896 resultados para Body of Knowledge


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This book consists of two main parts. The first part offers a basic methodological introduction, presenting a concise but multifaceted overview of current problems of collective memory. The second part contains a set of interviews with former prisoners of concentration camps carried out by the authors. The research was conducted by Paweł Greń and Łukasz Posłuszny and focuses on issues of collective and cultural memory illustrated by individual life experiences of concentration camps prisoners. The field of oral history serves as the framework of analysis and narrative inquiry as its research tool. Interviews and additional research materials were collected by the authors and are not available in previous publications, making this work a precious supplement to the current scholarly body of knowledge and achievements in the discipline of memory studies. According to the authors, current historical and literary publications provide an incomplete picture of the WWII and its aftermaths for survivors, because descriptions of the war and imprisonment in the camp play still a dominate role in narratives. The importance of these issues in autobiographies is unquestionable and highly needed to create a common identity among generation of prisoners, though authors often wanted to perceive the fate of individuals in a broader perspective – including the periods before and after the war. Hence, interviews stressed personal experiences and their understanding over time by former prisoners. The interviews covered many topics on life before, during and after the camp – among them daily and neutral routines, but also difficult matters. The latter were connected on the one hand with traumatic events or harsh memories and emotions, and on the other hand with less extensively highlighted threads of prisoners’ lives - such as issues of the body and sexuality – and their dependence on particular representation or narrative. The authors are convinced that the book serves not only as a record of past remembered by eyewitnesses, but it also depicts their accounts in wider contexts and discourses, which expose specific dimensions of told and written stories. In the book Questions for Memory one examine the approach proposed by young scholars. Interviews were conducted from 2009-2011, seventy years after the end of the second world war, and this initiative was the result of questions and doubts of the authors from the existing literature. They also wanted to use the unique opportunity to meet with eyewitnesses and record their stories, because when they pass away we will irretrievably lose the possibility to listen to them and to pose sensitive questions. The majority of the interviewees were prisoners of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their experiences differed greatly from each other based on social background and specific experience in the camps as well as their post-camp and postwar life. Aside from persons whose stories are already well known and open, readers will hear the stories of those who spoke only reluctantly and very rarely, or who had remained silent until the present author’s research. Qualitative differences between interviews occurred on the level of established relationship and atmosphere of trust, which varied according to circumstances and individual character and personality. For P. Greń and Ł. Posłuszny, each interviewed person is equally and highly valued due to the collected material and the personal experience of the meetings. Among the ten interviews placed in the book, seven of them are the stories told by women. Their testimonies exemplify realities of everyday prisoners’ existence and gravitate towards mirroring specifically feminine perspectives of imprisonment. For women, crucial problems stemmed from experiences of body that intertwine with suffering, feeling of shame and humiliation. Early discussions on holocaust literature and issues of representation that shaped the Polish narrative and collective memory imposed imperatives of silence on certain topics. A solution for reconciling heroic and inhuman deeds in stories with completely human physiology was impossible and improper for many years. There were also questions about life after, ways of dealing with a trauma or reflections on the present time. During conversations the authors attempted to come closer to something distant and incomprehensible for their generation and for people who did not experience the camps. Despite the fact that there have been seventy years of dealing with these events in literature, art, drama, film, memoirs and scientific works, the past still breeds more questions than answers. The book Questions for Memory serves as an example of this phenomenon.


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We present ideas about creating a next generation Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on the latest immunological theories. The central challenge with computer security is determining the difference between normal and potentially harmful activity. For half a century, developers have protected their systems by coding rules that identify and block specific events. However, the nature of current and future threats in conjunction with ever larger IT systems urgently requires the development of automated and adaptive defensive tools. A promising solution is emerging in the form of Artificial Immune Systems (AIS): The Human Immune System (HIS) can detect and defend against harmful and previously unseen invaders, so can we not build a similar Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for our computers? Presumably, those systems would then have the same beneficial properties as HIS like error tolerance, adaptation and self-monitoring. Current AIS have been successful on test systems, but the algorithms rely on self-nonself discrimination, as stipulated in classical immunology. However, immunologist are increasingly finding fault with traditional self-nonself thinking and a new ‘Danger Theory’ (DT) is emerging. This new theory suggests that the immune system reacts to threats based on the correlation of various (danger) signals and it provides a method of ‘grounding’ the immune response, i.e. linking it directly to the attacker. Little is currently understood of the precise nature and correlation of these signals and the theory is a topic of hot debate. It is the aim of this research to investigate this correlation and to translate the DT into the realms of computer security, thereby creating AIS that are no longer limited by self-nonself discrimination. It should be noted that we do not intend to defend this controversial theory per se, although as a deliverable this project will add to the body of knowledge in this area. Rather we are interested in its merits for scaling up AIS applications by overcoming self-nonself discrimination problems.


