948 resultados para technology-based


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais


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Video poker machines, a former symbol of fraud and gambling in Brazil, are now being converted into computer-based educational tools for Brazilian public primary schools and also for governmental and non-governmental institutions dealing with communities of poverty and social exclusion, in an attempt to reduce poverty risks (decrease money spent on gambling) and promote social inclusion (increase access and motivation to education). Thousands of illegal gambling machines are seized by federal authorities, in Brazil, every year, and usually destroyed at the end of the criminal apprehension process. This paper describes a project developed by the University of Southern Santa Catarina, Brazil, responsible for the conversion process of gambling machines, and the social inclusion opportunities derived from it. All project members worked on a volunteer basis, seeking to promote social inclusion of Brazilian young boys and girls, namely through digital inclusion. So far, the project has been able to convert over 200 gambling machines and install them in over 40 public primary schools, thus directly benefiting more than 12,000 schoolchildren. The initial motivation behind this project was technology based, however the different options arising from the conversion process of the gambling machines have also motivated a rather innovative and unique experience in allowing schoolchildren and young people with special (educational) needs to access to computer-based pedagogical applications. The availability of these converted machines also helps to place Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the very daily educational environment of these children and youngsters, thus serving social and cultural inclusion aspects, by establishing a dialogue with the community and their technological expectations, and also directly contributing to their digital literacy.


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O sucesso das organizações só é possível através da satisfação/superação das expectativas do mercado. Desta forma, a base para o sucesso reside na eficiência com que cada organização consegue cumprir a sua missão, só possível através de comunicações e de processos produtivos/serviços que acrescentem valor ao bem que disponibilizam. Cientes destes princípios, as organizações têm vindo a adoptar metodologias com o intuito de eliminar os desperdícios existentes nos seus negócios. Este trabalho resulta da necessidade de uma organização industrial de base tecnológica, a TRIDEC, identificar se no seu negócio existem desperdícios com origem na relação entre as suas duas unidades industriais, localizadas na Holanda e em Portugal. O trabalho foi possível pela parceria entre estudantes da Avans University, da Holanda, e do ISEP (o autor deste trabalho), e foi realizado em duas fases. Numa primeira fase foi liderado pelos estudantes Holandeses e consistiu na análise aos fluxos de comunicação entre as duas unidades. Estes resultados estão presentes no relatório dos colegas Holandeses, e destacam a necessidade haver uma maior relação de compromisso entre ambas as organizações. A segunda fase do trabalho foi centrada na unidade de Portugal, tendo-se efectuado uma análise ao seu desempenho com o enfoque a verificar-se na Produção, que culminou com o cálculo do OEE à Secção de Maquinação.


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O trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento e caracterização de sensores potenciométricos com base em polímeros de impressão molecular para a determinação de um antibiótico, a norfloxacina, em aquacultura. A simplicidade, o baixo custo e a interação rápida e reversível dos sensores potenciométricos com os analitos fizeram com que este fosse o tipo de sensor escolhido. O material sensor foi obtido por tecnologia de impressão molecular, baseada em polimerização em bulk, em que a NOR foi a molécula molde e foram utilizados como monómeros para autoconstrução dos sensores o pirrol, isoladamente, ou em conjunto com partículas de sílica gel funcionalizadas com 3-aminopropil. Também foi obtido material sensor, para controlo, em que a molécula molde NOR não estava presente (NIP). As características dos materiais sensores foram sujeitas a análise de microscopia eletrónica SEM e análise por espectrómetro de infravermelhos com transformada de Fourier. Os materiais sensores foram incluídos em membranas poliméricas, que seriam incorporadas em elétrodos. A avaliação do desempenho dos elétrodos foi feita através de curvas de calibração em diferentes meios (PBS, MES e HEPES). Também foi efetuada com sucesso a análise da sensibilidade dos elétrodos em água dopada. As diversas avaliações e análises efetuadas levaram a concluir que o MIP de pirrol com aditivo aniónico, foi o material sensor testado que permitiu obter melhores propriedades de resposta.


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Software as a service (SaaS) is a service model in which the applications are accessible from various client devices through internet. Several studies report possible factors driving the adoption of SaaS but none have considered the perception of the SaaS features and the pressures existing in the organization’s environment. We propose an integrated research model that combines the process virtualization theory (PVT) and the institutional theory (INT). PVT seeks to explain whether SaaS processes are suitable for migration into virtual environments via an information technology-based mechanism. INT seeks to explain the effects of the institutionalized environment on the structure and actions of the organization. The research makes three contributions. First, it addresses a gap in the SaaS adoption literature by studying the internal perception of the technical features of SaaS and external coercive, normative, and mimetic pressures faced by an organization. Second, it empirically tests many of the propositions of PVT and INT in the SaaS context, thereby helping to determine how the theory operates in practice. Third, the integration of PVT and INT contributes to the information system (IS) discipline, deepening the applicability and strengths of these theories.


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The supercritical fluid technology has been target of many pharmaceuticals investigations in particles production for almost 35 years. This is due to the great advantages it offers over others technologies currently used for the same purpose. A brief history is presented, as well the classification of supercritical technology based on the role that the supercritical fluid (carbon dioxide) performs in the process.


