949 resultados para technology acceptance model (TAM)


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Intention-based models have been one of the main theoretical orientations in the research on the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT). According to these models, actual behavior can be predicted from the intention towards the behavior. If the level of intention to use technology is high, the probability of actual usage of ICT increases. The purpose of this study was to find out which factors explain vocational teachers intention to use ICT in their teaching. In addition, teachers of media and information sciences and teachers of welfare and health were compared. The study also explored how regularly ICT was applied by teachers and how strong their intention to apply the technology was. This Master s thesis is a quantitative study and the data was collected using an Email survey and Eform. The instruments were based on a decomposed theory of planned behavior. The research group consisted of 22 schools of media and information sciences and 20 schools of welfare and health. The data consisted of 231 vocational teachers: 57 teachers worked with media and information sciences and 174 with welfare and health. The data was analyzed using Mann-Whitney U-test, factor analysis and regression analysis. In addition, categorized results were compared with previous study. In this study, the intention to use ICT in teaching was explained by the teachers attitudes and skills and the attitudes of their work community. However, the environment in which ICT was used, i.e., the technical environment, economical resources and time, did not explain the intention. The results did not directly support any of the intention-based models, but they could be interpreted as congruent with the technology acceptance model. The majority of the teachers used ICT at least weekly. They had a strong intention to continue to do that in the future. The study also revealed that there were more teachers who had a critical attitude towards ICT among the teachers of welfare and health. According to the results of this study, it is not possible to state that ICT would not suit any one profession because in every group with teachers with a critical attitude towards ICT there were also teachers with a positive attitude.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, ramo de Marketing e Publicidade


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Online travel shopping has attracted researchers due to its significant growth and there is a growing body of literature in this field. However, research on what drives consumers to purchase travel online has typically been fragmented. In fact, existing studies have largely concentrated on examining consumers’ online travel purchases either grounded on Davis’s Technology Acceptance Model, on the Theory of Reasoned Action and its extension, the Theory of Planned Behaviour or on Roger’s model of perceived innovation attributes, the Innovation Diffusion Theory. A thorough literature review has revealed that there is a lack of studies that integrate all theories to better understand online travel shopping. Therefore, based on relevant literature in tourism and consumer behaviour, this study proposes and tests an integrated model to explore which factors affect intentions to purchase travel online. Furthermore, it proposes a new construct, termed social media involvement, defined as a person’s level of interest or emotional attachment with social media, and examines its relationship with intentions to purchase travel online. To test the 18 hypotheses, a quantitative approach was followed by first collecting data through an online survey. With a sample of 1,532 Worldwide Internet users, Partial Least Squares analysis was than conducted to assess the validity and reliability of the data and empirically test the hypothesized relationships between the constructs. The results indicate that intentions to purchase travel online is mostly determined by attitude towards online shopping, which is influenced by perceived relative advantages of online travel shopping and trust in online travel shopping. In addition, the findings indicate that the second most important predictor of intentions to purchase travel online is compatibility, an attribute from the Innovation Diffusion Theory. Furthermore, even though online shopping is nowadays a common practice, perceived risk continues to negatively affect intentions to purchase travel online. The most surprising finding of this study was that Internet users more involved with social media for travel purposes did not have higher intentions to purchase travel online. The theoretical contributions of this study and the practical implications are discussed and future research directions are detailed.


