978 resultados para 1,2,3,4-Tetramethylbenzene
The new triazene-porphyrin dye 5-(1-(4-phenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)triazene)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin, encompassing a reactive protonated triazene moiety, was prepared starting from meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (H2TPP), first converting it to the 5-(4-nitrophenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin, then reducing to the 5-(4-aminophenyl)-10,15,20-tri(phenyl) porphyrin intermediate, and reacting with the diazonium salt of 4-nitroaniline; and characterized by spectroscopic and electrochemical methods. The absorption spectrum of the neutral species resembled the sum of H2TPP and of 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl) triazene spectrum, but the deprotonated anionic species showed more delocalized frontier orbitals, behaving as a push-pull system exhibiting triazenide-to-porphyrin charge-transfer transitions.
Il progetto di tesi specialistica svolto durante questo anno accademico si è suddiviso in due parti: un primo periodo, da settembre 2010 a gennaio 2011, presso il dipartimento di Chimica Organica “A. Mangini” della Facoltà di Chimica Industriale dell’Università di Bologna e un secondo periodo in Spagna, da marzo ad agosto 2011, presso la Unitat de Química Farmacèutica de la Facultat de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona. Nel primo periodo a Bologna mi sono occupato della sintesi di 4-bromo-pirazoli da utilizzare come precursori di composti eterociclici condensati. Inizialmente è stato sintetizzato un pirazolo 1,3,5-trisostituito tramite cicloaddizione 1,3-dipolare tra un acetilene e una nitril immina generata in situ da un idrazonoil cloruro. Il pirazolo è stato poi bromurato facendo uno screening di diversi agenti bromuranti e condizioni di reazione per ottenere la migliore resa e chemoselettività. Infine è stata studiata la ciclizzazione intramolecolare del prodotto bromurato tramite reazione di cross-coupling catalizzata da metalli di transizione. Nel secondo periodo a Barcellona mi sono occupato della sintesi di dicarbossimmidi tricicliche con struttura a gabbia con il fine di creare alcheni altamente piramidalizzati e di studiarne la dimerizzazione ad un derivato del dodecaedrano. La strategia sintetica è stata impostata utilizzando come reagente di partenza una semplice succinimmide per giungere, dopo numerosi passaggi, al precursore del prodotto triciclico, del quale è stata studiata la ciclizzazione tramite reazione Diels-Alder intramolecolare.
The starting material for this project was the highly functionalized compound 3,3,4,4- tetraethoxybut-1-yne (TEB) and it can be prepared from ethyl vinyl ether by a 4-steps synthesis. The third and the fourth step in TEB synthesis were sensitive to reaction conditions, so it was developed a strategy to try to optimize the third step and obtain TEB with higher yields. An approach, which tries to optimize also the fourth step, will be developed in further works. Several γ-hydroxy-α,β-unsaturated acetylenic ketones can be prepared from 3,3,4,4- tetraethoxybut-1-yne. TEB and γ-hydroxy-α,β-unsaturated acetylenic ketones have been previously synthesized in good yields using various reaction routes. In this work will be shown the synthesis of 1,1-diethoxy-5-hydroxyhex-3-yn-2-one, 1,1-diethoxy-5-hydroxyundec-3-yn-2-one and 1,1-diethoxy-5-hydroxydodec-3-yn-2-one, which will react with ethyl acetoacetate to give, respectively, ethyl 4-(3,3-diethoxy-2-oxopropyl)-2,5-dimethylfuran-3-carboxylate, ethyl 4-(3,3-diethoxy-2-oxopropyl)-5-hexyl-2-methylfuran-3-carboxylate and ethyl 4-(3,3-diethoxy-2-oxopropyl)- 5-heptyl-2-methylfuran-3-carboxylate furan derivatives. This thesis project was carried out during the year 2011, at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Bergen.
