960 resultados para 3T MRI


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A convenient and efficient one-pot synthesis of benzofurans 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, 3g, 3h, 3i, 3j, 3k, 3l, 3m, 3n, 3o, 3p, 3q, 3r, 3s, 3t has been described from 2-hydroxy acetophenones and phenacyl chlorides in the presence of DBU. The procedure was applicable for a variety of phenacyl chlorides and provides a variety of benzofurans with higher yields. DBU acts as a base and as well as nucleophiles. All the derivatives were subjected to in vitro antioxidant screenings against representative 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl and 2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radicals and results worth for further investigations.


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Eleven general circulation models/global climate models (GCMs) - BCCR-BCCM2.0, INGV-ECHAM4, GFDL2.0, GFDL2.1, GISS, IPSL-CM4, MIROC3, MRI-CGCM2, NCAR-PCMI, UKMO-HADCM3 and UKMO-HADGEM1 - are evaluated for Indian climate conditions using the performance indicator, skill score (SS). Two climate variables, temperature T (at three levels, i.e. 500, 700, 850 mb) and precipitation rate (Pr) are considered resulting in four SS-based evaluation criteria (T500, T700, T850, Pr). The multicriterion decision-making method, technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution, is applied to rank 11 GCMs. Efforts are made to rank GCMs for the Upper Malaprabha catchment and two river basins, namely, Krishna and Mahanadi (covered by 17 and 15 grids of size 2.5 degrees x 2.5 degrees, respectively). Similar efforts are also made for India (covered by 73 grid points of size 2.5 degrees x 2.5 degrees) for which an ensemble of GFDL2.0, INGV-ECHAM4, UKMO-HADCM3, MIROC3, BCCR-BCCM2.0 and GFDL2.1 is found to be suitable. It is concluded that the proposed methodology can be applied to similar situations with ease.


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A simple microstructural rationale for successful anodization of metallic films into ordered oxide nanostructures has been identified. It applies to three of the most commonly studied systems, Zr, Ti and Al films and can be extended to other such oxides. A dense Zone T or II microstructure, in sputtered films, is the most critical ingredient. While T-substrate > 0.3T(melting) Ching is the simplest route, pressure and plasma heating can also be exploited. Such microstructures are also associated with a unique growth stress signature. (C) 2015 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the evolution of hydromagnetic perturbations in a small section of accretion disks. It is known that molecular viscosity is negligible in accretion disks. Hence, it has been argued that a mechanism, known as magnetorotational instability (MRI), is responsible for transporting matter in the presence of a weak magnetic field. However, there are some shortcomings, which question the effectiveness of MRI. Now the question arises, whether other hydromagnetic effects, e.g., transient growth (TG), can play an important role in bringing nonlinearity into the system, even at weak magnetic fields. In addition, it should be determined whether MRI or TG is primarily responsible for revealing nonlinearity in order to make the flow turbulent. Our results prove explicitly that the flows with a high Reynolds number (Re), which is the case for realistic astrophysical accretion disks, exhibit nonlinearity via TG of perturbation modes faster than that by modes producing MRI. For a fixed wave vector, MRI dominates over transient effects only at low Re, lower than the value expected to be in astrophysical accretion disks, and low magnetic fields. This calls into serious question the (overall) persuasiveness of MRI in astrophysical accretion disks.


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In recent years, magnetic core-shell nanoparticles have received widespread attention due to their unique properties that can be used for various applications. We introduce here a magnetic core-shell nanoparticle system for potential application as a contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MnFe2O4-Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles were synthesized by the wet-chemical synthesis method. Detailed structural and compositional charaterization confirmed the formation of a core-shell microstructure for the nanoparticles. Magnetic charaterization revealed the superparamagnetic nature of the as-synthesized core-shell nanoparticles. Average size and saturation magnetization values obtained for the as-synthesized core-shell nanoparticle were 12.5 nm and 69.34 emu g(-1) respectively. The transverse relaxivity value of the water protons obtained in the presence of the core-shell nanoparticles was 184.1 mM(-1) s(-1). To investigate the effect of the core-shell geometry towards enhancing the relaxivity value, transverse relaxivity values were also obtained in the presence of separately synthesized single phase Fe3O4 and MnFe2O4 nanoparticles. Average size and saturation magnetization values for the as-synthesized Fe3O4 nanoparticles were 12 nm and 65.8 emu g(-1) respectively. Average size and saturation magnetization values for the MnFe2O4 nanoparticles were 9 nm and 61.5 emu g(-1) respectively. The transverse relaxivity value obtained in the presence of single phase Fe3O4 and MnFe2O4 nanoparticles was 96.6 and 83.2 mM(-1) s(-1) respectively. All the nanoparticles (core-shell and single phase) were coated with chitosan by a surfactant exchange reaction before determining the relaxivity values. For similar nanoparticle sizes and saturation magnetization values, the highest value of the transverse relaxivity in the case of core-shell nanoparticles clearly illustrated that the difference in the magnetic nature of the core and shell phases in the core-shell nanoparticles creates greater magnetic inhomogeneity in the surrounding medium yielding a high value for proton relaxivity. The MnFe2O4-Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles exhibited extremely low toxicity towards the MCF-7 cell line. Taken together, this opens up new avenues for the use of core-shell nanoparticles in MRI.


