970 resultados para Baldini, Michele Arcangiolo, 1752-1821.
Ouvrage enrichi d'un superbe atlas, compose de 41 planches gravées en taille-douce, et de trois carte.
Sinopse dos trabalhos da Câmara dos Deputados, em 1921.
Clarias (Clarias gariepinus) (Burshell, 1821) fingerlings were fed isonitrogenous diets (38.9% crude protein) with fermented fluted pumpkin leaves (FFPL) replacing different proportion (0,50,75,100%) of extruded soybean meal (ESM) for 8 weeks. Growth responses at the different substitution levels measured. Increasing FFPL intake resulted in better weight gains and higher specific growth rates (SGR) of 0.29, 0.36 and 0.38% per day respectively. The increase in growth from feeding diets containing 75% and 100% of the ESM replaced with FFPL were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those of other diets. Further more fish tissue protein deposition consistently increased with increasing level of FFPL concentration in their diets. Fish fed diets where whole ESM was replace 100% FFPL gave the best overall response in terms of their weight gain, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, and specific growth rate. Economic considerations indicate the replacement of ESM with FFPL, which is a cheaper ingredient in feeds for Clarias
In a recent experimental work on the excess photon detachment (EPD) of H- ions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 243001] it has been found that the ponderomotive shift of each EPD peak increases with the order of the EPD channel. By using a nonperturbative quantum scattering theory, we obtain the kinetic energy spectra for the differential detachment rate along the laser polarization for several laser intensities. It is demonstrated that higher order EPD peaks are produced mainly at relatively higher laser intensities. By calculating the overall EPD spectra with varying laser intensities, it is found that the ponderomotive shift of each EPD peak increases with the order of the EPD channel. Our calculations are in good agreement with the experimental observation. It is found that different EPD channels occur mainly when the laser field reaches some values, thus the intensity distribution of the laser field is responsible for the varying ponderomotive shifts.
用体布拉格光栅(VBG)作为反馈元件与瓦级半导体激光器(LD)以及快轴准直柱透镜构成一个可以将半导体激光器的工作波长稳定在体布拉格光栅布拉格波长处的外腔激光器。测量了体布拉格光栅外腔激光器的波长稳定性与其工作电流、热汇温度、激光束准直装置等因素的关系。分析了波长稳定效果与半导体激光器增益谱特性、外腔结构参量等因素的关系。研究表明,在相同的工作电流、热汇温度下,当准直柱透镜直径为0.4 mm时的波长稳定效果较好;在此情况下,当热汇温度控制在30 ℃,工作电流从0.5 A增加到1.5 A的测量范围内,以及当工
Enpresen hazkunde bide ezberdinak aztertzeko helburuarekin, 1821. urtean sortu zen Bureau Veritas konpainia aukeratu dut, gaur egun mundu mailan liderra den enpresa multinazionala. Lehenik eta behin, 180 urtetan zehar Bureau Veritas-ek izan duen ibilbidea aztertuko dugu enpresa hobeto ezagutzeko eta sortu zenetik lider izatera eraman dituen ekintzak edo aldagaiak zeintzuk izan diren ikusteko. Ondoren, Bureau Veritas-en azkenengo plan estrategikoak ikusiko ditugu. Alde batetik 2007-2011 urte bitartekoa eta bestetik, 2012-2015 urtetarako enpresak planteatutakoa. Azken hau, aurrekoan lortutako emaitzetan oinarritzen da eta geroago ikusiko dugun bezala, nahiz eta ingurune makroekonomikoak laguntzen ez duen, 2015 urterako plan estrategikoa proiektu garrantzitsua da konpainiarentzat eta irabazlearen estrategia bezala aurkezten dute. Hau guztia aztertu eta gero, dauden hazkunde bide ezberdinak eta kasu bakoitzean zein izango litzateke egokiena aztertuko dugu. Bureau Veritas-en kasuan, hauen artean, absortzio bidezko fusioa da nagusi eta horregatik, Bureau Veritas-ek 2007. urtean burutu zuen ECA (Entidad Colaboradora de la Administración) enpresa katalanaren eskuraketa aztertuko dugu, hau da, eskuraketa honekin Bureau Veritas-ek zituen helburuak, eskuraketa prozesua nolakoa izan zen, ECA-ren integrazioa prozesua, ondorioak…
A highly uniform multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber ring laser with an intracavity sine phase modulator is demonstrated. The flat output spectrum is achieved by optimizing the cavity structure, modulation amplitude, and frequency of the sine phase modulator. Fifteen lasing lines with wavelength spacing of 0.9 nm appear simultaneously and stably with power differences less than 2 dB and side-mode suppression ratio higher than 32 dB. In addition, the proposed cavity can support unidirectional operation without optical isolators. An output power difference of about 20 dB is realized between the counterclockwise and clockwise directions, which is almost independent of the pump power and lasing wavelengths. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
This presentation will describe the use of online forums in Moodle, a course management system, to teach students to evaluate both print and electronic reference sources. For two semesters I have created an online forum called the Fishing Hole Scouting Report for an in-class exercise. Students are given 2-3 background questions and told to find the answers using both a library-approved reference source and Wikipedia. Students then evaluate the reference source for effectiveness and ease of use, compared to Wikipedia, and post their comments in the forum to share with the class. I will highlight the educational benefits of using Moodle forums for this purpose and discuss best practices for selecting the most effective sources and questions.