A series of oligo-phenylene dendronised conjugated polymers was prepared. The divergent synthetic approach adopted allowed for the facile synthesis of a range of dendronised monomers from a common intermediate, e.g. first and second generation fluorene. Only the polymerisation of the first generation and alkylarylamine substituted dendronised fluorene monomers yielded high molecular weight materials, attributed to the low solubility of the remaining dendronised monomers. The alkylarylamine substituted dendronised poly(fluorene) was incorporated into an organic light emitting diode (OLED) and exhibited an increased colour stability in air compared to other poly(fluorenes). The concept of dendronisation was extended to poly(fluorenone), a previously insoluble material. The synthesis of the first soluble poly(fluorenone) was achieved by the incorporation of oligo-phenylene dendrons at the 4-position of fluorenone. The dendronisation of fluorenone allowed for a polymer with an Mn of 4.1 x 104 gmol-1 to be prepared. Cyclic voltammetry of the dendronised poly(fluorenone) showed that the electron affinity of the polymer was high and that the polymer is a promising n-type material. A dimer and trimer of indenofluorene (IF) were prepared from the monobromo IF. These oligomers were investigated by 2-dimensional wide angle x-ray spectroscopy (2D-WAXS), polarised optical microscopy (POM) and dielectric spectroscopy, and found to form highly ordered smetic phases. By attaching perylene dye as the end-capper on the IF oligomers, molecules that exhibited efficient Förster energy transfer were obtained. Indenofluorene monoketone, a potential defect structure for IF based OLED’s, was synthesised. The synthesis of this model defect structure allowed for the long wavelength emission in OLED’s to be identified as ketone defects. The long wavelength emission from the indenofluorene monoketone was found to be concentration dependent, and suggests that aggregate formation is occurring. An IF linked hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) dimer was synthesised. The 2D-WAXS images of this HBC dimer demonstrate that the molecule exhibits intercolumnar organisation perpendicular to the extrusion direction. POM images of mixtures of the HBC dimer mixed with an HBC with a low isotropic temperature demonstrated that the HBC dimer is mixing with the isotropic HBC.
Diese Arbeit besch"aftigt sich mit algebraischen Zyklen auf komplexen abelschen Variet"aten der Dimension 4. Ziel der Arbeit ist ein nicht-triviales Element in $Griff^{3,2}(A^4)$ zu konstruieren. Hier bezeichnet $A^4$ die emph{generische} abelsche Variet"at der Dimension 4 mit Polarisierung von Typ $(1,2,2,2)$. Die ersten drei Kapitel sind eine Wiederholung von elementaren Definitionen und Begriffen und daher eine Festlegung der Notation. In diesen erinnern wir an elementare Eigenschaften der von Saito definierten Filtrierungen $F_S$ und $Z$ auf den Chowgruppen (vgl. cite{Sa0} und cite{Sa}). Wir wiederholen auch eine Beziehung zwischen der $F_S$-Filtrierung und der Zerlegung von Beauville der Chowgruppen (vgl. cite{Be2} und cite{DeMu}), welche aus cite{Mu} stammt. Die wichtigsten Begriffe in diesem Teil sind die emph{h"ohere Griffiths' Gruppen} und die emph{infinitesimalen Invarianten h"oherer Ordnung}. Dann besch"aftigen wir uns mit emph{verallgemeinerten Prym-Variet"aten} bez"uglich $(2:1)$ "Uberlagerungen von Kurven. Wir geben ihre Konstruktion und wichtige geometrische Eigenschaften und berechnen den Typ ihrer Polarisierung. Kapitel ref{p-moduli} enth"alt ein Resultat aus cite{BCV} "uber die Dominanz der Abbildung $p(3,2):mathcal R(3,2)longrightarrow mathcal A_4(1,2,2,2)$. Dieses Resultat ist von Relevanz f"ur uns, weil es besagt, dass die generische abelsche Variet"at der Dimension 4 mit Polarisierung von Typ $(1,2,2,2)$ eine verallgemeinerte Prym-Variet"at bez"uglich eine $(2:1)$ "Uberlagerung einer Kurve vom Geschlecht $7$ "uber eine Kurve vom Geschlecht $3$ ist. