992 resultados para Biochemical engineering


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Meeting the world's growing energy demands while protecting our fragile environment is a challenging issue. Second generation biofuels are liquid fuels like long-chain alcohols produced from lignocellulosic biomass. To reduce the cost of biofuel production, we engineered fungal family 6 cellobiohydrolases (Cel6A) for enhanced thermostability using random mutagenesis and recombination of beneficial mutations. During long-time hydrolysis, engineered thermostable cellulases hydrolyze more sugars than wild-type Cel6A as single enzymes and binary mixtures at their respective optimum temperatures. Engineered thermostable cellulases exhibit synergy in binary mixtures similar to wild-type cellulases, demonstrating the utility of engineering individual cellulases to produce novel thermostable mixtures. Crystal structures of the engineered thermostable cellulases indicate that the stabilization comes from improved hydrophobic interactions and restricted loop conformations by proline substitutions. At high temperature, free cysteines contribute to irreversible thermal inactivation in engineered thermostable Cel6A and wild-type Cel6A. The mechanism of thermal inactivation in this cellulase family is consistent with disulfide bond degradation and thiol-disulfide exchange. Enhancing the thermostability of Cel6A also increases tolerance to pretreatment chemicals, demonstrated by the strong correlation between thermostability and tolerance to 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate. Several semi-rational protein engineering approaches – on the basis of consensus sequence analysis, proline stabilization, FoldX energy calculation, and high B-factors – were evaluated to further enhance the thermostability of Cel6A.


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A number of cell-cell interactions in the nervous system are mediated by immunoglobulin gene superfamily members. For example, neuroglian, a homophilic neural cell adhesion molecule in Drosophila, has an extracellular portion comprising six C- 2 type immunoglobulin-like domains followed by five fibronectin type III (FnIII) repeats. Neuroglian shares this domain organization and significant sequence identity with Ll, a murine neural adhesion molecule that could be a functional homologue. Here I report the crystal structure of a proteolytic fragment containing the first two FnIII repeats of neuroglian (NgFn 1,2) at 2.0Å. The interpretation of photomicrographs of rotary shadowed Ng, the entire extracellular portion of neuroglian, and NgFnl-5, the five neuroglian Fn III domains, is also discussed.

The structure of NgFn 1,2 consists of two roughly cylindrical β-barrel structural motifs arranged in a head-to-tail fashion with the domains meeting at an angle of ~120, as defined by the cylinder axes. The folding topology of each domain is identical to that previously observed for single FnIII domains from tenascin and fibronectin. The domains of NgFn1,2 are related by an approximate two fold screw axis that is nearly parallel to the longest dimension of the fragment. Assuming this relative orientation is a general property of tandem FnIII repeats, the multiple tandem FnIII domains in neuroglian and other proteins are modeled as thin straight rods with two domain zig-zag repeats. When combined with the dimensions of pairs of tandem immunoglobulin-like domains from CD4 and CD2, this model suggests that neuroglian is a long narrow molecule (20 - 30 Å in diameter) that extends up to 370Å from the cell surface.

In photomicrographs, rotary shadowed Ng and NgFn1-5 appear to be highly flexible rod-like molecules. NgFn 1-5 is observed to bend in at least two positions and has a mean total length consistent with models generated from the NgFn1,2 structure. Ng molecules have up to four bends and a mean total length of 392 Å, consistent with a head-to-tail packing of neuroglian's C2-type domains.


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Nucleic acids are most commonly associated with the genetic code, transcription and gene expression. Recently, interest has grown in engineering nucleic acids for biological applications such as controlling or detecting gene expression. The natural presence and functionality of nucleic acids within living organisms coupled with their thermodynamic properties of base-pairing make them ideal for interfacing (and possibly altering) biological systems. We use engineered small conditional RNA or DNA (scRNA, scDNA, respectively) molecules to control and detect gene expression. Three novel systems are presented: two for conditional down-regulation of gene expression via RNA interference (RNAi) and a third system for simultaneous sensitive detection of multiple RNAs using labeled scRNAs.

