912 resultados para Cerium -- Oxidation
Reactive oxygen species cause damage to all of the major cellular constituents, including peroxidation of lipids. Previous studies have revealed that oxidative stress, including exposure to oxidation products, affects the progression of cells through the cell division cycle. This study examined the effect of linoleic acid hydroperoxide, a lipid peroxidation product, on the yeast cell cycle. Treatment with this peroxide led to accumulation of unbudded cells in asynchronous populations, together with a budding and replication delay in synchronous ones. This observed modulation of G1 progression could be distinguished from the lethal effects of the treatment and may have been due to a checkpoint mechanism, analogous to that known to be involved in effecting cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage. By examining several mutants sensitive to linoleic acid hydroperoxide, the YNL099c open reading frame was found to be required for the arrest. This gene (designated OCA1) encodes a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase of previously unknown function. Cells lacking OCA1 did not accumulate in G1 on treatment with linoleic acid hydroperoxide, nor did they show a budding, replication, or Start delay in synchronous cultures. Although not essential for adaptation or immediate cellular survival, OCA1 was required for growth in the presence of linoleic acid hydroperoxide, thus indicating that it may function in linking growth, stress responses, and the cell cycle. Identification of OCA1 establishes cell cycle arrest as an actively regulated response to oxidative stress and will enable further elucidation of oxidative stress-responsive signaling pathways in yeast.
Photosynthetic carbon metabolism is initiated by ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), which uses both CO2 and O2 as substrates. One 2-phosphoglycolate (P-glycolate) molecule is produced for each O2 molecule fixed. P-glycolate has been considered to be metabolized exclusively via the oxidative photosynthetic carbon cycle. This paper reports an additional pathway for P-glycolate and glycolate metabolism in the chloroplasts. Light-dependent glycolate or P-glycolate oxidation by osmotically shocked chloroplasts from the algae Dunaliella or spinach leaves was measured by three electron acceptors, methyl viologen (MV), potassium ferricyanide, or dichloroindophenol. Glycolate oxidation was assayed with 3-(3,4)-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) as oxygen uptake in the presence of MV at a rate of 9 mol per mg of chlorophyll per h. Washed thylakoids from spinach leaves oxidized glycolate at a rate of 22 mol per mg of chlorophyll per h. This light-dependent oxidation was inhibited completely by SHAM, an inhibitor of quinone oxidoreductase, and 75% by 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), which inhibits electron transfer from plastoquinone to the cytochrome b6f complex. SHAM stimulated severalfold glycolate excretion by algal cells, Dunaliella or Chlamydomonas, and by isolated Dunaliella chloroplasts. Glycolate and P-glycolate were oxidized about equally well to glyoxylate and phosphate. On the basis of results of inhibitor action, the possible site which accepts electrons from glycolate or P-glycolate is a quinone after the DCMU site but before the DBMIB site. This glycolate oxidation is a light-dependent, SHAM-sensitive, glycolate-quinone oxidoreductase system that is associated with photosynthetic electron transport in the chloroplasts.
The Mn K-edge x-ray absorption spectra for the pure S states of the tetranuclear Mn cluster of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II during flash-induced S-state cycling have been determined. The relative S-state populations in samples given 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 flashes were determined from fitting the flash-induced electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) multiline signal oscillation pattern to the Kok model. The edge spectra of samples given 0, 1, 2, or 3 flashes were combined with EPR information to calculate the pure S-state edge spectra. The edge positions (defined as the zero-crossing of the second derivatives) are 6550.1, 6551.7, 6553.5, and 6553.8 eV for S0, S1, S2, and S3, respectively. In addition to the shift in edge position, the S0--> S1 and S1--> S2 transitions are accompanied by characteristic changes in the shape of the edge, both indicative of Mn oxidation. The edge position shifts very little (0.3 eV) for the S2--> S3 transition, and the edge shape shows only subtle changes. We conclude that probably no direct Mn oxidation is involved in this transition. The proposed Mn oxidation state assignments are as follows: S0 (II, III, IV, IV) or (III, III, III, IV), S1 (III, III, IV, IV), S2 (III, IV, IV, IV), S3 (III, IV, IV, IV).
