998 resultados para Bioquimica clinica
L’effetto dell’informatica e dell’automazione sulle procedure medico sanitarie si sta manifestando in maniera sempre più ampia, portando notevoli vantaggi per la salute e il benessere di tutti i pazienti e al tempo stesso ponendo sfide sempre più complesse alle istituzioni sanitarie e ai produttori di dispositivi medico-sanitari. Al di là dei meriti del singolo prodotto o tecnologia, esiste un fattore strategico che dovrebbe essere sempre considerato nel momento di progettare un software o un dispositivo da utilizzare in ambito sanitario (da parte dei produttori) o nel momento di pianificare l’acquisto di sistemi medicali o diagnostici complessi (da parte delle istituzioni sanitarie): l’aspetto dell’Integrazione, ovvero la capacità del sistema di inserirsi in maniera semplice, efficace e poco costosa in un Workflow (flusso di lavoro) completamente integrato. Nel primo capitolo di questo elaborato finale è stato fatto un quadro generale sull’organizzazione del flusso di lavoro in radiologia e sono stati trattati i vari standard di comunicazione e scambio dati in ambito clinico, in primis DICOM, HL7 e IHE. L’oggetto del secondo capitolo è l’organizzazione e gli obbiettivi del Dipartimento di Radiologia attuati dal Gruppo Villa Maria (GVM) e il confronto di questi ultimi con il contenuto del documento: ‘Linee guida per l’assicurazione di qualita` in teleradiologia ‘che è stata redatta dal Istituto Superiore di Sanita` destinata ad apportare, non solo ai medici radiologi ed ai TSRM ma anche agli altri professionisti della sanità coinvolti, gli elementi di informazione e di metodo per l’organizzazione della teleradiologia nel rispetto delle esigenze della deontologia medica, della sicurezza del paziente, compreso il consenso, anche per quanto riguarda la radioprotezione, la privacy e la qualità. Nel terzo capitolo sono elencati gli strumenti con cui il Dipartimento di radiologia intende perseguire i suoi obbiettivi. Il quarto capitolo tratta la mia esperienza presso una clinica esterna al GVM, in particolare la clinica Santo Stefano, di Porto Potenza Picena, dove sono stati fatti dei test volti a valutare i tempi di caricamento di esami di TAC e RMN sul cloud di GVM.
In campo medico ha un ruolo fondamentale il monitoraggio dei parametri vitali, importanti indicatori dello stato di salute del paziente, essenziali nella diagnosi e nella cura dellle patologie. La frequenza cardiaca occupa un ruolo fondamentale nella clinica, primo indice dell'attività cardio circolatoria del paziente. Il trattato analizza una metodica di monitoraggio del battito cardiaco per mezzo delle videocamere digitali, la ripresa diretta in video del volto del paziente e la presenza di un'adeguata illuminazione ambientale: la pulsazione cardiaca esercita variazioni di pressione a livello periferico generando un cambiamento del colore della pelle sulle zone più esposte, quali il viso. Analizzando l'andamento temporale del segnale RGB registra, per mezzo di algoritmi di elaborazione delle immagini, è possibile stimare accuratamente il battito cardiaco dell'utente. Nell'elaborato viene affrontata la metodica degl algoritmi di image-prcessing presentando un applicativo scritto in linguaggio Python, funzionante e testato su di un sistema Linux (Ubuntu 14.04). Tale metodo si basa sui concetti della fotopletismografia applicata in remoto denotando il non-contact-mode.
Il progetto di tesi ha il compito di far comunicare un device mobile con un apparato elettromedicale tramite tecnologia bluetooth low energy. Il paziente ha a disposizione questo apparato per misurarsi l'elettrocardiogramma autonomamente e poi, tramite l'uso dell'app, vengono mostrati i risultati ottenuti dalla misurazione. Una volta inviati i dati dal dispositivo elettromedicale all'app, questi vengono anche inoltrati a un server dove saranno sottoposti a controlli, da parte del medico curante.
