os veículos pesados – desacelerando-os de forma controlada e segura, para que possam ser removidos sem que haja prejuízo para o nível de serviço da estrada e com garantia de segurança para os restantes utentes. Em Portugal existem, desde a década de 1980, leitos de paragem de emergência com diferentes características. Estas infra-estruturas, com as suas particularidades, não estão totalmente adaptadas à norma em vigor, que as regula desde 1994. A norma Portuguesa e as normas de outros países como França, Espanha, Reino Unido, África do Sul, Austrália, México e Estados Unidos da América recomendam distintas características para esta infra-estrutura adicional com a finalidade de garantir a desaceleração, a recuperação do controlo do veículo e a sua remoção da via. Com base na análise e comparação dos documentos atrás mencionados, entre outros, apresenta-se uma proposta de medida normativa de modo a uniformizar e garantir o bom funcionamento destes elementos adicionais de segurança rodoviária.
Polissema: Revista de Letras do ISCAP 2002/N.º 2 Linguagens
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua
Neste texto são analisadas técnicas e/ou métodos para calcular custos sustentando a percepção de que as empresas em geral e as pequenas e médias empresas (PME) em particular, necessitam de conhecer os custos dos produtos que fabricam e vendem e/ou dos serviços que prestam...
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação de Professor Doutor António Correia de Barros
O momento actual aparece marcado pela globalização dos mercados e da concorrência. A forte presença das multinacionais nas economias trouxe novas dificuldades e desafios às empresas que operam quer nos mercados domésticos quer nos mercados internacionais. No caso português, as dificuldades são acrescidas por razões estruturais e pelo recente alargamento da União Europeia a Leste. Da conjugação dessas circunstâncias, as empresas portuguesas encontram-se numa encruzilhada que, no essencial, se exprime na alternativa entre abrirem-se ao exterior ou perecerem. Perante esta realidade, pretende-se neste estudo ilustrar as estratégias competitivas ensaiadas por um grupo de empresas nacionais da fileira têxtil. Para este efeito, afigurou-se útil alicerçar a investigação na metodologia de estudo de caso. Anima-nos a expectativa que os resultados deste trabalho possam informar a decisão dos responsáveis de outras empresas nacionais na definição das suas estratégias de negócio.