934 resultados para DNA repair doublestrandbreak toxicology histone h2ax chromatin


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Thesis focuses on mutations of POLG1 gene encoding catalytic subunit polγ-α of mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma holoenzyme (polG) and the association of mutations with different clinical phenotypes. In addition, particular defective mutant variants of the protein were characterized biochemically in vitro. PolG-holoenzyme is the sole DNA polymerase found in mitochondria. It is involved in replication and repair of the mitochondrial genome, mtDNA. Holoenzyme also includes the accessory subunit polγ-β, which is required for the enhanced processivity of polγ-α. Defective polγ-α causes accumulation of secondary mutations on mtDNA, which leads to a defective oxidative phosphorylation system. The clinical consequences of such mutations are variable, affecting nervous system, skeletal muscles, liver and other post-mitotic tissues. The aims of the studies included: 1) Determination of the role of POLG1 mutations in neurological syndromes with features of mitochondrial dysfunction and an unknown molecular cause. 2) Development and set up of diagnostic tests for routine clinical purposes. 3) Biochemical characterization of the functional consequences of the identified polγ-α variants. Studies describe new neurological phenotypes in addition to PEO caused by POLG1 mutations, including parkinsonism, premature amenorrhea, ataxia and Parkinson s disease (PD). POLG1 mutations and polymorphisms are both common and/or potential genetic risk factors at least among the Finnish population. The major findings and applications reported here are: 1) POLG1 mutations cause parkinsonism and premature menopause in PEO families in either a recessive or a dominant manner. 2) A common recessive POLG1 mutations (A467T and W748S) in the homozygous state causes severe adult or juvenile-onset ataxia without muscular symptoms or histological or mtDNA abnormalities in muscles. 3) A common recessive pathogenic change A467T can also cause a mild dominant disease in heterozygote carriers. 4) The A467T variant shows reduced polymerase activity due to defective template binding. 5) Rare polyglutamine tract length variants of POLG1 are significantly enriched in Finnish idiopathic Parkinson s disease patients. 6) Dominant mutations are clearly restricted to the highly conserved polymerase domain motifs, whereas recessive ones are more evenly distributed along the protein. The present results highlight and confirm the new role of mitochondria in parkinsonism/Parkinson s disease and describe a new mitochondrial ataxia. Based on these results, a POLG1 diagnostic routine has been set up in Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUSLAB).


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DNA intercalators are one of the most commonly used chemotherapeutic agents. Novel intercalating compounds of pyrimido[4',5':4,5]selenolo(2,3-b)quinoline series having a butylamino or piperazino group at fourth position (BPSQ and PPSQ, respectively) are studied. Our results showed that BPSQ induced cytotoxicity whereas PPSQ was cytostatic. The cytotoxicity induced by BPSQ was concentration- and time-dependent. Cell cycle analysis and tritiated thymidine assay revealed that BPSQ affects the cell cycle progression by arresting at S phase. The absence of p-histone H3 and reduction in the levels of PCNA in the cells treated with BPSQ further confirmed the cell cycle arrest. Further, annexin V staining, DNA fragmentation, nuclear condensation and changes in the expression levels of BCL2/BAD confirmed the activation of apoptosis. Activation of caspase 8 and lack of cleavage of caspase 9, caspase 3 and PARP suggest the possibility of BPSQ triggering extrinsic pathway for induction of apoptosis, which is discussed. Hence, we have identified a novel compound which would have clinical relevance in cancer chemotherapeutics.


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Topoisomerase II (topo II) is a dyadic enzyme found in all eukaryotic cells. Topo II is involved in a number of cellular processes related to DNA metabolism, including DNA replication, recombination and the maintenance of genomic stability. We discovered a correlation between the development of postnatal testis and increased binding of topo IIalpha to the chromatin fraction. We used this observation to characterize DNA-binding specificity and catalytic properties of purified testis topo IIalpha. The results indicate that topo IIalpha binds a substrate containing the preferred site with greater affinity and, consequently, catalyzes the conversion of form I to form IV DNA more efficiently in contrast to substrates lacking such a site. Interestingly, topo IIalpha displayed high-affinity and cooperativity in binding to the scaffold associated region. In contrast to the preferred site, however, high-affinity binding of topo IIalpha to the scaffold-associated region failed to result in enhanced catalytic activity. Intriguingly, competition assays involving scaffold-associated region revealed an additional DNA-binding site within the dyadic topo IIalpha. These results implicate a dual role for topo IIalpha in vivo consistent with the notion that its sequestration to the chromatin might play a role in chromosome condensation and decondensation during spermatogenesis.


