987 resultados para Differentiating Hostile


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Una de las empresas más emblemáticas en la historia del descubrimiento, conquista y colonización del Nuevo Mundo es la que comanda Hernando de Magallanes y concluye Sebastián Elcano en procura de encontrar una nueva ruta hacia las islas Molucas, paraíso de la especiería. Este artículo propone una lectura de la carta escrita en latín por Maximiliano Transilvano, Secretario de Carlos V, firmada a los pocos días del retorno de los sobrevivientes (5 de octubre de 1522) de la travesía interoceánica. El análisis se detiene en el episodio del desembarco en Puerto San Julián, en las costas patagónicas argentinas, y en el modo en que ingresa en la escritura un espacio geográfico hostil e intimidante, generador de violencia y enfrentamientos


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En este artículo se plantea el análisis de la complejidad de las relaciones comerciales entre castellanos e indígenas a lo largo del periodo colonial. Para ello, se comparará la práctica sobre el terreno desde el siglo XVI hasta el XVIII con los debates teóricos medievales y modernos alrededor del comercio intercultural y de las diferencias en las formas de vida rural y urbana. Se tratará, asimismo, la dualidad campo-ciudad en relación con el traslado a América del importante papel que el pensamiento occidental otorgó tradicionalmente a la ciudad como núcleo de civilización y como foco irradiador de la misma. Dicho planteamiento arroja una perspectiva muy compleja sobre las relaciones interculturales, ya que ambos grupos -castellanos e indígenas- actuaron de maneras muy diversas según el contexto social, político y económico de cada momento. Frente a la idea de una actitud siempre hostil entre los dos grupos, se presenta un panorama de búsqueda de la amistad por medios pacíficos, entre los que se destaca el comercio como principal catalizador


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Una de las empresas más emblemáticas en la historia del descubrimiento, conquista y colonización del Nuevo Mundo es la que comanda Hernando de Magallanes y concluye Sebastián Elcano en procura de encontrar una nueva ruta hacia las islas Molucas, paraíso de la especiería. Este artículo propone una lectura de la carta escrita en latín por Maximiliano Transilvano, Secretario de Carlos V, firmada a los pocos días del retorno de los sobrevivientes (5 de octubre de 1522) de la travesía interoceánica. El análisis se detiene en el episodio del desembarco en Puerto San Julián, en las costas patagónicas argentinas, y en el modo en que ingresa en la escritura un espacio geográfico hostil e intimidante, generador de violencia y enfrentamientos


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A partir de finales del siglo XIX, la vitivinicultura cumplió un rol determinante en el proceso de modernización rioplatense contribuyendo a la diferenciación de la producción y provocando una rápida industrialización de un sector agrícola. Además, revitalizó a las economías locales, que se reinsertaron en los mercados nacionales como zonas especializadas. El artículo representa un primer intento de análisis comparativo del desempeño del sector en las dos principales áreas vitivinícolas rioplatenses: el departamento de Canelones (Uruguay) y la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina).