The following recommendations, which aim at standardising and rationalising the clinical indications for administering polyclonal immunoglobulins in Belgium, were drawn up by a working group of the Superior Health Council. To this end, the Superior Health Council organised an expert meeting devoted to"Guidelines for the use of immunoglobulins". The experts discussed the indications for immunoglobulin use, the'ideal'immunoglobulin preparation, its mechanisms of action, the practical issues involved in administering immunoglobulins and their potential side effects. The recommendations formulated by the experts were validated by the Superior Health Council working group with the purpose of harmonising immunoglobulin use in Belgium
Chemotherapeutic use of 5-fluorouracil (5FU) is compromised by 10-20% of patients developing severe toxicity. Recently described genetic variation in dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD) has been shown to be a major predictor of 5FU toxicity. Here, we describe a new genotyping assay for routine clinical use that covers all the major DPYD risk variants.
BACKGROUND: Due to their molecular weight, it is possible that the adipokines adiponectin, resistin and leptin accumulate when glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is decreased. In reduced renal clearance, altered serum concentrations of these proteins might affect cardiovascular risk. The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between adipokine concentrations and GFR. METHODS: The association between GFR, as determined by the abbreviated MDRD equation, and the concentrations of the adipokines adiponectin, resistin and leptin was assessed in a cohort of coronary patients (n=538; 363 male, 165 female). After calculation of correlations between GFR and adipokine concentrations, the association was further assessed by analysis of covariance following adjustment for age, gender, BMI, presence of type 2 diabetes, presence of hypertension, history of smoking as well as for serum lipid concentrations. RESULTS: Mean GFR in our study population was 68.74+/-15.27 ml/min/1.73 m(2). 74.3% of the patients had a GFR >60 ml/min/1.73 m(2), 24% of the patients had a GFR between 30 and 60 ml/min/1.73 m(2), and 1.7% of the patients had a GFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m(2). There were significant inverse correlations between adiponectin (r=-0.372; p<0.001), resistin (r=-0.227; p<0.001) and leptin (r=-0.151; p=0.009) concentrations and GFR. After multivariate adjustment, the associations remained significant for adiponectin and resistin. Subgroup analysis in patients with GFR >60 ml/min/1.73 m(2) showed a significant correlation between GFR and adiponectin as well as leptin concentrations. However, after adjustment, these associations no longer were significant. CONCLUSIONS: There is an independent association between GFR and the serum concentrations of adiponectin and resistin. However, this association is not present at GFR >60 ml/min/1.73 m(2). This finding suggests that adipokine concentrations in mildly impaired and normal renal function are influenced by factors other than GFR.
BACKGROUND: In contrast to RIA, recently available ELISAs provide the potential for fully automated analysis of adiponectin. To date, studies reporting on the diagnostic characteristics of ELISAs and investigating on the relationship between ELISA- and RIA-based methods are rare. METHODS: Thus, we established and evaluated a fully automated platform (BEP 2000; Dade-Behring, Switzerland) for determination of adiponectin levels in serum by two different ELISA methods (competitive human adiponectin ELISA; high sensitivity human adiponectin sandwich ELISA; both Biovendor, Czech Republic). Further, as a reference method, we also employed a human adiponectin RIA (Linco Research, USA). Samples from 150 patients routinely presenting to our cardiology unit were tested. RESULTS: ELISA measurements could be accomplished in less than 3 h, measurement of RIA had a duration of 24 h. The ELISAs were evaluated for precision, analytical sensitivity and specificity, linearity on dilution and spiking recovery. In the investigated patients, type 2 diabetes, higher age and male gender were significantly associated with lower serum adiponectin concentrations. Correlations between the ELISA methods and the RIA were strong (competitive ELISA, r=0.82; sandwich ELISA, r=0.92; both p<0.001). However, Deming regression and Bland-Altman analysis indicated lack of agreement of the 3 methods preventing direct comparison of results. The equations of the regression lines are: Competitive ELISA=1.48 x RIA-0.88; High sensitivity sandwich ELISA=0.77 x RIA+1.01. CONCLUSIONS: Fully automated measurement of adiponectin by ELISA is feasible and substantially more rapid than RIA. The investigated ELISA test systems seem to exhibit analytical characteristics allowing for clinical application. In addition, there is a strong correlation between the ELISA methods and RIA. These findings might promote a more widespread use of adiponectin measurements in clinical research.
