893 resultados para Argille Azzurre, calanchi, geomorfologia, morfometria, geotecnica


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The topic of the Ph.D project focuses on the modelling of the soil-water dynamics inside an instrumented embankment section along Secchia River (Cavezzo (MO)) in the period from 2017 to 2018 and the quantification of the performance of the direct and indirect simulations . The commercial code Hydrus2D by Pc-Progress has been chosen to run the direct simulations. Different soil-hydraulic models have been adopted and compared. The parameters of the different hydraulic models are calibrated using a local optimization method based on the Levenberg - Marquardt algorithm implemented in the Hydrus package. The calibration program is carried out using different types of dataset of observation points, different weighting distributions, different combinations of optimized parameters and different initial sets of parameters. The final goal is an in-depth study of the potentialities and limits of the inverse analysis when applied to a complex geotechnical problem as the case study. The second part of the research focuses on the effects of plant roots and soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction on the spatial and temporal distribution of pore water pressure in soil. The investigated soil belongs to the West Charlestown Bypass embankment, Newcastle, Australia, that showed in the past years shallow instabilities and the use of long stem planting is intended to stabilize the slope. The chosen plant species is the Malaleuca Styphelioides, native of eastern Australia. The research activity included the design and realization of a specific large scale apparatus for laboratory experiments. Local suction measurements at certain intervals of depth and radial distances from the root bulb are recorded within the vegetated soil mass under controlled boundary conditions. The experiments are then reproduced numerically using the commercial code Hydrus 2D. Laboratory data are used to calibrate the RWU parameters and the parameters of the hydraulic model.


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In questo lavoro viene descritto lo studio preliminare effettuato all’interno del sistema Cavallone-Bove, nel massiccio della Majella, Abruzzo. Sono state effettuate osservazioni sulle morfologie interne ed esterne delle grotte, sulla presenza di depositi chimici e fisici. Sono stati prelevati ed analizzati dei depositi chimici presenti in abbondanza nelle due cavità. È stato così possibile identificare l'origine delle grotte ed attribuirlo al modello tipico delle SAS. Le grotte sono state interessate dalla risalita di fluidi e vapori acidi in passato, ma che da un'attenta analisi è emerso che ci sono stati più eventi di risalita e molto probabilmente anche a differente acidità. In ultima analisi sono state discusse le serie di alterazione dei minerali oggetto di studio (gruppo dell'alunite, gibbsite, gesso), utili per comprendere la speleogenesi delle cavità e la provenienza dei fluidi.


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Negli ultimi anni la gestione del suolo in viticoltura si è evoluta fino a divenire uno strumento chiave per incrementare la sostenibilità dell’ecosistema vigneto e dei comprensori viticoli. Il lavoro di tesi ha investigato diverse strategie di gestione del suolo, incentrate sulla semina autunnale, con modalità ed epoche differenti, di trifoglio brachicalicino nel sottofila, e di sulla, orzo, segale, nell’interfilare. Gli esperimenti sono stati condotti in condizioni ambientali e colturali diverse, in tre vigneti della Romagna, allo scopo di ridurre l’impiego sensibilmente l’impiego di pesticidi e fertilizzanti, incrementare la biodiversità, migliorare la salute, in un contesto di transizione agroecologica. La tesi ha previsto attività formative finalizzate all’acquisizione di conoscenze e competenze sul pascolo ovino con l’obiettivo di introdurre tale pratica nei vigneti che hanno ospitato la sperimentazione. Sono stati condotti rilievi sulla composizione floristica, rilievi vegetativi sulle viti, osservazioni al microscopio ottico su sezioni di tralci, osservazioni sugli animali. I primi dati sperimentali evidenziano le potenzialità delle strategie agroecologiche adottate e la rilevanza della conoscenza per superare la dipendenza da pesticidi e fertilizzanti nella prospettiva di progettare, gestire e disseminare sistemi agrari complessi e arricchire la formazione universitaria attraverso il pensiero sistemico.