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The Asian monsoon system governs seasonality and fundamental environmental characteristics in the study area from which two distinct peculiarities are most notable: upwelling and convective mixing in the Arabian Sea and low surface salinity and stratification in the Bay of Bengal due to high riverine input and monsoonal precipitation. The respective oceanography sets the framework for nutrient availability and productivity. Upwelling ensures high nitrate concentration with temporal/spatial Si limitation; freshwater-induced stratification leads to reduced nitrogen input from the subsurface but Si enrichment in surface waters. Ultimately, both environments support high abundance of diatoms, which play a central role in the export of organic matter. It is speculated that, additional to eddy pumping, nitrogen fixation is a source of N in stratified waters and contributes to the low-d15N signal in sinking particles formed under riverine impact. Organic carbon fluxes are best correlated to opal but not to carbonate, which is explained by low foraminiferal carbonate fluxes within the river-impacted systems. This observation points to the necessity of differentiating between carbonate sources for carbon flux modeling. As evident from a compilation of previously published and new data on labile organic matter composition (amino acids and carbohydrates), organic matter fluxes are mainly driven by direct input from marine production, except the site off Pakistan where sedimentary input of (marine) organic matter is dominant during the NE monsoon. The explanation of apparently different organic carbon export efficiency calls for further investigations of, for example, food web structure and water column processes.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es juzgar las potencialidades del proceso de concentración del capital agrario a partir del caso de los llamados "grandes pooles de siembra". Para tal fin, se realiza un análisis de los proyectos de inversión y de producción de los pooles de siembra constituidos como Fondos Comunes Cerrados de Inversión y como Fideicomisos Financieros. Asimismo, se realiza un estudio en profundidad del caso del principal administrador de grandes pooles de siembra, la empresa Cazenave y Asociados. Se concluye que la producción agraria pampeana continúa siendo un espacio hostil para la acumulación de los capitales más concentrados de la economía.


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La década del '90 marcó una fuerte aceleración del proceso de concentración económica de la producción agrícola pampeana, evolución que continuaría tras la devaluación de 2002. En la determinación del mismo convergen distintos factores: las economías de escala, el manejo cambiario, la evolución tecnológica (entre otros). En este trabajo se estudia uno de estos condicionantes: la política impositiva del Estado Nacional. Se analizan los tributos que gravan al agro y sus alícuotas, diferenciando según la escala y perfil tecnológico del productor, calculando un indicador de la presión fiscal (peso de los tributos sobre el ingreso bruto de la explotación). Se concluye que en el nuevo siglo se produjo una nivelación importante en cuanto a los montos impositivos requeridos por el Estado a los distintos tipos de agentes, lo que minimizó la posibilidad que tiene éste a partir de aquella herramienta de modelar una trama social más desconcentrada


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El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer cómo se incorporan a la labor docente, y en ese contexto cómo enseñan historia, los profesores noveles egresados de los profesorados en historia de la UNGS (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento) y del ISFD no 42 (Instituto Superior de Formación Docente). Son considerados docentes noveles o principiantes aquellos profesores que se encuentran en los primeros tres años del ejercicio de la profesión. La información aquí presentada fue recogida a través de una investigación de tipo cualitativa realizada entre el IDH (Instituto del Desarrollo Humano), perteneciente a la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento y el Instituto Superior de Formación Docente no 42 de San Miguel, provincia de Buenos Aires Este proyecto, realizado entre los años 2008 y 2010, fue dirigido por la doctora Gabriela Diker, quien en ese momento se desempeñaba como coordinadora del área de formación del IDH de la UNGS. Preguntas como: ¿cuáles son las dificultades que deben afrontar los profesores principiantes?, ¿qué respuestas elaboran ante dichas dificultades?, ¿cómo desarrollan el proceso de enseñanza de la historia?, ¿qué recursos y materiales utilizan para ello?, ¿cómo influyen las trayectorias de formación docente sobre las prácticas que desarrollan los profesores principiantes? servirán de guía a fin de poder indagar la trayectoria docente en este período inicial para luego caracterizarlo, analizarlo y finalmente volver a evaluar los alcances y límites de la información brindada por la investigación. Un punto interesante será comparar los trayectos formativos por los que atravesaron los graduados de ambas instituciones, teniendo en cuenta que un grupo de graduados se formó en una institución universitaria y el otro colectivo de profesores proviene de una institución terciaria. El objetivo es identificar si las instituciones formadoras de base ejercen alguna influencia que permita diferenciar comparativamente las prácticas de un grupo respecto del otro