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During the last decades there has been an increase in the theoretical and empirical body of knowledge in LGBT Psychologyandrelatedfields. However, thisnew bodyof knowledgeis still somewhatdispersedandnot widespread, which makes the process of affirming LGBT topics very difficult in the current international scientific scenario.


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The universities rely on the Information Technology (IT) projects to support and enhance their core strategic objectives of teaching, research, and administration. The researcher’s literature review found that the level of IT funding and resources in the universities is not adequate to meet the IT demands. The universities received more IT project requests than they could execute. As such, universities must selectively fund the IT projects. The objectives of the IT projects in the universities vary. An IT project which benefits the teaching functions may not benefit the administrative functions. As such, the selection of an IT project is challenging in the universities. To aid with the IT decision making, many universities in the United States of America (USA) have formed the IT Governance (ITG) processes. ITG is an IT decision making and accountability framework whose purpose is to align the IT efforts in an organization with its strategic objectives, realize the value of the IT investments, meet the expected performance criteria, and manage the risks and the resources (Weil & Ross, 2004). ITG in the universities is relatively new, and it is not well known how the ITG processes are aiding the nonprofit universities in selecting the right IT projects, and managing the performance of these IT projects. This research adds to the body of knowledge regarding the IT project selection under the governance structure, the maturity of the IT projects, and the IT project performance in the nonprofit universities. The case study research methodology was chosen for this exploratory research. The convenience sampling was done to choose the cases from two large, research universities with decentralized colleges, and two small, centralized universities. The data were collected on nine IT projects from these four universities using the interviews and the university documents. The multi-case analysis was complemented by the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to systematically analyze how the IT conditions lead to an outcome. This research found that the IT projects were selected in the centralized universities in a more informed manner. ITG was more authoritative in the small centralized universities; the ITG committees were formed by including the key decision makers, the decision-making roles, and responsibilities were better defined, and the frequency of ITG communication was higher. In the centralized universities, the business units and colleges brought the IT requests to ITG committees; which in turn prioritized the IT requests and allocated the funds and the resources to the IT projects. ITG committee members in the centralized universities had a higher awareness of the university-wide IT needs, and the IT projects tended to align with the strategic objectives. On the other hand, the decentralized colleges and business units in the large universities were influential and often bypassed the ITG processes. The decentralized units often chose the “pet” IT projects, and executed them within a silo, without bringing them to the attention of the ITG committees. While these IT projects met the departmental objectives, they did not always align with the university’s strategic objectives. This research found that the IT project maturity in the university could be increased by following the project management methodologies. The IT project management maturity was found higher in the IT projects executed by the centralized university, where a full-time project manager was assigned to manage the project, and the project manager had a higher expertise in the project management. The IT project executed under the guidance of the Project Management Office (PMO) has exhibited a higher project management maturity, as the PMO set the standards and controls for the project. The IT projects managed by the decentralized colleges by a part-time project manager with lower project management expertise have exhibited a lower project management maturity. The IT projects in the decentralized colleges were often managed by the business, or technical leads, who often lacked the project management expertise. This research found that higher the IT project management maturity, the better is the project performance. The IT projects with a higher maturity had a lower project delay, lower number of missed requirements, and lower number of IT system errors. This research found that the quality of IT decision in the university could be improved by centralizing the IT decision-making processes. The IT project management maturity could be improved by following the project management methodologies. The stakeholder management and communication were found critical for the success of the IT projects in the university. It is hoped that the findings from this research would help the university leaders make the strategic IT decisions, and the university’s IT project managers make the IT project decisions.


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En la actualidad, las buenas prácticas del Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI®) son utilizadas en muchas organizaciones para la estructuración, ejecución y cierre de diversos proyectos; las buenas prácticas recogidas por este Instituto han servido de base para que las empresas logren conseguir los objetivos estratégicos con una correcta gestión de los programas y proyectos que se vayan a emprender -- El sector de la construcción no es ajeno a la aplicación de estos estándares, más aún cuando el común denominador son los sobrecostos, la prolongación del cronograma y la variación del alcance, que finalmente terminan afectado la rentabilidad de los proyectos y redundan en la rentabilidad de la empresa -- Mabego S.A.S., es una empresa nueva dedicada a la estructuración, ejecución y venta de proyectos inmobiliarios, cuyo centro de operación es la ciudad de Pasto-Departamento de Nariño, el objetivo principal de la empresa es penetrar el mercado inmobiliario local, teniendo como fortalezas la experiencia y conocimiento aportado por los socios -- Con el presente trabajo se analizan los cuarenta y siete (47) procesos dentro de los grupos de inicio, planeación, ejecución, monitoreo y control, además de cierre establecidos en las diez (10) áreas del conocimiento que establece el PMI® en la guía de los fundamentos para la dirección de proyectos (Guía del PMBOK® - Project Management Body of Knowledge) quinta edición; se crea una metodología de acuerdo a las necesidades de la organización; para conseguirlo se analizaron cada uno de los procesos establecidos en el PMI® y como resultado se presenta la estandarización por medio de formatos y procedimientos que ayudan a la empresa a cumplir con los objetivos específicos de cada uno de sus proyectos -- La pertinencia del trabajo radica en la necesidad de la empresa Mabego S.A.S., de formalizar los procedimientos dentro de la misma, esto debido a que se pretende lograr una correcta estructuración, ejecución y liquidación de los proyectos, además, se aplicó una metodología definida con el objetivo de estandarizar los procesos internos y así lograr un posicionamiento en el sector de la construcción por medio del reconocimiento del cliente en la entrega a tiempo y con la calidad propuesta en los documentos de venta del proyecto


