999 resultados para Dispersal stages


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Understanding a population's dietary behavior is important to promote behaviors which have the most beneficial impact on health. The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2005) identifies carotenoids as a key nutrient to be consumed through increased intake of fruits and vegetables (FV). While some studies have included or focused on the Hispanic population, few have focused only on Mexican-American populations and staged its intake of FV. Stage of change behavior theory has been used to understand the adoption and promotion of healthy behaviors such as increased intake of FV. It has been shown to effectively aid interventionists' understanding of dietary behavior. Intake patterns of FV of older women, rural residents, and adolescents of Mexican American descent have been conducted but not by stages of change. This study aimed to determine the relationship between stages of change for fruits and vegetables (SOC-FV) and total carotene intake to assess the quality of SOC-FV as a surrogate measure of total carotene. ^ Data from the 2000 Qué Sabrosa Vida Community Nutrition Survey (QSV-CNS) were analyzed to identify the SOC-FV and sources of carotenes in a Mexican American population 18-60 yrs. of the Paso del Norte region. A 107 item interviewer administered food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) specifically calibrated for a Mexican American population was used to collect usual intake of total carotene. The QSV survey study population included 963 participants, 590 (61.3%) women and 373 (38.7%) men. A statistically significant mean difference in caloric intake between men and women was found (p-value = <0.01). When total carotene intake was adjusted for energy, there were significant differences between men and women (p-value = <0.0001) with women consuming a higher amount of total carotene (406 RE/kcal 1,000) than men (332 RE/kcal 1000). The food sources of total carotene for both genders included many items found in a traditional Mexican American diet. Chile, after carrots, was the highest contributor of dietary carotene. Total carotene intake was not associated with stages of change among women or men and their distributions were not linear. Mean differences of total carotene by stages of change were significant for women for pre-contemplation/contemplation (p-value = 0.04) and preparation (p-value = 0.0004) but not for men. ^ SOC-FV may serve as a surrogate measure for dietary carotene intake. This study's Mexican American population had a high carotene quality diet derived from traditional food items irrespective of their stage of change for fruits and vegetables. To better understand this population's dietary intake a measure for acculturation should be included. Interventions aimed at Mexican American populations should aim to promote traditional diets consistent with cultural practices.^ ^


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There is a long tradition of river monitoring using macroinvertebrate communities to assess environmental quality in Europe. A promising alternative is the use of species life-history traits. Both methods, however, have relied on the time-consuming identification of taxa. River biotopes, 1-100 m**2 'habitats' with associated species assemblages, have long been seen as a useful and meaningful way of linking the ecology of macroinvertebrates and river hydro-morphology and can be used to assess hydro-morphological degradation in rivers. Taxonomic differences, however, between different rivers had prevented a general test of this concept until now. The species trait approach may overcome this obstacle across broad geographical areas, using biotopes as the hydro-morphological units which have characteristic species trait assemblages. We collected macroinvertebrate data from 512 discrete patches, comprising 13 river biotopes, from seven rivers in England and Wales. The aim was to test whether river biotopes were better predictors of macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition (genera, families, orders) in rivers, independently of the phylogenetic effects and catchment scale characteristics (i.e. hydrology, geography and land cover). We also tested whether species richness and diversity were better related to biotopes than to rivers. River biotopes explained 40% of the variance in macroinvertebrate trait profiles across the rivers, largely independently of catchment characteristics. There was a strong phylogenetic signature, however. River biotopes were about 50% better at predicting macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition across rivers, no matter which taxonomic resolution was used. River biotopes were better than river identity at explaining the variability in taxonomic richness and diversity (40% and <=10%, respectively). Detailed trait-biotope associations agreed with independent a priori predictions relating trait categories to near river bed flows. Hence, species traits provided a much needed mechanistic understanding and predictive ability across a broad geographical area. We show that integration of the multiple biological trait approach with river biotopes at the interface between ecology and hydro-morphology provides a wealth of new information and potential applications for river science and management.


