998 resultados para Acari, biomass, wet mass


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During an expedition aboard R/V Pavel Gordienko (September, 2002) investigations in the Sea of Japan areas, where radioactive wastes were disposed by the former Soviet Union, were carried out in order to assess present level of radioactive contamination of marine environment. Concentration of I37Cs, radioecologically one of the most important radionuclides, in near-bottom sea water and bottom sediments were measured to be low, 2.8-17.2 Bq/m**3 and 3.2-27.2 Bq/kg dry weight, respectively, that did not differ significantly from levels elsewhere in the northwest Pacific Ocean arising from global fallout. Results of measurements were compared with results of the Joint Japanese- Korean -Russian expedition to the Sea of Japan in 1994.


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The results of studying hydrocarbons during the flood in May 2005 are discussed. The concentration of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are shown to match their concentrations in water areas with steady input of pollutants. Weathered oil and pyrogenic compounds dominated in their composition. The geochemical barrier the Northern Dvina River-Dvina Gulf is shown to become a filter during floods and prevents pollutants from penetrating into the White Sea.


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The isotope-ratios of sulfur-components in several sedimentologically different cores of recent marine sediments from Kiel Bay (Baltic Sea) were investigated. In addition, quantitative determinations were made on total sulfur, sulfate, sulfide, chloride, organic carbon, iron and watercontent in the sediment or in the pore-water solution. The investigations gave the following results: 1. The sulfur in the sediment (about 0.3 -2 % of the dry sample) was for the most part introduced into the sediment after sedimentation. This confirms the results of Kaplan et al. (1963, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(63)90074-7). The yield of Sulfur from organic material is very small (in our samples about 5-10% of the total sulfur in the sediment). 2. The sulfur bound in the sediment is taken from the sulfate of the interstitial water. During normal sedimentation, the exchange of sulfate by diffusion significant for changes in the sulfur-content goes down to a sediment depth of 4-6 cm. In this way the sulfate consumed by reduction and formation of sulfide or pyrite is mostly replaced. The uppermost layer of the sediment is an partly open system for the sulfur. The diagenesis of the sulfur is allochemical. 3. The isotope-values of the sediment-sulfur are largely influenced by the sulfur coming into the sediment by diffusion and being bound by bacteriological reduction. Due to the prevailing reduction of 32S and reverse-diffusion of sulfate into the open sea-water, an 32S enrichment takes place in the uppermost layer of the sediment. delta34S-values in the sediment range between -15 and -35 ? while seawater-sulfate has +20 ?. No relationship could be established between sedimentological or chemical changes and isotope-ratios. In the cores, successive sandy and clayly layers showed no change in the delta-values. The sedimentation rate, however, seems to influence isotope-ratios. In one core with low sedimentationrates the delta34S-values varied between -29 and -33 ?, while cores with higher sedimentationrates showed values between -17 and -24 ?. 4. As sediment depth increases, the pore-water sulfate shows decreasing concentrations (in a depth of 30-40 cm we found between 20 and 70 % of the seawater-values), and increasing delta 34S-values (in one case reaching more than +60 ?). The concentration of sulfide in the pore-water increases with sediment-depth (reaching 80 mg S/l in one case). The (delta34S-values of the pore-water-sulfide in all cores show increases paralleling the sulfate sulfur, with a nearly constant delta-distance of 50-60 ? in all cores. This seems to confirm the genetic relationship between the two components.


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Ocean Drilling Program inorganic geochemistry procedures routinely overlook more than 99% of the sediment column. Present and past biogeochemical reactions alter the sediment record; however, most of these reaction zones are bypassed by the normal methods where samples are collected every 30 m. A new approach to increase resolution was introduced during Leg 119. Ten milliliters of sediment provided interstitial-water samples for ammonia, silica, sulfate, magnesium, and calcium analyses. The new method introduced some systematic differences in concentrations, as well as some decrease in precision. A number of advantages, however, may warrant using the method in some instances. In cases where routine interstitial-water data showed anomalous results, core sections were retrieved from the storage facility and resampled. The new high-resolution procedure was used to provide water samples in cases were water contents were low and routine squeezing could not recover pore water.


