956 resultados para Application-layer


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This thesis locates the origins of modern secular knowledge in late medieval theology. Problems with modern and postmodern knowledge which arise from these theological origins are then tackled theologically, and the manner in which secular ways of understanding knowledge are embedded in specific university, political and hospital contexts are then described and evaluated from a post-secular theological standpoint. The theoretical component of this thesis looks at knowledge itself and finds that without faith there can be no knowledge. The applied component of this thesis does two things. Firstly it explores how our conception of knowledge shapes the assumptions, operational norms, belief frames and tacit values of some characteristically modern and secular institutions. Secondly the applied component evaluates those contexts from the theologically premised conception of knowledge which was argued for in the theoretical component of this thesis.


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Analytical and computational models of the intervertebral disc (IVD) are commonly employed to enhance understanding of the biomechanics of the human spine and spinal motion segments. The accuracy of these models in predicting physiological behaviour of the spine is intrinsically reliant on the accuracy of the material constitutive representations employed to represent the spinal tissues. There is a paucity of detailed mechanical data describing the material response of the reinforced­ground matrix in the anulus fibrosus of the IVD. In the present study, the ‘reinforced­ground matrix’ was defined as the matrix with the collagen fibres embedded but not actively bearing axial load, thus incorporating the contribution of the fibre-fibre and fibre-matrix interactions. To determine mechanical parameters for the anulus ground matrix, mechanical tests were carried out on specimens of ovine anulus, under unconfined uniaxial compression, simple shear and biaxial compression. Test specimens of ovine anulus fibrosus were obtained with an adjacent layer of vertebral bone/cartilage on the superior and inferior specimen surface. Specimen geometry was such that there were no continuous collagen fibres coupling the two endplates. Samples were subdivided according to disc region - anterior, lateral and posterior - to determine the regional inhomogeneity in the anulus mechanical response. Specimens were loaded at a strain rate sufficient to avoid fluid outflow from the tissue and typical stress-strain responses under the initial load application and under repeated loading were determined for each of the three loading types. The response of the anulus tissue to the initial and repeated load cycles was significantly different for all load types, except biaxial compression in the anterior anulus. Since the maximum applied strain exceeded the damage strain for the tissue, experimental results for repeated loading reflected the mechanical ability of the tissue to carry load, subsequent to the initiation of damage. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide experimental data describing the response of the ‘reinforced­ground matrix’ to biaxial compression. Additionally, it is novel in defining a study objective to determine the regionally inhomogeneous response of the ‘reinforced­ground matrix’ under an extensive range of loading conditions suitable for mechanical characterisation of the tissue. The results presented facilitate the development of more detailed and comprehensive constitutive descriptions for the large strain nonlinear elastic or hyperelastic response of the anulus ground matrix.


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Cell-sheet techniques have been proven effective in various soft tissue engineering applications. In this experiment, we investigated the feasibility of bone tissue engineering using a hybrid of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) sheets and PLGA meshes. Porcine MSCs were cultured to a thin layer of cell sheets via osteogenic induction. Tube-like long bones were constructed by wrapping the cell sheet on to PLGA meshes resulting in constructs which could be cultured in spinner flasks, prior to implantation in nude rats. Our results showed that the sheets were composed of viable cells and dense matrix with a thickness of about 80–120 mm, mineral deposition was also observed in the sheet. In vitro cultures demonstrated calcified cartilage-like tissue formation and most PLGA meshes were absorbed during the 8-week culture period. In vivo experiments revealed that dense mineralized tissue was formed in subcutaneous sites and the 8- week plants shared similar micro-CT characteristics with native bone. The neo tissue demonstrated histological markers for both bone and cartilage, indicating that the bone formation pathway in constructs was akin to endochondral ossification, with the residues of PLGA having an effect on the neo tissue organization and formation. These results indicate that cell-sheet approaches in combination with custom-shaped scaffolds have potential in producing bone tissue.


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The purpose of this paper is to emphasis the significance of public asset management in Indonesia that is by identifying opportunities and challenges of Indonesian local governments in adopting current practice of Public Asset Management System. A Case Study, in South Sulawesi Provincial government was used as the approach to achieve the research objective. The case study involved two data collection techniques i.e. interviews followed by study on documents. The result of the study indicates there are some significant opportunities and challenges that Indonesian local government might deal with in adopting current practice of public asset management. There are opportunities that can lead to more effective and efficient local government, accountable and auditable local government organization, increase local government portfolio, and improve the quality of public services. The challenges include no clear institutional and legal framework to support the asset management application, non-profit principle of public assets, cross jurisdictions in public asset management, complexity of local government objectives, and unavailability of data for managing public property. The study only covers condition of South Sulawesi Province, which could not represent exactly the whole local governments’ condition in Indonesia. Findings from this study provide useful input for the policy makers, scholars and asset management practitioners in Indonesia to establish a public asset management framework that suitable for Indonesia.