RNAi is a powerful tool to study genetic circuits by knocking down a gene of interest. RNAi executes the logic: If gene Y is detected, silence gene Y. The fact that detection and silencing are restricted to the same gene means that RNAi is constitutively on. This poses a significant limitation when spatiotemporal control is needed. In this work, we engineered small nucleic acid molecules that execute the logic: If mRNA X is detected, form a Dicer substrate that targets independent mRNA Y for silencing. This is a step towards implementing the logic of conditional RNAi: If gene X is detected, silence gene Y. We use scRNAs and scDNAs to engineer signal transduction cascades that produce an RNAi effector molecule in response to hybridization to a nucleic acid target X. The first mechanism is solely based on hybridization cascades and uses scRNAs to produce a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) Dicer substrate against target gene Y. The second mechanism is based on hybridization of scDNAs to detect a nucleic acid target and produce a template for transcription of a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) Dicer substrate against target gene Y. Test-tube studies for both mechanisms demonstrate that the output Dicer substrate is produced predominantly in the presence of a correct input target and is cleaved by Dicer to produce a small interfering RNA (siRNA). Both output products can lead to gene knockdown in tissue culture. To date, signal transduction is not observed in cells; possible reasons are explored.

Signal transduction cascades are composed of multiple scRNAs (or scDNAs). The need to study multiple molecules simultaneously has motivated the development of a highly sensitive method for multiplexed northern blots. The core technology of our system is the utilization of a hybridization chain reaction (HCR) of scRNAs as the detection signal for a northern blot. To achieve multiplexing (simultaneous detection of multiple genes), we use fluorescently tagged scRNAs. Moreover, by using radioactive labeling of scRNAs, the system exhibits a five-fold increase, compared to the literature, in detection sensitivity. Sensitive multiplexed northern blot detection provides an avenue for exploring the fate of scRNAs and scDNAs in tissue culture.


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Biological machines are active devices that are comprised of cells and other biological components. These functional devices are best suited for physiological environments that support cellular function and survival. Biological machines have the potential to revolutionize the engineering of biomedical devices intended for implantation, where the human body can provide the required physiological environment. For engineering such cell-based machines, bio-inspired design can serve as a guiding platform as it provides functionally proven designs that are attainable by living cells. In the present work, a systematic approach was used to tissue engineer one such machine by exclusively using biological building blocks and by employing a bio-inspired design. Valveless impedance pumps were constructed based on the working principles of the embryonic vertebrate heart and by using cells and tissue derived from rats. The function of these tissue-engineered muscular pumps was characterized by exploring their spatiotemporal and flow behavior in order to better understand the capabilities and limitations of cells when used as the engines of biological machines.


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The studies reported were undertaken as part of a wide environmental feasibility study for the establishment of a modern sewage system in Freetown. The aim of this part of the study was to determine whether the hydrological regime of the Sierra Leone River Estuary would permit the large-scale introduction of sewage into the estuary without damaging the environment. The important factors were whether: 1) there would be sufficient dilution of the sewage; 2) fleatable particles or other substances would create significant adverse effects in the estuarine ecosystem. The outfall sites are described together with the sampling stations, methods and analyses. Results include: 1) T/S profiles; 2) chemical analysis of the water. A review of literature on the Sierra Leone River Estuary is included which provides information on the plankton, benthos and fisheries. Results suggest that at certain points where local circulations occur it would be inadvisable to locate untreated sewage outfalls. Such points are frequently observed in small embayments. These studies have been of short duration but the data can serve as baseline for more extended investigations which would give a more complete picture of the seasonal patterns in the estuary.


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Multi-step electron tunneling, or “hopping,” has become a fast-developing research field with studies ranging from theoretical modeling systems, inorganic complexes, to biological systems. In particular, the field is exploring hopping mechanisms in new proteins and protein complexes, as well as further understanding the classical biological hopping systems such as ribonuclease reductase, DNA photolyases, and photosystem II. Despite the plethora of natural systems, only a few biologically engineered systems exist. Engineered hopping systems can provide valuable information on key structural and electronic features, just like other kinds of biological model systems. Also, engineered systems can harness common biologic processes and utilize them for alternative reactions. In this thesis, two new hopping systems are engineered and characterized.

