938 resultados para Criminology and Criminal Justice


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Despite the intoxication of many eyewitnesses at crime scenes, only four published studies to date have investigated the effects of alcohol intoxication on eyewitness identification performance. While one found intoxication significantly increased false identification rates from target absent showups, three found no such effect using the more traditional lineup procedure. The present study sought to further explore the effects of alcohol intoxication on identification performance and examine whether accurate decisions from intoxicated witnesses could be postdicted by confidence and response times. One hundred and twenty participants engaged in a study examining the effects of intoxication (control, placebo, and mild intoxication) and target presence on identification performance. Participants viewed a simultaneous lineup one week after watching a mock crime video of a man attempting to steal cars. Ethanol intoxication (0.6 ml/kg) was found to make no significant difference to identification accuracy and such identifications from intoxicated individuals were made no less confidently or slowly than those from sober witnesses. These results are discussed with respect to the previous research examining intoxicated witness identification accuracy and the misconceptions the criminal justice system holds about the accuracy of such witnesses.


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Background: Mood and anxiety disorders, and problems with self harm are significant and serious issues that are common in young people in the Criminal Justice System. Aims: To examine whether interventions relevant to young offenders with mood or anxiety disorders, or problems with self harm are effective. Method: Systematic review and meta-analysis of data from randomised controlled trials relevant to young offenders experiencing these problems. Results: An exhaustive search of the worldwide literature (published and unpublished)yielded 10 studies suitable for inclusion in this review. Meta-analysis of data from three studies (with a total population of 171 individuals) revealed that group-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) may help to reduce symptoms of depression in young offenders. Conclusions: These preliminary findings suggest that group-based CBT may be useful for young offenders with such mental health problems, but larger high quality RCTs are now needed to bolster the evidence-base.


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Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may experience difficulties coping at all levels of involvement in the criminal justice system. Questions remain, however, regarding the presence and type of difficulties faced by individuals with ASD in the context of incarceration within prison settings. Despite the potential impact for community safety and concerns regarding justice, these issues have received very little academic attention. The research that does exist is generally limited by poor methodology and small sample sizes. The current paper provides a brief review and discussion of the limited extant literature regarding the experiences of prisoners with ASD with the view to summarising areas of difficulties potentially faced by such individuals. It is hoped that this brief review may highlight the need for academic attention in order to inform practice and policy regarding the criminal justice response to this potentially vulnerable population.


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Mental health courts represent a key component of contemporary responses to mental illness and disability in the criminal justice system, and yet there is uncertainty about how these courts should balance their punishment and treatment roles. This paper reports an analysis of interviews with court professionals which considers their understanding of the rationale underpinning an Australian mental health court, its effectiveness in achieving its criminal justice and clinical goals, and of broader notions of therapeutic jurisprudence. This reveals considerable support for diversionary mental health court programs of this type and professional confidence that this type of program is effective. However, the analysis also highlights conflict in the practice frameworks of the different professional groups who regularly contribute to the operations of the court. Suggestions to enhance service delivery are offered.


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Judicial decisions about whether or not to publicly name child homicide offenders have long ani- mated debate in the United Kingdom and internationally. This article draws on case law and in- depth interviews conducted with members of the English criminal justice system to critically analyse the viability of current domestic legislation in the context of the UK’s international human rights obligations. The article identifies ambiguities surrounding the definition of ‘public interest’ in law; the merits of equating the naming of child offenders with open justice, accountability and transpar- ency; and the increasing sabotage of the principle of rehabilitation. By identifying the complexities of this contentious area of judicial discretion, this article highlights the need for a rights-based approach to decisions about publicly naming children in conflict with the law.


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In 2010, two Australians, convicted in childhood of rape and murder, lodged a joint submission with the United Nations Human Rights Committee, claiming that successive changes to sentencing legislation in New South Wales breached their human rights by denying them any meaningful prospect of release. In this article, we examine the political, legislative and procedural moves that have resulted in Australian children being sentenced to life without parole or release. We argue that successive legislative changes in various Australian jurisdictions have resulted in a framework for sentencing decisions that is considerably out of step with international legal standards for criminal justice. These increasingly punitive legislative changes exacerbate Australia’s already declining record of cooperation with UN processes, and reveal Australia’s reluctance to respect the legitimacy and authority of international law. Against this troubling context, the views of the Human Rights Committee serve as a much-needed reminder about the importance of a principled approach to child sentencing that forecloses neither the goal of rehabilitation nor the prospect of release and reintegration.