We have examined the biochemical and histological effects of high concentrations of dopamine (0.05-1.0 micromol) injected into the rat striatum. Twenty-four hours after such injections, the oxidation products of dopamine and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid were detected as both free and protein-bound cysteinyl dopamine and cysteinyl dihydroxyphenylacetic acid. Protein-bound cysteinyl catechols were increased 7- to 20-fold above control tissue levels. By 7 days postinjection, the protein-bound cysteinyl catechols were still detectable, although reduced in concentration, whereas the free forms could no longer be measured. Histological examination of striatum at 7 days revealed a central core of nonspecific damage including neuronal loss and gliosis. This core was surrounded by a region containing a marked reduction in tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity but no apparent loss of serotonin or synaptophysin immunoreactivity. When dopamine was injected with an equimolar concentration of either ascorbic acid or glutathione, the formation of protein-bound cysteinyl catechols was greatly reduced. Moreover, the specific loss of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity associated with dopamine injections was no longer detectable, although the nonspecific changes in cytoarchitecture were still apparent. Thus, following its oxidation, dopamine in high concentrations binds to protein in the striatum, an event that is correlated with the specific loss of dopaminergic terminals. We suggest that the selective degeneration of dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease may be caused by an imbalance between the oxidation of dopamine and the availability of antioxidant defenses.
Peroxisome proliferators cause rapid and coordinated transcriptional activation of genes encoding peroxisomal beta-oxidation system enzymes by activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) isoform(s). Since the thyroid hormone (T3; 3,3',5-triiodothyronine) receptor (TR), another member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily, regulates a subset of fatty acid metabolism genes shared with PPAR, we examined the possibility of interplay between peroxisome proliferator and T3 signaling pathways. T3 inhibited ciprofibrate-induced luciferase activity as well as the endogenous peroxisomal beta-oxidation enzymes in transgenic mice carrying a 3.2-kb 5'-flanking region of the rat peroxisomal enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase gene fused to the coding region of luciferase. Transfection assays in hepatoma H4-II-E-C3 and CV-1 cells indicated that this inhibition is mediated by TR in a ligand-dependent fashion. Gel shift assays revealed that modulation of PPAR action by TR occurs through titration of limiting amounts of retinoid X receptor (RXR) required for PPAR activation. Increasing amounts of RXR partially reversed the inhibition in a reciprocal manner; PPAR also inhibited TR activation. Results with heterodimerization-deficient TR and PPAR mutants further confirmed that interaction between PPAR and TR signaling systems is indirect. These results suggest that a convergence of the peroxisome proliferator and T3 signaling pathways occurs through their common interaction with the heterodimeric partner RXR.
One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer disease is the pathological aggregation of tau protein into paired helical filaments (PHFs) and neurofibrillary tangles. Here we describe the in vitro assembly of recombinant tau protein and constructs derived from it into PHFs. Though whole tau assembled poorly, constructs containing three internal repeats (corresponding to the fetal tau isoform) formed PHFs reproducibly. This ability depended on intermolecular disulfide bridges formed by the single Cys-322. Blocking the SH group, mutating Cys for Ala, or keeping tau in a reducing environment all inhibited assembly. With constructs derived from four-repeat tau (having the additional repeat no. 2 and a second Cys-291), PHF assembly was blocked because Cys-291 and Cys-322 interact within the molecule. PHF assembly was enabled again by mutating Cys-291 for Ala. The synthetic PHFs bound the dye thioflavin S used in Alzheimer disease diagnostics. The data imply that the redox potential in the neuron is crucial for PHF assembly, independently or in addition to pathological phosphorylation reactions.
