945 resultados para Arabic alphabet
Copy completed in 1160 [1747] in the hand of Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn.
Paginated 36-45.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Bound with: Sharḥ al-ʻAqīdah al-Sanūsīyah / Muḥammad al-Maʼmūn ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥafṣī (ff. 1v-28v).
Incomplete at beginning.
Title supplied by cataloger
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصلى الله على سيدنا ومولانا محمد وآله حدايق الازهار النددية في التعريف باهل الزاوية ... :Incipit
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه الاعانة فصل اعلم ان الناظم لم يتعرض. :Incipit
Title translation : The Endowment of the Generous [i.e. God] regarding the Science of Inheritance.
Written surface: 9.5 x 18.8 cm, 25 lines per page, in clear naskhi script in black ink, on beige paper, with headings, keywords, and markings in red. Text: folios: 1b – 36a
1. Tarih-i Al-i Osman bin Ertuğrul (dates of Ottoman Sultans) (f. 1r) -- 2. Suret-i arzname (ff. 1v--2v) -- 3. Arabic poem, awāʼil Muḥarram 804 [August 11-20, 1401] (copied by Ḥājjī Aḥmad ibn ... al-B.f.l.ghānī) (ff. 3r-11r) -- 4. Taʻrīfāt ʻilm usūl fiqh, Shawwāl 804 [May 1402] (ff. 11v-16v) -- 5. Arabic glossary (explanations in Arabic and Persian), 804 [1402] (copied by Idrīs b. Ḥasan b. Bayram) (ff. 17r-52r) -- 6. Sharḥ al-Farāʼiḍ al-Sirājīyah / ʻAbd al-Karīm b. Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan al-Hamadānī al-Tabrīzī, awāsiṭ Dhī al-Ḥijja 804 [July 1402] (copied by Idrīs b. Ḥasan b. Bayram) (ff. 52v-94r) -- 7. Lughat-i ḥurūf (ff. 94v-95r) -- 8. Mufradāt-i Pārsī (A list of Persian verbs) (ff. 95v-97v).
Marriage ritual in Arabic, the Story of the fast of Satī Mā also known as the fast of Maulā ʻAlī, a Prayer to be recited during ceremony for the forgiveness of sin on the Great Day (the Day of Judgement), the short kalimah or testimony of faith and the long kalimah.
Ritual Prayer in Arabic with instructions on number of prostration cycles (rakaʻahs) to be performed during each of the five prayer times.
Local paper. Ms. imperfect, later folios missing, paper brittle in poor condition; ff. 1, 2 and 114 damaged.