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The performativity policy mindset driving national and international testing highlights issues of equity in access and success according to socio-economic status, geographic location, ethnicity, gender and combinations of these factors. Researchers seek explanations for these inequities in terms encompassing engagement, participation and achievement to identify socially just and ethical practices at system, school and classroom level. The emergence of a theoretical perspective involving redistribution, recognition and participation (Fraser, 2013) is evident in a range of studies concerning leadership, professional learning, pre-service teacher education, and pedagogies that focus on equity and social justice in mathematics education. The challenge of ethical and socially just practices at all levels and social groups is in providing access to deep learning in mathematics and success in “knowledge making” (Jorgensen, 2014).


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between employee perceived well-being and the four dimensions of organisational justice, namely, procedural, distributive, interpersonal and informational justice, and how dimensions of organisational justice affect employee well-being in the Australian tourism industry. Design/methodology/approach: The sample is selected from employees who work in the tourism industry in Australia, and the survey was conducted online (n=121). Factor analysis is used to identify key items related to perceived organisational justice, followed by multiple regression analysis to assess the magnitude and strength of impacts of different dimensions of organisational justice on employee well-being. Findings: The results support the established view that organisational justice is associated with employee well-being. Specifically, informational justice has the strongest influence on tourism employee well-being, followed by procedural justice, interpersonal justice and distributive justice. Research limitations/implications: The authors acknowledge key limitations in the study such as a relatively small sample size and gender imbalance in the sample. Practical implications: The authors provide strategies for managers to increase levels of organisational justice in the tourism sector such as workgroup interactions, a consultation process, team culture and social support. Originality/value: This study builds on limited literature in the area of inclusion and organisational justice in tourism organisations. The study provides a new path to effective organisational management within the context of a diverse workforce, adding to the current debate on which dimensions of organisational justice contribute to improving employee well-being.


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This article uses the example of Victoria’s alcohol-related banning notice provisions to explore the changing conception of balance within criminal justice processes. Despite the formalisation of individual rights within measures such as Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006, the discretionary power of the police to issue on-the-spot punishments in response to actual or potential criminal behaviour has increased steadily. A key driver, evident across the parliamentary debates of the banning legislation, is a presumed need to protect the broader community of potential victims. As a result, the individual rights of those accused (but not necessarily convicted) of undesirable behaviours are increasingly subordinated to the pre-emptive protection of the law-abiding majority. This shift embodies a largely unsubstantiated notion of collective pre-victimisation. Significantly, despite the expectations of Victoria’s Charter, measures such as banning notices have been enacted with insufficient evidence of the underlying collective risk, of their likely effectiveness and without meaningful ongoing scrutiny. The motto of Victoria Police – Uphold the Right –appears to belie a growing uncertainty over whose rights should be upheld and how.


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Les médias n’offrent pas une réflexion objective des évènements et de la société. Ils emploient plutôt des cadres afin de construire la nouvelle. Les journaux suivent un style de contenu axé sur le marché, ce qui résulte entre autres en la construction d’une « histoire » pouvant mieux rejoindre leurs lectorats. Bien que des études sur la représentation des crimes et criminels dans les médias soient nombreuses, celles portant sur la représentation du système judiciaire sont plutôt rares. Ce mémoire cherche à comprendre comment les médias ont présenté le système judiciaire lors des procédures intentées contre Guy Turcotte, un procès durant lequel le système judiciaire a été fortement discuté et critiqué. Cette affaire judiciaire a été reprise par plusieurs politiciens pour proposer des réformes populistes misant sur des modifications de notre système de justice ou visant une plus grande sévérité face à ce type de crime. Le présent mémoire cherche à vérifier si les médias ont contribué à ce populisme pénal en utilisant des stratégies populistes lors de la présentation de l’affaire judiciaire. De manière plus précise, le mémoire décrit comment les aspects judiciaires et légaux sont représentés dans les médias, et ce, grâce à des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives effectuées sur 239 articles publiés entre 2009 et 2012 dans le Journal de Montréal (JM) et La Presse (LP). Ces journaux sont reconnus pour avoir des lignes éditoriales différentes et un lectorat distinct. Le mémoire analyse le contenu des articles de journaux et cherche à différencier les stratégies de présentation utilisées par les médias selon la période judiciaire (avant, pendant ou après procès) et le type de journal. Le contenu des articles est analysé à travers le prisme des théories sur les stratégies de populisme pénal retrouvées dans les discours politiques. Ces analyses mettent en lumière la présence de stratégies telles que l’emploi d’émotion, les simplifications excessives, le discrédit des experts et la polarisation, lesquelles sont davantage mises de l’avant dans le Journal de Montréal et en l’absence de nouvelles informations (durant la période après le procès). Les analyses révèlent également que les médias ont parfois recours à des stratégies que l’on qualifie d’anti-populistes, comme ce fut le cas pour La Presse, qui a proposé une couverture médiatique de cette affaire qui rompt avec plusieurs des stratégies associées au populisme pénal.