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G-M制冷机是回热式的小型低温制冷机,它利用绝热放气膨胀原理(又称为西蒙膨胀法)获得低温,具有振动小、运行稳定、寿命长、操作方便等特点,在对效率、重量、尺寸等没有太高要求的场合应用非常广泛。在八十年代末,G-M制冷机已经突破了液氦温度,非常适合在液氦温区为超导器件或电子元件提供冷量,在低温真空泵、MRI超导磁体冷却系统、SQUID再冷凝系统等方面有良好的应用前景,推广其应用已属当务之急。本文围绕着探索氦温区G-M制冷机工作机理、提高低温蓄冷器性能及新型结构G-M制冷机的研制等方面,进行了系统地理论分析和纳归纳,以及初步地实验研究:一. 首次比较完善地建立了液氦温区G-M型制冷机整机数值模拟方法,数值模拟方法给出了制冷机内工质参数瞬态分布及动态变化曲线,为分析制冷机独特的循环特性提供了直观的依据,为探讨运行及结构参数对制冷性能的影响机理提供了强有力的工具。模型中考虑了制冷机中的阻力、实际进排气角、物性变化及蓄冷器内空隙率的存在等多种实际因素:解决了一、二级耦合及部件交界处物性变化不连续对计算影响等问题;采取网格非均匀化、牛顿迭代法以及负反馈原理等措施,提高了计算精度和收敛性。在微机上成功地模拟了液氦温区G-M制冷机的工作过程,程序采用模块化编程,具有一定通用性。二. 运用液氦温区整套机数值模拟方法,计算了制冷机内工质参数(氦流温度、压力、流速等)周期性变化和空间分布,采用一级蓄冷器与低温蓄冷器工作特性对比法,从整机内工质参数动态变化规律分析的角度,验证了液氦温区G-M制冷机工质氦的循环主要分为两部分:常规循环、低温循环。并详细地讨论了运行参数(频率、工作压力)及一级制冷机结构参数对整机内工数动态变化的影响规律以及制冷机性能的影响机理。三. 首次建立了较完善的液氦温区多层混合填料型低温蓄冷器的数值模拟方法,运用数值模拟方法,首次详细地研究了常用填料的不同组合、一定组合下填料比例以及蓄冷器结构对制冷机性能的影响机理,提出了不同填料的最佳节组合及一定组合下填料最佳比例的确定和低温蓄冷器结构和填料优化的原则,为合理有效地设计高性能液氦温区低温蓄冷器提供了依据。四. 提出并设计、加工了一种新型结构的液氦温区双级G-M型制冷机,该机结构在国内外属于首创。其具有以下主要结构特点:一、二级分别独立驱动;一、二级之间通过热桥连接;二级蓄冷器外置于汽缸等。同时建立了新型结构液氦温区双级G-M型制冷机实验系统,为今后整机性能和内部动态过程的研究奠定了基础。五. 新型结构双级G-M型制冷机二级单机动转频率为0.6Hz时,制冷温度为13.6K,且在20K时有4.4W的制冷量;制冷机已达到液氦温区,f = 0.4Hz时,最低温度为4.6K;f = 1Hz,制冷温度为10K时,制冷量大于6W,上述结果目前均未见有文献报道。在新型G-M制冷机上,初步进行了低温蓄冷器性能测试实验及运行参数对制冷机性能影响的实验研究。