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation ist die eigentliche Arbeit und ist auf folgende Weise strukturiert: Kapitel ref{Deg} enth"alt die Konstruktion der Degeneration von $A^4$. Das bedeutet, dass wir in diesem Kapitel eine Familie $Xlongrightarrow S$ von verallgemeinerten Prym-Variet"aten konstruieren, sodass die klassifizierende Abbildung $Slongrightarrow mathcal A_4(1,2,2,2)$ dominant ist. Desweiteren wird ein relativer Zykel $Y/S$ auf $X/S$ konstruiert zusammen mit einer Untervariet"at $Tsubset S$, sodass wir eine explizite Beschreibung der Einbettung $Yvert _Thookrightarrow Xvert _T$ angeben k"onnen. Das letzte und wichtigste Kapitel enth"ahlt Folgendes: Wir beweisen dass, die emph{ infinitesimale Invariante zweiter Ordnung} $delta _2(alpha)$ von $alpha$ nicht trivial ist. Hier bezeichnet $alpha$ die Komponente von $Y$ in $Ch^3_{(2)}(X/S)$ unter der Beauville-Zerlegung. Damit und mit Hilfe der Ergebnissen aus Kapitel ref{Cohm} k"onnen wir zeigen, dass [ 0neq [alpha ] in Griff ^{3,2}(X/S) . ] Wir k"onnen diese Aussage verfeinern und zeigen (vgl. Theorem ref{a4}) begin{theorem}label{maintheorem} F"ur $sin S$ generisch gilt [ 0neq [alpha _s ]in Griff ^{3,2}(A^4) , ] wobei $A^4$ die generische abelsche Variet"at der Dimension $4$ mit Polarisierung vom Typ $(1,2,2,2)$ ist. end{theorem}
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit waren die Synthese und Untersuchung von Modellverbindungen zur Sauerstoffaktivierung auf der Basis neuer Ligandensysteme des 1,3,4-Thiadiazols unter Ausarbeitung einer Synthesestrategie zur Derivatisierung der heteroaromatischen 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-Liganden, deren Koordinationsverhalten in Abhängigkeit ihres 2,5-Substitutionsmusters untersucht wurde, sowie die fortführende Bearbeitung bereits bekannter Ligandensysteme zur Erzeugung von homo- und heterovalenten Übergangsmetallkomplexverbindungen.rnDie unter der Verwendung der modifizierten Liganden TPDE, H1TPDP und H1BPMP resultierenden dinuklearen Komplexverbindungen zeigen unterschiedlich starke antiferromagnetische Wechselwirkungen in Abhängigkeit der vorhandenen Brückenliganden. In der Verbindung [Fe6O2(OH)(L´)2(OOCMe3)9(OEt)2] trat eine Fragmentierung des Liganden H1TPDP auf. Das cisoide Ligandensubstitutionsmuster der entstandenen sechskernigen Verbindung ist verantwortlich für die interessanten magnetischen Eigenschaften des Komplexes. rnNeue Perspektiven zur Erzeugung von Modellverbindungen zur Sauerstoffaktivierung wurden mit dem Mono-Chelatliganden H1ETHP und den Bis-Chelatliganden HL2H, H2L2H und H2BATP aufgezeigt. Die Umsetzung von H1ETHP mit verschiedenen Übergangsmetallsalzen resultierte für die Metalle Cr(III), Fe(III), Co(III) und Ni(II) in mononuklearen Verbindungen des Typs [M(ETHP)2]X (X = ClO4, FeCl4, OMe, Cl, Br) sowie in zwei tetranuklearen Verbindungen mit Mn(II) und Cu(II). [Mn4(ETHP)6] besitzt ein propellerförmiges, planares [Mn4O6]2+-System mit einen Spingrundzustand von S = 5. In allen Verbindungen von H1ETHP konnte eine mono-κN-Koordination des 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-Rückgrates über eines seiner beiden endozyklischen Stickstoffdonoratome beobachtet werden. rnAus Umsetzungen der Bis-Chelatliganden wurden fast ausschließlich polynukleare Übergangsmetallkomplexe erhalten. Insbesondere der Ligand H2L2H zeigt eine ausgeprägte Tendenz zur Ausbildung trinuklearer, linearer Komplexe, welche auf Grund ihrer ungeraden Anzahl von Übergangsmetallionen einen Spingrundzustand S ≠ 0 aufweisen.rn Die mit dem Liganden HL2H erhaltenen Verbindungen unterstreichen die hohe Flexibilität dieser Systeme hinsichtlich der Erzeugung polynuklearer und heterovalenter Komplexverbindungen. So konnten in Abhängigkeit vom verwendeten Übergangsmetallsalz trinukleare, pentanukleare, aber auch hepta- und oktanukleare Verbindungen synthetisiert werden. Insbesondere die Komplexe des Mangans und des Cobalts zeigen ein heterovalentes [MnIIMnIII4]- bzw. [CoII2CoIII3]-Motiv, was sich in Spingrundzuständen von S ≠ 0 äußert. Der diamagnetische, achtkernige Fe8-Cluster besitzt eine pseudo C3-symmetrische Anordnung der Metall-Zentren, während für die heptanukleare Cu7-Kette durch ihre stark unterschiedlichen Kupfer-Koordinationsgeometrien interessante magnetische Austauschwechselwirkungen beobachtet werden konnten. Der dreikernige µ3-oxo-verbrückte Komplex des Liganden H2BATP zeigt als interessante strukturelle Eigenschaft ein ein µ3-Verbrückungsmuster des eingesetzten Sulfat-Anions. rnIn allen Komplexen der Bis-Chelatliganden HL2H, H2L2H und H2BATP konnte ein µ2-κN,κN-Koordiantionsmodus des 1,3,4-Thiadiazols und somit eine Abhängigkeit der Verbrückung vom Ligandensubstitutionsmuster beobachtet werden.rn