BACKGROUND: As for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and many other hereditary diseases there is still a lack in understanding the relationship between genetic (e.g. allelic) and phenotypic diversity. Therefore methods which allow fine quantification of allelic proportions of mRNA transcripts are of high importance. METHODS: We used either genomic DNA (gDNA) or total RNA extracted from nasal cells as starting nucleic acid template for our assay. The subjects included in this study were 9 CF patients compound heterozygous for the F508del mutation and each one F508del homozygous and one wild type homozygous respectively. We established a novel ligation based quantification method which allows fine quantification of the allelic proportions of ss and ds CFTR cDNA. To verify reliability and accuracy of this novel assay we compared it with semiquantitative fluorescent PCR (SQF-PCR). RESULTS: We established a novel assay for allele specific quantification of gene expression which combines the benefits of the specificity of the ligation reaction and the accuracy of quantitative real-time PCR. The comparison with SQF-PCR clearly demonstrates that LASQ allows fine quantification of allelic proportions. CONCLUSION: This assay represents an alternative to other fine quantitative methods such as ARMS PCR and Pyrosequencing.
Drug hypersensitivity represents an immune-mediated reaction to a drug. Although several drug hypersensitivity reactions are confined to the skin and rather mild, some may be life threatening and also involve further organs such as liver, kidney and bone marrow. The exact pathogenesis of many drug hypersensitivity reactions is still obscure. In this review the concepts on how small molecular drugs can activate the immune system are discussed and the hapten, prohapten and p-i concept are explained. Furthermore, the classification of drug hypersensitivity reactions and some common and severe clinical manifestations of drug-induced T cell mediated reactions are presented.
BACKGROUND Biomarkers are a promising tool for the management of patients with atherosclerosis, but their variation is largely unknown. We assessed within-subject and between-subject biological variation of biomarkers in peripheral artery disease (PAD) patients and healthy controls, and defined which biomarkers have a favorable variation profile for future studies. METHODS Prospective, parallel-group cohort study, including 62 patients with stable PAD (79% men, 65±7years) and 18 healthy control subjects (44% men, 57±7years). Blood samples were taken at baseline, and after 3-, 6-, and 12-months. We calculated within-subject (CVI) and between-subject (CVG) coefficients of variation and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS Mean levels of D-dimer, hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-8, MMP-9, MMP-3, S100A8/A9, PAI-1, sICAM-1, and sP-selectin levels were higher in PAD patients than in healthy controls (P≤.05 for all). CVI and CVG of the different biomarkers varied considerably in both groups. An ICC≥0.5 (indicating moderate-to-good reliability) was found for hs-CRP, D-Dimer, E-selectin, IL-10, MCP-1, MMP-3, oxLDL, sICAM-1 and sP-selectin in both groups, for sVCAM in healthy controls and for MMP-9, PAI-1 and sCD40L in PAD patients. CONCLUSIONS Single biomarker measurements are of limited utility due to large within-subject variation, both in PAD patients and healthy subjects. D-dimer, hs-CRP, MMP-9, MMP-3, PAI-1, sP-selectin and sICAM-1 are biomarkers with both higher mean levels in PAD patients and a favorable variation profile making them most suitable for future studies.
O conhecimento científico, para ser bem disseminado, precisa de um canal apropriado. Este artigo se destina a apresentar o DSpace, escolhido pelo Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB como ferramenta para criaçao do repositório eletrônico de coleçoes bibliográficas e disponibilizaçao do seu acervo de monografias em formato eletrônico. Identifica os aspectos desse processo de inserçao e acesso das monografias, bem como a disponibilizaçao on-line e a preservaçao digital da sua produçao acadêmica. O presente artigo é um relato de experiência que torna-se necessário ser divulgado na área de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informaçao, pois serve de instrumento de pesquisa por ser um caso bem sucedido de acesso e disponibilizaçao da informaçao referente a produçao bibliográfica da UEPB. O trabalho proposto tem como escopo final o relato de experiência do processo de criaçao, disponibilizaçao e disseminaçao das monografias da UEPB, que foi conseguido com a criaçao do repositório eletrônico das monografias da instituiçao em questao, através do Setor Clinica de Trabalho Acadêmico-SeCTA. A importância da disponibilizaçao desse acervo bibliográfico aponta-o como um centro referencial de dados para a pesquisa de alunos da UEPB, bem como ser referência para pesquisas bibliográficas e eletrônicas para outras instituiçoes Brasileiras
Fil: Paladino, Celia Elba. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Paladino, Celia Elba. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.