The protein Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin is used as a building block to create the two new hopping systems. Besides being well studied and amenable to mutation, azurin already has been used to successfully engineer a hopping system. The two hopping systems presented in this thesis have a histidine-attached high potential rhenium 4,7-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline tricarbonyl [Re(dmp)(CO)3] + label which, when excited, acts as the initial electron acceptor. The metal donor is the type I copper of the azurin protein. The hopping intermediates are all tryptophan, an amino acid mutated into the azurin at select sites between the photoactive metal label and the protein metal site. One system exhibits an inter-molecular hopping through a protein dimer interface; the other system undergoes intra-molecular multi-hopping utilizing a tryptophan “wire.” The electron transfer reactions are triggered by excitation of the rhenium label and monitored by UV-Visible transient absorption, luminescence decays measurements, and time-resolved Infrared spectroscopy (TRIR). Both systems were structurally characterized by protein X-ray crystallography.


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Pre-mRNA splicing requires interaction of cis- acting intron sequences with trans -acting factors: proteins and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). The assembly of these factors into a large complex, the spliceosome, is essential for the subsequent two step splicing reaction. First, the 5' splice site is cleaved and free exon 1 and a lariat intermediate (intron- exon2) form. In the second reaction the 3' splice site is cleaved the exons ligated and lariat intron released. A combination of genetic and biochemical techniques have been used here to study pre-mRNA splicing in yeast.

Yeast introns have three highly conserved elements. We made point mutations within these elements and found that most of them affect splicing efficiency in vivo and in vitro, usually by inhibiting spliceosome assembly.

To study trans -acting splicing factors we generated and screened a bank of temperature- sensitive (ts) mutants. Eleven new complementation groups (prp17 to prp27) were isolated. The four phenotypic classes obtained affect different steps in splicing and accumulate either: 1) pre-mRNA, 2) lariat intermediate, 3) excised intron or 4) both pre-mRNA and intron. The latter three classes represent novel phenotypes. The excised intron observed in one mutant: prp26 is stabilized due to protection in a snRNP containing particle. Extracts from another mutant: prpl8 are heat labile and accumulate lariat intermediate and exon 1. This is especially interesting as it allows analysis of the second splicing reaction. In vitro complementation of inactivated prp18 extracts does not require intact snRNPs. These studies have also shown the mutation to be in a previously unknown splicing protein. A specific requirement for A TP is also observed for the second step of splicing. The PRP 18 gene has been cloned and its polyadenylated transcript identified.


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Homologous recombination is a source of diversity in both natural and directed evolution. Standing genetic variation that has passed the test of natural selection is combined in new ways, generating functional and sometimes unexpected changes. In this work we evaluate the utility of homologous recombination as a protein engineering tool, both in comparison with and combined with other protein engineering techniques, and apply it to an industrially important enzyme: Hypocrea jecorina Cel5a.

Chapter 1 reviews work over the last five years on protein engineering by recombination. Chapter 2 describes the recombination of Hypocrea jecorina Cel5a endoglucanase with homologous enzymes in order to improve its activity at high temperatures. A chimeric Cel5a that is 10.1 °C more stable than wild-type and hydrolyzes 25% more cellulose at elevated temperatures is reported. Chapter 3 describes an investigation into the synergy of thermostable cellulases that have been engineered by recombination and other methods. An engineered endoglucanase and two engineered cellobiohydrolases synergistically hydrolyzed cellulose at high temperatures, releasing over 200% more reducing sugars over 60 h at their optimal mixture relative to the best mixture of wild-type enzymes. These results provide a framework for engineering cellulolytic enzyme mixtures for the industrial conditions of high temperatures and long incubation times.