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Cette recherche vise à étudier l’interrelation entre l’acceptation des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) et les conceptions de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage d’enseignants du primaire au Québec. En s’appuyant sur les modèles d’intervention éducative (Lenoir, 1991) comme cadre d’analyse des conceptions de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage et sur le technology acceptance model (Davis, 1986) comme cadre d’analyse de l’acceptation des TIC, cette recherche développe un modèle conceptuel dans l’objectif d’explorer la relation entre les pratiques des enseignants liées à l’intégration des TIC et leur conceptions de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage. Le modèle prend également en considération d’autres variables tel que l’âge, l’expérience d’enseignement et la formation initiale et continue, identifiées par la documentation scientifique sur le sujet comme associées à l’intégration des TIC en éducation. Pour tester le modèle nous procédons par enquête postale auprès d’un échantillon de convenance de 137 enseignants du primaire au Québec. Les données recueillies ont été traitées selon la nature des variables qui les déterminent (analyse des variances, test de Chi-Deux et analyse des corrélations). Les résultats de notre recherche mettent en évidence que les enseignants, sujets de l’étude, n’acceptent pas assez les TIC au point d’en faire «un usage habituel et suffisamment régulier » (Depover et Strebelle, 1996, p. 35). En plus, ces enseignants ne tirent pas plein profit des TIC vu qu’ils n’exploitent que certaines technologies (logiciels courants). D’autres TIC (environnements de communication et logiciels de création et de gestion de sites ou de pages Web) sont rarement utilisées en classe par les répondants et, encore plus rarement, par leurs élèves. Les résultats de notre recherche soulignent l’existence d’une relation significative entre l’acceptation des TIC et les conceptions de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage des enseignants. L’acceptation des TIC semble également fonction de la perception des enseignants de l’utilité et de la facilité d’utilisation des TIC. Les variables de contexte qui influencent le plus significativement l’acceptation des TIC sont l’âge de l’enseignant, son expérience d’enseignement, le nombre de postes disponibles en salle de classe ainsi que le fait d’avoir suivi des activités de formation initiale ou continue sur l’utilisation pédagogique des TIC et sur l’utilisation de certains types de logiciels.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação de Mestre António da Silva Vieira.


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Scant research has explored how professors in Canadian universities use Twitter as a teaching tool or to augment knowledge about their subject disciplines. This case study employed a mixed-method approach to examine how professors in an Ontario university use Twitter. Using a variation of the technology acceptance model, the survey (n = 17) found that professor participants—41.2% of whom use Twitter—perceive Twitter as somewhat useful as a teaching tool, not useful for finding and sharing information, and not useful for personal use. Participants’ gender and number of years teaching are not indicators of Twitter use. Furthermore, the level of support from peers and the university may be reasons why some do not use Twitter or have stopped using Twitter. Face-to-face interviews (n = 3) revealed that Twitter is not used in classrooms or lecture halls, but predominantly as a means of sharing information with students and colleagues. Another deterrent to using Twitter is not knowing who to follow. Findings indicate that some professors at this university embrace Twitter, but not necessarily as an in-class teaching tool. The challenge and the advantage of using Twitter is to discover and follow people who tweet material and to select relevant material to pass along to students and colleagues. Professor participants in the study found a use for the social network as a means to increase student engagement, create virtual information-exchange communities, and enrich their own learning.


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À l’instar de plusieurs systèmes de santé, les centres hospitaliers québécois ont amorcé l’informatisation du dossier patient sous forme papier pour la transition vers un dossier clinique informatisé (DCI). Ce changement complexe s’est parfois traduit par des répercussions sur les pratiques de soins, la sécurité et la qualité des soins offerts. L’adoption de la part des utilisateurs de technologies de l’information (TI) est considérée comme un facteur critique de succès pour la réalisation de bénéfices suite au passage à un DCI. Cette étude transversale multicentrique avait pour objectifs d’examiner des facteurs explicatifs de l’adoption, de l’utilisation réelle d’un DCI, de la satisfaction des infirmières et de comparer les résultats au regard du sexe, de l’âge, de l’expérience des infirmières et des stades de déploiement du DCI. Un modèle théorique s’appuyant sur la Théorie unifiée de l’adoption et de l’utilisation de la technologie a été développé et testé auprès d’un échantillon comptant 616 infirmières utilisant un DCI hospitalier dans quatre milieux de soins différents. Plus particulièrement, l’étude a testé 20 hypothèses de recherche s’intéressant aux relations entre huit construits tels la compatibilité du DCI, le sentiment d’auto-efficacité des infirmières, les attentes liées à la performance, celles qui sont liées aux efforts à déployer pour adopter le DCI, l'influence sociale dans l’environnement de travail, les conditions facilitatrices mises