914 resultados para Conversores digitais-analogicos


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O método de combinação de Nelson-Oppen permite que vários procedimentos de decisão, cada um projetado para uma teoria específica, possam ser combinados para inferir sobre teorias mais abrangentes, através do princípio de propagação de igualdades. Provadores de teorema baseados neste modelo são beneficiados por sua característica modular e podem evoluir mais facilmente, incrementalmente. Difference logic é uma subteoria da aritmética linear. Ela é formada por constraints do tipo x − y ≤ c, onde x e y são variáveis e c é uma constante. Difference logic é muito comum em vários problemas, como circuitos digitais, agendamento, sistemas temporais, etc. e se apresenta predominante em vários outros casos. Difference logic ainda se caracteriza por ser modelada usando teoria dos grafos. Isto permite que vários algoritmos eficientes e conhecidos da teoria de grafos possam ser utilizados. Um procedimento de decisão para difference logic é capaz de induzir sobre milhares de constraints. Um procedimento de decisão para a teoria de difference logic tem como objetivo principal informar se um conjunto de constraints de difference logic é satisfatível (as variáveis podem assumir valores que tornam o conjunto consistente) ou não. Além disso, para funcionar em um modelo de combinação baseado em Nelson-Oppen, o procedimento de decisão precisa ter outras funcionalidades, como geração de igualdade de variáveis, prova de inconsistência, premissas, etc. Este trabalho apresenta um procedimento de decisão para a teoria de difference logic dentro de uma arquitetura baseada no método de combinação de Nelson-Oppen. O trabalho foi realizado integrando-se ao provador haRVey, de onde foi possível observar o seu funcionamento. Detalhes de implementação e testes experimentais são relatados


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A colaboração na pesquisa é uma das tarefas centrais da área acadêmica. Atualmente, muitos pesquisadores estão utilizando meios modernos de troca de arquivos digitais através de ferramentas assíncronas e também com o uso de ferramentas mais sofisticadas, do tipo síncronas. Juntamente com o fato da crescente quantidade de artigos sendo gerados, mais complexos, diversificados e aumentando de forma desorganizada, o que trás ao pesquisador uma tarefa difícil para organizá-los de forma a se extrair o melhor conteúdo destes, isto ocorre porque uma subárea da Engenharia de Software (ES) ainda é bastante mal aproveitada, a Engenharia de Software Experimental (ESE). Utilizando-se de um dos tipos de experimentos que a ESE oferece, as revisões sistemáticas entram como uma solução bastante robusta, na qual o pesquisador pode identificar o conhecimento existente em uma área e planejar devidamente sua pesquisa, evitando a repetição de erros em pesquisas já efetivadas por outros pesquisadores no passado. Contudo, estas duas abordagens, a colaboração virtual de pesquisadores e a utilização de revisões sistemáticas, contem problemas: na primeira, sistemas colaborativos são geralmente difíceis de configurar e usar; na segunda, apesar da robustez da metodologia de revisões sistemáticas, ainda se torna necessário uma rigorosa revisão na literatura para se conseguir um resultado satisfatório. Assim, com o foco de unir estas duas abordagens, este trabalho propõe uma maneira de produzir revisões sistemáticas de forma organizada e com a possibilidade de interação entre usuários, com o desenvolvimento de um sistema interativo, no qual as revisões sistemáticas possam ser geradas por usuários em colaboração com outros e também ser avaliadas seguindo a orientação de um profissional da área, tornando o seu conteúdo mais consistente e de melhor qualidade. O sistema não possui níveis de acesso, ou seja, qualquer pessoa pode se cadastrar e usufruir de seus recursos, seja na área acadêmica ou mesmo na área profissional


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Nowadays due to the security vulnerability of distributed systems, it is needed mechanisms to guarantee the security requirements of distributed objects communications. Middleware Platforms component integration platforms provide security functions that typically offer services for auditing, for guarantee messages protection, authentication, and access control. In order to support these functions, middleware platforms use digital certificates that are provided and managed by external entities. However, most middleware platforms do not define requirements to get, to maintain, to validate and to delegate digital certificates. In addition, most digital certification systems use X.509 certificates that are complex and have a lot of attributes. In order to address these problems, this work proposes a digital certification generic service for middleware platforms. This service provides flexibility via the joint use of public key certificates, to implement the authentication function, and attributes certificates to the authorization function. It also supports delegation. Certificate based access control is transparent for objects. The proposed service defines the digital certificate format, the store and retrieval system, certificate validation and support for delegation. In order to validate the proposed architecture, this work presents the implementation of the digital certification service for the CORBA middleware platform and a case study that illustrates the service functionalities


