1000 resultados para 2001-05-BS


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For slowly accumulating sediments, a major contrast exists in the radiocarbon-age differences among coexisting shells of planktic foraminifera between those experiencing little dissolution and those experiencing significant dissolution. In the former, the ages generally agree to within a couple of hundred years. In the latter, age differences as large as 1000 years are common. The most likely explanation appears to be the Barker Effect, which involves the preferential fragmentation of dissolution-prone G. sacculifer and G. ruber. The whole shells of these species picked for radiocarbon dating have shorter residence times in the bioturbation zone than those for dissolution-resistant species (including benthics). As low accumulation rate sediment cores often fail to yield reliable radiocarbon-based ocean ventilation ages, where possible, such studies should be conducted on high accumulation rate cores.


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We present a high-resolution (not, vert, similar 60-110 yr) multi-proxy record spanning Marine Isotope Stage 3 from IMAGES Core MD01-2378 (13°04.95'S and 121°47.27'E, 1783 m water depth), located in the Timor Sea, off NW Australia. Today, this area is influenced by the Intertropical Convergence Zone, which drives monsoonal winds during austral summer and by the main outflow of the Indonesian Throughflow, which represents a key component of the global thermohaline circulation system. Thus, this core is ideally situated to monitor the linkages between tropical and high latitude climate variability. Benthic d18O data (Planulina wuellerstorfi) clearly reflect Antarctic warm events (A1-A4) as recorded by the EPICA Byrd and Dronning Maud Land ice cores. This southern high latitude signal is transferred by deep and intermediate water masses flowing northward from the Southern Ocean into the Indian Ocean. Planktonic d18O shows closer affinity to northern high latitudes planktonic and ice core records, although only the longer-lasting Dansgaard-Oeschger warm events, 8, 12, 14, and 16-17 are clearly expressed in our record. This northern high latitude signal in the surface water is probably transmitted through atmospheric teleconnections and coupling of the Asian-Australian monsoon systems. Benthic foraminiferal census counts suggest a coupling of Antarctic cooling with carbon flux patterns in the Timor Sea. We relate increasing abundances of carbon-flux sensitive species at 38-45 ka to the northeastward migration of the West Australian Current frontal area. This water mass reorganization is also supported by concurrent decreases in Mg/Ca and planktonic d18O values (Globigerinoides ruber white).


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On the basis of materials collected in June-August 1994 characteristic data on microplankton were gathered in three biotopes of the eastern shelf of the Bering Sea: open shelf (coastal zone), the harbor, and the salt lagoon of Saint Paul Island (Pribiof Islands). The following parameters of microplanktonic communities were analyzed: abundance, biomass, and production of autotrophic picoplankton (picoalgae and cyanobacteria); abundance, biomass, growth rate constant, and production of bacterioplankton; role of filiform bacteria in bacterioplankton; species composition of heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates, their abundance, and biomass. Growth rates and consumption rates of picoplankton and bacterioplankton by heterotrophic nano- and microplankton were estimated in the experiments using the dilution method. Temporal dynamics of all structural and functional parameters of microplankton were analyzed. The minor role of autotrophic picoplankton and significant role of bacterioplankton as well as heterotrophic nano- and microplankton in planktonic communities of studied biotopes during summer months was shown. During certain periods, bacterial biomass was as high as 50-65% of phytoplankton biomass, and production of bacteria was as high as 20-40% of primary production. In the middle of the season biomass of nano- and microheterotrophic organisms in different biotopes exceeded biomass of mesozooplankton 2-10 times. Average consumption of bacterial production by nano- and microplankton during the period of observations was 85-94%.


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Sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates in the sediment core MD01-2390 based on planktonic foraminiferal species abundances using five different transfer function techniques suggest nearly unchanged or unusually higher temperatures in the tropical southern South China Sea (SCS) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) relative to modern temperatures. These results are in contrast to substantial cooling of 2-5 °C inferred by geochemical (Uk'37, Mg/Ca ratios) and terrestrial proxies from the western tropical Pacific region. Using multivariate statistics we show that the glacial southern SCS harboured unique planktonic foraminiferal assemblages that have no modern analogs. Analyses of faunal variation through the core reveal that planktonic foraminiferal assemblages responded to temperature changes inferred from Mg/Ca data but that this signal is subdued by superimposed variations in the relative abundance of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (dextral). These species occur in glacial samples at proportions that are not observed in the calibration data set. The glacial high abundance of N. pachyderma (dextral) are interpreted to reflect a seasonal (winter) inflow of cold surface water from the northeast via the Bashi Strait due to the combined effects of an intensified winter monsoon, a southward shift of the polar front and the eastward migration of the Kuroshio Current. In contrast, processes controlling the high relative abundances of P. obliquiloculata during the LGM may be unique to the southern SCS. We propose a scenario involving a stronger (winter) mixing or enhanced upwelling due to an intensified winter monsoon that prevented shallow-dwelling, warm indicators to establish larger populations during the LGM. Our results indicate that a no-analog behaviour of planktonic foraminifera faunas is responsible for the warm glacial conditions in this part of the western Pacific warm pool as implied by foraminiferal transfer functions and that a more significant surface cooling in the region as implied by terrestrial and geochemical (Mg/Ca ratios; alkenone unsaturation index) marine proxies is a more likely scenario.


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General characteristics of macrobenthos of muddy sediments of the subtidal (19-24 m) zone in the Nha Trang Bay (South Vietnam) were described based on the survey performed in April-May 2002. The mean abundance of organisms was 637 ind/m**2 and the mean biomass was 2.3 g/m**2. Sixty-seven macrobenthic species were found during the study. The main structural features of the macrobenthos were high species diversity, low species recurrence, and high evenness of species structure with the absence of clearly manifested dominants. The number of species encountered regularly increased with the increase in the total area sampled from 210 to 5000 cm**2, though the relation did not reach saturation. Similarities and differences between the macrobenthos structures in the Nha Trang Bay and those in some tropical and boreal soft-bottom communities are discussed.