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After stroke, white matter integrity can be affected both locally and distally to the primary lesion location. It has been shown that tract disruption in mirror's regions of the contralateral hemisphere is associated with degree of functional impairment. Fourteen patients suffering right hemispheric focal stroke (S) and eighteen healthy controls (HC) underwent Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and neuropsychological assessment. The stroke patient group was divided into poor (SP; n = 8) and good (SG; n = 6) cognitive recovery groups according to their cognitive improvement from the acute phase (72 hours after stroke) to the subacute phase (3 months post-stroke). Whole-brain DWI data analysis was performed by computing Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) followed by Tract Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS). Assessment of effects was obtained computing the correlation of the projections on TBSS skeleton of Fractional Anisotropy (FA) and Radial Diffusivity (RD) with cognitive test results. Significant decrease of FA was found only in right brain anatomical areas for the S group when compared to the HC group. Analyzed separately, stroke patients with poor cognitive recovery showed additional significant FA decrease in several left hemisphere regions; whereas SG patients showed significant decrease only in the left genu of corpus callosum when compared to the HC. For the SG group, whole brain analysis revealed significant correlation between the performance in the Semantic Fluency test and the FA in the right hemisphere as well as between the performance in the Grooved Pegboard Test (GPT) and theTrail Making Test-part A and the FA in the left hemisphere. For the SP group, correlation analysis revealed significant correlation between the performance in the GPT and the FA in the right hemisphere. Palabras clave


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The complementary techniques of low-energy, variable-angle electron-impact spectroscopy and ultraviolet variable-angle photoelectron spectroscopy have been used to study the electronic spectroscopy and structure of several series of molecules. Electron-impact studies were performed at incident beam energies between 25 eV and 100 eV and at scattering angles ranging from 0° to 90°. The energy-loss regions from 0 eV to greater than 15 eV were studied. Photoelectron spectroscopic studies were conducted using a HeI radiation source and spectra were measured at scattering angles from 45° to 90°. The molecules studied were chosen because of their spectroscopic, chemical, and structural interest. The operation of a new electron-impact spectrometer with multiple-mode target source capability is described. This spectrometer has been used to investigate the spin-forbidden transitions in a number of molecular systems.

The electron-impact spectroscopy of the six chloro-substituted ethylenes has been studied over the energy-loss region from 0-15 eV. Spin-forbidden excitations corresponding to the π → π*, N → T transition have been observed at excitation energies ranging from 4.13 eV in vinyl chloride to 3.54 eV in tetrachloroethylene. Symmetry-forbidden transitions of the type π → np have been oberved in trans-dichloroethyene and tetrachlor oethylene. In addition, transitions to many states lying above the first ionization potential were observed for the first time. Many of these bands have been assigned to Rydberg series converging to higher ionization potentials. The trends observed in the measured transition energies for the π → π*, N → T, and N → V as well as the π → 3s excitation are discussed and compared to those observed in the methyl- and fluoro- substituted ethylenes.

The electron energy-loss spectra of the group VIb transition metal hexacarbonyls have been studied in the 0 eV to 15 eV region. The differential cross sections were obtained for several features in the 3-7 eV energy-loss region. The symmetry-forbidden nature of the 1A1g1A1g, 2t2g(π) → 3t2g(π*) transition in these compounds was confirmed by the high-energy, low-angle behavior of their relative intensities. Several low lying transitions have been assigned to ligand field transitions on the basis of the energy and angular behavior of the differential cross sections for these transitions. No transitions which could clearly be assigned to singlet → triplet excitations involving metal orbitals were located. A number of states lying above the first ionization potential have been observed for the first time. A number of features in the 6-14 eV energy-loss region of the spectra of these compounds correspond quite well to those observed in free CO.

A number of exploratory studies have been performed. The π → π*, N → T, singlet → triplet excitation has been located in vinyl bromide at 4.05 eV. We have also observed this transition at approximately 3.8 eV in a cis-/trans- mixture of the 1,2-dibromoethylenes. The low-angle spectrum of iron pentacarbonyl was measured over the energy-loss region extending from 2-12 eV. A number of transitions of 8 eV or greater excitation energy were observed for the first time. Cyclopropane was also studied at both high and low angles but no clear evidence for any spin- forbidden transitions was found. The electron-impact spectrum of the methyl radical resulting from the pyrolysis of tetramethyl tin was obtained at 100 eV incident energy and at 0° scattering angle. Transitions observed at 5.70 eV and 8.30 eV agree well with the previous optical results. In addition, a number of bands were observed in the 8-14 eV region which are most likely due to Rydberg transitions converging to the higher ionization potentials of this molecule. This is the first reported electron-impact spectrum of a polyatomic free radical.