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The development of autonomous air vehicles can be an expensive research pursuit. To alleviate some of the financial burden of this process, we have constructed a system consisting of four winches each attached to a central pod (the simulated air vehicle) via cables - a cable-array robot. The system is capable of precisely controlling the three dimensional position of the pod allowing effective testing of sensing and control strategies before experimentation on a free-flying vehicle. In this paper, we present a brief overview of the system and provide a practical control strategy for such a system. ©2005 IEEE.


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The structure of the 1:1 proton-transfer compound from the reaction of L-tartaric acid with the azo-dye precursor aniline yellow [4-(phenylazo)aniline], 4-(phenyldiazenyl)anilinium hydrogen 2R,3R-tartrate C12H12N3+ . C4H6O6- has been determined at 200 K. The asymmetric unit of the compound contains two independent phenylazoanilinium cations and two hydrogen L-tartrate anions. The structure is unusual in that all four phenyl rings of both cations have identical 50% rotational disorder. The two hydrogen L-tartrate anions form independent but similar chains through head-to-tail carboxylic O--H...O~carboxyl~ hydrogen bonds [graph set C7] which are then extended into a two-dimensional hydrogen-bonded sheet structure through hydroxyl O--H...O hydrogen-bonding links. The anilinium groups of the phenyldiazenyl cations are incorporated into the sheets and also provide internal hydrogen-bonding extensions while their aromatic tails layer in the structure without significant interaction except for weak \p--\p interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.844(3) \%A]. The hydrogen L-tartrate residues of both anions have the common short intramolecular hydroxyl O--H...O~carboxyl~ hydogen bonds. This work has provided a solution to the unusual disorder problem inherent in the structure of this salt as well as giving another example of the utility of the hydrogen tartrate in the generation of sheet substructures in molecular assembly processes.


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The unusual behaviour of fine lunar regolith like stickiness and low heat conductivity is dominated by the structural arrangement of its finest fraction in the outer-most topsoil layer. Here, we show the previously unknown phenomenon of building a globular 3-D superstructure within the dust fraction of the regolith. New technology, Transmission X-ray Microscopy (TXM) with tomographic reconstruction, reveals a highly porous network of cellular void system in the lunar finest dust fraction aggregates. Such porous chained aggregates are composed of sub-micron in size particles that build cellular void networks. Voids are a few micrometers in diameter. Discovery of such a superstructure within the finest fraction of the lunar topsoil allow building a model of heat transfer which is discussed.


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This review article proposes that theories and research of intergroup contact, prejudice, and acculturation, enhance understanding of the current intercultural relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in Western societies, such as in Australia. The actual and perceived prejudice that many Muslims studying, working, and living in the West have been experiencing following the 2001 terrorist attacks, adds an additional layer of stress to the psychosocial adjustment of Muslim immigrants and sojourners, affecting their cross-cultural adaptation and mental health. Stephan and colleagues’ Integrated Threat Theory argues that the perceived threat experienced by all parties, explains the acts of prejudice. Berry’s acculturation framework highlights that adaptive acculturation is determined by congruent host nation policies and practices and immigrant acculturation strategies. Implications for multicultural policy, intercultural training, and mental health practice, and suggestions for future research, are discussed.


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Controlling differential axial shortening in vertical load bearing concrete elements is a major concern for new generation tall buildings with complex geometries and mechanisms. Quantification of axial shortening using gauges to verify the pre-estimated numerical values used at the design stage is a well established method. This method makes adequate provision to mitigate the adverse effects during the construction. However, this method is becoming increasingly unusable due to its drawbacks. This highlights the need a novel method to quantify the axial shortening using ambient measurements. This paper will first brief introduce the method and then illustrate its application to a high-rise building with two outrigger and belt systems. Moreover, this procedure can be used as a health or performance monitoring tool of the building structure, both during and after construction.