Questa tesi descrive lo sviluppo di una nuova metodologia che prevede l’utilizzo degli orto-chinoni metidi (o-QMs) in reazioni organocatalitiche asimmetriche. A causa della loro elevata instabilità e reattività, gli o-QMs sono stati impiegati in trasformazioni di sintesi asimmetrica solo di recente. Il metodo sviluppato prevede l’utilizzo di catalizzatori bifunzionali in grado di promuovere la generazione in situ degli intermedi reattivi a partire dai rispettivi 2-solfonilalchil fenoli, tramite eliminazione di acido solfinico. L’utilizzo di condizioni blandamente basiche sia per generare gli o-QMs che per l’attivazione dei partner nucleofili, risulta innovativo e permette non solo di ovviare all’intrinseca instabilità di questi intermedi, ma anche di impiegarli efficacemente in reazioni organocatalitiche con una varietà di nucleofili, come, ad esempio, l’acido di Meldrum, il malononitrile e vari composti 1,3 dicarbonilici. Le reazioni catalitiche portano alla formazione di 3,4-diidrocumarine, 4H-cromeni e xantenoni enantioarricchiti. Alcuni di questi composti sono dei precursori sintetici di composti naturali o sintetici biologicamente attivi e per avvalorare questa metodologia sono state proposte le sintesi formali di tre composti di interesse biologico: la (R)-tolterodina (il principio attivo del farmaco antimuscarinico Detrol®), (S)-4-metossidalbergione (allergene della Dalbergia Nigra) and SB-209670 / SB-217242 (due potenti antagonisti dell’endotelina).
The synthesis, biological evaluation, and conformational analysis of 4-amino-indolo[2,3-c]azepin-3-one (Aia)-containing SRIF mimetics are reported. Different subtype selectivities are observed depending on the N- and C-terminal substituents of the D-Aia-Lys dipeptide mimetic. An sst(5)-selective analogue with subnanomolar binding affinity was obtained that is the most potent agonist reported to date. A nonselective mimetic with high potency was also identified. This study allows a better definition of the bioactive conformation of the essential D-Trp side chain in the somatostatin pharmacophore.
Bistriazoles, 1,3-bis(1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)propane (tr2pr) and 1,3-bis(1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)adamantane (tr2ad), were examined in combination with the rigid tetratopic 1,3,5,7-adamantanetetracarboxylic acid (H4-adtc) platform for the construction of neutral heteroleptic copper(II) metal−organic frameworks. Two coordination polymers, [{Cu4(OH)2(H2O)2}{Cu4(OH)2}(tr2pr)2(H-adtc)4]·2H2O (1) and [Cu4(OH)2(tr2ad)2(H-adtc)2(H2O)2]·3H2O (2), were synthesized and structurally characterized. In complexes 1 and 2, the N1,N2-1,2,4-triazolyl (tr) and μ3-OH− groups serve as complementary bridges between adjacent metal centers supporting the tetranuclear dihydroxo clusters. The structure of 1 represents a unique association of two different kinds of centrosymmetrical {Cu4(OH)2} units in a tight 3D framework, while in compound 2, another configuration type of acentric tetranuclear metal clusters is organized in a layered 3,6-hexagonal motif. In both cases, the {Cu4(OH)2} secondary building block and trideprotonated carboxylate H-adtc3− can be viewed as covalently bound six- and three-connected nodes that define the net topology. The tr ligands, showing μ3- or μ4-binding patterns, introduce additional integrating links between the neighboring {Cu4(OH)2} fragments. A variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility study of 2 demonstrates strong antiferromagnetic intracluster coupling (J1 = −109 cm−1 and J2 = −21 cm−1), which combines for the bulk phase with a weak antiferromagnetic intercluster interaction (zj = −2.5 cm−1).