Variable-angle photoelectron spectroscopic studies were performed on a series of three-membered-ring heterocyclic compounds. These compounds are of great interest due to their highly unusual structure. Photoelectron angular distributions using HeI radiation have been measured for the first time for ethylene oxide and ethyleneimine. The measured anisotropy parameters, β, along with those measured for cyclopropane were used to confirm the orbital correlations and photoelectron band assignments. No high values of β similar to those expected for alkene π orbitals were observed for the Walsh or Forster-Coulson-Moffit type orbitals.


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After stroke, white matter integrity can be affected both locally and distally to the primary lesion location. It has been shown that tract disruption in mirror's regions of the contralateral hemisphere is associated with degree of functional impairment. Fourteen patients suffering right hemispheric focal stroke (S) and eighteen healthy controls (HC) underwent Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and neuropsychological assessment. The stroke patient group was divided into poor (SP; n = 8) and good (SG; n = 6) cognitive recovery groups according to their cognitive improvement from the acute phase (72 hours after stroke) to the subacute phase (3 months post-stroke). Whole-brain DWI data analysis was performed by computing Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) followed by Tract Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS). Assessment of effects was obtained computing the correlation of the projections on TBSS skeleton of Fractional Anisotropy (FA) and Radial Diffusivity (RD) with cognitive test results. Significant decrease of FA was found only in right brain anatomical areas for the S group when compared to the HC group. Analyzed separately, stroke patients with poor cognitive recovery showed additional significant FA decrease in several left hemisphere regions; whereas SG patients showed significant decrease only in the left genu of corpus callosum when compared to the HC. For the SG group, whole brain analysis revealed significant correlation between the performance in the Semantic Fluency test and the FA in the right hemisphere as well as between the performance in the Grooved Pegboard Test (GPT) and theTrail Making Test-part A and the FA in the left hemisphere. For the SP group, correlation analysis revealed significant correlation between the performance in the GPT and the FA in the right hemisphere.


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Elucidating the intricate relationship between brain structure and function, both in healthy and pathological conditions, is a key challenge for modern neuroscience. Recent progress in neuroimaging has helped advance our understanding of this important issue, with diffusion images providing information about structural connectivity (SC) and functional magnetic resonance imaging shedding light on resting state functional connectivity (rsFC). Here, we adopt a systems approach, relying on modular hierarchical clustering, to study together SC and rsFC datasets gathered independently from healthy human subjects. Our novel approach allows us to find a common skeleton shared by structure and function from which a new, optimal, brain partition can be extracted. We describe the emerging common structure-function modules (SFMs) in detail and compare them with commonly employed anatomical or functional parcellations. Our results underline the strong correspondence between brain structure and resting-state dynamics as well as the emerging coherent organization of the human brain.