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L’elaborato sperimentale è stato condotto in un giovane vigneto di Grechetto Gentile in fase di allevamento, presso il Faro Agroecologico Cantina Bulzaga (Brisighella, RA), un’azienda biologica che adotta strategie di gestione agroecologiche. Il lavoro ha messo in luce i molteplici vantaggi della gestione agroecologica in un contesto pedoclimatico caratterizzato dalla scarsità di risorse idriche, accentuata dai cambiamenti climatici. I riscontri sperimentali hanno fatto emergere quanto sia importante il ricorso a specifiche consociazioni, incentrate sulla biodiversità funzionale, per la creazione di ecosistemi resilienti ai cambiamenti climatici e il miglioramento dell’acquisizione delle risorse naturali dal suolo. La presenza di trifoglio brachicalicino (leguminosa annuale autoriseminante) lungo il filare ha determinato un significativo aumento della produzione e della crescita vegetativa delle giovani viti. Gli effetti riscontrati sono riconducibili alla maggiore disponibilità di azoto nel suolo e al miglioramento dello stato idrico, un aspetto già evidenziato in vigneti adulti. Un altro importante risultato emerso dal lavoro di tesi è la polifunzionalità del Faro Agroecologico, che ha suscitato molto fascino e curiosità in viticoltori, studenti e cittadini, offrendo un forte impulso all’enoturismo local,e attratto anche dalla biodiversità vegetale, animale ed enologica che distingue con originalità questo Faro della Romagna.


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This doctoral thesis focuses on the study of historical shallow landslide activity over time in response to anthropogenic forcing on land use, through the compilation of multi-temporal landslide inventories. The study areas, located in contrasting settings and characterized by different history of land-cover changes, include the Sillaro River basin (Italy) and the Tsitika and Eve River basins (coastal British Columbia). The Sillaro River basin belongs to clay-dominated settings, characterized by extensive badland development, and dominated by earth slides and earthflows. Here, forest removal began in the Roman period and has been followed by agricultural land abandonment and natural revegetation in recent time. By contrast, the Tsitika-Eve River basins are characterized by granitic and basaltic lithologies, and dominated by debris slides, debris flows and debris avalanches. In this setting, anthropogenic impacts started in 1960’s and have involved logging operation. The thesis begins with an introductory chapter, followed by a methodological section, where a multi-temporal mapping approach is proposed and tested at four landslide sites of the Sillaro River basin. Results, in terms of inventory completeness in time and space, are compared against the existing region-wide Emilia-Romagna inventory. This approach is then applied at the Sillaro River basin scale, where the multi-temporal inventory obtained is used to investigate the landslide activity in relation to historical land cover changes across geologic domains and in relation to hydro-meteorological forcing. Then, the impact of timber harvesting and road construction on landslide activity and sediment transfer in the Tsitika-Eve River basins is investigated, with a focus on the controls that interactions between landscape morphometry and cutblock location may have on landslide size-frequency relations. The thesis ends with a summary of the main findings and discusses advantages and limitations associated with the compilation of multi-temporal inventories in the two settings during different periods of human-driven, land-cover dynamics.