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Uracil DNA glycosylase (Ung)initiates the uracil excision repair pathway. We have earlier characterized the Y66W and Y66H mutants of Ung and shown that they are compromised by similar to 7- and similar to 170-fold, respectively in their uracil excision activities. In this study, fluorescence anisotropy measurements show that compared with the wild-type, the Y66W protein is moderately compromised and attenuated in binding to AP-DNA. Allelic exchange of ung in Escherichia coli with ung::kan, ungY66H:amp or ungY66W:amp alleles showed similar to 5-, similar to 3.0- and similar to 2.0-fold, respectively increase in mutation frequencies. Analysis of mutations in the rifampicin resistance determining region of rpoB revealed that the Y66W allele resulted in an increase in A to G (or T to C) mutations. However, the increase in A to G mutations was mitigated upon expression of wild-type Ung from a plasmid borne gene. Biochemical and computational analyses showed that the Y66W mutant maintains strict specificity for uracil excision from DNA. Interestingly, a strain deficient in AP-endonucleases also showed an increase in A to G mutations. We discuss these findings in the context of a proposal that the residency of DNA glycosylase(s) onto the AP-sites they generate shields them until recruitment of AP-endonucleases for further repair.


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DNA helicases are present in all kingdoms of life and play crucial roles in processes of DNA metabolism such as replication, repair, recombination, and transcription. To date, however, the role of DNA helicases during homologous recombination in mycobacteria remains unknown. In this study, we show that Mycobacterium tuberculosis UvrD1 more efficiently inhibited the strand exchange promoted by its cognate RecA, compared to noncognate Mycobacterium smegmatis or Escherichia coli RecA proteins. The M. tuberculosis UvrD1(Q276R) mutant lacking the helicase and ATPase activities was able to block strand exchange promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins but not of E. coil RecA. We observed that M. tuberculosis UvrA by itself has no discernible effect on strand exchange promoted by E. coli RecA but impedes the reaction catalyzed by the mycobacterial RecA proteins. Our data also show that M. tuberculosis UvrA and UvrD1 can act together to inhibit strand exchange promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins. Taken together, these findings raise the possibility that UvrD1 and UvrA might act together in vivo to counter the deleterious effects of RecA nucleoprotein filaments and/or facilitate the dissolution of recombination intermediates. Finally, we provide direct experimental evidence for a physical interaction between M. tuberculosis UvrD1 and RecA on one hand and RecA and UvrA on the other hand. These observations are consistent with a molecular mechanism, whereby M. tuberculosis UvrA and UvrD1, acting together, block DNA strand exchange promoted by cognate and noncognate RecA proteins.


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A number of studies have shown that the structure and composition of bacterial nucleoid influences many a processes related to DNA metabolism. The nucleoid-associated proteins modulate not only the DNA conformation but also regulate the DNA metabolic processes such as replication, recombination, repair and transcription. Understanding of how these processes occur in the context of Mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleoid is of considerable medical importance because the nucleoid structure may be constantly remodeled in response to environmental signals and/or growth conditions. Many studies have concluded that Escherichia coli H-NS binds to DNA in a sequence-independent manner, with a preference for A-/T-rich tracts in curved DNA; however, recent studies have identified the existence of medium- and low-affinity binding sites in the vicinity of the curved DNA. Here, we show that the M. tuberculosis H-NS protein binds in a more structure-specific manner to DNA replication and repair intermediates, but displays lower affinity for double-stranded DNA with relatively higher GC content. Notably, M. tuberculosis H-NS was able to bind Holliday junction (HJ), the central recombination intermediate, with substantially higher affinity and inhibited the three-strand exchange promoted by its cognate RecA. Likewise, E. coli H-NS was able to bind the HJ and suppress DNA strand exchange promoted by E. coli RecA, although much less efficiently compared to M. tuberculosis H-NS. Our results provide new insights into a previously unrecognized function of H-NS protein, with implications for blocking the genome integration of horizontally transferred genes by homologous and/or homeologous recombination.


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Motivation: Chromatin-remodeling is an important event in the eukaryotic nucleus rendering nucleosomal DNA accessible for various transaction processes. Remodeling Factors facilitate the dynamic nature of chromatin through participation of the collective action of (i) ATP and (ii) Non-ATP dependent factors. Considering the importance of these factors in eukaryotes, we have developed, CREMOFAC, a dedicated and frequently updated web-database for chromatin-remodeling factors.Results: The database harbors factors from 49 different organisms reported in literature and facilitates a comprehensive search for them. In addition, it also provides in-depth information for the factors reported in the three widely studied mammals namely, human, mouse and rat. Further, information on literature, pathways and phylogenetic relationships has also been covered. The development of CREMOFAC as a central repository for chromatin-remodeling factors and the absence of such a pre-existing database heighten its utility thus making its presence indispensable.