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The genus Herpsilochmus is composed mainly of cryptic species, among them is Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus, which is currently represented by four subspecies: H. r. rufimarginatus, H. r. frater, H. r. scapularis and H. r. exiguus. Differences in plumage and vocalization suggest that there are more than one species involved in this complex. Thus this and other subspecific taxa need urgent revision, the disjunct distribution of this species also allows us to infer the relationship between birds that occur in this biome and / or different centers of endemism. This study aims to make a taxonomic revision of the taxa included in the complex time Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus based on morphological, morphometric, vocals and geographical distribution of this bird. Besides creating distribution models current potential and make the reconstruction of the distribution bygone using ecological niche modeling, and testing the niche conservatism and divergence between different subspecies. Consultations for examination of the skins of specimens of the museums: Museum of Zoology, University of São Paulo (MZUSP), National Museum of Rio de Janeiro (MN) and Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará (MPEG), and the skins deposited at the collection of Ornithological Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (COUFRN). We studied the following measures length of specimens: exposed culmen, culmen and total culmen nostril, tarsus, wing and tail flattened. The voice analysis was performed with vocalizations banks and / or digital banks people where 17 voice parameters were measured. This information and more available in the literature were used to assemble a bunch of data under the limit distribution of taxa and generate ecological niche models. This analyzes carried out in the program Maxent, having as model selection criterion the AUC, and the models were greater than 0.80 are considered good models. Environmental data for the realization of the modeling were downloaded on the website of Worldclim. The morphometric information, vocals and geographic distribution point for the separation of these taxa to be considering various uni and multivariate analyzes. The potential distribution models performed well (AUC> 0.80), and its distribution associated with environmental characteristics of the Amazon forest and Atlantic forest (forests of south and southeast, northeast and forest). The reconstruction of the distribution indicates a possible contact between the southern part of the Atlantic forest in the northern part of the Amazon. The analysis of niche overlap showed a low overlap between taxa and comparisons between the null model and the generated overlay link probably occurring niche conservatism. The data suggest that the taxa that occur in the Amazon and Atlantic forest represent three distinct species


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Discutem-se as mudanças constatadas no ensino da Histologia, como a tecnologia tem sido empregada nos contextos de aprendizagem, os aspectos pedagógicos inerentes à utilização de recursos, tais como atlas digitais e microscópios virtuais, e apresenta-se pesquisa sobre o desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de ensino-aprendizagem de Histologia, que contou com a participação de alunos e professores em sua construção. Verificou-se que os ambientes virtuais e outros recursos didáticos baseados nas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs) procuram atender à atual tendência de complementar a educação presencial com ferramentas de educação a distância, que podem ser utilizadas facultativamente no estudo extraclasse continuado. Concluiu-se que, embora as novas tecnologias possam contribuir para o ensino de Histologia, os materiais didáticos baseados em TICs devem se adequar às expectativas docentes e discentes e aos aspectos pedagógicos e ergonômicos, e precisam ser adotados pelos professores não como ferramentas isoladas, mas integrados às estratégias de ensino- -aprendizagem