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In this doctoral dissertation, a comprehensive methodological approach for the assessment of river embankments safety conditions, based on the integrated use of laboratory testing, physical modelling and finite element (FE) numerical simulations, is proposed, with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the effect of time-dependent hydraulic boundary conditions on the hydro-mechanical response of river embankments. The case study and materials selected for the present research project are representative for the riverbank systems of Alpine and Apennine tributaries of the main river Po (Northern Italy), which have recently experienced various sudden overall collapses. The outcomes of a centrifuge test carried out under the enhanced gravity field of 50-g, on a riverbank model, made of a compacted silty sand mixture, overlying a homogeneous clayey silt foundation layer and subjected to a simulated flood event, have been considered for the definition of a robust and realistic experimental benchmark. In order to reproduce the observed experimental behaviour, a first set of numerical simulations has been carried out by assuming, for both the embankments and the foundation unit, rigid soil porous media, under partially saturated conditions. Mechanical and hydraulic soil properties adopted in the numerical analyses have been carefully estimated based on standard saturated triaxial, oedometer and constant head permeability tests. Afterwards, advanced suction-controlled laboratory tests, have been carried out to investigate the effect of suction and confining stresses on the shear strength and compressibility characteristics of the filling material and a second set of numerical simulations has been run, taking into account the soil parameters updated based on the most recent tests. The final aim of the study is the quantitative estimation of the predictive capabilities of the calibrated numerical tools, by systematically comparing the results of the FE simulations to the experimental benchmark.


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The aim of this research is to improve the understanding of the factors that control the formation of karst porosity in hypogene settings and its associated patterns of void-conduit networks. Subsurface voids created by hypogene dissolution may span from few microns to decametric tubes providing interconnected conduit systems and forming highly anisotropic permeability domains in many reservoirs. Characterizing the spatial-morphological organization of hypogene karst is a challenging task that has dramatic implications for the applied industry, given that only partial data can be acquired from the subsurface by indirect techniques. Therefore, two outcropping cave analogues are examined: the Cavallone-Bove Cave in the Majella Massif (Italy), and the karst systems of the Salitre Formation (Brazil). In the latter, a peculiar example of hypogene speleogenesis associated with silicification has been studied, providing an analogue of many karstified reservoirs hosted in cherts or cherty-carbonates within mixed sedimentary sequences. The first part of the thesis is focused on the relationships between fracture patterns and flow pathways in deformed units in: 1) a fold-and-thrust setting (Majella Massif); 2) a cratonic block (Brazil). These settings represent potential playgrounds for the migration and accumulation of geofluids, where hypogene conduits may affect flow pathways, fluid storage, and reservoir properties. The results indicate that localized deformation producing cross-formational fracture zones associated with anticline hinges or fault damage zones is critical for hypogene fluid migration and karstification. The second part of the thesis deals with the multidisciplinary study of hydrothermal silicification and hypogene dissolution in Calixto Cave (Brazil). Petrophysical analyses and a geochemical characterization of silica deposits are used to unravel the spatial-morphological organization of the conduit system and its speleogenesis. The novel results obtained from this cave shed new light on the relationship between hydrothermal silicification, hypogene dissolution and the development of multistorey cave systems in layered carbonate-siliciclastic sequences.


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The scope of the thesis is to broaden the knowledge about axially loaded pipe piles, that can play as foundations for offshore wind turbines based on jacket structures. The goal of the work was pursued by interpreting experimental data on large-scale model piles and by developing numerical tools for the prediction of their monotonic response to tensile and compressive loads to failure. The availability of experimental results on large scale model piles produced in two different campaigns at Fraunhofer IWES (Hannover, Germany) represented the reference for the whole work. Data from CPTs, blow counts during installation and load-displacement curves allowed to develop considerations on the experimental results and comparison with empirical methods from literature, such as CPT-based methods and Load Transfer methods. The understanding of soil-structure interaction mechanisms has been involved in the study in order to better assess the mechanical response of the sand with the scope to help in developing predictive tools of the experiments. A lack of information on the response of Rohsand 3152 when in contact with steel was highlighted, so the necessity of better assessing its response was fulfilled with a comprehensive campaign of interface shear test. It was found how the response of the sand to ultimate conditions evolve with the roughness of the steel, which is a precious information to take account of when attempting the prediction of a pile capacity. Parallel to this topic, the work has developed a numerical modelling procedure that was validated on the available large-scale model piles at IWES. The modelling strategy is intended to build a FE model whose mechanical properties of the sand come from an interpretation of commonly available geotechnical tests. The results of the FE model were compared with other predictive tools currently used in the engineering practice.