973 resultados para Catalana literature for adolescents
El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo un dramaturgo contemporáneo piensa de nuevo en la imagen platónica de la caverna para hablar del necesario viaje existencial y de la formación del hombre, lejos de la protección que las cavernas de cualquier tipo, como el hogar, el jardín familiar o la misma familia, pueden representar. Aunque desde una perspectiva en absoluto idealista o metafísica, Platón se convierte una vez más gracias a R. Sirera y a la aplicabilidad de las mismas imágenes platónicas en una referencia clásica tan útil como ineludible, si se tiene en cuenta el origen platónico de todas las cavernas literarias.
The aim of this article is to analyze accurately the role played by two classical references, Venus and Oedipus, in Tennessee Williams's Suddenly Last Summer, in accordance with the usual nature of studies on Classical Tradition -Greek and Roman- and focusing in this case on the relationship between literature and mythology. It is thanks to Venus and Oedipus that the playwright succeeds in showing the magnitude of men¿s and women¿s tragedy, which from his point of view is simply that they have failed to see either kindness in the face of God or to feel his loving and fatherly providence.
Nombrosos són ja els estudis que s'han centrat en l'anomenat "cinema seriós" de Woody Allen i, entre ells, paga la pena de mencionar el que Pau Gilabert Barberà, autor d'aquest article, va escriure (2006) sobre el que, en opinió seva, és el llegat sofístic subjacent en el guió de Crimes and Misdemeanors. En aquesta ocasió, el seu objectiu és analitzar la trajectòria fluctuant del director americà en relació a la tragèdia grega, des de la convicció que, només així, és possible revelar la seva empatia amb l'esperit tràgic dels grecs i comprendre la seva necessitat de presentar aquell gènere literari com un paradigma des del qual entendre les grandeses i misèries del món contemporani.
BACKGROUND: Choristomas are benign, congenital tumours composed of normal tissue in an abnormal location. Osseous choristomas represent the rarest form of epibulbar choristomas, with now 65 cases reported in the literature. We did a retrospective clinicopathological study of all patients with epibulbar osseous choristoma observed at our institution since 1982 and updated the last review of the literature. HISTORY AND SIGNS: Three Caucasian male patients, aged between 3 months and 11 years, were identified. All osseous choristomas were located under the superotemporal bulbar conjunctiva of the right eye. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: All lesions were managed with surgical excision. Histopathology revealed the presence of lamellar bone in all cases, one of which was associated with a dermolipoma. CONCLUSIONS: We report a small rare case series of 3 epibulbar osseous choristomas and did a review of the literature. In one patient, the osteoma was associated with a dermolipoma, corresponding to the fourth reported complex choristoma of this type, in an otherwise normal eye, in the literature.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar com un dramaturg contemporani pensa de bell nou en la imatge platònica de la caverna per parlar del necessari viatge existencial i de formació de l'home, lluny de la protecció que les cavernes de qualsevol tipus, com ara la llar, el jardí familiar o la mateixa família, poden representar. Tot i que des d'una perspectiva en absolut idealista o metafísica, Plató esdevé una vegada més gràcies a R. Sirera i a l'aplicabilitat de les mateixes imatges platòniques una referència clàssica tan útil com ineludible, si es té en compte l'origen platònic de totes les cavernes literàries.
The aim of this article is to show how a contemporary playwright thinks once more of the Platonic image of the cave in order to reflect on the necessary existential journey of men and women as in the case of a Bildungsroman. Sooner or later men and women must abandon the protection that any sort of cavern such as home, the family garden or family itself can offer. In spite of writing from a by no means idealistic or metaphysical point of view, thanks to R. Sirera and to the very applicability of Platonic images, Plato becomes once again a classical reference which is both useful and even unavoidable if one bears in mind the Platonic origin of all the literary caverns.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar com, tot al llarg de la poesia de Miquel Àngel Riera, s'hi detecta una evident sensibilitat antimetafísica que el dur a lloar la pell, la carn i el cos de les persones concretes, tot defugint qualsevulla vivència platònica o idealista de l'amor. La lectura acurada dels seus poemes permet descobrir, en opinió de l¿autor, Plató i el platonisme occidental com un dels grans responsables del menyspreu de l¿amor carnal, causa indubtable de patiment humà pel fet de no voler reconèixer la dimensió somàtica d¿eros.