Beatriz Fernández & Pello Salaburu (arg. / eds.)
Este é o resultado de um trabalho desenvolvido que compõe a tese de doutorado cujo tema está focado nas práticas de leitura presentes na sociedade maranhense no século XIX, com recorte entre os anos de 1821 a 1831, data da circulação do primeiro jornal e da instalação da primeira tipografia no Maranhão, estendendo-se por todo o Primeiro Reinado quando a província começou a vivenciar os debates políticos e as transformações sociais, culturais e econômicas que lhe proporcionaram a construção de uma nova identidade. Trata- se de uma investigação histórica, tendo como fonte principal de pesquisa os jornais que circularam no Maranhão nesse período, e como sustentabilidade os reclames neles publicados que forneceram pistas necessárias para o entendimento das questões suscitadas sobre a cultura escrita, principalmente a presença de protocolos de leitura que, de forma geral, circundam ou estão vinculados às práticas de leitura e à cultura e de modo singular às pessoas, a fim de identificar as relações estabelecidas na tríade livro-leitor-leitura e, consequentemente, os desdobramentos sociais e pessoais, a partir do que era lido, produzido, veiculado ou comercializado entre os habitantes da província. Assim, houve também uma investigação de práticas sociais, incluindo ações, sujeitos e relações sociais, instrumentos, objetos, valores, tempo e lugar, não haurindo absolutamente o passado, mas garimpando referenciais que auxiliaram a entender o presente. O texto refaz um pouco a trajetória da imprensa no Maranhão, instituída com a finalidade de publicar o primeiro jornal maranhense O Conciliador do Maranhão, cujo caminho também é reconstituído assim como o dos demais jornais que circularam no período pesquisado, mostrando que eles serviram, não só para aclarar ideias, mas também para fazer brotar ideais liberalizantes. O capítulo-chave decorre das informações extraídas sobre os impressos produzidos pela imprensa local, os que estavam sendo comercializados pelo mercado maranhense, os que se encontravam no prelo local ou externo, os que se constituíam em leituras dos intelectuais e jornalistas, considerados principais construtores das práticas de leitura dos maranhenses oitocentistas. Um panorama das instituições mediadoras do livro e da leitura fecha o circuito percorrido, mostrando que as artes como a música, a pintura e o teatro serviram para delinear uma sociedade com peculiar formação crítica e que, as sociedades literárias, os gabinetes de leitura, as bibliotecas e as escolas públicas ou particulares, foram, de fato, verdadeiros baluartes da boa educação e da liberdade dos povos.
In ultracold atoms settings, inelastic light scattering is a preeminent technique to reveal static and dynamic properties at nonzero momentum. In this work, we investigate an array of one-dimensional trapped Bose gases, by measuring both the energy and the momentum imparted to the system via light scattering experiments. The measurements are performed in the weak perturbation regime, where these two quantities-the energy and momentum transferred-are expected to be related to the dynamic structure factor of the system. We discuss this relation, with special attention to the role of in-trap dynamics on the transferred momentum.
Adenylate Kinase (AK) is a signal transducing protein that regulates cellular energy homeostasis balancing between different conformations. An alteration of its activity can lead to severe pathologies such as heart failure, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. A comprehensive elucidation of the large-scale conformational motions that rule the functional mechanism of this enzyme is of great value to guide rationally the development of new medications. Here using a metadynamics-based computational protocol we elucidate the thermodynamics and structural properties underlying the AK functional transitions. The free energy estimation of the conformational motions of the enzyme allows characterizing the sequence of events that regulate its action. We reveal the atomistic details of the most relevant enzyme states, identifying residues such as Arg119 and Lys13, which play a key role during the conformational transitions and represent druggable spots to design enzyme inhibitors. Our study offers tools that open new areas of investigation on large-scale motion in proteins.