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The aim of this study is to investigate the eco-environmental vulnerability, its changes, and its causes to develop a management system for application of eco-environmental vulnerability and risk assessment in the Apodi-Mossory estuary, Northeast Brazil. This analysis is focused on the interference of the landscape conditions, and its changes, due to the following factors: the oil and natural gas industry, tropical fruits industry, shrimp farms, marine salt industry, occupation of the sensitive areas; demand for land, vegetation degradation, siltation in rivers, severe flooding, sea level rise (SLR), coastal dynamics, low and flat topography, high ecological value and tourism in the region and the rapid growth of urbanization. Conventional and remote sensing data were analyzed using modeling techniques based on ArcGIS, ER-Mapper, ERDAS Imagine and ENVI software. Digital images were initially processed by Principal Component Analysis and transformation of the maximum fraction of noise, and then all bands were normalized to reduce errors caused by bands of different sizes. They were integrated in a Geographic Information System analysis to detect changes, to generate digital elevation models, geomorphic indices and other variables of the study area. A three band color combination of multispectral bands was used to monitor changes of land and vegetation cover from 1986 to 2009. This task also included the analysis of various secondary data, such as field data, socioeconomic data, environmental data and prospects growth. The main objective of this study was to improve our understanding of eco-environmental vulnerability and risk assessment; it´s causes basically show the intensity, its distribution and human-environment effect on the ecosystem, and identify the high and low sensitive areas and area of inundation due to future SLR, and the loss of land due to coastal erosion in the Apodi-Mossoró estuary in order to establish a strategy for sustainable land use. The developed model includes some basic factors such as geology, geomorphology, soils, land use / land cover, vegetation cover, slope, topography and hydrology. The numerical results indicate that 9.86% of total study area was under very high vulnerability, 29.12% high vulnerability, 52.90% moderate vulnerability and 2.23% were in the category of very low vulnerability. The analysis indicates that 216.1 km² and 362.8 km² area flooded on 1m and 10m in sea levels respectively. The sectors most affected were residential, industrial and recreational areas, agricultural land, and ecosystems of high environmental sensitivity. The results showed that changes in eco-environmental vulnerability have a significant impact on the sustainable development of the RN state, since the indicator is a function of sensitivity, exposure and status in relation to a level of damage. The model were presented as a tool to assist in indexing vulnerability in order to optimize actions and assess the implications of decisions makers and policies regarding the management of coastal and estuarine areas. In this context aspects such as population growth, degradation of vegetation, land use / land cover, amount and type of industrialization, SLR and government policies for environmental protection were considered the main factors that affect the eco-environmental changes over the last three decades in the Apodi-Mossoró estuary.


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The aim of this work was to describe the methodological procedures that were mandatory to develop a 3D digital imaging of the external and internal geometry of the analogue outcrops from reservoirs and to build a Virtual Outcrop Model (VOM). The imaging process of the external geometry was acquired by using the Laser Scanner, the Geodesic GPS and the Total Station procedures. On the other hand, the imaging of the internal geometry was evaluated by GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar).The produced VOMs were adapted with much more detailed data with addition of the geological data and the gamma ray and permeability profiles. As a model for the use of the methodological procedures used on this work, the adapted VOM, two outcrops, located at the east part of the Parnaiba Basin, were selected. On the first one, rocks from the aeolian deposit of the Piaui Formation (Neo-carboniferous) and tidal flat deposits from the Pedra de Fogo Formation (Permian), which arises in a large outcrops located between Floriano and Teresina (Piauí), are present. The second area, located at the National Park of Sete Cidades, also at the Piauí, presents rocks from the Cabeças Formation deposited in fluvial-deltaic systems during the Late Devonian. From the data of the adapted VOMs it was possible to identify lines, surfaces and 3D geometry, and therefore, quantify the geometry of interest. Among the found parameterization values, a table containing the thickness and width, obtained in canal and lobes deposits at the outcrop Paredão and Biblioteca were the more relevant ones. In fact, this table can be used as an input for stochastic simulation of reservoirs. An example of the direct use of such table and their predicted radargrams was the identification of the bounding surface at the aeolian sites from the Piauí Formation. In spite of such radargrams supply only bi-dimensional data, the acquired lines followed of a mesh profile were used to add a third dimension to the imaging of the internal geometry. This phenomenon appears to be valid for all studied outcrops. As a conclusion, the tool here presented can became a new methodology in which the advantages of the digital imaging acquired from the Laser Scanner (precision, accuracy and speed of acquisition) were combined with the Total Station procedure (precision) using the classical digital photomosaic technique


