1000 resultados para Agricultura -- Lleida (Catalunya) -- Història -- 1940-1980
Significant changes have marked Brazilian education in the period focused on by this research. Aiming to understand the configurations of the teaching profession in that period, this work focuses on the issue of the school success in the area of literacy by means of an analysis of the practices of literacy teachers who were at work between the 1950s and 1980s. The research is based on life-history accounts. The study aimed at describing the various experiences of these teachers identifying the knowledges and practices that sustained their successful literacy work as well as the various factors of a social, religious, political, familiar or other nature that, in the history of each of these teachers, favoured the development of a pedagogical style of literacy particular to each one of them. Despite the peculiarities and originality of each history, the success in the literacy process, as the defining feature of the profile of the four teachers, results from two main aspects: first, the autonomy that each one managed to keep in the development of his/her teaching work, particularly in the organisation of the teaching practices that indicated greater chances of a pupil`s learning to read and write; second, their trust in the capacity of every child for learning, independently of his/her social, economic and cultural conditions. Based on this evidence it is argued that the success of the pedagogical work, particularly during the early years of schooling, lies in an ethics of the teaching work with a double implication: first, it requires the teachers` dedication to their pupils, and second, it requires respect for the work of the teacher, so that she/he can maintain her/his autonomy and inventiveness. These aspects indicate the need for reflection on teaching work and a review of current teacher education policies, particularly the policies targeted at teachers working with literacy practices.
Three species of Trifoliovarium are described from marine fishes from Moreton Bay, Queensland: T. triacanthi (Parukhin, 1964) n. comb. (syns Hysterolecitha triacanthi Parukhin, 1964; T. triacanthi Bilqees, 1973; T. triacanthusi Gupta & Ahmad, 1976) from Tripodichthys angustifrons; T. ovarilobulus (Wang, 1989) n. comb. (syn. Hysterolecithia[sic]ovarilobulus) from Paramonacanthus japonicus and Pelates quadrilineatus; and T. draconis n. sp. from Callionymus sublaevis and C. belcheri. A list of the species of the subfamily Trifoliovariinae is given along with a key. A cladistic study of the subfamily based on 23 characters is presented, the results of which indicate the monophyly of the genus Assitrema and the paraphyly of Trifoliovarium.
Objectives: To assess temporal trends in the incidence of surgical procedures for peripheral occlusive arterial disease (POAD) and associated changes in outcome as measured by the rate of major lower limb amputations for POAD. Design: a retrospective descriptive population-based study was conducted of the geographically isolated population of Western Austrialia between 1980 and 1992. Methods: Vascular procedures with an accompanying diagnosis of POAD were identified in a computerised system of name-identified records of all discharges from hospital for the population. These procedures were detected using relevant codes from the International Classification of Disease and Procedures. Records of angioplasty and thrombolysis procedures were augmented by searches of hospital-based registers of invasive radiological procedures. The data for the remaining procedures were validated by a review of a random sample of medical records. Results: over the 13 years of the study, rates of major amputations fell significantly for in non-amputation vascular surgery for individuals under the age of 60. In addition, rather than an overall rise in surgery there was shift away from sympathectomy and thromboendarterectomy to angioplasty and bypass surgery. Furthermore, an increasing proportion of all major amputations had a prior attempt at arterial reconstruction. Conclusion: These observations suggest the decrease in major amputations for POAD may reflect a fall in the incidence of POAD, possibly aided by move effective surgery, rather than increased rates of vascular surgery.
Breast cancer five-year relative survival was calculated for 16 urban and rural regions in New South Wales (NSW) for cases incident in 1980-1991. Survival analysis employed cancer registry data linked with the death register, and age- and period-matched regional mortality of NSW women, Proportional hazard regression analysis was used to compare excess mortality in breast cancer cases in each region. The effect of region was significant (P < 0.05) in the analysis, after age and the follow-up variable (and their intel action) were adjusted for, although no region was significantly different from the referent group (chosen because of average relative five-year survival). When degree of spread and its interactions were entered into che model, the effect of region became nonsignificant. A significant linear trend (P < 0.05) in the adjusted relative risk for excess mortality in breast cancer cases was noted when regions were divided into quartiles based on socioeconomic status, with higher relative risk in low-socioeconomic-status groups; this effect also disappeared with adjustment for degree of spread at diagnosis. There was no general effect of rurality versus capital city or other metropolitan centres. This study demonstrates a small effect of region of residence and implied socioeconomic status on breast cancer survival in NSW women, but this becomes nonsignificant when the data are adjusted for degree of spread at diagnosis, This suggests that earlier diagnosis would he of benefit in reducing minor inequalities in breast cancer survival in NSW women.