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Marine brachyuran and anomuran crustaceans are completely absent from the extremely cold (-1.8 °C) Antarctic continental shelf, but caridean shrimps are abundant. This has at least partly been attributed to low capacities for magnesium excretion in brachyuran and anomuran lithodid crabs ([Mg2+]HL = 20-50 mmol/L) compared to caridean shrimp species ([Mg2+]HL = 5-12 mmol/L). Magnesium has an anaesthetizing effect and reduces cold tolerance and activity of adult brachyuran crabs. We investigated whether the capacity for magnesium regulation is a factor that influences temperature-dependent activity of early ontogenetic stages of the Sub-Antarctic lithodid crab Paralomis granulosa. Ion composition (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, [SO4]2-) was measured in haemolymph withdrawn from larval stages, the first and second juvenile instars (crabs I and II) and adult males and females. Magnesium excretion improved during ontogeny, but haemolymph sulphate concentration was lowest in the zoeal stages. Neither haemolymph magnesium concentrations nor Ca2+:Mg2+ ratios paralleled activity levels of the life stages. Long-term (3 week) cold exposure of crab I to 1 °C caused a significant rise of haemolymph sulphate concentration and a decrease in magnesium and calcium concentrations compared to control temperature (9 °C). Spontaneous swimming activity of the zoeal stages was determined at 1, 4 and 9 °C in natural sea water (NSW, [Mg2+] = 51 mmol/L) and in sea water enriched with magnesium (NSW + Mg2+, [Mg2+] = 97 mmol/L). It declined significantly with temperature but only insignificantly with increased magnesium concentration. Spontaneous velocities were low, reflecting the demersal life style of the zoeae. Heart rate, scaphognathite beat rate and forced swimming activity (maxilliped beat rate, zoea I) or antennule beat rate (crab I) were investigated in response to acute temperature change (9, 6, 3, 1, -1 °C) in NSW or NSW + Mg2+. High magnesium concentration reduced heart rates in both stages. The temperature-frequency curve of the maxilliped beat (maximum: 9.6 beats/s at 6.6 °C in NSW) of zoea I was depressed and shifted towards warmer temperatures by 2 °C in NSW + Mg2+, but antennule beat rate of crab I was not affected. Magnesium may therefore influence cold tolerance of highly active larvae, but it remains questionable whether the slow-moving lithodid crabs with demersal larvae would benefit from an enhanced magnesium excretion in nature.


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The abundance and composition of the upper Cenozoic terrigenous coarse-sand fraction (250 µm-2 mm) at ODP Sites 642, 643, and 644 were investigated to date the onset of significant ice-rafting in the Norwegian Sea, establish the regional chronology of ice-rafting, and determine the relative importance of global vs. regional controls on ice-rafting in this area. The first input of ice-rafted debris (IRD) occurs at approximately 2.9 Ma, with significant ice-rafting beginning at about 2.5 Ma. IRD abundances increase significantly in sediments younger than 0.9 Ma at all three holes, indicating climatic deterioration in the late Pleistocene. Differences in the timing of this IRD increase between holes result from regional patterns of IRD supply and surface circulation. Variations in IRD sources and dispersal patterns may also explain the slightly higher background level of IRD abundance at Hole 642B, a seaward site. Major peaks in the generalized IRD records from the Norwegian Sea are tentatively correlated to glacial stages or glacial-to-interglacial transitions in the globally defined oxygen isotope record. This correlation indicates the effect of global conditions on the regional climate of the Norwegian Sea, although the detailed IRD records at these sites are also affected by local/regional processes (e.g., circulation patterns and source area differences).


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Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene abundance fluctuations of the radiolarian Cycladophora davisiana (Ehrenberg) davisiana (Petrushevskaya) are documented from North Atlantic (Site 609) and Labrador Sea (Site 646B) to provide the first long-term correlation of its abundance fluctuations to oxygen isotope stages 1-114. Also examined are temporal and regional fluctuations in abundances C. d. davisiana and the global dispersal routes of the species. The first occurrence of C. d. davisiana in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean (Site 609) occurred between 2.586 and 2.435 Ma (oxygen isotope stages 109.66-102.19). During the early Matuyama Chron, prior to oxygen isotope stage 63, C. d. davisiana abundances were less than 1% and never greater than 12%, while abundances of greater than 5% are found in stages 65.71-73, 74, and 83-84. The initial major abundance peak (35.7%) of C. d. davisiana was noted near the stage 63/62 boundary. Abundance peaks of greater than 15%, between oxygen isotope stages 35 and 63, are limited to stages 63.02, 58.07, 55.07-54.26, and 50.76-50.22. These represent the only such abundance peaks detected during the first c. 1.5 million years of the species within the North Atlantic. The character of C. d. davisiana abundance fluctuations in Site 609 changes after oxygen isotope stage 35; average abundances are greater (7.7% vs. 4.3%) and abundance maxima of more than 15% are more frequent. Many, but not all, peak abundances of C. d. davisiana occur in glacial stages (e.g., 8, 14, 18, 20, 26, 30, 34, 50, 54, and 58). Increased abundances of the species are also noted in weak interglacial stages (e.g., stages 3, 23, 39, and 41), and significant cool periods of robust interglacial periods (e.g., late stage 11). Sample spacing is adequate in some stages to note some rapid changes in abundance near stage transitions (e.g., stages 4/5, 25/26, 62/63). The sample density in Holes 609 and 611 and the upper portion of 646B is sufficient to detect a synchroneity of many abundance maxima and minima among sites. Some abundance peaks are undetected in one or more of the two holes, warranting further sampling to obtain a more accurate record of regional abundance fluctuations. Prior to stage 36, few ages of Hole 611 peaks are the same as those in the more precisely dated Hole 609. The highest abundances of C. d. davisiana were noted in Labrador Sea Hole 646B where the earliest known occurrence of the species is documented (3.08-2.99 Ma). C. d. davisiana is inferred to have evolved in the Labrador Sea (or Arctic), and migrated next through the Arctic into the North Pacific (2.62-2.64 Ma, stage 114) before migrating into the Norwegian Sea (2.63-2.53 Ma) and North Atlantic (2.59-2.44 Ma, stages 109-102). Additional migration of C. d. dauisiana into the southern South Atlantic (Site 704) occurred much later (2.06 Ma, stage 83).