de l’avant pour soutenir le changement et ce, relativement à l’utilisation réelle du DCI et la satisfaction des infirmières. Au terme des analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles, 13 hypothèses de recherche ont été confirmées. Les résultats tendent à démontrer qu’un DCI répondant aux attentes des infirmières quant à l’amélioration de leur performance et des efforts à déployer, la présence de conditions facilitatrices dans l’environnement de travail et un DCI compatible avec leur style de travail, leurs pratiques courantes et leurs valeurs sont les facteurs les plus déterminants pour influencer positivement l’utilisation du DCI et leur satisfaction. Les facteurs modélisés ont permis d’expliquer 50,2 % de la variance des attentes liées à la performance, 52,9 % des attentes liées aux efforts, 33,6 % de l’utilisation réelle du DCI et 54,9 % de la satisfaction des infirmières. La forte concordance du modèle testé avec les données de l’échantillon a notamment mis en lumière l’influence des attentes liées à la performance sur l’utilisation réelle du DCI (r = 0,55 p = 0,006) et sur la satisfaction des infirmières (r = 0,27 p = 0,010), des conditions facilitatrices sur les attentes liées aux efforts (r = 0,45 p = 0,009), de la compatibilité du DCI sur les attentes liées à la performance (r = 0,39 p = 0,002) et sur celles qui sont liées aux efforts (r = 0,28 p = 0,009). Les nombreuses hypothèses retenues ont permis de dégager l’importance des effets de médiation captés par le construit des attentes liées à la performance et celui des attentes liées aux efforts requis pour utiliser le DCI. Les comparaisons fondées sur l’âge, l’expérience et le sexe des répondants n’ont décelé aucune différence statistiquement significative quant à l’adoption, l’utilisation réelle du DCI et la satisfaction des infirmières. Par contre, celles qui sont fondées sur les quatre stades de déploiement du DCI ont révélé des différences significatives quant aux relations modélisées. Les résultats indiquent que plus le stade de déploiement du DCI progresse, plus on observe une intensification de certaines relations clés du modèle et une plus forte explication de la variance de la satisfaction des infirmières qui utilisent le DCI. De plus, certains résultats de l’étude divergent des données empiriques produites dans une perspective prédictive de l’adoption des TI. La présente étude tend à démontrer l’applicabilité des modèles et des théories de l’adoption des TI auprès d’infirmières œuvrant en centre hospitalier. Les résultats indiquent qu’un DCI répondant aux attentes liées à la performance des infirmières est le facteur le plus déterminant pour influencer positivement l’utilisation réelle du DCI et leur satisfaction. Pour la gestion du changement, l’étude a relevé des facteurs explicatifs de l’adoption et de l’utilisation d’un DCI. La modélisation a aussi mis en lumière les interrelations qui évoluent en fonction de stades de déploiement différents d’un DCI. Ces résultats pourront orienter les décideurs et les agents de changement quant aux mesures à déployer pour optimiser les bénéfices d’une infostructure entièrement électronique dans les systèmes de santé.


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The assessment of maturity of software is an important area in the general software sector. The field of OSS also applies various models to measure software maturity. However, measuring maturity of OSS being used for several applications in libraries is an area left with no research so far. This study has attempted to fill the research gap. Measuring maturity of software contributes knowledge on its sustainability over the long term. Maturity of software is one of the factors that positively influence adoption. The investigator measured the maturity of DSpace software using Woods and Guliani‟s Open Source Maturity Model-2005. The present study is significant as it addresses the aspects of maturity of OSS for libraries and fills the research gap on the area. In this sense the study opens new avenues to the field of library and information science by providing an additional tool for librarians in the selection and adoption of OSS. Measuring maturity brings in-depth knowledge on an OSS which will contribute towards the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as explained in the Technology Acceptance Model theory.


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E-book devices are a technological innovation that has been mass marketed to consumers as a revolution in the way that books will be read and stored. This paper extends previous research on technology adoption behaviour of individuals by focusing on the role of emotional connections people have towards e-books. A number of technology adoption models can explain the adoption of e-book devices such as the technology acceptance model, theory of planned action, theory of reasoned action and social cognitive theory. Due to the increased importance of social learning on a person’s behaviour, social cognitive theory is identified in this paper as being the most appropriate theoretical lens to understand the emotional connections a person has towards e-books. The findings from this paper may help to fill the gaps in academic discussion about what theory best explains a person’s behavioural intention towards technological innovations and the impact of marketing on this behaviour. In addition, the paper has a number of managerial implications including identifying the importance of an emotional connection to a technological innovation that influences the adoption process. The emphasis on emotional connection as mediating the way a person receives information about e-book devices may help to influence future marketing efforts of new technologies.