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Les médias n’offrent pas une réflexion objective des évènements et de la société. Ils emploient plutôt des cadres afin de construire la nouvelle. Les journaux suivent un style de contenu axé sur le marché, ce qui résulte entre autres en la construction d’une « histoire » pouvant mieux rejoindre leurs lectorats. Bien que des études sur la représentation des crimes et criminels dans les médias soient nombreuses, celles portant sur la représentation du système judiciaire sont plutôt rares. Ce mémoire cherche à comprendre comment les médias ont présenté le système judiciaire lors des procédures intentées contre Guy Turcotte, un procès durant lequel le système judiciaire a été fortement discuté et critiqué. Cette affaire judiciaire a été reprise par plusieurs politiciens pour proposer des réformes populistes misant sur des modifications de notre système de justice ou visant une plus grande sévérité face à ce type de crime. Le présent mémoire cherche à vérifier si les médias ont contribué à ce populisme pénal en utilisant des stratégies populistes lors de la présentation de l’affaire judiciaire. De manière plus précise, le mémoire décrit comment les aspects judiciaires et légaux sont représentés dans les médias, et ce, grâce à des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives effectuées sur 239 articles publiés entre 2009 et 2012 dans le Journal de Montréal (JM) et La Presse (LP). Ces journaux sont reconnus pour avoir des lignes éditoriales différentes et un lectorat distinct. Le mémoire analyse le contenu des articles de journaux et cherche à différencier les stratégies de présentation utilisées par les médias selon la période judiciaire (avant, pendant ou après procès) et le type de journal. Le contenu des articles est analysé à travers le prisme des théories sur les stratégies de populisme pénal retrouvées dans les discours politiques. Ces analyses mettent en lumière la présence de stratégies telles que l’emploi d’émotion, les simplifications excessives, le discrédit des experts et la polarisation, lesquelles sont davantage mises de l’avant dans le Journal de Montréal et en l’absence de nouvelles informations (durant la période après le procès). Les analyses révèlent également que les médias ont parfois recours à des stratégies que l’on qualifie d’anti-populistes, comme ce fut le cas pour La Presse, qui a proposé une couverture médiatique de cette affaire qui rompt avec plusieurs des stratégies associées au populisme pénal.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Criminologia


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This article explores issues associated with schooling and political justice. Such issues are understood in light of the contention surrounding howWestern schooling contexts might best represent marginalised groups—in ways that accord them a political voice. The significance of group identity politics is explored drawing on international debates associated with ethnically segregated schooling. A postcolonial theorising of group identity highlights the ways in which segregated schooling can both support and undermine politically just representation for marginalised students. This theorising draws attention to the problematic notion of voice in linking representation to identity in reductionist ways. The arguments presented point to the significance of people and their politics, rather than their membership to a particular identity group, in pursuing equity for marginalised groups. The article argues the imperative of understanding group identity as an aspect of negotiated social practice that can be drawn on in strategic and critical ways to address matters of political injustice.


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Issues of social justice and equity in the field of educational leadership have become more salient in recent years. The unprecedented diversity, uncertainty and rapid social change of the contemporary global era are generating new and unfamiliar equity questions and challenges for schools and their leaders. In order to understand the moral and ethical complexity of work undertaken in the name of social justice and equity in diverse contexts, this book uses a range of different theoretical tools from the work of Michel Foucault. Rather than a prescriptive, best practice approach to leadership and social justice, this book draws on Foucault’s four-fold ethical framework, and specifically, the notions of advocacy, truth-telling and counter-conduct to critically examine the leadership work undertaken in case studies in schools in Australia and England.


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The attrition of child sexual abuse cases from the criminal justice process was explored. Recommendations to prevent attrition included: more effective communication between stakeholders; enabling connections between children and adults to facilitate disclosures; introduction of peer support programs to prevent withdrawal; and educating children about sexual victimisation to reduce withdrawal.