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This paper presents models of parameters of Sea Surface Layer (SSL), such as chlorophyll-a, sea surface temperature (SST), Primary Productivity (PP) and Total Suspended Matter (TSM) for the region adjacent to the continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. Concentrations of these parameters measured in situ were compared in time quasi-synchronous with images AQUA-MODIS between the years 2003 to 2011. Determination coefficients between samples in situ and bands reflectance sensor AQUA-MODIS were representative. From that, concentrations of SSL parameters were acquired for the continental shelf of the RN (eastern and northern) analyzing the geographic distribution of variation of these parameters between the years 2009-2012. Geographical and seasonal variations mainly influenced by global climate phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña, were found through the analysis of AQUA-MODIS images by Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Images show qualitatively the variance and availability of TSM in the regions, as well as their relationship with coastal erosion hotspots, monitored along the coast of the RN. In one of the areas identified as being of limited availability of TSM, we developed a methodology for assessment and evaluation of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) of beach surfaces (emerged and submerged sections) from the integration of topographic and bathymetric data measured in situ and accurately georeferenced compatible to studies of geomorphology and coastal dynamics of short duration. The methodology consisted of surveys with GNSS positioning operated in cinematic relative mode involved in topographic and bathymetric executed in relation to the stations of the geodetic network of the study area, which provided geodetic link to the Brazilian Geodetic System (GBS), univocal , fixed, and relatively stable over time. In this study Ponta Negra Beach, Natal / RN, was identified as a region with low variance and availability of MPS in the region off, as characterized by intense human occupation and intense coastal erosion in recent decades, which presents potential of the proposed methodology for accuracy and productivity, and the progress achieved in relation to the classical methods of surveying beach profiles


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In February 2011, the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) has published a new Technical Rules for Handling Land Pipeline Petroleum and Natural Gas Derivatives (RTDT). Among other things, the RTDT made compulsory the use of monitoring systems and leak detection in all onshore pipelines in the country. This document provides a study on the method for detection of transient pressure. The study was conducted on a industrial duct 16" diameter and 9.8 km long. The pipeline is fully pressurized and carries a multiphase mixture of crude oil, water and natural gas. For the study, was built an infrastructure for data acquisition and validation of detection algorithms. The system was designed with SCADA architecture. Piezoresistive sensors were installed at the ends of the duct and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) were used for sampling, storage and processing of data. The study was based on simulations of leaks through valves and search for patterns that characterize the occurrence of such phenomena


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho da análise de imagem digital na estimativa da área acometida pelas úlceras crônicas dos membros inferiores. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo em que foram mensuradas úlceras empregando o método planimétrico clássico, utilizando desenho dos seus contornos em filme plástico transparente, medida sua área posteriormente por folha milimetrada. Esses valores foram utilizados como padrão para a comparação com a estimativa de área pelas fotografias digitais padronizadas das úlceras e dos desenhos das mesmas em filme plástico. Para criar um referencial de conversão dos pixels em milímetros, foi empregado um adesivo com tamanho conhecido, adjacente à úlcera. RESULTADOS: foram avaliadas 42 lesões em 20 pacientes portadores de úlceras crônicas de membros inferiores. As áreas das úlceras variaram de 0,24 a 101,65cm². Observou-se forte correlação entre as medidas planimétricas e as fotos das úlceras (R²=0,86 p<0,01), porém a correlação das medidas planimétricas com as fotos digitais dos desenhos das úlceras foi ainda maior (R²=0,99 p<0,01). CONCLUSÃO: A fotografia digital padronizada revelou-se método rápido, preciso e não-invasivo capaz de estimar a área afetada por úlceras. A avaliação das medidas fotográficas dos contornos das úlceras deve ser preferida em relação à análise de sua fotografia direta.


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Image segmentation is the process of labeling pixels on di erent objects, an important step in many image processing systems. This work proposes a clustering method for the segmentation of color digital images with textural features. This is done by reducing the dimensionality of histograms of color images and using the Skew Divergence to calculate the fuzzy a nity functions. This approach is appropriate for segmenting images that have colorful textural features such as geological, dermoscopic and other natural images, as images containing mountains, grass or forests. Furthermore, experimental results of colored texture clustering using images of aquifers' sedimentary porous rocks are presented and analyzed in terms of precision to verify its e ectiveness.