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光合膜上包含有捕光并将光能转化为化学能所必需的四类跨膜蛋白复合体,即PSII、PSI、Cytb6f和ATP合成酶,其中PSI利用吸收的光能诱导电子从膜内侧的PC传递至相对一侧的铁氧还蛋白,被还原的铁氧还蛋白在FNR(Fd-NADP+氧化还原酶)的作用下生成NADPH,因此关于PSI的研究是光合作用研究领域中的重大问题。为了进一步阐明PSI的结构和功能,本论文分别研究了热对PSI的影响和光诱导的PSI核心复合物(CPI)的积累过程: 1.以菠菜PSI颗粒为材料研究了热处理对PSI复合物的降解和失活作用; 2.以衣藻叶绿素暗合成突变体y-1为材料研究了类囊体膜形成过程(即光诱导的转绿过程)中PSI中CPI的变化。另外,由于膜脂在光合作用中具有重要的功能,本论文还研究了y-1突变体转绿过程中光合膜脂、脂肪酸的变化。 一.应用光谱学、氧电极和变性电泳等技术研究了高温(25oC~80oC)对PSI结构和功能的影响,主要结果如下: 1. 在热处理过程中,683nm组分(主要归属于LHCI)的吸收峰强度有显著的下降并发生峰位蓝移现象,显示该组分对热处理最敏感,首先遭到破坏。 2. 77K荧光显示随着处理温度的升高,728 nm处的峰强和峰位均发生了明显的变化,F728-F720和F680的比率下降,说明热处理抑制了LHCI 680向LHCI 730以及反应中心的能量传递。 3. SDS-PAGE显示PSI核心蛋白PsaA/B亚基以及LHCI亚基在热处理情况下发生了不同程度的降解和聚合。为了能够显著地观察到热处理对PSI多肽降解的影响,实验采用了更高的温度处理方法,结果显示,90oC、100oC时PsaA/B亚基完全降解,而LHCI亚基仍有少量存在,说明PSI核心蛋白PsaA/B比LHCI亚基具有更高的热敏感性。 4. 推测热处理情况下可能发生的机制是,捕光天线首先从PSI反应中心分离,随后发生了反应中心光化学反应的抑制,直至最后多肽的严重降解。 5. 利用红外光谱技术(FT-IR)对PSI蛋白二级结构的研究显示,PSI颗粒在60oC以上时发生了明显的蛋白构象变化,且随着温度的升高蛋白构象的变化越来越大,表明PSI蛋白具有较高的热稳定性和热变性温度,PSI蛋白酰胺I带(1700~1600 cm-1)二级结构的解析表明热处理过程中二级结构的主要变化是α-helical的下降和β-sheet的增加。 6. 利用CD光谱技术研究了热处理对PSI色素微环境的影响,结果表明热处理破坏了PSI色素蛋白复合物中色素的蛋白微环境,归属于LHCI的Chlb(645 nm处组分)在较低的温度处理条件下(25~60oC)蛋白微环境即发生破坏;随着处理温度的升高(70和80 oC),478 nm处(主要归属于LHCI的Chlb)和498 nm(归属于类胡萝卜素)处的CD信号强度快速下降,说明在高温条件下LHCI比核心复合物更敏感。 7. 研究发现,PSI的摄氧活性随着处理温度的升高而显著下降,70oC时几乎完全失去摄氧能力,表明70oC时PSI复合物受到了严重的破坏,这可能是由于热处理过程中色素的蛋白微环境以及蛋白结构尤其是PSI核心蛋白PsaA/B中跨膜α-helix的构象发生了严重的变化。 二.主要运用温和电泳和蛋白印迹技术检测了暗培养4天(脱绿)的y-1突变体在光照诱发的转绿过程中PSI的核心色素蛋白复合物(CPI)及其叶绿素脱辅基蛋白PsaA/B的变化。 1. 暗培养4天的衣藻脱绿细胞中,PSI的主要色素蛋白复合物-CPI完全缺失,然而核心多肽PsaA/B仍有一定量的积累,同时检测不到P700的含量。 2. 当脱绿的y-1细胞转移至光照下时,伴随着叶绿素的合成,色素蛋白复合物CPI和PsaA/B脱辅基蛋白的合成也逐渐达到正常水平,说明叶绿素和PsaA/B蛋白进行组装并形成了具有功能的PSI反应中心,P700含量也得到了恢复。 3. 实验证明了光照是形成光合系统色素蛋白复合物的重要前提。同时发现,叶绿体基因编码的PSI核心多肽PsaA/B能够在暗条件下合成。而根据资料(Berends et al.,1987)报道,在豌豆、大麦的黄化体中不能合成PsaA/B蛋白,这可能是由于在脱绿的y-1细胞中叶绿体仍然具有相对完整的大小和形状,而在叶绿体的被膜上定位着多种与光合作用相关的酶系统。 三. 利用薄层层析及气相色谱分析技术对转绿期间y-1突变体光合膜脂和脂肪酸组成的含量变化进行了分析。结果表明: 1. 光照能够促进各种脂的积累并影响脂的组成,同时有利于脂肪酸脱饱和酶的激活。MGDG中脂肪酸不饱和程度明显升高,表现为16:0及18:1的下降,以及16:4,18:2和18:3(9,12,15)等的升高,说明光照促进了MGDG sn-2位的16:0脱饱和为16:4以及sn-1位的18:1脱饱和为18:3,也说明MGDG是脂肪酸脱饱和的重要底物。 2. 已有的资料(Ohnishi和Yamada,1980;1983)指出PG及其sn-2位的16:1(3t)的合成是光依赖的,而本实验中,在衣藻的黄化细胞中含有相当量的PG及其特有的16:1(3t)(22.80%),且转绿过程中变化并不十分显著。这可能是由于黄化的y-1细胞中叶绿体的形状并没有发生很大变化,说明叶绿体被膜上的相应酶系统才是PG合成的必需因素。 3. 相比于脱绿的y-1细胞,光照12小时后,各种脂中18:2的百分含量有显著的增加,这来源于18:2是脂肪酸脱饱和的重要中间产物。


