1000 resultados para Empresarismo - casos


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Hemangiomas são os tumores benignos mais frequentes da infância, apresentando como história natural crescimento rápido, seguido de uma fase de regressão que culmina com o desaparecimento parcial ou total da lesão. Opções terapêuticas devem ser avaliadas para casos extensos. Os glicocorticoides sistêmicos são a terapia de escolha; contudo, há relatos de que o propranolol oferece resultados melhores e mais rápidos. Este trabalho descreve dois casos de hemangioma infantil de grande volume associados à limitação funcional e desfiguração estética com significativa resposta ao propranolol, droga esta que surge como uma proposta terapêutica oferecendo resultados satisfatórios e mantidos, com poucos efeitos colaterais.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Propor à leitura dois paratextos imagéticos: o retrato de Jean de La Taille, composto de um medalhão oval que contém um epigrama, e a imagem in absentia de Gil Vicente, que se apresenta sob a forma de um enquadramento retangular do qual participam motivos ornamentais e igualmente um epigrama. A leitura destas imagens autorais apresenta a hipótese de uma representação visual, ou mesmo icônica, da atitude literária de dois dramaturgos que se apresentam ao leitor, ao mesmo tempo em que se presentificam, a fim de indicar a maneira mais conveniente de se aproximar da obra - processo essencialmente retórico conhecido sob a apelação de captatio benevolentiae. Palavras-chave: Retrato; paratexto; imagem; representação; interpelação; persuasão; figuração.


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Este trabalho faz uma apreciação de alguns estudos sobre o Dativo tal como apresentado por Fillmore em 1968 e desenvolvido e modificado, a partir de então, pelo próprio Fillmore e outros lingüístas.


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Trata-se de uma proposta de análise de derivação sufixai em português, que se contrapõe ao tratamento dado pelas gramáticas tradicionais. São estudados três casos considerados exemplares, em função de sua afinidade semântica, de acordo com a classe e subclasse de palavras a que se aplica cada sufixo, ordem e posição na estrutura da palavra, produtividade e valores semânticos. Verifica-se que a escolha entre um e outro sufixo não é aleatória, mas motivada pela necessidade argumentativa.


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O artigo busca discutir algumas das principais políticas de urbanização desenvolvidas ao longo da década de 1990 por governos locais de capitais brasileiras com participação social e parceria público-privado, que definiram a agenda de gestão urbana no Brasil. Com base nos casos de Recife e Salvador, pretende-se entender os fatores políticos que tornaram diferentes os processos de implementação de políticas semelhantes de urbanização nas duas capitais.


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the integration of environmental issues in the context of manufacturing function/production (or operations), which is considered the organizational area that should lead corporate environmental management. We present a background on the greening of the manufacturing area, especially in terms of product development, process, quality management and logistics. Four case studies of Brazilian companies are presented as part of the study, and it is found that the maturity level of these companies' environmental management tends to follow the degree to which the environment has been inserted into subareas of production, especially in the process of product development. However, difficulties encountered in greening a company's logistics activities are also recognized in most cases. It is concluded that companies can overcome this challenge by adopting new concepts of green supply chain management. The notes highlight the observed distance between arguments in the international literature and the reality of Brazilian companies on the greening of manufacturing aspects.


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The purpose of this article is to identify the contributions of Information Systems (IS) for environmental management practices, as well as the opportunities and challenges in this relation. Thus, we performed two case studies with Brazilian enterprises certified ISO 14001, by conducting interviews, document analysis and direct observation. As results, we present the identification of the main contributions of information systems for environmental management practices in the studied cases, the verification that a more advanced stage regarding IS is a factor that implies a more effective contribution, besides finding challenges and opportunities in this relation. The main contribution of this research consists of the presentation of a framework that identifies the support of information systems for environmental practices.


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An important tool for organizational change is the standardization of procedures for developing standards so that companies have greater control, thus providing a broad view of their processes and needs. This paper presents and analyzes a model of standard processes developed by the bakeries in PROPAN (Support Programme Bakery), detailing each stage of deployment to evaluate both its benefits for companies and employees and its shortcomings, to make proposals for improvements. Five bakeries were selected for this multi-case study, whose methodology consists of qualitative research using semi-structured interviews, on-site observations and document analysis. The main positive points of the model are the possibility of standardized recipes and procedures, a large decrease in wasted raw material and a significant increase in worker productivity. The main challenges are the lack of employee and owner commitment to the project, the lack of materials needed for deployment and the resistance of employees to change.


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Twelve granulomatous lesions in the thoracic and pelvic limbs of horses from pantaneira breed were evaluated. It was performed suggestive diagnostic of cutaneous pythiosis according to the clinic characteristics of the lesions and histopathological exams using hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and Grocott's methenamine silver (GMS) stains. The confirmation of the diagnoses was performed by the labelled streptavidin biotin (LSAB) method (immunohistochemistry). Extensive focal pyogranulomatous dermatitis associated with pseudo hyphae characteristic of Pythium insidiosum (subcutaneous pythiosis) was the histopathological diagnosis for all 12 horses used in this study. It was confirmed in 100% of the cases by the positive result to Pythium insidiosum in the immunohistochemistry exam, characterized by the visualization of branched and septated structures. It was observed 100% of parity between the techniques. We can conclude that clinical characterization of the granulomatous lesions with pythiosis aspects in horses associated with histopathology suggestive of equine pythiosis constitute a reliable method of diagnostic that can be confirmed by immunohistochemistry technique.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Although one cannot prevent the birth of human beings with cleft palate lesions one can adopt attitudes and various procedures entirely viable to rehabilitate and recuperate these persons through a team work composed of the facilities of a hospital, physician, dentist, psychotherapist, epeech pathologist, pedagogue and a social worker. In order to reduce the suffering of these patients we took up this work to prove that even if not in an ideal manner nevertheleses in an acceptable one we can reintegrate these persons to their families, friends and social milieu, offering them more security in their social, psychic and human relationships. We have made a review of the literature during the last three decades where we found many possibilities of prosthetic recuperations which concerns esthetics, mastication and maxillomandibular relationships beyond allowing these pacients conditions to perform satisfactory the functions of deglution and speech. We have selected and executed 5 clinical cases out of 15 pacients formely choosen looking to different prosthetic plannings. We have also shown the major contribution that the osseous integrated implants can offer to the rehabilitation and recuperation of pacients whith congenitall labio palatal lesions. To simplify the understanding we tried to discuss the most varied types of prosthesis in well defined subjects having a separate approach for each of them and we still showed that the specificity of each case leads to a specific type of rehabilitation founded om esthetics, occlusion, osseous suport, edentulous space, and above all based in the common sense and Professional integrity