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The radiation chemistry and the grafting of a fluoropolymer, poly(tetrafluoroethylene-coperfluoropropyl vinyl ether) (PFA), was investigated with the aim of developing a highly stable grafted support for use in solid phase organic chemistry (SPOC). A radiation-induced grafting method was used whereby the PFA was exposed to ionizing radiation to form free radicals capable of initiating graft copolymerization of styrene. To fully investigate this process, both the radiation chemistry of PFA and the grafting of styrene to PFA were examined. Radiation alone was found to have a detrimental effect on PFA when irradiated at 303 K. This was evident from the loss in the mechanical properties due to chain scission reactions. This meant that when radiation was used for the grafting reactions, the total radiation dose needed to be kept as low as possible. The radicals produced when PFA was exposed to radiation were examined using electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Both main-chain (–CF2–C.F–CF2-) and end-chain (–CF2–C.F2) radicals were identified. The stability of the majority of the main-chain radicals when the polymer was heated above the glass transition temperature suggested that they were present mainly in the crystalline regions of the polymer, while the end-chain radicals were predominately located in the amorphous regions. The radical yield at 77 K was lower than the radical yield at 303 K suggesting that cage recombination at low temperatures inhibited free radicals from stabilizing. High-speed MAS 19F NMR was used to identify the non-volatile products after irradiation of PFA over a wide temperature range. The major products observed over the irradiation temperature 303 to 633 K included new saturated chain ends, short fluoromethyl side chains in both the amorphous and crystalline regions, and long branch points. The proportion of the radiolytic products shifted from mainly chain scission products at low irradiation temperatures to extensive branching at higher irradiation temperatures. Calculations of G values revealed that net crosslinking only occurred when PFA was irradiated in the melt. Minor products after irradiation at elevated temperatures included internal and terminal double bonds and CF3 groups adjacent to double bonds. The volatile products after irradiation at 303 K included tetrafluoromethane (CF4) and oxygen-containing species from loss of the perfluoropropyl ether side chains of PFA as identified by mass spectrometry and FTIR spectroscopy. The chemical changes induced by radiation exposure were accompanied by changes in the thermal properties of the polymer. Changes in the crystallinity and thermal stability of PFA after irradiation were examined using DSC and TGA techniques. The equilibrium melting temperature of untreated PFA was 599 K as determined using a method of extrapolation of the melting temperatures of imperfectly formed crystals. After low temperature irradiation, radiation- induced crystallization was prevalent due to scission of strained tie molecules, loss of perfluoropropyl ether side chains, and lowering of the molecular weight which promoted chain alignment and hence higher crystallinity. After irradiation at high temperatures, the presence of short and long branches hindered crystallization, lowering the overall crystallinity. The thermal stability of the PFA decreased with increasing radiation dose and temperature due to the introduction of defect groups. Styrene was graft copolymerized to PFA using -radiation as the initiation source with the aim of preparing a graft copolymer suitable as a support for SPOC. Various grafting conditions were studied, such as the total dose, dose rate, solvent effects and addition of nitroxides to create “living” graft chains. The effect of dose rate was examined when grafting styrene vapour to PFA using the simultaneous grafting method. The initial rate of grafting was found to be independent of the dose rate which implied that the reaction was diffusion controlled. When the styrene was dissolved in various solvents for the grafting reaction, the graft yield was strongly dependent of the type and concentration of the solvent used. The greatest graft yield was observed when the solvent swelled the grafted layers and the substrate. Microprobe Raman spectroscopy was used to map the penetration of the graft into the substrate. The grafted layer was found to contain both poly(styrene) (PS) and PFA and became thicker with increasing radiation dose and graft yield which showed that grafting began at the surface and progressively penetrated the substrate as the grafted layer was swollen. The molecular weight of the grafted PS was estimated by measuring the molecular weight of the non-covalently bonded homopolymer formed in the grafted layers using SEC. The molecular weight of the occluded homopolymer was an order of magnitude greater than the free homopolymer formed in the surrounding solution suggesting that the high viscosity in the grafted regions led to long PS grafts. When a nitroxide mediated free radical polymerization was used, grafting occurred within the substrate and not on the surface due to diffusion of styrene into the substrate at the high temperatures needed for the reaction to proceed. Loading tests were used to measure the capacity of the PS graft to be functionialized with aminomethyl groups then further derivatized. These loading tests showed that samples grafted in a solution of styrene and methanol had superior loading capacity over samples graft using other solvents due to the shallow penetration and hence better accessibility of the graft when methanol was used as a solvent.