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Nowadays, the free software has been presented as an alternative to the acquisition structure of proprietors¿ software licenses, being adopted by a large number of companies. This study presents the analysis, through a case study, of a project of proprietors¿ software migration for free platforms. The main purpose was to identify decisive factors of success in the adoption of free softwares for private companies. For this, was used the single case methodology of study, presented by Yin (2005). The theoretical referential approaches issues related to the definitions and the historic of the free software, the resistance to information systems and the change resistance. The idea is to look for the fundamentals to support the researchers understanding of the situations observed in the field. The data found at this research was analyzed using a meta-frame, which has as the main point the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Information Technology, developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003). Also, to complete this meta-frame, were used the Technology Acceptance Model, proposed by Davis (1989), and Interaction¿s Model of system and context of Use, developed by Markus (1983). The researche¿s result has been gotten by the analysis of documentation, interviews, questionnaires, direct observation and participant observation, that made possible the obtaining of valuable group of data on the researched subject. The result of this research allow the establishment of subsidies for the planning and development of project of proprietors¿ softwares migration for free softwares.


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A dissertação tem como objeto a investigação das relações entre a o design de um website de comércio eletrônico de CDs e o comportamento do consumidor virtual, com ênfase a sua atitude e intenção de compra. O objetivo principal é mensurar o efeito do design da loja virtual (website) em seu papel de agente de vendas na Internet. A análise do comércio varejista de CDs foi escolhida, pois este produto é um dos principais artigos de venda neste canal. O estudo é apoiado em um referencial teórico, no qual são analisadas as características dos seguintes pontos: i) a Internet atuando como canal de vendas; ii) o comércio varejista de CD no Brasil e iii) o comportamento do consumidor e o seu processo decisório. Ainda no referencial teórico são apresentados os diversos modelos de avaliação de website existentes: baseado em Marketing, Teoria dos Dois Fatores, avaliação da qualidade, avaliação da web (W AM) e aceitação da Tecnologia na Web (T AM). A análise e comparação destes modelos serviu como base para o desenvolvimento da proposta do modelo de avaliação website. O estudo é complementado pelo desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa, com aplicação de questionário via web (websurvey). A coleta dos dados é utilizada como forma de validação estatística das relações existentes no modelo desenvolvido. Isto é feito por meio do uso da ferramenta de análise de Equações Estruturadas (SEM), suportada pelos conceitos e métodos de abordagem descritos no referencial teórico. A ferramenta permite tanto avaliar um modelo de mensuração e um modelo estrutural simultaneamente.


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A pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar os fatores-chave de sucesso na adoção de aplicativos móveis de táxi (AMTs) por taxistas. Baseando-se nos modelos de Aceitação Tecnológica (DAVIS; BAGOZZI; WARSHAW, 1989), Difusão da Inovação (ROGERS, 1995) e de Confiança (CARTER; BÉLANGER, 2005), o trabalho propõe também uma revisão da literatura de Aplicações Móveis aplicada ao contexto dos AMTs (VAN BILJON; KOTZÉ, 2007). Para o propósito dessa pesquisa, os AMTs são definidos como aplicativos de serviço móvel avançado que viabilizam, por meio de Internet e geolocalização, a solicitação de transporte de táxi em dispositivos móveis, mediante sistemas de informação e chamadas telefônicas, e o acompanhamento da prestação do serviço e seu pagamento. A partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade e aplicações de questionários em pesquisa de campo, o estudo propõe uma triangulação de métodos de Análise Lexical (BOTTA,2010; GEERAERTS,2010), Conteúdo (BARDIN,2006) e Ranking Médio (OLIVEIRA,2005) para a investigação dos fatores identificados na literatura. Os resultados apontam que os fatores influenciadores do sucesso dos AMTs, na perspectiva de uso pelos motoristas de táxi, são Simplicidade e Utilidade Percebida, enquanto os moderadores são Segurança e Ganhos Financeiros. Acredita-se que a pesquisa poderá contribuir para a discussão de um tema ainda pouco explorado na literatura no Brasil, os Aplicativos Móveis, além de proporcionar implicações gerenciais no âmbito da inovação em empresas desenvolvedoras.