Rolls and electronic records of The Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland between 1940 and 2000 were analysed to identify changes in the numbers and employment patterns of veterinarians. The number of veterinarians increased at a much more rapid rate than the population and on a state-wide level reached a plateau a decade ago at 340 per million. A plateau has not been reached in the capital city of Brisbane. The percentage of veterinarians employed with government funds has decreased, and the percentage of private practitioners increased to more than 80%. In 2000, single veterinarian practices represented 50% of all practices and 24% of practitioners. Women represented less than 10% of Queensland veterinarians until 1980, but 33% in 2000, and they are in higher concentration in Brisbane than elsewhere in the state.
The unemployment of Muslims in Australia was 28 and 25 per cent compared to the national total of around nine per cent in 1986 and 1996 respectively (Australian Bureau of Statistics). This article conceptually analyses the disadvantaged position of the Muslims in the Australian labour market from 1980 to 2001 within a framework of 'structural racism'. It studies the Muslims from three perspectives: first, a comparative study of the qualifications and unemployment of the Muslim labour force in relation to the dominant population. Secondly, it examines the extent of this disadvantaged position in comparison with other ethnic minorities within an historical context. Finally, the basis of structural racism is explored to demonstrate how the Muslims have become systematically victimized. The analysis concludes that Muslims are significantly disadvantaged in Australia on the basis of their ethnicity and religion.
No intuito de ampliar o entendimento sobre os impactos da implementa????o do SICONV sobre os processos de gest??o de conv??nios, o presente trabalho busca entender em que medida a evolu????o deste sistema do governo federal em conjunto com as mudan??as nos instrumentos normativos gera impactos no tempo necess??rio para concluir a presta????o de contas final dos conv??nios. Foram escolhidos para o estudo os conv??nios celebrados pelas unidades gestoras do Minist??rio da Agricultura. A amostra foi composta de 1.745 conv??nios celebrados desde 2003 at?? Agosto/2008, onde 1.391 encontravam-se com suas presta????es de contas finalizadas. Os dados destes conv??nios foram importados do SICONV e SIAFI, passando por um processo de reclassifica????o em fases cronol??gicas de implementa????o dos sistemas de gest??o de conv??nios e dos dispositivos legais que regulamentam as transfer??ncias volunt??rias. Al??m disso foram realizadas entrevistas com os servidores p??blicos respons??veis pelos conv??nios nas unidades gestoras concedentes esperando obter a confirma????o da melhoria no tempo das presta????es de contas em fun????o da implementa????o do SICONV. Os resultados confirmaram uma significativa tend??ncia de redu????o nos prazos de finaliza????o das presta????es de contas, no entanto, esta redu????o foi motivada pelas mudan??as implementadas pelo SICONV na fase de execu????o em detrimento da fase de an??lise da presta????o de contas. Esta pesquisa abre possibilidades de aplica????o da metodologia empregada para an??lise das presta????es de contas nos demais ??rg??os do Governo Federal na expectativa de identificar se este padr??o de comportamento identificado no Minist??rio da Agricultura pode ser comprovado como generalizado com a implanta????o do SICONV. Os resultados aqui obtidos tamb??m podem servir de refer??ncia para futuros estudos de impacto operacional do SICONV na execu????o e acompanhamento das transfer??ncias volunt??rias de uma forma geral
A Delegacia Federal de Agricultura/MS- DFA/MS elaborou um manual de procedimento padr??o no processo de fiscaliza????o e criou um in??dito sistema de controle e registro de "n??o conformidades" nos processos de fiscaliza????o, que al??m de n??o trazer nenhum custo extra ?? reparti????o, motiva o trabalho em equipe e ?? melhoria cont??nua nos processos de trabalho. Esta a????o inova, tamb??m, por constituir-se numa ferramenta de trabalho que permite a avalia????o do desempenho institucional e do desempenho individual do servidor, e induz por, conseq????ncia, ao aumento da efici??ncia organizacional
Fica o Poder Executivo autorizado, a instituir, com patrim??nio pr??prio e personalidade jur??dica de direito privado, nos termos da lei civil, a Funda????o Centro de Forma????o do Servidor P??blico - FUNCEP, vinculada ao Departamento Administrativo do Servi??o P??blico - DASP.