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While mobile technologies can provide great personalized services for mobile users, they also threaten their privacy. Such personalization-privacy paradox are particularly salient for context aware technology based mobile applications where user's behaviors, movement and habits can be associated with a consumer's personal identity. In this thesis, I studied the privacy issues in the mobile context, particularly focus on an adaptive privacy management system design for context-aware mobile devices, and explore the role of personalization and control over user's personal data. This allowed me to make multiple contributions, both theoretical and practical. In the theoretical world, I propose and prototype an adaptive Single-Sign On solution that use user's context information to protect user's private information for smartphone. To validate this solution, I first proved that user's context is a unique user identifier and context awareness technology can increase user's perceived ease of use of the system and service provider's authentication security. I then followed a design science research paradigm and implemented this solution into a mobile application called "Privacy Manager". I evaluated the utility by several focus group interviews, and overall the proposed solution fulfilled the expected function and users expressed their intentions to use this application. To better understand the personalization-privacy paradox, I built on the theoretical foundations of privacy calculus and technology acceptance model to conceptualize the theory of users' mobile privacy management. I also examined the role of personalization and control ability on my model and how these two elements interact with privacy calculus and mobile technology model. In the practical realm, this thesis contributes to the understanding of the tradeoff between the benefit of personalized services and user's privacy concerns it may cause. By pointing out new opportunities to rethink how user's context information can protect private data, it also suggests new elements for privacy related business models.


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L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball de fi de carrera ha estat aprofitar la importància que Internet ha adquirit com a canal de comunicació per a dissenyar i desenvolupar una aplicació, basada en tecnologia .NET, que gestioni l'activitat d'una penya ciclista.


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This research studies from an internal view based on the Competency-Based Perspective (CBP), key organizational competencies developed for small new business. CBP is chosen in an attempt to explain the differences characterizing the closed companies from the consolidated ones. The main contribution of this paper is the definition of a set of key organizational competencies for new ventures from services and low technology based sectors. Using the classification proposed by [1] and a review of the entrepreneurship literature, the main competencies were defined and classified as: managerial, input-based, transformation-based, and output-based competencies. The proposed model for evaluating new ventures organizational competence is tested by means of Structural Equation


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Abstract We introduce a label-free technology based on digital holographic microscopy (DHM) with applicability for screening by imaging, and we demonstrate its capability for cytotoxicity assessment using mammalian living cells. For this first high content screening compatible application, we automatized a digital holographic microscope for image acquisition of cells using commercially available 96-well plates. Data generated through both label-free DHM imaging and fluorescence-based methods were in good agreement for cell viability identification and a Z'-factor close to 0.9 was determined, validating the robustness of DHM assay for phenotypic screening. Further, an excellent correlation was obtained between experimental cytotoxicity dose-response curves and known IC values for different toxic compounds. For comparable results, DHM has the major advantages of being label free and close to an order of magnitude faster than automated standard fluorescence microscopy.


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Assessment of locomotion through simple tests such as timed up and go (TUG) or walking trials can provide valuable information for the evaluation of treatment and the early diagnosis of people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Common methods used in clinics are either based on complex motion laboratory settings or simple timing outcomes using stop watches. The goal of this paper is to present an innovative technology based on wearable sensors on-shoe and processing algorithm, which provides outcome measures characterizing PD motor symptoms during TUG and gait tests. Our results on ten PD patients and ten age-matched elderly subjects indicate an accuracy ± precision of 2.8 ± 2.4 cm/s and 1.3 ± 3.0 cm for stride velocity and stride length estimation compared to optical motion capture, with the advantage of being practical to use in home or clinics without any discomfort for the subject. In addition, the use of novel spatio-temporal parameters, including turning, swing width, path length, and their intercycle variability, was also validated and showed interesting tendencies for discriminating patients in ON and OFF states and control subjects.


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We have developed a technetium labeling technology based on a new organometallic chemistry, which involves simple mixing of the novel reagent, a 99m Tc(I)-carbonyl compound, with a His-tagged recombinant protein. This method obviates the labeling of unpaired engineered cysteines, which frequently create problems in large-scale expression and storage of disulfide-containing proteins. In this study, we labeled antibody single-chain Fv fragments to high specific activities (90 mCi/mg), and the label was very stable to serum and all other challenges tested. The pharmacokinetic characteristics were indistinguishable from iodinated scFv fragments, and thus scFV fragments labeled by the new method will be suitable for biodistribution studies. This novel labeling method should be applicable not only to diagnostic imaging with 99mTc, but also to radioimmunotherapy approaches with 186/188 Re, and its use can be easily extended to almost any recombinant protein or synthetic peptide.


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Results from the Iowa Medicaid congestive heart failure population disease management demonstration confirm that a population and technology based remote monitoring platform can greatly reduce the need for costly acute care services by involving patients in their care, improving care effectiveness and promoting healthy behaviors.


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Abstract We introduce a label-free technology based on digital holographic microscopy (DHM) with applicability for screening by imaging, and we demonstrate its capability for cytotoxicity assessment using mammalian living cells. For this first high content screening compatible application, we automatized a digital holographic microscope for image acquisition of cells using commercially available 96-well plates. Data generated through both label-free DHM imaging and fluorescence-based methods were in good agreement for cell viability identification and a Z'-factor close to 0.9 was determined, validating the robustness of DHM assay for phenotypic screening. Further, an excellent correlation was obtained between experimental cytotoxicity dose-response curves and known IC values for different toxic compounds. For comparable results, DHM has the major advantages of being label free and close to an order of magnitude faster than automated standard fluorescence microscopy.


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CIRAS is to enhance the performance of Iowa industry, and associated entities, through education and technology-based services. This newsletter holds information regarding these services.