901 resultados para Digitization Cycle


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin provides information on trends in current maritime transport and their implications for Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as some consequences for the ports in the region. This article updates some of the information contained in Recursos naturales e infraestructura series, No. 82 (ECLAC). This issue is based on a paper prepared by Ricardo J. Sánchez, Division of Natural Resources and Infrastructure, with the collaboration of Myriam Echeverría, Division of International Trade and Integration.


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The previous edition of the FAL bulletin presented the price indices of maritime transport in three main market segments. This edition includes an analysis of the maritime cycle and trends in the transport capacity of the routes that in turn serve the routes of Latin America and the Caribbean.


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This edition of the FAL Bulletin analyses the maritime cycle and its impact on the overall business cycle. In particular, it considers the financial and economic crisis which shook the world from 2008 onwards, affecting both world trade and levels of economic activity, with serious consequences for maritime transport.


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In the 1980s Butler adapted the life cycle product model to the tourism industry and created the “Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) model”. The model recognizes six stages in the tourism product life cycle: exploration, investment, development, consolidation, stagnation and followed, after stagnation, by decline or revitalization of the product. These six stages can in turn be regrouped into four main stages. The Butler model has been applied to more than 30 country cases with a wide degree of success. De Albuquerque and Mc Elroy (1992) applied the TALC model to 23 small Caribbean island States in the 1990s. Following De Albuquerque and Mc Elroy, the TALC is applied to the 32 member countries of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) (except for Cancun and Cozumel) to locate their positions along their tourism life-cycle in 2007. This is done using the following indicators: the evolution of the level, market share and growth rate of stay-over arrivals; the growth rate and market share of visitor expenditures per arrival and the tourism styles of the destinations, differentiating between ongoing mass tourism and niche marketing strategies and among upscale, mid-scale and low-scale destinations. Countries have pursued three broad classes of strategies over the last 15 years in order to move upward in their tourism life cycle and enhance their tourism competitiveness. There is first a strategy that continues to rely on mass-tourism to build on the comparative advantages of “sun, sand and sea”, scale economies, all-inclusive packages and large amounts of investment to move along in Stage 2 or Stage 3 (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico). There is a second strategy pursued mainly by very small islands that relies on developing specific niche markets to maintain tourism competitiveness through upgrading (Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, British Virgin Islands and Turks and Caicos), allowing them to move from Stage 2 to Stage 3 or Stage 3 to a rejuvenation stage. There is a third strategy that uses a mix of mass-tourism, niche marketing and quality upgrading either to emerge onto the intermediate stage (Trinidad and Tobago); avoid decline (Aruba, The Bahamas) or rejuvenate (Barbados, Jamaica and the United States Virgin Islands). There have been many success stories in Caribbean tourism competitiveness and further research should aim at empirically testing the determinants of tourism competitiveness for the region as a whole.


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The 2015 edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean consists of three parts. Part I outlines the region’s economic performance in 2014 and analyses trends in the first half of 2015, as well as the outlook for the rest of the year. Part II analyses the dynamics of investment in Latin America and the Caribbean, the relationship between investment and the business cycle, the role of public investment, infrastructure gaps and the challenges in financing private investment. Part III of this publication may be accessed on the web page of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (http://www.cepal.org/en/node/33006). It contains the notes relating to the economic performance of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in 2014 and the first half of 2015, together with their respective statistical annexes, which present the main economic indicators of the countries of the region. The cut-off date for updating the statistical information in this publication was 30 June 2015.


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In order to determine the modulation of anxiolytic and panicolytic-like effects of diazepam by the hormonal cycle of female rats, male and female rats – the latter divided per estrous cycle phase (estrus, diestrus, metaestrus and proestrus) – were tested in the elevated T-maze, a behavioral model of panic and anxiety. Diazepam (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg) or saline solution was injected in individual animals that were submitted to one session in the elevated T-maze 25 min after drug/saline administration. The test consisted of three avoidance trials and one escape trial, separated by a 30 s interval, during which the animals were isolated in individual cages. The avoidance trials began with the animal being placed at the end of the maze's enclosed arm. The time necessary for the animal to leave the central square was considered as the response's latency. The trials that exceeded 300 s were considered as failures. Results demonstrate a decrease in the effects of diazepam in inhibitory avoidance (anxiety) trials in females in diestrus and proestrus, but no relation of gender or estrous cycle on diazepam effects on escape trials (fear). The results support the hypothesis that down-regulation of GABAA receptors by activation of nuclear estrogen receptors and induction of PKC-mediated GABAA receptor phosphorylation by activation of surface estrogen receptors in raphe neurons underlie the modulation of diazepam sensitivity by estrogen.


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The present work aimed at studying the influence of the estrous cycle in the forced swim test, an animal model of depression. For this, 44 male and female Wistar rats were divided into five groups according to the hormonal state in the first day of the study: metaestrus (N = 12), diestrus (N = 8), proestrus (N = 7), estrous (N = 6) and males (N = 11). They were housed in groups of five, with water and food ad libitum under a 12/12 h light/dark cycle. Females were screened daily for the estrous cycle. The animals were subjected to two swimming sessions in a glass cylinder with water up to 15 cm at 28±2º C. The data of the first five minutes of a 15-min first session were compared to those of a 5-min second session 24 h later. The results indicate that the latency to the first immobility was substantially reduced in the second session and was longer for females in diestrus and proestrus in the first session. The results also indicate that females in diestrus and proestrus exhibited less immobility than males in the first session; females in diestrus also exhibited less immobility than females in metaestrus. Females in metaestrus and diestrus, as well as males, did not present the decrease in total immobility times in the second session. The present results are analyzed in terms of differential effects of progesterone and estrogen on a learning component and an affective component.