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The evaluation of the farmers’ communities’ approach to the Slow Food vision, their perception of the Slow Food role in supporting their activity and their appreciation and expectations from participating in the event of Mother Earth were studied. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model was adopted in an agro-food sector context. A survey was conducted, 120 questionnaires from farmers attending the Mother Earth in Turin in 2010 were collected. The descriptive statistical analysis showed that both Slow Food membership and participation to Mother Earth Meeting were much appreciated for the support provided to their business and the contribution to a more sustainable and fair development. A positive social, environmental and psychological impact on farmers also resulted. Results showed also an interesting perspective on the possible universality of the Slow Food and Mother Earth values. Farmers declared that Slow Food is supporting them by preserving the biodiversity and orienting them to the use of local resources and reducing the chemical inputs. Many farmers mentioned the language/culture and administration/bureaucratic issues as an obstacle to be a member in the movement and to participate to the event. Participation to Mother Earth gives an opportunity to exchange information with other farmers’ communities and to participate to seminars and debates, helpful for their business development. The absolute majority of positive answers associated to the farmers’ willingness to relate to Slow Food and participate to the next Mother Earth editions negatively influenced the UTAUT model results. A factor analysis showed that the variables associated to the UTAUT model constructs Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy were consistent, able to explain the construct variability, and their measurement reliable. Their inclusion in a simplest Technology Acceptance Model could be considered in future researches.


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BACKGROUND The majority of radiological reports are lacking a standard structure. Even within a specialized area of radiology, each report has its individual structure with regards to details and order, often containing too much of non-relevant information the referring physician is not interested in. For gathering relevant clinical key parameters in an efficient way or to support long-term therapy monitoring, structured reporting might be advantageous. OBJECTIVE Despite of new technologies in medical information systems, medical reporting is still not dynamic. To improve the quality of communication in radiology reports, a new structured reporting system was developed for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), intended to enhance professional communication by providing the pertinent clinical information in a predefined standard. METHODS Actual state analysis was performed within the departments of radiology and vascular surgery by developing a Technology Acceptance Model. The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis focused on optimization of the radiology reporting of patients with AAA. Definition of clinical parameters was achieved by interviewing experienced clinicians in radiology and vascular surgery. For evaluation, a focus group (4 radiologists) looked at the reports of 16 patients. The usability and reliability of the method was validated in a real-world test environment in the field of radiology. RESULTS A Web-based application for radiological "structured reporting" (SR) was successfully standardized for AAA. Its organization comprises three main categories: characteristics of pathology and adjacent anatomy, measurements, and additional findings. Using different graphical widgets (eg, drop-down menus) in each category facilitate predefined data entries. Measurement parameters shown in a diagram can be defined for clinical monitoring and be adducted for quick adjudications. Figures for optional use to guide and standardize the reporting are embedded. Analysis of variance shows decreased average time required with SR to obtain a radiological report compared to free-text reporting (P=.0001). Questionnaire responses confirm a high acceptance rate by the user. CONCLUSIONS The new SR system may support efficient radiological reporting for initial diagnosis and follow-up for AAA. Perceived advantages of our SR platform are ease of use, which may lead to more accurate decision support. The new system is open to communicate not only with clinical partners but also with Radiology Information and Hospital Information Systems.