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An unusually high incidence of microcephaly in newborns has recently been observed in Brazil. There is a temporal association between the increase in cases of microcephaly and the Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic. Viral RNA has been detected in amniotic fluid samples, placental tissues and newborn and fetal brain tissues. However, much remains to be determined concerning the association between ZIKV infection and fetal malformations. In this study, we provide evidence of the transplacental transmission of ZIKV through the detection of viral proteins and viral RNA in placental tissue samples from expectant mothers infected at different stages of gestation. We observed chronic placentitis (TORCH type) with viral protein detection by immunohistochemistry in Hofbauer cells and some histiocytes in the intervillous spaces. We also demonstrated the neurotropism of the virus via the detection of viral proteins in glial cells and in some endothelial cells and the observation of scattered foci of microcalcifications in the brain tissues. Lesions were mainly located in the white matter. ZIKV RNA was also detected in these tissues by real-time-polymerase chain reaction. We believe that these findings will contribute to the body of knowledge of the mechanisms of ZIKV transmission, interactions between the virus and host cells and viral tropism.


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Background: Over the last 10 years, Australia's spontaneous vaginal birth rate has decreased approximately 1% each year and the caesarean section rate has increased approximately 1% each year. This trend has serious implications for the health of women and babies. As midwives we are the caretakers of normal birth and therefore partly responsible for its decline and the solution to its decline. Although antenatal education is in a potentially powerful position to promote normal birth, a structured review conducted as part of this thesis found that it does not realise that potential. Currently framed in pathogenesis, antenatal education in particular and maternity services in general, are in need of reframing. The theory of salutogenesis may offer a new lens as it focuses on health rather than illness. Sense of coherence is the cornerstone of salutogenesis and is a predictive indicator of health. What is unclear is the role pregnant women's sense of coherence plays in their birthing outcomes. This study explored associations between pregnant women's sense of coherence, their pregnancy choices, their anticipated labour choices, their labour and birthing outcomes as well as factors associated with modification to sense of coherence from the antenatal to postnatal periods. Methods: After a comprehensive review of the literature, questionnaire development and psychometric tool testing and modification, a longitudinal survey was conducted where eligible women completed a questionnaire before the 30th week of pregnancy (Phase One) and approximately 8 weeks after birth (Phase Two). Eligible women were less than 30 weeks pregnant with a single fetus, could read and write in English and lived in the Australian Capital Territory in Australia. Phase One provided information on women's sense of coherence scores, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) scores, Support Behaviour Inventory (SBI) scores, pregnancy choices including care proVider, planned place of birth, planned birth type and anticipated epidural use and demographics. Phase Two provided information on women's sense of coherence scores, EPDS scores and their labour and birthing outcomes. Findings: 1074 women completed Phase One representing a 61.3% response rate. 753 women completed Phase Two representing a 70.1% retention rate between phases. Compared to women with low sense of coherence, women with high sense of coherence were older, reported fewer pregnancy conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, were less likely to have depressive symptoms, were more likely to feel well supported, were less likely to experience a caesarean section and more likely to experience an assisted vaginal birth. Sense of coherence was not associated with women's pregnancy choices. Higher EPDS scores, lower sense of coherence and greater satisfaction with birth were associated with an increase in women's sense of coherence from the antenatal to the postnatal period. Decreased birth satisfaction and experiencing epidural anaesthesia in labour and assisted vaginal birth were associated with a decrease in sense of coherence from the antenatal to the postnatal period. Conclusion: Strong sense of coherence in pregnant women halved the likelihood of experiencing caesarean section compared to women with low sense of coherence. Sense of coherence is a modifiable predictor of women's childbearing health and was found to be raised by birth satisfaction and lowered by birth dissatisfaction and labour interventions. These important findings add to the limited body of knowledge about sense of coherence and childbearing.