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High-resolution records (2 7 kyr) of Upper Pliocene Discoaster abundances obtained from six ODP/DSDP sites are assessed independently using oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Four Atlantic Ocean sites (DSDP Sites 552 and 607, and ODP Sites 659 and 662) comprise a transect from 56°N to 1°S and provide a record of latitudinal variations in Diseoaster biogeography. Low-latitude sites in the Atlantic (ODP Site 662), Pacific (ODP Site 677), and Indian (ODP Site 709) oceans provide additional information about variability in Discoaster abundance patterns within the equatorial region. A common chronology, based on the astronomical time scale developed for ODP Site 677, has been established for all the sites. By integrating oxygen isotope data and Discoaster abundance records at each site we are able to independently evaluate the temporal and spatial distribution of D. brouweri and D. triradiatus in the 500 kyr prior to the extinction of the discoasters near the base of the Olduvai subchron. Major decreases in abundance are evident during some of the more intense late Pliocene glacial events. In particular, glacial isotope stages 82, 96, 98 and 100 are associated with distinct abundance minima. At these times, large-scale changes in surface hydrographic conditions appear to have suppressed Discoaster numbers on a global scale. The increase in abundance of D. triradiatus, which precedes the extinction of the discoasters by around 200 kyr, may also be related to the intensification of environmental pressures that accompanied the build-up of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the late Pliocene. In spite of contrasting geographic and oceanographic settings, the various D. brouweri and D. triradiatus records are remarkably similar. This demonstrates that the acme and extinction events are excellent biostratigraphic datums. The simultaneous extinction of D. brouweri and D. triradiatus at 1.95 Ma were synchronous events at both a regional scale within the Atlantic, and on a global scale between the three major oceans. However, the start of the D. triradiatus acme appears to have been diachronous, occurring some 40 kyr earlier in the Atlantic than in the Indo-Pacific, and hence the stratigraphic usefulness of this datum is regional rather than global.


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Centennial-to-millennial scale records from IODP Site U1387, drilled during IODP Expedition 339 into the Faro Drift at 558 m water depth, now allow evaluating the climatic history of the upper core of the Mediterranean Outflow (MOW) and of the surface waters in the northern Gulf of Cadiz during the early Pleistocene. This study focuses on the period from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 29 to 34, i.e. the interval surrounding extreme interglacial MIS 31. Conditions in the upper MOW reflect obliquity, precession and millennial-scale variations. The benthic d18O signal follows obliquity with the exception of an additional, smaller d18O peak that marks the MIS 32/31 transition. Insolation maxima (precession minima) led to poor ventilation and a sluggish upper MOW core, whereas insolation minima were associated with enhanced ventilation and often also increased bottom current velocity. Millennial-scale periods of colder sea-surface temperatures (SST) were associated with short-term maxima in flow velocity and better ventilation, reminiscent of conditions known from MIS 3. A prominent contourite layer, coinciding with insolation cycle 100, was formed during MIS 31 and represents one of the few contourites developing within an interglacial period. MIS 31 surface water conditions were characterized by an extended period (1065-1091 ka) of warm SST, but SST were not much warmer than during MIS 33. Interglacial to glacial transitions experienced 2 to 3 stadial/interstadial cycles, just like their mid-to-late Pleistocene counterparts. Glacial MIS 30 and 32 recorded periods of extremely cold (< 12°C) SST that in their climatic impact were comparable to the Heinrich events of the mid and late Pleistocene. Glacial MIS 34, on the other hand, was a relative warm glacial period off southern Portugal. Overall, surface water and MOW conditions at Site U1387 show strong congruence with Mediterranean climate, whereas millennial-scale variations are closely linked to North Atlantic circulation changes.


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Studies of thermal tolerance in marine ectotherms are key in understanding climate effects on ecosystems; however, tolerance of their larval stages has rarely been analyzed. Larval stages are expected to be particularly sensitive. Thermal stress may affect their potential for dispersal and zoogeographical distribution. A mismatch between oxygen demand and the limited capacity of oxygen supply to tissues has been hypothesized to be the first mechanism restricting survival at thermal extremes. Therefore, thermal tolerance of stage zoea I larvae was examined in two populations of the Chilean kelp crab Taliepus dentatus, which are separated by latitude and the thermal regime. We measured temperature-dependent activity, oxygen consumption, cardiac performance, body mass and the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) composition in order to: (1) examine thermal effects from organismal to cellular levels, and (2) compare the thermal tolerance of larvae from two environmental temperature regimes. We found that larval performance is affected at thermal extremes indicated by decreases in activity, mainly in maxilliped beat rates, followed by decreases in oxygen consumption rates. Cardiac stroke volume was almost temperature-independent. Through changes in heart rate, cardiac output supported oxygen demand within the thermal window whereas at low and high temperature extremes heart rate declined. The comparison between southern and central populations suggests the adaptation of southern larvae to a colder temperature regime, with higher cardiac outputs due to increased cardiac stroke volumes, larger body sizes but similar body composition as indicated by similar C:N ratios. This limited but clear differentiation of thermal windows between populations allows the species to widen its biogeographical range.