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Near-infrared (NIR) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy have been used to determine the mineralogical character of isomorphic substitutions for Mg2+ by divalent transition metals Fe, Mn, Co and Ni in natural halotrichite series. The minerals are characterised by d-d transitions in NIR region 12000-7500 cm-1. NIR spectrum of halotrichite reveals broad feature from 12000 to 7500 cm-1 with a splitting of two bands resulting from ferrous ion transition 5T2g ® 5Eg. The presence of overtones of OH- fundamentals near 7000 cm-1 confirms molecular water in the mineral structure of the halotrichite series. The appearance of the most intense peak at around 5132 cm-1 is a common feature in the three minerals and is derived from combination of OH- vibrations of water molecules and 2 water bending modes. The influence of cations like Mg2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+ shows on the spectra of halotrichites. Especially wupatkiite-OH stretching vibrations in which bands are distorted conspicuously to low wave numbers at 3270, 2904 and 2454 cm-1. The observation of high frequency 2 mode in the infrared spectrum at 1640 cm-1 indicates coordination of water molecules is strongly hydrogen bonded in natural halotrichites. The splittings of bands in 3 and 4 (SO4)2- stretching regions may be attributed to the reduction of symmetry from Td to C2v for sulphate ion. This work has shown the usefulness of NIR spectroscopy for the rapid identification and classification of the halotrichite minerals.


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Background and purpose Our aim was to prove in an animal model that the use of HA paste at the cement-bone interface in the acetabulum would improve fixation. We examined, in sheep, the effect of interposing a layer of hydroxyapatite cement around the periphery of a polyethylene socket prior to fixing it using polymethylemethacrylate (PMMA). Methods We made a randomized study involving 22 sheep to test whether the application of BoneSource hydroxyapatite material to the surface of the ovine acetabulum prior to cementing a polyethylene cup at hip arthroplasty improved the fixation and the nature of the interface. We studied the gross radiographical appearance of the implant-bone interface and the histological appearance at the interface. Results There were more radiolucencies evident in the control group. Histologically, only sheep randomized into the BoneSource group exhibited a fully osseointegrated interface. Use of the hydroxyapatite material did not confer any detrimental effects. In some cases the material appeared to have been fully resorbed. When the material was evident on histological section, it was incorporated into an osseointegrated interface. There was no giant cell reaction present in any case. There was no evidence of migration of BoneSource to the articulation. Interpretation The application of HA material prior to cementation of a socket produced an improved interface. The technique may be useful in man with to extend the longevity of the cemented implant by protecting the socket interface from the effect of hydrodynamic fluid flow and particulate debris.


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Powerful brands create meaningful images in the minds of customers (Keller, 1993). A strong brand image and reputation enhances differentiation and has a positive influence on buying behaviour (Gordon et al., 1993; McEnally and de Chernatony, 1999). While the power of branding is widely acknowledged in consumer markets, the nature and importance of branding in industrial markets remains under-researched. Many business-to-business (B2B) strategists have claimed brand-building belongs in the consumer realm. They argue that industrial products do not need branding as it is confusing and adds little value to functional products (Collins, 1977; Lorge, 1998; Saunders and Watt, 1979). Others argue that branding and the concept of brand equity however are increasingly important in industrial markets, because it has been shown that what a brand means to a buyer can be a determining factor in deciding between industrial purchase alternatives (Aaker, 1991). In this context, it is critical for suppliers to initiate and sustain relationships due to the small number of potential customers (Ambler, 1995; Webster and Keller, 2004). To date however, there is no model available to assist B2B marketers in identifying and measuring brand equity. In this paper, we take a step in that direction by operationalising and empirically testing a prominent brand equity model in a B2B context. This makes not only a theoretical contribution by advancing branding research, but also addresses a managerial need for information that will assist in the assessment of industrial branding efforts.