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Reverse logistics in construction refers to the movement of products and materials from salvaged buildings to a new construction site. While there is a plethora of studies looking at various aspects of the reverse logistics chain, there is no systematic review of literature on this important subject as applied to the construction industry. Therefore, the objective of this study is to integrate the fragmented body of knowledge on reverse logistics in construction, with the aim of promoting the concept among industry stakeholders and the wider construction community. Through a qualitative meta-analysis, the study synthesises the findings of previous studies and presents some actions needed by industry stakeholders to promote this concept within the real-life context. First, the trend of research and terminology related with reverse logistics is introduced. Second, it unearths the main advantages and barriers of reverse logistics in construction while providing some suggestions to harness the advantages and mitigate these barriers. Finally, it provides a future research direction based on the review.


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As a response to calls for making construction activities environmentally conscious, alternatives to mechanical demolition such as deconstruction, recycling and reuse for re-entering building materials and components back in to the supply chain have emerged. However, deconstruction has remained unexploited within the construction industry due to the adverse effects of barriers and challenges that make demolishing contractors shy away from implementing deconstruction in projects. On assessment of the barriers/challenges facing deconstruction it was revealed that deconstruction, like all construction activities, is fraught with various health and safety hazards. This study attempts to identify the role of health and safety risks in impeding the widespread implementation of deconstruction practices in construction projects. Afterwards, major health and safety risks associated with deconstruction activities are identified. Findings of the present study are based on the results acquired through conducting unstructured interviews with 6 demolition contractors in South Australia. The study contributes to the body of knowledge by further establishing the deconstruction field and providing a basis for future investigations into barriers of deconstruction. Further, presented discussions would provide professional implications by offering guidelines for managing deconstruction projects in a safer and more efficient environment.


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Purpose - This paper aims to present a survey of the perceptions of the barriers to implementing reverse logistics (RL) practices in South Australian (SA) construction organisations. Despite the extensive research on forward logistics and RL, there is a paucity of studies that examine the barriers to implementing RL particularly within the Australian construction industry. This study builds on the ongoing research being undertaken by the authors, entitled “Designing for reverse logistics (DfRL) within the building life cycle: practices, drivers and barriers”, which is examining the best practices and drivers that could be used as a “road map” for developing appropriate solutions for the successful implementation of RL. Design/methodology/approach - Data were collected by utilising a triangulated data collection approach, a literature review and 49 questionnaires. The review of the literature identified 16 barriers to implementing RL. The quantitative survey data were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics with correlation analysis to examine the relationships between different pairs of variables comprising RL’s critical barriers. Findings - The following barriers were indicated as most significant: lack of incorporation of salvaged materials by designers; regulation restrictions to usage of recovered materials and components; potential legal liabilities; higher costs; and longer-time association with deconstructing buildings. The least ranked barriers were mostly drawn from the operational and industrial categories as being: organisational lack of support for deconstruction due to incompatible design; lack of organisational support for deconstructing buildings due to higher health and safety risks; and inadequate skills and experience for deconstruction (operational). The industrial barrier was related to “higher costs of salvaged materials in comparison to virgin products”. Research limitations/implications - First, the reported findings are focussed on one study that used questionnaire surveys within the construction industry; therefore, the results may not be generalisable to other contexts. Further, studies should be conducted and extended to other industrial sectors beyond the construction industry. Second, the quantitative study (n 49) used a smaller sample, and the survey items were based on the review of the literature. Practical implications - The identified barriers could be used as a “road map” for the development of appropriate solutions for the successful implementation of RL, and to improve the environment-related decision-making processes of contractors. Originality/value - This study makes a contribution to the body of knowledge on the subject of RL within a previously unexplored SA context. In addition, the study provides some insights on the contributory effects of the barriers to the implementation of RL. It is the first work undertaken to determine the barriers to the adoption of RL within the SA construction industry.


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Ecological data sets rarely extend back more than a few decades, limiting our understanding of environmental change and its drivers. Marine historical ecology has played a critical role in filling these data gaps by illuminating the magnitude and rate of ongoing changes in marine ecosystems. Yet despite a growing body of knowledge, historical insights are rarely explicitly incorporated in mainstream conservation and management efforts. Failing to consider historical change can have major implications for conservation, such as the ratcheting down of expectations of ecosystem quality over time, leading to less ambitious targets for recovery or restoration. We discuss several unconventional sources used by historical ecologists to fill data gaps - including menus, newspaper articles, cookbooks, museum collections, artwork, benthic sediment cores - and novel techniques for their analysis. We specify opportunities for the integration of historical data into conservation and management, and highlight the important role that these data can play in filling conservation data gaps and motivating conservation actions. As historical marine ecology research continues to grow as a multidisciplinary enterprise, great opportunities remain to foster direct linkages to conservation and improve the outlook for marine ecosystems.