OBJECTIVES To evaluate facial esthetics in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) after alveolar bone grafting combined with rhinoplasty between 2 and 4 years of age. DESIGN Retrospective case-control study. SETTING The Department of Pediatric Surgery, Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland. MATERIAL AND METHODS Photographs of full faces and cropped images of five nasolabial components: nasal deviation, nasal form, nasal profile, vermillion border, and inferior view were assessed by 5 professional and 14 layraters in 29 children (23 boys and 6 girls; mean age = 5.3 years, SD 0.5; Early-grafted group) and 30 children (20 boys and 10 girls; mean age = 5.5 years, SD 1.0; Non-grafted group) with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate repaired with a one-stage closure. The groups differed regarding the timing of alveolar bone grafting: in the Early-grafted group, alveolar bone grafting in combination with rhinoplasty (ABG-R) was performed between 2 and 4 years of age (mean age = 2.3 years; SD 0.6); in the Non-grafted group, the alveolar defect was grafted after 9 years of age. No primary nose correction was carried out in any group. To rate esthetics, a modified five-grade esthetic index of Asher-McDade was used, where grade 1 means the most esthetic and grade 5 - the least esthetic outcome. RESULTS Esthetics of full faces and of all nasolabial elements in the Early-grafted group was significantly better than in Non-grafted group. The scores in the Early-grafted group ranged from 2.30 to 2.66 points, whereas in the Non-grafted group ranged from 2.66 to 3.17 points. All intergroup differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Three years post-operatively, early alveolar bone grafting combined with rhinoplasty is favorable for facial esthetics in children with UCLP, but a longer follow-up is needed to assess whether the improvement was permanent.
The synthesis of the three N,N′-di(4-coumaroyl)tetramines, i.e., of (E,E)-N-{3-[(2-aminoethyl)amino]propyl}-3,3′-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-N,N′-(ethane-1,2-diyl)bis[prop-2-enamide] (1a), (E,E)-N-{4-[(2-aminoethyl)amino]butyl}-3,3′-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-N,N′-(ethane-1,2-diyl)bis[prop-2-enamide] (1b), and (E,E)-N-{6-[(2-aminoethyl)amino]hexyl}-3,3′-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-N,N′-(ethane-1,2-diyl)bis[prop-2-enamide] (1c), is described. It proceeds through stepwise construction of the symmetric polyamine backbone including protection and deprotection steps of the amino functions. Their behavior on TLC in comparison with that of 1,4-di(4-coumaroyl)spermine (=(E,E)-N-{4-[(3-aminopropyl)amino]butyl}-3,3′-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-N,N′-(propane-1,3-diyl)bis[prop-2-enamide]; 2) is discussed.
par S. Naumbourg
By reacting 4,4′-bipyridine (bpy) with selected trinuclear triangular CuII complexes, [Cu3(μ3-OH)(μ-pz)3(RCOO)2(LL′)] [pz = pyrazolate anion; R = CH3, CH3CH2, CH2═CH, CH2═C(CH3); L, L′ = Hpz, H2O, MeOH] in MeOH, the substitution of monotopic ligands by ditopic bpy was observed. Depending on the stoichiometric reaction ratios, different compounds were isolated and structurally characterized. One- and two-dimensional coordination polymers (CPs), as well as two hexanuclear CuII clusters were identified. One of the hexanuclear clusters self-assembles into a supramolecular three-dimensional structure, and its crystal packing shows the presence of two intersecting channels, one of which is almost completely occupied by guest bpy, while in the second one guest water molecules are present. This compound also shows a reversible, thermally induced, single-crystal-to-single-crystal transition.