Increases in plasma cholesterol are associated with progressive increases in the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. In humans plasma cholesterol is contained primarily in apolipoprotein B-based low density lipoprotein (LDL). Cells stop making the high-affinity receptor responsible for LDL removal as they become cholesterol replete; this slows removal of LDL from plasma and elevates plasma LDL. As a result of this delayed uptake, hypercholesterolemic individuals not only have more LDL but have significantly older LDL. Oxidative modification of LDL enhances their atherogenicity. This study sought to determine whether increased time spent in circulation, or aging, by lipoprotein particles altered their susceptibility to oxidative modification. Controlled synchronous production of distinctive apolipoprotein B lipoproteins (yolk-specific very low density lipoproteins; VLDLy) with a single estrogen injection into young turkeys was used to model LDL aging in vivo. VLDLy remained in circulation for at least 10 days. Susceptibility to oxidation in vitro was highly dependent on lipoprotein age in vivo. Oxidation, measured as hexanal release from n-6 fatty acids in VLDLy, increased from 13.3 +/- 5.5 nmol of 2-day-old VLDLy per ml, to 108 +/- 17 nmol of 7-day-old VLDLy per ml. Oxidative instability was not due to tocopherol depletion or conversion to a more unsaturated fatty acid composition. These findings establish mathematically describable linkages between the variables of LDL concentration and LDL oxidation. The proposed mathematical models suggest a unified investigative approach to determine the mechanisms for acceleration of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk as plasma cholesterol rises.
The ubiquitous occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in aquatic environments has raised concerns about potential adverse effects on aquatic ecology and human health. Certain pharmaceuticals have recently become a major focus of research to better understand the routes and persistence of these compounds once they enter into aquatic system. In this research, two model compounds were selected to represent pharmaceuticals that have been identified by recent research as being persistent; specifically, these compounds were trimethoprim (TMP, a basic antibiotic) and gemfibrozil (GEM, an acidic lipid regulator). Treatment of synthetic wastewater that contained these drugs was accomplished using wet-air oxidation (WAO). Pre- and post-treatment drug concentrations were determined by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The influences of different operational conditions on removal efficiency of the drugs by WAO were evaluated, namely reaction time, initial drug concentration, oxygen concentration, and the amount and composition of additional organic matter used during WAO. The optimum removal efficiencies were found to be 91.9 % for TMP and 95.5 % for GEM.
In this article, the past and the state-of-the-art in Three-Way Catalyst (TWC) technology are reviewed. The main chemical reactions occurring in a gasoline engine are discussed and also the main reactions taking place in a TWC placed in the tailpipe, namely CO and hydrocarbons oxidation and nitrogen oxides reduction to molecular nitrogen. The main components of a TWC (substrates, noble metals and cerium oxides) and their role in the different chemical reactions occurring in a TWC are described. Finally, the problem of diesel vehicles gas aftertratment is described, and the current state-of-the art in catalytic converters for these vehicles are commented.
Mixed metal oxide (MMO) electrodes have been applied to different technologies including chlorine production, organic compounds oxidation, water electrolysis, electroplating, etc. due to their catalytic, optical and electronic properties. Most of the existing MMO electrodes contain either toxic metals or precious metals of the platinum group. The aim of this study was to develop environmentally friendly and cost-effective MMO electrodes for water and organic compounds oxidation. Ti/Ta2O5-SnO2 electrodes of different nominal composition were prepared, and electrochemically and physically characterized. For water oxidation, Ti/SnO2 electrode with 5 at.% of Ta produced the highest electroactivity. Ti/SnO2 electrode with 7.5 at.% of Ta showed the best performance for the oxidation of methylene blue (MB). The electrocatalytic activity of the Ti/Ta2O5-SnO2 electrodes increased with the number of active layers. The maximum current of water oxidation reached 3.5 mA at 2.5 V when the electrode was covered with ten layers of Ta2O5. In case of the oxidation of 0.1 mM MB, eight and ten active layers of Ta2O5 significantly increased the electrode activity. The prepared electrodes have been found applicable for both water electrolysis and organic compounds oxidation.
This work studies the use of various single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) buckypapers as catalyst supports for methanol electro-oxidation in acid media. Buckypapers were obtained by vacuum filtration from pristine and oxidized SWCNT suspensions in different liquid media. Pt–Ru catalysts supported on the buckypapers were prepared by multiple potentiostatic pulses using a diluted solution of Pt and Ru salts (2 mM H2PtCl6 + 2 mM RuCl3) in acid media. The resulting materials were characterized via SEM, TEM, EDX and ICP-OES analysis. Well dispersed rounded nanoparticles between 2 and 15 nm were successfully electrodeposited on the SWCNT buckypapers. The ruthenium content in the bimetallic deposits was between 32 and 48 at. %, while the specific surface areas of the catalysts were in the range of 72–113 m2 g−1. It was found that the solvent used to prepare the SWCNT buckypaper films has a strong influence on the catalyst dispersion, particle size and metal loading. Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry experiments point out that the most active electrodes for methanol electro-oxidation were prepared with the buckypaper supports that were obtained from SWCNT dispersions in N-methyl-pyrrolidone.