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Estímulos ambientais exercem efeitos importantes na expressão de ritmos endógenos. Deslocamentos diários de grupos de psitacídeos em resposta ao ciclo claro/escuro têm sido estudados por alguns autores. Todavia, os fatores que influenciam a ritmicidade intrínseca deste comportamento não são bem conhecidos. Este estudo descreve como a periodicidade nictemeral/circadiana dos deslocamentos diários de dormitórios do Papagaio-do-mangue Amazona amazonica é modificada por fatores climatológicos. Os números de papagaios chegando ou deixando o dormitório Ilha dos Papagaios foram determinados de minuto a minuto. Um número significativamente maior de papagaios chegou ao dormitório após o ocaso, enquanto que um número significativamente maior de papagaios deixou o dormitório antes da aurora. O pico de saída dos papagaios ocorreu 23 ± 5,24 minutos antes da aurora, quando a média de intensidade de luz era de 1 lux. O pico de chegada de papagaios ocorreu 6 ± 6,1 minutos após o ocaso, quando a média de intensidade de luz era de 50 lux. Ao alterar a intensidade de luz do ambiente, as condições climatológicas influenciaram significativamente os horários de chegada e saída, com papagaios deixando o dormitório mais tarde ou chegando mais cedo em condições de nebulosidade alta.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito da polimerização gradual, mediante a utilização de aparelhos de Quartzo-Tungustênio-Halógena (QTH) e Arco de Plasma de Xenônio (PAC), no selamento marginal de restaurações classe V em resina composta com margens localizadas em dentina. Setenta e cinco incisivos bovinos receberam preparos de cavidades classe V, na raiz, com o intuito de situar as margens cavitárias em dentina. Os dentes foram divididos em cinco grupos de acordo com o método de fotoativação. As cavidades, depois de condicionadas, foram tratadas com o sistema adesivo Single Bond (3M Dental) e restauradas com a resina composta Z100 (3M Dental) pela técnica incremental. A fotoativação foi realizada para cada grupo como descrito a seguir: Grupo I: PAC pelo método de fotoativação constante: 1600mW/cm2 – 3s; Grupo II: PAC pelo método de fotoativação por passos (800mW/cm2 – 2s, subindo automaticamente para 1600mW/cm2 – 4s); Grupo III: QTH pelo método de fotoativação constante: 400 mW/cm2 – 40s; Grupo IV: QTH pelo método de fotoativação em rampa: 100 a 600 mW/cm2 – 15s, permanecendo a 600mW/cm2 por mais 25s; Grupo V: QTH pelo método de fotoativação por pulso: 200 mW/cm2 – 3s, tempo de espera de 3min.e a seguir 600mW/cm2 – 30s. Os dentes foram armazenados em água destilada a 37ºC por 30 dias e então submetidos à ciclagem térmica, por 500 ciclos à 5 ºC e 55 ºC. Os ápices dos dentes foram selados com resina composta e os dentes foram cobertos com duas camadas de esmalte para unha, antes da sua imersão em fucsina básica a 0,5%. Os dentes foram seccionados e os cortes foram escaneados para avaliação da área infiltrada por corante por um programa de computador (Image Tools). Os cortes foram também visualizados com lupa para a determinação do grau de penetração do corante na interface dente-restauração por escores. Diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram observadas entre os grupos quanto ao grau e à área de penetração de corante (p < 0,05). Os grupos I e II apresentaram valores significantemente mais altos de infiltração e penetração do corante que os grupos III, IV e V. Em conclusão, o uso da fonte de PAC, no modo constante e por passos, resultou em valores significantemente maiores de infiltração marginal quando comparados com a intensidade de luz média emitida pelos aparelhos de QTH. Os métodos de fotoativação por pulso, rampa e continuo com a fonte de QTH resultaram num grau similar de microinfiltração.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Neste estudo, avaliamos a dinâmica da maturação ovariana a desova durante o ciclo reprodutivo de Metynnis maculatus. Fêmeas adultas (n = 36) foram coletadas bimestralmente entre abril de 2010 e março de 2011. O índice gonadossomático (IGS) foi calculado e amostras de ovário e de sangue foram submetidas à avaliação morfométrica e das concentrações plasmáticas dos esteroides por ELISA, respectivamente. A espécie apresenta desenvolvimento ovariano assincrônico, com múltiplas desovas. Neste estudo revelamos que mesmo sendo de desova parcelada, os ovários do M. maculatus mostraram um padrão de desenvolvimento com predomínio de atividade vitelogênica entre abril a agosto e intensificação da desova em setembro. Em outubro houve uma diminuição nos valores médios de IGS, bem como registramos as maiores frequências de folículos pós-ovulatórios (FPOs). Observamos uma correlação positiva entre a frequência de FPOs e a concentração plasmática de 17 α-OHP. O M. maculatus tem potencial para ser usado como fonte para uso de hipófise para preparo de extrato bruto para indução hormonal, sendo o período teórico para coleta de hipófises de setembro a outubro, mas estudos específicos para esta finalidade ainda precisam ser desenvolvidos.