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Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en general e Internet en particular han supuesto una revolución en nuestra forma de comunicarnos, relacionarnos, producir, comprar y vender acortando tiempo y distancias entre proveedores y consumidores. A la paulatina penetración del ordenador, los teléfonos inteligentes y la banda ancha fija y/o móvil ha seguido un mayor uso de estas tecnologías entre ciudadanos y empresas. El comercio electrónico empresa–consumidor (B2C) alcanzó en 2010 en España un volumen de 9.114 millones de euros, con un incremento del 17,4% respecto al dato registrado en 2009. Este crecimiento se ha producido por distintos hechos: un incremento en el porcentaje de internautas hasta el 65,1% en 2010 de los cuales han adquirido productos o servicios a través de la Red un 43,1% –1,6 puntos porcentuales más respecto a 2010–. Por otra parte, el gasto medio por comprador ha ascendido a 831€ en 2010, lo que supone un incremento del 10,9% respecto al año anterior. Si segmentamos a los compradores según por su experiencia anterior de compra podemos encontrar dos categorías: el comprador novel –que adquirió por primera vez productos o servicios en 2010– y el comprador constante –aquel que había adquirido productos o servicios en 2010 y al menos una vez en años anteriores–. El 85,8% de los compradores se pueden considerar como compradores constantes: habían comprado en la Red en 2010, pero también lo habían hecho anteriormente. El comprador novel tiene un perfil sociodemográfico de persona joven de entre 15–24 años, con estudios secundarios, de clase social media y media–baja, estudiante no universitario, residente en poblaciones pequeñas y sigue utilizando fórmulas de pago como el contra–reembolso (23,9%). Su gasto medio anual ascendió en 2010 a 449€. El comprador constante, o comprador que ya había comprado en Internet anteriormente, tiene un perfil demográfico distinto: estudios superiores, clase alta, trabajador y residente en grandes ciudades, con un comportamiento maduro en la compra electrónica dada su mayor experiencia –utiliza con mayor intensidad canales exclusivos en Internet que no disponen de tienda presencial–. Su gasto medio duplica al observado en compradores noveles (con una media de 930€ anuales). Por tanto, los compradores constantes suponen una mayoría de los compradores con un gasto medio que dobla al comprador que ha adoptado el medio recientemente. Por consiguiente es de interés estudiar los factores que predicen que un internauta vuelva a adquirir un producto o servicio en la Red. La respuesta a esta pregunta no se ha revelado sencilla. En España, la mayoría de productos y servicios aún se adquieren de manera presencial, con una baja incidencia de las ventas a distancia como la teletienda, la venta por catálogo o la venta a través de Internet. Para dar respuesta a las preguntas planteadas se ha investigado desde distintos puntos de vista: se comenzará con un estudio descriptivo desde el punto de vista de la demanda que trata de caracterizar la situación del comercio electrónico B2C en España, poniendo el foco en las diferencias entre los compradores constantes y los nuevos compradores. Posteriormente, la investigación de modelos de adopción y continuidad en el uso de las tecnologías y de los factores que inciden en dicha continuidad –con especial interés en el comercio electrónico B2C–, permiten afrontar el problema desde la perspectiva de las ecuaciones estructurales pudiendo también extraer conclusiones de tipo práctico. Este trabajo sigue una estructura clásica de investigación científica: en el capítulo 1 se introduce el tema de investigación, continuando con una descripción del estado de situación del comercio electrónico B2C en España utilizando fuentes oficiales (capítulo 2). Posteriormente se desarrolla el marco teórico y el estado del arte de modelos de adopción y de utilización de las tecnologías (capítulo 3) y de los factores principales que inciden en la adopción y continuidad en el uso de las tecnologías (capítulo 4). El capítulo 5 desarrolla las hipótesis de la investigación y plantea los modelos teóricos. Las técnicas estadísticas a utilizar se describen en el capítulo 6, donde también se analizan los resultados empíricos sobre los modelos desarrollados en el capítulo 5. El capítulo 7 expone las principales conclusiones de la investigación, sus limitaciones y propone nuevas líneas de investigación. La primera parte corresponde al capítulo 1, que introduce la investigación justificándola desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico. También se realiza una breve introducción a la teoría del comportamiento del consumidor desde una perspectiva clásica. Se presentan los principales modelos de adopción y se introducen los modelos de continuidad de utilización que se estudiarán más detalladamente en el capítulo 3. En este capítulo se desarrollan los objetivos principales y los objetivos secundarios, se propone el mapa mental