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El sexismo contra las mujeres continúa ocasionando profundas desigualdades en el ámbito laboral a nivel mundial, a pesar de los esfuerzos por erradicarlo. Frente a esta problemática, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo explorar empíricamente el impacto de variables sociodemográficas, psicológicas y organizacionales, sobre la emergencia del sexismo en el lugar de trabajo. Se efectuó una verificación empírica enmarcada en los lineamientos de la triangulación metodológica, a través de tres aproximaciones sucesivas. La primera aproximación metodológica, de corte cualitativo, estuvo orientada al desarrollo de un instrumento para explorar la tendencia a la discriminación de género en el lugar de trabajo. Se llevaron a cabo encuentros de grupo focal y entrevistas en profundidad con muestras teóricas de la población objetivo (12 y cuatro empleados, respectivamente). El análisis de la información recogida permitió la elaboración, puesta a punto y validación de la versión definitiva del instrumento. La segunda aproximación metodológica, de corte cuantitativo, tuvo como finalidad la adaptación y validación del Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente para su empleo con muestras argentinas. En esta etapa se trabajó con una muestra por disponibilidad de 345 sujetos. Finalmente, la tercera aproximación metodológica, encuadrada en una perspectiva cuantitativa, tuvo como objetivo poner a prueba las hipótesis de trabajo planteadas. En esta oportunidad, se tomó una nueva muestra por disponibilidad integrada por 414 empleados de diversas organizaciones de la provincia de Santa Fe. La batería de recolección de datos incluyó la escala desarrollada en la primera aproximación, el inventario validado en la segunda, y reconocidos instrumentos para medir individualismo-colectivismo, percepciones de justicia organizacional y deseabilidad social. Los datos reunidos fueron sometidos a análisis descriptivos, correlacionales y multidimensionales. Los resultados más destacados muestran que: (a) los varones, los sujetos con nivel educativo primario/secundario y los trabajadores de organizaciones privadas, pequeñas y del sector industrial, presentan mayores niveles de sexismo que las mujeres, los individuos con nivel educativo superior, y los trabajadores de organizaciones públicas y grandes; (b) los empleados del sector privado y del ramo salud registran menores percepciones de justicia procedimental que los empleados del sector público; (c) los empleados permanentes perciben menos justicia distributiva, y los empleados contratados menos justicia procedimental, que sus superiores; (d) las dimensiones verticales del colectivismo e individualismo se relacionan positivamente con el sexismo en todas sus facetas, en tanto que el individualismo horizontal se vincula positivamente con el prejuicio sexista; (e) mientras el sexismo hostil se asocia negativamente con la justicia interpersonal, el sexismo benévolo se relaciona positivamente con las facetas distributiva, procedimental e informacional de la justicia organizacional; (f) por su parte, la tendencia a la discriminación de género en el lugar de trabajo presenta correlaciones positivas con la justicia procedimental; (g) los principales predictores del sexismo son el género (varón), el nivel educativo (primario secundario), el tamaño organizacional (pequeño), el colectivismo vertical y el individualismo vertical. Los resultados obtenidos se discuten a la luz de las teorías consideradas. Se concluye proponiendo posibles acciones para disminuir el sexismo y mejorar las percepciones de equidad en las organizaciones, y se efectúan sugerencias para futuros estudios en el área