In addition to this work on recombination, we explored three other problems in protein engineering. Chapter 4 describes an investigation into replacing enzymes with complex cofactors with simple cofactors, using an E. coli enolase as a model system. Chapter 5 describes engineering broad-spectrum aldehyde resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by evolving an alcohol dehydrogenase simultaneously for activity and promiscuity. Chapter 6 describes an attempt to engineer gene-targeted hypermutagenesis into E. coli to facilitate continuous in vivo selection systems.


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Mannose receptor (MR) is widely expressed on macrophages, immature dendritic cells, and a variety of epithelial and endothelial cells. It is a 180 kD type I transmembrane receptor whose extracellular region consists of three parts: the amino-terminal cysteine-rich domain (Cys-MR); a fibronectin type II-like domain; and a series of eight tandem C-type lectin carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs). Two portions of MR have distinct carbohydrate recognition properties: Cys-MR recognizes sulfated carbohydrates and the tandem CRD region binds terminal mannose, fucose, and N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc). The dual carbohydrate binding specificity allows MR to interact with sulfated and nonsulfated polysaccharide chains, and thereby facilitating the involvement of MR in immunological and physiological processes. The immunological functions of MR include antigen capturing (through binding non-sulfated carbohydrates) and antigen targeting (through binding sulfated carbohydrates), and the physiological roles include rapid clearance of circulatory luteinizing hormone (LH), which bears polysaccharide chains terminating with sulfated and non-sulfated carbohydrates.

We have crystallized and determined the X-ray structures of unliganded Cys-MR (2.0 Å) and Cys-MR complexed with different ligands, including Hepes (1.7 Å), 4SO_4-N-Acetylgalactosamine (4SO_4-GalNAc; 2.2 Å), 3SO_4-Lewis^x (2.2 Å), 3S04-Lewis^a (1.9 Å), and 6SO_4-GalNAc (2.5 Å). The overall structure of Cys-MR consists of 12 anti-parallel β-strands arranged in three lobes with approximate three fold internal symmetry. The structure contains three disulfide bonds, formed by the six cysteines in the Cys-MR sequence. The ligand-binding site is located in a neutral pocket within the third lobe, in which the sulfate group of ligand is buried. Our results show that optimal binding is achieved by a carbohydrate ligand with a sulfate group that anchors the ligand by forming numerous hydrogen bonds and a sugar ring that makes ring-stacking interactions with Trpll7 of CysMR. Using a fluorescence-based assay, we characterized the binding affinities between CysMR and its ligands, and rationalized the derived affinities based upon the crystal structures. These studies reveal the mechanism of sulfated carbohydrate recognition by Cys-MR and facilitate our understanding of the role of Cys-MR in MR recognition of its ligands.


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This thesis presents a simplified state-variable method to solve for the nonstationary response of linear MDOF systems subjected to a modulated stationary excitation in both time and frequency domains. The resulting covariance matrix and evolutionary spectral density matrix of the response may be expressed as a product of a constant system matrix and a time-dependent matrix, the latter can be explicitly evaluated for most envelopes currently prevailing in engineering. The stationary correlation matrix of the response may be found by taking the limit of the covariance response when a unit step envelope is used. The reliability analysis can then be performed based on the first two moments of the response obtained.

The method presented facilitates obtaining explicit solutions for general linear MDOF systems and is flexible enough to be applied to different stochastic models of excitation such as the stationary models, modulated stationary models, filtered stationary models, and filtered modulated stationary models and their stochastic equivalents including the random pulse train model, filtered shot noise, and some ARMA models in earthquake engineering. This approach may also be readily incorporated into finite element codes for random vibration analysis of linear structures.

A set of explicit solutions for the response of simple linear structures subjected to modulated white noise earthquake models with four different envelopes are presented as illustration. In addition, the method has been applied to three selected topics of interest in earthquake engineering, namely, nonstationary analysis of primary-secondary systems with classical or nonclassical dampings, soil layer response and related structural reliability analysis, and the effect of the vertical components on seismic performance of structures. For all the three cases, explicit solutions are obtained, dynamic characteristics of structures are investigated, and some suggestions are given for aseismic design of structures.