de la investigación y se planifican en un cronograma los principales hitos del trabajo. La segunda parte corresponde a los capítulos dos, tres y cuatro. En el capítulo 2 se describe el comercio electrónico B2C en España utilizando fuentes secundarias. Se aborda un diagnóstico del sector de comercio electrónico y su estado de madurez en España. Posteriormente, se analizan las diferencias entre los compradores constantes, principal interés de este trabajo, frente a los compradores noveles, destacando las diferencias de perfiles y usos. Para los dos segmentos se estudian aspectos como el lugar de acceso a la compra, la frecuencia de compra, los medios de pago utilizados o las actitudes hacia la compra. El capítulo 3 comienza desarrollando los principales conceptos sobre la teoría del comportamiento del consumidor, para continuar estudiando los principales modelos de adopción de tecnología existentes, analizando con especial atención su aplicación en comercio electrónico. Posteriormente se analizan los modelos de continuidad en el uso de tecnologías (Teoría de la Confirmación de Expectativas; Teoría de la Justicia), con especial atención de nuevo a su aplicación en el comercio electrónico. Una vez estudiados los principales modelos de adopción y continuidad en el uso de tecnologías, el capítulo 4 analiza los principales factores que se utilizan en los modelos: calidad, valor, factores basados en la confirmación de expectativas –satisfacción, utilidad percibida– y factores específicos en situaciones especiales –por ejemplo, tras una queja– como pueden ser la justicia, las emociones o la confianza. La tercera parte –que corresponde al capítulo 5– desarrolla el diseño de la investigación y la selección muestral de los modelos. En la primera parte del capítulo se enuncian las hipótesis –que van desde lo general a lo particular, utilizando los factores específicos analizados en el capítulo 4– para su posterior estudio y validación en el capítulo 6 utilizando las técnicas estadísticas apropiadas. A partir de las hipótesis, y de los modelos y factores estudiados en los capítulos 3 y 4, se definen y vertebran dos modelos teóricos originales que den respuesta a los retos de investigación planteados en el capítulo 1. En la segunda parte del capítulo se diseña el trabajo empírico de investigación definiendo los siguientes aspectos: alcance geográfico–temporal, tipología de la investigación, carácter y ambiente de la investigación, fuentes primarias y secundarias utilizadas, técnicas de recolección de datos, instrumentos de medida utilizados y características de la muestra utilizada. Los resultados del trabajo de investigación constituyen la cuarta parte de la investigación y se desarrollan en el capítulo 6, que comienza analizando las técnicas estadísticas basadas en Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales. Se plantean dos alternativas, modelos confirmatorios correspondientes a Métodos Basados en Covarianzas (MBC) y modelos predictivos. De forma razonada se eligen las técnicas predictivas dada la naturaleza exploratoria de la investigación planteada. La segunda parte del capítulo 6 desarrolla el análisis de los resultados de los modelos de medida y modelos estructurales construidos con indicadores formativos y reflectivos y definidos en el capítulo 4. Para ello se validan, sucesivamente, los modelos de medida y los modelos estructurales teniendo en cuenta los valores umbrales de los parámetros estadísticos necesarios para la validación. La quinta parte corresponde al capítulo 7, que desarrolla las conclusiones basándose en los resultados del capítulo 6, analizando los resultados desde el punto de vista de las aportaciones teóricas y prácticas, obteniendo conclusiones para la gestión de las empresas. A continuación, se describen las limitaciones de la investigación y se proponen nuevas líneas de estudio sobre distintos temas que han ido surgiendo a lo largo del trabajo. Finalmente, la bibliografía recoge todas las referencias utilizadas a lo largo de este trabajo. Palabras clave: comprador constante, modelos de continuidad de uso, continuidad en el uso de tecnologías, comercio electrónico, B2C, adopción de tecnologías, modelos de adopción tecnológica, TAM, TPB, IDT, UTAUT, ECT, intención de continuidad, satisfacción, confianza percibida, justicia, emociones, confirmación de expectativas, calidad, valor, PLS. ABSTRACT Information and Communication Technologies in general, but more specifically those related to the Internet in particular, have changed the way in which we communicate, relate to one another, produce, and buy and sell products, reducing the time and shortening the distance between suppliers and consumers. The steady breakthrough of computers, Smartphones and landline and/or wireless broadband has been greatly reflected in its large scale use by both individuals and businesses. Business–to–consumer (B2C) e–commerce reached a volume of 9,114 million Euros in Spain in 2010, representing a 17.4% increase with respect to the figure in 