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A large spatial scale study of the diatom species inhabiting waters from the subantarctic (Argentine shelf) to antarctic was made for the first time in order to understand the relationships between these two regions with regard to the fluctuations in diatom abundances in relation with environmental features, their floristic associations and the effect of the Polar Front as a biogeographic barrier. Species-specific diatom abundance, nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentration were assessed from 64 subsurface oceanographic stations carried out during the austral summer 2002, a period characterized by an anomalous sea-ice coverage corresponding to a ''warm year". Significant relationships of both diatom density and biomass with chlorophyll-a (positive) and water temperature (negative) were found for the study area as a whole. Within the Subantarctic region, diatom density and biomass values were more uniform and significantly (in average: 35 and 11 times) lower than those of the Antarctic region, and did not correlate with chlorophyll-a. In antarctic waters, instead, biomass was directly related with chlorophyll-a, thus confirming the important contribution of diatoms to the Antarctic phytoplanktonic stock. A total of 167 taxa were recorded for the entire study area, with Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira being the best represented genera. Species richness was maximum in subantarctic waters (46; Argentine shelf) and minimum in the Antarctic region (21; Antarctic Peninsula), and showed a significant decrease with latitude. Floristic associations were examined both qualitatively (Jaccard Index) and quantitatively (correlation) by cluster analyses and results allowed differentiating a similar number of associations (12 vs. 13, respectively) and two main groups of stations. In the Drake Passage, the former revealed that the main floristic change was found at the Polar Front, while the latter reflected the Southern ACC Front as a main boundary, and yielded a higher number of isolated sites, most of them located next to different Antarctic islands. Such differences are attributed to the high relative density of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis in Argentine shelf and Drake Passage waters and of Porosira glacialis and species of Chaetoceros and Thalasiosira in the Weddell Sea and near the Antarctic Peninsula. From a total of 84 taxa recorded in antarctic waters, only 17 were found exclusively in this region, and the great majority (67) was also present in subantarctic waters but in extremely low (< 1 cell/l) concentrations, probably as a result of expatriation processes via the ACC-Malvinas Current system. The present results were compared with those of previous studies on the Antarctic region with respect to both diatom associations in regular vs. atypically warm years, and the distribution and abundance of some selected planktonic species reported for surface sediments.


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A depth transect of cores from 1268 to 3909 m water depth in the western South Atlantic are ideally situated to monitor the interocean exchange of deep water and variations in the relative strength of northern and southern sources of deep water production. Benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca and d13C data suggest that Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) extended at least as far south as 28°S in the western South Atlantic. The core of nutrient-depleted water was situated at ~1500 m, above and below water masses with higher nutrient concentrations. When examined in conjunction with published paired Cd/Ca and d13C from intermediate depth cores from other basins, it appears that the extent of GNAIW influence on the intermediate waters of the world's oceans was less than suggested previously. Differentiating among possible pathways for the glacial deep ocean (>3 km) requires a better understanding of the controls on Cd/Ca and d13C values of benthic foraminifera.


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The study of radiolarian assemblages from Core MD 962086 provides new information on the variability in the upwelling intensity and origin of upwelled water masses over the past 350 ky in one of the major filamentous regions of the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS), located off Lüderitz, Namibia. The use of key radiolarian species to trace the source of upwelled waters, and the use of a radiolarian-based upwelling index (URI) to reconstruct the upwelling intensity represent the first use of radiolarians for paleoceanographic reconstructions in the BUS. These radiolarian-based proxies indicate strongest upwelling during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3, 5, and 8, which compares well with other studies. While during MIS 3 and 8, the radiolarian-based proxies indicate the influx of waters of Southern Ocean origin, they also point to the increased influence of tropical waters during the lower portion of MIS 5. During MIS 2, 4 and 6 the radiolarian assemblages indicate generally lower upwelling intensities, although this signal is complicated by the increased occurrence of organic carbon in the sediments during these intervals. During MIS 2 there appears to be less of an input of Southern Ocean waters to the BUS, although during the also glacial MIS 4 and 6, there is evidence for an increased influence of cold Antarctic waters. The comparison of the results from Core MD 962086 with other studies in the BUS area indicates a non-uniform pattern of upwelling intensity and advection of cold, southern waters into this system during MIS 2. Weaker upwelling signaled by the radiolarian-based proxy in MIS 4 is in contrast to other studies that indicate higher productivity during this time period. In general, the data show that there is a strong spatiotemporal complexity in upwelling intensity in the BUS and that the advection of water into it is not strongly tied to glacial-interglacial variations in climate.