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DNA helicases are present in all kingdoms of life and play crucial roles in processes of DNA metabolism such as replication, repair, recombination, and transcription. To date, however, the role of DNA helicases during homologous recombination in mycobacteria remains unknown. In this study, we show that Mycobacterium tuberculosis UvrD1 more efficiently inhibited the strand exchange promoted by its cognate RecA, compared to noncognate Mycobacterium smegmatis or Escherichia coli RecA proteins. The M. tuberculosis UvrD1(Q276R) mutant lacking the helicase and ATPase activities was able to block strand exchange promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins but not of E. coil RecA. We observed that M. tuberculosis UvrA by itself has no discernible effect on strand exchange promoted by E. coli RecA but impedes the reaction catalyzed by the mycobacterial RecA proteins. Our data also show that M. tuberculosis UvrA and UvrD1 can act together to inhibit strand exchange promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins. Taken together, these findings raise the possibility that UvrD1 and UvrA might act together in vivo to counter the deleterious effects of RecA nucleoprotein filaments and/or facilitate the dissolution of recombination intermediates. Finally, we provide direct experimental evidence for a physical interaction between M. tuberculosis UvrD1 and RecA on one hand and RecA and UvrA on the other hand. These observations are consistent with a molecular mechanism, whereby M. tuberculosis UvrA and UvrD1, acting together, block DNA strand exchange promoted by cognate and noncognate RecA proteins.


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Our finding that the inhibitors of DNA methylation, 5-azacytidine, 5-azadeoxycytidine or adenosine dialdehyde, given after a carcinogen all potentiated initiation suggested that hypomethylation of DNA during repair synthesis of DNA might play a role in the initiation of the carcinogenic process. To examine this aspect further, we have asked the question, do the nodules which develop from initiated cells after promotion with 1% orotic acid exhibit an altered methylation pattern in their DNA? The methylation status of the DNA from nodules has been examined using the restriction endonucleases HpaII/MspI and HhaI which distinguish between methylated and unmethylated cytosines in their nucleotide recognition DNA 5'-CCGG and 5'-GCGC respectively. The proto-oncogenes, c-myc, c-fos and c-Ha-ras, in the DNA were primarily studied in this investigation because of their possible involvement in cell proliferation and/or in cell transformation and tumorigenesis. The results indicate that in the nodule DNA, c-myc and c-fos are hypomethylated in the sequence of CCGG while the c-Ha-ras shows hypomethylation in the alternating GCGC sequence. This methylation pattern seen in the nodule DNA is not found in the DNA of the non-nodular surrounding liver or liver tissue after exposure to promoter or carcinogen alone. It is also not found in the DNA of regenerating liver. It is particularly significant that the methylation patterns in the c-myc and c-Ha-ras regions are similar to those found in several cancer tissues. The results suggest that this methylation pattern is acquired early in the carcinogenic process and raises the question whether it has any bearing on the process.


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Uracil N-glycosylase (Ung) is the most thoroughly studied of the group of uracil DNA-glycosylase (UDG) enzymes that catalyse the first step in the uracil excision-repair pathway. The overall structure of the enzyme from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is essentially the same as that of the enzyme from other sources. However, differences exist in the N- and C-terminal stretches and some catalytic loops. Comparison with appropriate structures indicate that the two-domain enzyme closes slightly when binding to DNA, while it opens slightly when binding to the proteinaceous inhibitor Ugi. The structural changes in the catalytic loops on complexation reflect the special features of their structure in the mycobacterial protein. A comparative analysis of available sequences of the enzyme from different sources indicates high conservation of amino-acid residues in the catalytic loops. The uracil-binding pocket in the structure is occupied by a citrate ion. The interactions of the citrate ion with the protein mimic those of uracil, in addition to providing insights into other possible interactions that inhibitors could be involved in.


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Background: HU a small, basic, histone like protein is a major component of the bacterial nucleoid. E. coli has two subunits of HU coded by hupA and hupB genes whereas Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has only one subunit of HU coded by ORF Rv2986c (hupB gene). One noticeable feature regarding Mtb HupB, based on sequence alignment of HU orthologs from different bacteria, was that HupB(Mtb) bears at its C-terminal end, a highly basic extension and this prompted an examination of its role in Mtb HupB function. Methodology/Principal Findings: With this objective two clones of Mtb HupB were generated; one expressing full length HupB protein (HupB(Mtb)) and another which expresses only the N terminal region (first 95 amino acid) of hupB (HupB(MtbN)). Gel retardation assays revealed that HupBMtbN is almost like E. coli HU (heat stable nucleoid protein) in terms of its DNA binding, with a binding constant (K-d) for linear dsDNA greater than 1000 nM, a value comparable to that obtained for the HU alpha alpha and HU alpha beta forms. However CTR (C-terminal Region) of HupB(Mtb) imparts greater specificity in DNA binding. HupB(Mtb) protein binds more strongly to supercoiled plasmid DNA than to linear DNA, also this binding is very stable as it provides DNase I protection even up to 5 minutes. Similar results were obtained when the abilities of both proteins to mediate protection against DNA strand cleavage by hydroxyl radicals generated by the Fenton's reaction, were compared. It was also observed that both the proteins have DNA binding preference for A: T rich DNA which may occur at the regulatory regions of ORFs and the oriC region of Mtb. Conclusions/Significance: These data thus point that HupB(Mtb) may participate in chromosome organization in-vivo, it may also play a passive, possibly an architectural role.