CuO/ceria-zirconia catalysts have been prepared, deeply characterised (N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms at −196 °C, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, XPS, TEM and H2-TPR) and tested for NO oxidation to NO2 in TPR conditions, and for soot combustion at mild temperature (400 °C) in a NOx/O2 stream. The behaviour has been compared to that of a reference Pt/alumina commercial catalyst. The ceria-zirconia support was prepared by the co-precipitation method, and different amounts of copper (0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 wt%) were loaded by incipient wetness impregnation. The results revealed that copper is well-dispersed onto the ceria-zirconia support for the catalysts with low copper loading and CuO particles were only identified by XRD in samples with 4 and 6% of copper. A very low loading of copper increases significantly the activity for the NO oxidation to NO2 with regard to the ceria-zirconia support and an optimum was found for a 4% CuO/ceria-zirconia composition, showing a very high activity (54% at 348 °C). The soot combustion rate at 400 °C obtained with the 2% CuO/ceria-zirconia catalyst is slightly lower to that of 1% Pt/alumina in terms of mass of catalyst but higher in terms of price of catalyst.
Nanostructured TiO2 photocatalysts with small crystalline sizes have been synthesized by sol-gel using the amphiphilic triblock copolymer Pluronic P123 as template. A new synthesis route, based on the treatment of TiO2 xerogels with acid-ethanol mixtures in two different steps, synthesis and extraction-crystallization, has been investigated, analyzing two acids, hydrochloric and hydriodic acid. As reference, samples have also been prepared by extraction-crystallization in ethanol, being these TiO2 materials amorphous and presenting higher porosities. The prepared materials present different degrees of crystallinity depending on the experimental conditions used. In general, these materials exhibit high surface areas, with an important contribution of microporosity and mesoporosity, and with very small size anatase crystals, ranging from 5 to 7 nm. The activity of the obtained photocatalysts has been assessed in the oxidation of propene in gas phase at low concentration (100 ppmv) under a UVA lamp with 365 nm wavelength. In the conditions studied, these photocatalysts show different activities in the oxidation of propene which do not depend on their surface areas, but on their crystallinity and band gap energies, being sample prepared with HCl both during synthesis and in extraction-crystallizations steps, the most active one, with superior performance than Evonik P25.
A series of modified TS-1 samples have been produced by desilication of the original TS-1 (4 wt.% Ti) using a chemical treatment with NaOH. Desilicated TS-1 zeolites exhibit a large BET surface area together with a well-developed mesoporosity. The hierarchical catalysts from desilication of TS-1 zeolite show a good catalytic activity for the oxidation of small molecules and a significantly higher activity for the oxidation of bulky molecules.
The ceria-catalyzed soot oxidation mechanism has been studied by a pulse technique with labeled O2 in the absence and presence of NO, using ceria–soot mixtures prepared in the loose contact mode. In the absence of soot, the ceria-catalyzed oxidation of NO to NO2 takes place with ceria oxygen and not with gas-phase O2. However, the oxygen exchange process between gas-phase O2 and ceria oxygen (to yield back O2, but with oxygen atoms coming from ceria) prevailed with regard to the ceria-catalyzed oxidation of NO to NO2. Gas-phase O2 did not react directly with soot when pulsed to a soot–ceria loose contact mixture. Instead, ceria oxygen is transferred to soot (this step does not require gas-phase molecular oxygen to be present), and gas-phase O2 fills up the vacancies created on the oxide in a further step. The transfer of oxygen between ceria and soot occurred directly in the absence of NO. However, in the presence of NO, NO2 is expected to be additionally generated by ceria oxygen oxidation, which also reacts with soot. The main reaction products of the ceria-catalyzed soot oxidation reaction with NO/O2 were CO2 and NO. Additionally, evidence of the reduction of NOx to N2 was found.