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Sedimentological and biostratigraphic investigations of 15 cores (total length: 88 m) from the vicinity of Great Meteor seamount (about 30° N, 28° W) showed that the calcareous ooze are asymmetrically distributed around the seamount and vertically differentiated into two intervals. East and west of the seampunt, the upper "A"-interval is characterized by yellowish-brown sediment colors and bioturbation; ash layers and diatoms are restricted to the eastern cores. On both seamount flanks, the sediment of the lower "B"-interval are white and very rich in CaCO3 with a major fine silt (2-16 µ) mode (mainly coccoliths). Lamination, manganese micronodules, Tertiary foraminifera and discoasters, and small limestone and basalt fragments are typical of the "B"-interval of the eastern cores only. The sediments contain abundant displaced material which was reworked from the upper parts of the seamount. The sedimentation around the seamount is strongly influenced by the kind of displaced material and the intensity of its differentiated dispersal: the sedimentation rates are generally higher on the east than on the west flank /e.g. in "B": 0.9 cm/1000 y in the W; 3.1 cm/1000 y in the E), and lower for the "A" than for the "B"-interval. The lamination is explained by the combination of increased sedimentation rates with a strong input of material poor in organic carbon producing a hostile environment for benthic life. The CaCO3 content of the core is highly influenced by the proportion of displaced bigenous carbonate material (mainly coccoliths). The genuine in-situ conditions of the dissolution facies are only reflected by the minimum CaCO3 values of the cores (CCD = about 5,500 m; first bend in dissolution curve = 4,000 m; ACD = about 3,400 m). The preservation of the total foraminiferal association depends on the proportions of in-situ versus displaced specimens. In greater water depths (stronger dissolution), for example, the preservation can be improved by the admixture of relatively well preserved displaced foraminifera. Carbonate cementation and the formation of manganese micronodules are restricted to microenvironments with locally increased organic carbon contents (e.g. pellets; foraminifera). The ash layers consist of redeposited, silicic volcanic glass of trachytic composition and Mio-Pliocene age; possibly, they can be derived from the upper part of the seamount. Siliceous organisms, especially diatoms, are frequent close to the ash layers and probably also redeposited. Their preservation was favoured by the increase of the SiO2 content in the pore water caused by the silicic volcanic glass. The cores were biostraftsraphically subdivided with the aid of planktonic foraminifera and partly alsococcoliths. In most cases, the biostratigraphically determined cold- and warm sections could be correlated from core to core. Almost all cores do not penetrate the Late Pleistocene. All Tertiary fossils are reworked. In general, the warm/cold boundary W2/C2 corresponds with the lithostratigraphic A/B boundray. Benthonic foraminifera indicate the original site deposition of the displaced material (summit plateau or flanks of the seamount). The asymmetric distribution of the sediments around the seamount east and west of the NE-directed antarctic bottom current (AABW) is explained by the distortion of the streamlines by the Coriolis force; by this process the current velocity is increased west of the seamount and decreased east of it. The different proportion of displaced material within the "A" and "B" interval is explained by changes of the intensity of the oceanic circulation. At the time of "B" the flow of the AABW around the seamount was stronger than during "A"; this can be inferred from the presence of characteristic benthonic foraminifera. The increased oceanic circulation implies an enhanced differentiation of the current velocities, and by that, also of the sedimentation rates, and intensifies the winnowed sediment material was transported downslope by turbid layers into the deep-sea, incorporated into the current system of the AABW, and asymmetrically deposited around the seamount.