The aim of this article is to show how, throughout M. A. Riera's poetry, an evident anti-metaphysical sensibility can be easily detected, which in its turn makes the poet to praise concrete person's skin, flesh and bodies, thus avoiding any personal Platonic or idealistic experience of human love. In the author's opinion, an accurate reading of his poems makes us discover Plato and Platonism as one of the great responsible thinkers for the contempt of carnal love, which has been undoubtedly the origin of a real human pain as a result of denying the somatic side of eros.
El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo, en el conjunto de la obra poética de M. A, Riera, se detecta una evidente sensibilidad antimetafísica que le impulsa a elogiar la piel, la carne y el cuerpo de las personas concretas, rehuyendo así cualquier vivencia platónica o idealista del amor. La lectura minuciosa de sus poemas permite descubrir, en opinión del autor, a Platón y al platonismo como uno de los grandes responsables del desprecio del amor carnal, causa indudable de sufrimiento humano por el hecho de no querer reconocer la dimensión somática de eros.
Treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) challenges obstetricians, pediatric surgeons, and neonatologists. Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHT) associated with lung hypoplasia in CDH leads to a high mortality rate at birth. PPHT is principally due to an increased muscularization of the arterioles. Management of CDH has been greatly improved by the introduction of prenatal surgical intervention with tracheal obstruction (TO) and by more appropriate postnatal care. TO appears to accelerate fetal lung growth and to increase the number of capillary vessels and alveoli. Improvement of postnatal care over the last years is mainly due to the avoidance of lung injury by applying low peak inflation pressure during ventilation. The benefits of other drugs or technical improvements such as the use of inhaled nitric oxide or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) are still being debated and no single strategy is accepted worldwide. Despite intensive clinical and experimental research, the treatment of newborn with CDH remains difficult.
Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RF) is a rare disease, typically with an insidious clinical course. The peak incidence is seen in patients 40 to 60 years of age and mostly in man. The characteristic finding in this disease is a periaortic fibrous mass that often surrounds the ureters. Although usually regarded as an obstructive uropathy, there has been growing recognition of the condition as a generalized disease. It may have a wide variety of manifestations including mediastinitis, thyroiditis and sclerosing cholangitis. The most common mode of presentation remains abdominal or flank pain with uremia, anemia and a high sedimentation rate. Although ultrasound and renal scintigraphy may contribute to the general evaluation of patients with RF, CT-scanner is the preferred imaging method. The multiplanar imaging capability of magnetic resonance may facilitate assessment of disease extent. The pathogenesis of the disease remains unknown. Steroids and, more recently tamoxifen, appear to be effective in the treatment of the RF. In most instances, RF does not lead to long-term morbidity or affect survival. The three cases of RF reported herein illustrate the varied mode of presentation and the response to the treatment.
Le suicide et les tentatives de suicide des adolescents sont des enjeux de santé publique majeurs. En s'appuyant sur le modèle de soins développé à Genève, nous décrivons les différents temps nécessaires pour accueillir, évaluer et orienter un adolescent pris dans un mouvement suicidaire. Un temps d'accueil et d'évaluation pédiatrique, puis un temps d'évaluation psychiatrique et enfin un temps d'orientation à l'issue duquel est proposée une prise en charge spécifique. En fonction des caractéristiques cliniques du jeune (impulsivité, symptomatologie anxio-dépressive...), de sa capacité d'engagement dans les soins et de la qualité des liens du réseau, la prise en charge sera soit ambulatoire intensive, soit hospitalière. Suicide and suicide attempts of adolescents are major public health issues. Based on a model of care developed in Geneva, we describe the conditions necessary to evaluate and guide a teenager trapped in a suicidal behavior. First of all, there must be some time dedicated to pediatric assessement followed by a psychiatric evaluation and finally, the adolescent can be oriented toward specific treatment. Depending on the clinical characteristics of the young adolescent and according to his willingness to engage himself in intensive follow-up (impulsivity, anxious?--depressive symptomatology...), cares will be given either as outpatient with close monitoring or inpatient.
Painful femoro-acetabular impingement symptoms localized in the groin in flexion, adduction and internal rotation can be explained either by a primary disease of the labrum often post-traumatic, and more frequently as part of femoro-acetabular primary or secondary dysmorphia. The kinematic of the normal hip joint depends of peri-acetabular structures, geometry of joints and possible pathologies that could contribute to modify either the geometry or the proprioceptive function. By combining and analyzing these parameters it is possible to describe a joint concept of centricity, an essential parameter for optimal functions of the joint. The concept of overload is explained as the inability of the hip to ensure its centricity during activities that could lead to the occurrence of any degenerative disorders.