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According to data from Cruise 54 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh (September 2007) results of geochemical studies of redox processes in bottom sediments from the Ob River mouth area as applied to redox indicator elements (such as manganese, iron, and sulfur) are presented. Parameters of bottom sediments and distribution of these elements evidence not only a significant role of mixing processes at an geochemical profile of bottom sediments in the estuary but also a role of postsedimentation (diagenetic) processes.


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The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.


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Sulfur speciation in bottom sediments from the area of the Peru upwelling has been studied. Data on sulfur contents in different compounds (sulfide, elemental, sulfate, pyritic and organic), water content, Eh, and organic carbon content in the bottom sediments have been obtained. The bottom sediments from the area are characterized by high content of organic carbon and low contents of total and reactive iron; this is typical for bottom sediments from ocean upwelling areas. Intense process of sulfate reduction occurs in the bottom sediments of the area, and accumulation of reduced sulfur compounds derivated from bacterial hydrogen sulfide does not exceed previously known values for other regions of the ocean.


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During Leg 75 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) from the D/V Glomar Challenger, a 200-m deep hole was drilled at Hole 532A on the eastern side of Walvis Ridge at a water depth of 1331 m. Sediment cores were obtained by means of a hydraulic piston corer. All of the cores from this boring were designated for geotechnical studies and were distributed among eight institutions. The results of laboratory studies on these sediment cores were compiled and analyzed. Sediment properties, including physical characteristics, strength, consolidation, and permeability were studied to evaluate changes as a function of depth of burial. It was concluded that the sediment profile to the explored depth of 200 m at Walvis Ridge consists of approximately 50 m of foram-nannofossil marl (Subunit 1a) over 64 m of diatom-nannofossil marl (Subunit 1b) over nannofossil marl (Subunit 1c) to the depth explored. All three sediment units appear to be normally consolidated, although some anomalies seem to exist to a depth of 120 m. No distinct differences were found among the sediment properties of the three subunits (1a, 1b, and 1c) identified at this site.


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Four volcanic ash-bearing marine sediment cores and one ash-free reference core were examined during research cruise RV Meteor 54/2 offshore Nicaragua and Costa Rica to investigate the chemical composition of pore waters related to volcanic ash alteration. Sediments were composed of terrigenous matter derived from the adjacent continent and contained several distinct ash layers. Biogenic opal and carbonate were only minor components. The terrigenous fraction was mainly composed of smectite and other clay minerals while the pore water composition was strongly affected by the anaerobic degradation of particulate organic matter via microbial sulphate reduction. The alteration of volcanic matter showed only a minor effect on major element concentrations in pore waters. This is in contrast to prior studies based on long sediment cores taken during the DSDP, where deep sediments always showed distinct signs of volcanic ash alteration. The missing signal of ash alteration is probably caused by low reaction rates and the high background concentration of major dissolved ions in the seawater-derived pore fluids. Dissolved silica concentrations were, however, significantly enriched in ash-bearing cores and showed no relation to the low but variable contents of biogenic opal. Hence, the data suggest that silica concentrations were enhanced by ash dissolution. Thus, the dissolved silica profile measured in one of the sediment cores was used to derive the in-situ dissolution rate of volcanic glass particles in marine sediments. A non-steady state model was run over a period of 43 kyr applying a constant pH of 7.30 and a dissolved Al concentration of 0.05 ?M. The kinetic constant (AA) was varied systematically to fit the model to the measured dissolved silica-depth profile. The best fit to the data was obtained applying AA = 1.3 * 10**-U9 mol of Si/cm**2/ s. This in-situ rate of ash dissolution at the seafloor is three orders of magnitude smaller than the rate of ash dissolution determined in previous laboratory experiments. Our results therefore imply that field investigations are necessary to accurately predict natural dissolution rates of volcanic glasses in marine sediments.