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磷脂是动物和植物非光合组织细胞膜系统的主要组成成分,在细胞生命过程中扮演着重要角色。尽管绿色植物光合膜的的甘油脂主要是糖脂,但是它仍然含有大约10%的磷脂,说明磷脂在光合膜的结构和功能中起重要作用。构成生物膜的磷脂有多种,但是,光合膜只含有磷脂酰甘油(PG)一种磷脂。光合膜中的PG有其特殊性,即:在PG的sn-2位上总连着一个棕榈酸(16:0)或者反式十六碳烯酸(16:1trans),说明了这种具有特殊结构的甘油脂在维持类囊体膜的结构和功能方面具有重要的作用。 叶绿体中有两个重要酶参与了PG的生物合成,它们分别是胞嘧啶二脂酰甘油合成酶(CDS)和磷脂酰甘油合成酶(PGS)。本实验以烟草和马铃薯为材料,利用RNAi技术,对CDS和PGS基因的表达进行抑制,通过PG缺失突变体,研究其功能。 对转含有PGS片段的沉默结构的转基因烟草叶片膜脂进行了分析,结果表明,与野生型烟草相比较,其PG含量下降了约20%,同时,SQDG和PC的含量增加。PG含量的降低没有引起MGDG和DGDG含量的变化。另外,我们还对转基因植株目的基因片段的RNA表达水平进行了RT-PCR分析,发现其表达量大幅度降低。这些结果表明,在转基因株系中,PGS基因的表达受到了抑制,说明我们获得了PG部分缺失的烟草PGS突变体。 对烟草PG缺失体的PG脂肪酸组成进行分析,表明其特征性脂肪酸反式十六碳烯酸含量明显下降,比野生型降低了44%,C18:0、C18:1和C18:2的相对含量增加,整个变化与总脂脂肪酸变化基本一致。 为了研究PG缺失对光合作用的影响,我们分析了多种光合指标。对叶绿素含量的分析表明,PG含量的降低影响了光合色素的组成。PG部分缺失的转基因烟草中的叶绿素总的含量下降,其中叶绿素b含量下降更为明显,结果,叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值较野生型高。转基因植株净光合速率下降,二氧化碳利用率降低;PSII的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和实际光化学效率(фPSII)降低,光化学猝灭下降,非光化学猝灭增加,尤其老叶的变化更为明显。这些结果说明了PG的部分缺失影响了植株的光合能力,捕光色素蛋白复合体的结构受到了影响,PSII功能遭受损伤。 同时,我们根据已经报道的马铃薯CDS基因,克隆了一个片段,构建沉默结构,并对沉默结构进行了转化。通过抗性基因的筛选以及RT-PCR检测,证明了沉默结构转化成功,目的基因的表达受到抑制,获得了马铃薯CDS转基因植株。 对马铃薯野生型和CDS转基因植株进行膜脂和脂肪酸分析表明,转基因植株叶片的PE、PG和PC等磷脂含量降低,SQDG和DGDG含量增加;C16:1(3t)、C16:2、C16:3、C18:1和C18:2含量下降,C16:0和C18:3含量增加,而C16:1和C18:0变化不明显。马铃薯CDS转基因植株的叶绿素荧光分析表明,PSII最大光化学效率降低,从野生型的0.82下降到0.77。


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High Temperature superconductors are able to carry very high current densities, and thereby sustain very high magnetic fields. There are many projects which use the first property and these have concentrated on power generation, transmission and utilization, however there are relatively few which are currently exploiting the ability to sustain high magnetic fields. There are two main reasons for this: high field wound magnets can and have been made from both BSCCO and YBCO but currently their cost is much higher than the alternative provided by low Tc materials such as Nb3Sn and NbTi. An alternative form of the material is the bulk form which can be magnetized to high fields and using flux pumping this can be done in situ. This paper explores some of the applications of bulk superconductors and describes methods of producing field patterns using the highly uniform magnetic fields required for MRI and accelerator magnets as the frame of reference. The patterns are not limited to uniform fields and it is entirely possible to produce a field varying sinusoidally in space such as would be required for a motor or a generator. The scheme described in this paper describes a dipole magnet such as is found in an accelerator magnet. The tunnel is 30 × 50 × 1000 mm and we achieve a uniformity of better than 200 ppm over the 1000 mm length and better than 1 ppm over the central 500 mm region. The paper presents results for both the overall uniformity and the integrated uniformity which is 302 ppm over the 1000 mm length. © 2010 IEEE.