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Chemical compositions and 1-atm. phase relations were determined for basalts drilled from Holes 501, 504A, 504B, 505, and 505B on Legs 68, 69, and 70 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Chemical, experimental, and petrographic data indicate that these basalts are moderately evolved (Mg' values from 0.60 to 0.70), with olivine plus Plagioclase and often clinopyroxene on the liquidus. Chemical stratigraphy was used to infer that sequential influxes of magma into a differentiating magma chamber or separate flows from different magma chambers or both had occurred. Two major types of basalt were found to be inter layered: Group M, a rarely occurring type with major element chemistry and magmaphile element abundances within the range of the majority of ocean-floor basalts (TiO2 = 1.3%, Na2O 2.5%, Zr = 103 ppm, Nb = 2.5 ppm, and Y = 31 ppm); and Group D, a highly unusual series of basalt compositions that exhibit much lower magmaphile element abundances (TiO2 = 0.75-1.2%, Na2O = 1.7-2.3%, Zr = 34-60 ppm, Nb = 0.5-1.2 ppm, and Y = 16-27 ppm). The liquidus temperatures of the Group D basalts are high (1230- 1260°C) compared with those of other ocean-floor basalts of similar Mg' values. They have high CaO/Na2O ratios (5-8) and are calculated to be in equilibrium with unusually calcic Plagioclase (An78-84). The two basalt groups cannot be related by fractionation processes. However, constant Zr/Nb ratios (>40) for the two groups suggest a single mantle source, with differences in magmaphile element abundances and other element ratios (e.g., Zr/Ti, Zr/Y, Ce/Yb) arising through sequential melting of the same source. Magmas similar to Group D, if mixed with more typical mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) magmas in shallow magma chambers, could provide a source for the highly calcic Plagioclase phenocrysts that appear in more common (i.e., less depleted) phyric ocean-floor basalts.


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Constraining the nature of Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) response to major past climate changes may provide a window onto future ice response and rates of sea level rise. One approach to tracking AIS dynamics, and differentiating whole system versus potentially heterogeneous ice sheet sector changes, is to integrate multiple climate proxies for a specific time slice across widely distributed locations. This study presents new iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) data across the interval that includes Marine Isotope Stage 31 (MIS 31: 1.081-1.062 Ma, a span of ~19 kyr; Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005), which lies on the cusp of the mid-Brunhes climate transition (as glacial cycles shifted from ~41,000 yr to ~100,000 yr duration). Two sites are studied - distal Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 177 Site 1090 (Site 1090) in the eastern subantarctic sector of the South Atlantic Ocean, and proximal ODP Leg 188 Site 1165 (Site 1165), near Prydz Bay, in the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic margin. At each of these sites, MIS 31 is marked by the presence of the Jaramillo Subchron (0.988-1.072 Ma; Lourens et al., 2004) which provides a time-marker to correlate these two sites with relative precision. At both sites, records of multiple climate proxies are available to aid in interpretation. The presence of IRD in sediments from our study areas, which include garnets indicating a likely East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) origin, supports the conclusion that although the EAIS apparently withdrew significantly over MIS 31 in the Prydz Bay region and other sectors, some sectors of the EAIS must still have maintained marine margins capable of launching icebergs even through the warmest intervals. Thus, the EAIS did not respond in complete synchrony even to major climate changes such as MIS 31. Further, the record at Site 1090 (supported by records from other subantarctic locations) indicates that the glacial MIS 32 should be reduced to no more than a stadial, and the warm interval of Antarctic ice retreat that includes MIS 31 should be expanded to MIS 33-31. This revised warm interval lasted about 52 kyr, in line with several other interglacials in the benthic d18O records stack of Lisiecki and Raymo (2005), including the super-interglacials MIS 11 (duration of 50 kyr) and MIS 5 (duration of 59 kyr). The record from Antarctica-proximal Site 1165, when interpreted in accord with the record from ANDRILL-1B, indicates that in these southern high latitude sectors, ice sheet retreat and the effects of warming lasted longer than at Site 1090, perhaps until MIS 27. In the current interpretations of the age models of the proximal sites, ice sheet retreat began relatively slowly, and was not really evident until the start of MIS 31. In another somewhat more speculative interpretation, ice sheet retreat began noticeably with MIS 33, and accelerated during MIS 31. Ice sheet inertia (the lag-times in the large-scale responses of major ice sheets to a forcing) likely plays an important part in the timing and scale of these events in vulnerable sectors of the AIS.