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The North Paraíba River Estuary, located in the eastern portion of the Paraíba State, Northeast Brazil, on coordinates 34º50 00 -34º57 30 S and 6º55 00 -7º7 30 W, constitutes a fluvio-marine plain formed by the North Paraíba River and its tributaries Sanhauá, Paroeira, Mandacaru, Tiriri, Tambiá, Ribeira and Guia. This estuary comprises an area of about 260 km2. Increasing human demands on the estuary area and inadequate environment managing have generated conflicts. The present work main purpose is to evaluate the geodynamic evolution of the North Paraíba River Estuary in the period from 1969 to 2001, using digital image processing techniques, thematic digital cartography and multitemporal data integration, combined to geological-geophysical field surveys. The SUDENE cartographic database, converted to digital format were, used to obtain occupation and topographic maps from 1969 and to generate a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Digital Landsat 7 ETM+ and Spot HRVIR-PAN satellite images interpretation allowed the environmental characterization of the estuary. The most important digital processing results were achieved color composites RGB 5-4-3, 5-3-1, 5-2-NDWI and band ratio 7/4-5/3-4/2, 5/7-3/1-5/4). In addition the fusion image technique RGBI was used by the inclusion of the Spot HRVRI and Landsat 7 ETM+ panchromatic band on I layer with RGB triplets 5-4-3, 5-3-1 and 5/7-3/1-5/4. The DEM and digital images integration allowed the identification of seven geomorphological units: coastal tableland, flowing tray, tide plain, fluvial terrace, submerged dune, beach plain and beach). Both Side Scan Sonar and Echosound were used to analyse underwater surface and bedforms of the estuarine channel, sand predominance (fine to very fine) and 2D dune features 5 m wide and 0.5 m height. This investigation characterized the estuary as an environment dominated by regimen of average flow. The channel depth varies between 1 m and 11 m, being this last quota reached in the area of Porto de Cabedelo. The chanel estuary is relatively shallow, with erosion evidences mainly on its superior portion, attested by sand banks exposed during the low tide. Multitemporal digital maps from 1969 and 2001 integration were obtained through geoprocessing techniques, resulting the geodynamic evolution of the estuary based on landuse, DEM geomorphology and bathymetric maps


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The area between Galinhos and São Bento do Norte beaches, located in the northern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State is submitted to intense and constant processes of littoral and aeolian transport, causing erosion, alterations in the sediments balance and modifications in the shoreline. Beyond these natural factors, the human interference is huge in the surroundings due to the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole nearby, the greater terrestrial oil producing in Brazil. Before all these characteristics had been organized MAMBMARE and MARPETRO projects with the main objective to execute the geo-environmental monitoring of coastal areas on the northern portion of RN. There is a bulky amount of database from the study area such as geologic and geophysical multitemporal data, hydrodynamic measurements, remote sensing multitemporal images, thematic maps, among others; it is of extreme importance to elaborate a Geographic Database (GD), one of the main components of a Geographic Information System (GIS), to store this amount of information, allowing the access to researchers and users. The first part of this work consisted to elaborate a GD to store the data of the area between Galinhos and São Bento do Norte cities. The main goal was to use the potentiality of the GIS as a tool to support decisions in the environmental monitoring of this region, a valuable target for oil exploration, salt companies and shrimp farms. The collected data was stored as a virtual library to assist men decisions from the results presented as digital thematic maps, tables and reports, useful as source of data in the preventive planning and as guidelines to the future research themes both on regional and local context. The second stage of this work consisted on elaborate the Oil-Spill Environmental Sensitivity Maps. These maps based on the Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps to Oil Spill developed by the Ministry of Environment are cartographic products that supply full information to the decision making, contingency planning and assessment in case of an oil spilling incident in any area. They represent the sensitivity of the areas related to oil spilling, through basic data such as geology, geomorphology, oceanographic, social-economic and biology. Some parameters, as hydrodynamic data, sampling data, coastal type, declivity of the beach face, types of resources in risk (biologic, economic, human or cultural) and the land use of the area are some of the essential information used on the environmental sensitivity maps elaboration. Thus using the available data were possible to develop sensitivity maps of the study area on different dates (June/2000 and December/2000) and to perceive that there was a difference on the sensitivity index generated. The area on December presented more sensible to the oil than the June one because hydrodynamic data (wave and tide energy) allowed a faster natural cleaning on June. The use of the GIS on sensitivity maps showed to be a powerful tool, since it was possible to manipulate geographic data with correctness and to elaborate more accurate maps with a higher level of detail to the study area. This presented an medium index (3 to 4) to the long shore and a high index (10) to the mangrove areas highly vulnerable to oil spill