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Articular cartilage exhibits limited intrinsic regenerative capacity and focal tissue defects can lead to the development of osteoarthritis (OA), a painful and debilitating loss of cartilage tissue. In Australia, 1.4 million people are affected by OA and its prevalence is increasing in line with current demographics. As treatment options are limited, new therapeutic approaches are being investigated including biological resurfacing of joints with tissue-engineered cartilage. Despite some progress in the field, major challenges remain to be addressed for large scale clinical success. For example, large numbers of chondrogenic cells are required for cartilage formation, but chondrocytes lose their chondrogenic phenotype (dedifferentiate) during in vitro propagation. Additionally, the zonal organization of articular cartilage is critical for normal cartilage function, but development of zonal structure has been largely neglected in cartilage repair strategies. Therefore, we hypothesised that culture conditions for freshly isolated human articular chondrocytes from non-OA and OA sources can be improved by employing microcarrier cultures and a reduced oxygen environment and that oxygen is a critical factor in the maintenance of the zonal chondrocyte phenotype. Microcarriers have successfully been used to cultivate bovine chondrocytes, and offer a potential alternative for clinical expansion of human chondrocytes. We hypothesised that improved yields can be achieved by propagating human chondrocytes on microcarriers. We found that cells on microcarriers acquired a flattened, polygonal morphology and initially proliferated faster than monolayercultivated cells. However, microcarrier cultivation over four weeks did not improve growth rates or the chondrogenic potential of non-OA and OA human articular chondrocytes over conventional monolayer cultivation. Based on these observations, we aimed to optimise culture conditions by modifying oxygen tension, to more closely reflect the in vivo environment. We found that propagation at 5% oxygen tension (moderate hypoxia) did not improve proliferation or redifferentiation capacity of human osteoarthritic chondrocytes. Moderate hypoxia increased the expression of chondrogenic markers during redifferentiation. However, osteoarthritic chondrocytes cultivated on microcarriers exhibited lower expression levels of chondrogenic surface marker proteins and had at best equivalent redifferentiation capacities compared to monolayer-cultured cells. This suggests that monolayer culture with multiple passaging potentially selects for a subpopulation of cells with higher differentiation capacity, which are otherwise rare in osteoarthritic, aged cartilage. However, fibroblastic proteins were found to be highly expressed in all cultures of human osteoarthritic chondrocytes indicating the presence of a high proportion of dedifferentiated, senescent cells with a chondrocytic phenotype that was not rescued by moderate hypoxia. The different zones of cartilage support chondrocyte subpopulations, which exhibit characteristic protein expression and experience varying oxygen tensions. We, therefore, hypothesised that oxygen tension affects the zonal marker expression of human articular chondrocytes isolated from the different cartilage layers. We found that zonal chondrocytes maintained these phenotypic differences during in vitro cultivation. Low oxygen environments favoured the expression of the zonal marker proteoglycan 4 in superficial cells, most likely through the promotion of chondrogenesis. The putative zonal markers clusterin and cartilage intermediate layer protein were found to be expressed by all subpopulations of human osteoarthritic chondrocytes ex vivo and, thus, may not be reliable predictors of in vitro stratification using these clinically relevant cells. The findings in this thesis underline the importance of considering low oxygen conditions and zonal stratification when creating native-like cartilaginous constructs. We have not yet found the right cues to successfully cultivate clinically-relevant human osteoarthritic chondrocytes in vitro. A more thorough understanding of chondrocyte biology and the processes of chondrogenesis are required to ensure the clinical success of cartilage tissue engineering.


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When asymptotic series methods are applied in order to solve problems that arise in applied mathematics in the limit that some parameter becomes small, they are unable to demonstrate behaviour that occurs on a scale that is exponentially small compared to the algebraic terms of the asymptotic series. There are many examples of physical systems where behaviour on this scale has important effects and, as such, a range of techniques known as exponential asymptotic techniques were developed that may be used to examinine behaviour on this exponentially small scale. Many problems in applied mathematics may be represented by behaviour within the complex plane, which may subsequently be examined using asymptotic methods. These problems frequently demonstrate behaviour known as Stokes phenomenon, which involves the rapid switches of behaviour on an exponentially small scale in the neighbourhood of some curve known as a Stokes line. Exponential asymptotic techniques have been applied in order to obtain an expression for this exponentially small switching behaviour in the solutions to orginary and partial differential equations. The problem of potential flow over a submerged obstacle has been previously considered in this manner by Chapman & Vanden-Broeck (2006). By representing the problem in the complex plane and applying an exponential asymptotic technique, they were able to detect the switching, and subsequent behaviour, of exponentially small waves on the free surface of the flow in the limit of small Froude number, specifically considering the case of flow over a step with one Stokes line present in the complex plane. We consider an extension of this work to flow configurations with multiple Stokes lines, such as flow over an inclined step, or flow over a bump or trench. The resultant expressions are analysed, and demonstrate interesting implications, such as the presence of exponentially sub-subdominant intermediate waves and the possibility of trapped surface waves for flow over a bump or trench. We then consider the effect of multiple Stokes lines in higher order equations, particu- larly investigating the behaviour of higher-order Stokes lines in the solutions to partial differential equations. These higher-order Stokes lines switch off the ordinary Stokes lines themselves, adding a layer of complexity to the overall Stokes structure of the solution. Specifically, we consider the different approaches taken by Howls et al. (2004) and Chap- man & Mortimer (2005) in applying exponential asymptotic techniques to determine the higher-order Stokes phenomenon behaviour in the solution to a particular partial differ- ential equation.