999 resultados para Bufalo - Pantanal Mato-Grossense (MS)


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The financial impact of the first outbreak of Trypanosoma vivax in the Brazilian Pantanal wetland is estimated. Results are extended to include outbreaks in the Bolivian lowlands providing a notion of the potential influence of the disease and an analytical basis. More than 11 million head of cattle, valued at more than US$3 billion are found in the Brazilian Pantanal and Bolivian lowlands. The total estimated cost of the 1995 outbreak of T. vivax is the sum of the present values of mortality, abortion, and productivity losses and treatment costs, or about 4% of total brood cow value on affected ranches. Had the outbreak gone untreated, the estimated losses would have exceeded 17% of total brood cow value.


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar els portadors d'un empelt hepàtic trasplantats en edat pediàtrica amb més de 20 anys de seguiment i per a això hem analitzat un total de 27 pacients. La principal indicació del trasplantament va ser l'atrèsia de vies biliars. S'han analitzat les complicacions quirúrgiques mèdiques i immunològiques, la immunosupressió, infecció per VHC, dades antropromètriques i adaptació social. Hem conclòs que la majoria dels pacients trasplantats en edat pediàtrica amb més de 20 anys d'evolució presenten una adaptació social excel•lent i pocs efectes adversos de la immunosupressió comparada amb la població adulta.


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Departmental Data Protection manual


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Statement of departmental data protection policy


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Pre Release Access List


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Pre Release Access list for Bulletin 5 Drug Prevalence Survey 2006/07


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Introduït en el sistema de governança per la recent reforma del marc regulador de les telecomunicacions, el BEREC es presenta com un organisme supranacional de caràcter consultiu al qual se li atorga una missió i un paper fonamental en l'aplicació coherent de les normes en el mercat únic de les telecomunicacions. L'èxit d'aquesta missió dependrà tant de les eines amb les que compta, com dels mecanismes previstos de coordinació i la seva capacitat de relació amb la resta d'actors, les autoritats nacionals de regulació i la Comissió Europea principalment


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While for most children the best place to grow up is with their birth parents, others are unable to do so. Under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995, the first duty of Health and Social Services Trusts, where children cannot live with their birth parents, is to seek a home for them with their extended famly. Finding a safe and caring new home for children with their wider family or friends allows them to keep important attachments and connections in their lives, and is therefore the preferred choice where it is possible. Where this is not possible, society has a clear responsibility to provide children with stability and permanence in their lives. Some children are placed in alternative forms of care. Adoption is traditionally a means of providing a permanent family for a small, but significant number of children who are unable to return to their birth parents. Adoption is, however, much wider than just the service provided to children. Adoption affects birth parents, prospective adopters, adoptive parents, siblings, grandparents and other relatives. The Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety believes that more can and should be done to reflect the complex needs of those affected by adoption. åÊ


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During studies of the phlebotomine sand fly fauna of Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, a new species was captured with CDC light trap and is described here. The new species resembles Lutzomyia lutziana (Costa Lima) and is named Lutzomyia campograndensis sp. n. after the type locality.


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From June 1993 to May 1995, horn fly counts were conducted twice a month on untreated Nelore cattle raised extensively in the Pantanal. Horn fly population showed a bimodal fluctuation and peaks were observed every year after the beginning (November/December) and at the end (May/June) of the rainy season, which coincided with mid-late spring and mid-late fall, respectively. Horn flies were present on cattle throughout the year in at least 64% of the animals. Mean horn fly numbers on animals did not exceed 85 flies/cow during peaks and were under 35 flies/cow in most of the remaining periods. The highest infestations (population peaks) were short and dropped suddenly within two weeks. Less than 15% of the animals in both herds could be considered as "fly-susceptible" - showing consistently higher infestations, or "fly-resistant" - showing consistently lower infestations.


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The impact of three treatment strategies for Trypanosoma evansi control on horse mortality in the Brazilian Pantanal based on four size categories of cattle ranches is explored. The region's 49,000 horses are indispensable to traditional extensive cattle ranching and T. evansi kills horses. About 13% of these horses would be lost, annually, due to T. evansi if no control were undertaken. One preventive and two curative treatment strategies are financially justifiable in the Pantanal. The best available technology for the treatment of T. evansi from a horse mortality perspective is the preventive strategy, which spares 6,462 horses, annually. The year-round cure spares 5,783 horses, and the seasonal cure saves 5,204 horses on a regional basis relative to no control strategy. Regardless of the strategy adopted, 39% of the costs or benefits fall to the largest ranches, while 18% fall to the smallest ranches.