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Cancer cells are often associated with secondary chromosomal rearrangements, such as deletions, inversions, and translocations, which could be the consequence of unrepaired/misrepaired DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Nonhomologous DNA end joining is one of the most common pathways to repair DSBs in higher eukaryotes. By using oligomeric DNA substrates mimicking various endogenous DSBs in a cell-free system, we studied end joining (EJ) in different cancer cell lines. We found that the efficiency of EJ varies among cancer cells; however, there was no remarkable difference in the mechanism and expression of EJ proteins. Interestingly, cancer cells with lower levels of EJ possessed elevated expression of BCL2 and vice versa. Removal of BCL2 by immunoprecipitation or protein fractionation led to elevated EJ. More importantly, we show that overexpression of BCL2 or the addition of purified BCL2 led to the down-regulation of EJ. Further, we found that BCL2 interacts with KU proteins both in vitro and in vivo. Hence, our results suggest that EJ in cancer cells could be negatively regulated by the anti-apoptotic protein, BCL2, and this may contribute toward increased chromosomal abnormalities in cancer.


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A relatively stable specific complex of the chromatin core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 has been obtained in 2 M NaCl/25 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The histone core complex has an apparent specific volume of 0.73 ml/g. Its sedimentation coefficient was dependent on rotor speed (angular velocity, omega) and attained different stable values at low and high rotor speeds. The drop in sedimentation coefficient occurred sharply between omega 2 values of about 9 x 10(6) and 1.1 x 10(7) (radians/sec)2. The s020,w corresponding to zero angular velocity (1 atmosphere pressure) was 6.6 S +/- (SEM) 0.1 S. At high rotor speeds the value decreased to 3.8 S +/- 0.1 S. The core complex has a diffusion coefficient, D20,w, of 5.4 x 10(-7) cm2/sec and a molecular weight of 108,000 +/- (SD) 2500.


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The silk gland of Bombyx mori is a terminally differentiated tissue in which DNA replication continues without cell or nuclear division during larval development. DNA polymerase-delta activity increases in the posterior and middle silk glands during the development period, reaching maximal levels in the middle of the fifth instar larvae. The enzyme has been purified to homogeneity by a series of column chromatographic and affinity purification steps. It is a multimer comprising of three heterogeneous subunits, M(r) 170,000, 70,000, and 42,000. An auxiliary protein from B. mori silk glands, analogous to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen, enhances the processivity of the enzyme and stimulates catalytic activity by 3-fold. This auxiliary protein has also been purified to homogeneity. It is a dimer comprised of a single type M(r) 40,000 subunit. Polymerase-delta possesses an intrinsic 3' --> 5' exonuclease activity which participates in proofreading by mismatch match repair during DNA synthesis and is devoid of any primase activity. DNA polymerase-delta activity could be further distinguished from polymerase-alpha from the same tissue based on its sensitivity to various inhibitors and polyclonal antibodies to the individual enzymes. Like DNA polymerase-alpha, polymerase-delta is also tightly associated with the nuclear matrix. The polymerase alpha-primase complex could be readily separated from polymerase-delta (exonuclease) in the purification protocol adopted. DNA polymerase-delta from B. mori silk glands resembles the mammalian delta-polymerases. Considering that both DNA polymerase-delta and -alpha are present in nearly equal amounts in this highly replicative tissue and their close association with the nuclear matrix, the involvement of both the enzymes in the chromosomal endoreplication process in B. mori is strongly implicated.


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Failure to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can lead to cell death or cancer. Although nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) has been studied extensively in mammals, little is known about it in primary tissues. Using oligomeric DNA mimicking endogenous DSBs, NHEJ in cell-free extracts of rat tissues were studied. Results show that efficiency of NHEJ is highest in lungs compared to other somatic tissues. DSBs with compatible and blunt ends joined without modifications, while noncompatible ends joined with minimal alterations in lungs and testes. Thymus exhibited elevated joining, followed by brain and spleen, which could be correlated with NHEJ gene expression. However, NHEJ efficiency was poor in terminally differentiated organs like heart, kidney and liver. Strikingly, NHEJ junctions from these tissues also showed extensive deletions and insertions. Hence, for the first time, we show that despite mode of joining being generally comparable, efficiency of NHEJ varies among primary tissues of mammals.