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A new sand fly species, Lutzomia aldafalcaoae is described from males collected in Vila Trindade, an urban district in Aquidauana county, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, in October 1996. Taxonomic remarks and a description of the new species is presented.


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Copiato nell'Italia del Nord verso il 1350, il manoscritto Ferrell 5 è oggi il solo testimone della "Continuation du Roman de Meliadus" che racconta le avventure di Artù, di Meliadus il padre di Tristano, e del Buon Cavaliere senza Paura padre di Dinadan, partiti alla ricerca di Morholt, prigioniero su di un'isola lontana. Ora, questa inchiesta è solo un pretesto: al centro dell'interesse dei tre re non sta tanto l'avventura promessa quanto i racconti che essi collezionano in occasione dei diversi scali di questo viaggio per mare, durante il quale non succede quasi niente. La ricerca di Morholt agisce quale racconto-cornice che non solo mette in scena le condizioni della presa di parola da parte dei cavalieri-narratori e organizza i racconti, anzi li drammatizza, ma funziona anche da matrice che informa, feconda e rigenera questi stessi racconti. Quanto all'isolamento, imposto dalla navigazione, esso permette lo sbocciare di una piccola ma prestigiosa società di narratori che non ha nulla da invidiare a quella delle raccolte di novelle. Così, un racconto dopo l'altro, si definisce un'arte di narrare che espone ed esplora i legami tra valore del racconto e bontà della cavalleria: la perfezione poetica, fonte del piacere estetico, è solo l'altra faccia della perfezione cavalleresca.


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Peixoto de Azevedo is located in the north of State of Mato Grosso, where environmental alterations led to an outbreak of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in the 80s. The parasite from patients was characterized as Leishmania (V.) braziliensis. The aim of this study is to contribute to the sand fly ecology of Central-West Brazil. Captures were carried out monthly using CDC light traps. Twenty-six species of sand fly were characterized; among which Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) spathotrichia, L. runoides and L. (Psychodopygus) llanosmartinsi were recorded in the State of Mato Grosso for the first time. L. (Nyssomyia) whitmani, L. (N.) antunesi, L. (L.) spathotrichia, L. (P.) c. carrerai, L. (P.) complexa, L. (P.) lainsoni and L. (N.) umbratilis constituted 92.4% of the local fauna, among which L. (N.) whitmani and L. (N.) antunesi, accounting for about 53% of the fauna at the stations of capture. On the vertical distribution of sand flies on the Beira-Rio Farm, L. (N.) whitmani and L. (N.) antunesi prevailed at ground level and in the canopy, respectively, whereas on the BR-080, L. (P.) llanosmartinsi was prevalent on the ground and L. (P.) c. carrerai, in the canopy. It is suggested that L. (N.) umbratilis is the local vector.


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A total of 128 ticks of the genus Amblyomma were recovered from 5 marsupials (Didelphis albiventris) - with 4 recaptures - and 17 rodents (16 Bolomys lasiurus and 1 Rattus norvegicus) captured in an urban forest reserve in Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Of the ticks collected, 95 (78.9%) were in larval form and 22 (21.1%) were nymphs; the only adult (0.8%) was identified as A. cajennense. Viewed under dark-field microscopy in the fourth month after seeding, 9 cultures prepared from spleens and livers of the rodents, blood of the marsupials, and macerates of Amblyomma sp. nymphs revealed spiral-shaped, spirochete-like structures resembling those of Borrelia sp. Some of them showed little motility, while others were non-motile. No such structures could be found either in positive Giemsa-stained culture smears or under electron microscopy. No PCR amplification of DNA from those cultures could be obtained by employing Leptospira sp., B. burgdorferi, and Borrelia sp. primers. These aspects suggest that the spirochete-like structures found in this study do not fit into the genera Borrelia or Leptospira, requiring instead to be isolated for proper identification.