2009. This growth is due in part to two different facts: an increase in the percentage of web users to 65.1% en 2010, 43.1% of whom have acquired products or services through the Internet– which constitutes 1.6 percentage points higher than 2010. On the other hand, the average spending by individual buyers rose to 831€ en 2010, constituting a 10.9% increase with respect to the previous year. If we select buyers according to whether or not they have previously made some type of purchase, we can divide them into two categories: the novice buyer–who first made online purchases in 2010– and the experienced buyer: who also made purchases in 2010, but had done so previously as well. The socio–demographic profile of the novice buyer is that of a young person between 15–24 years of age, with secondary studies, middle to lower–middle class, and a non–university educated student who resides in smaller towns and continues to use payment methods such as cash on delivery (23.9%). In 2010, their average purchase grew to 449€. The more experienced buyer, or someone who has previously made purchases online, has a different demographic profile: highly educated, upper class, resident and worker in larger cities, who exercises a mature behavior when making online purchases due to their experience– this type of buyer frequently uses exclusive channels on the Internet that don’t have an actual store. His or her average purchase doubles that of the novice buyer (with an average purchase of 930€ annually.) That said, the experienced buyers constitute the majority of buyers with an average purchase that doubles that of novice buyers. It is therefore of interest to study the factors that help to predict whether or not a web user will buy another product or use another service on the Internet. The answer to this question has proven not to be so simple. In Spain, the majority of goods and services are still bought in person, with a low amount of purchases being made through means such as the Home Shopping Network, through catalogues or Internet sales. To answer the questions that have been posed here, an investigation has been conducted which takes into consideration various viewpoints: it will begin with a descriptive study from the perspective of the supply and demand that characterizes the B2C e–commerce situation in Spain, focusing on the differences between experienced buyers and novice buyers. Subsequently, there will be an investigation concerning the technology acceptance and continuity of use of models as well as the factors that have an effect on their continuity of use –with a special focus on B2C electronic commerce–, which allows for a theoretic approach to the problem from the perspective of the structural equations being able to reach practical conclusions. This investigation follows the classic structure for a scientific investigation: the subject of the investigation is introduced (Chapter 1), then the state of the B2C e–commerce in Spain is described citing official sources of information (Chapter 2), the theoretical framework and state of the art of technology acceptance and continuity models are developed further (Chapter 3) and the main factors that affect their acceptance and continuity (Chapter 4). Chapter 5 explains the hypothesis behind the investigation and poses the theoretical models that will be confirmed or rejected partially or completely. In Chapter 6, the technical statistics that will be used are described briefly as well as an analysis of the empirical results of the models put forth in Chapter 5. Chapter 7 explains the main conclusions of the investigation, its limitations and proposes new projects. First part of the project, chapter 1, introduces the investigation, justifying it from a theoretical and practical point of view. It is also a brief introduction to the theory of consumer behavior from a standard perspective. Technology acceptance models are presented and then continuity and repurchase models are introduced, which are studied more in depth in Chapter 3. In this chapter, both the main and the secondary objectives are developed through a mind map and a timetable which highlights the milestones of the project. The second part of the project corresponds to Chapters Two, Three and Four. Chapter 2 describes the B2C e–commerce in Spain from the perspective of its demand, citing secondary official sources. A diagnosis concerning the e–commerce sector and the status of its maturity in Spain is taken on, as well as the barriers and alternative methods of e–commerce. Subsequently, the differences between experienced buyers, which are of particular interest to this project, and novice buyers are analyzed, highlighting the differences between their profiles and their main transactions. In order to study both groups, aspects such as the place of purchase, frequency with which online purchases are made, payment methods used and the attitudes of the purchasers concerning making online purchases are taken into consideration. Chapter 3 begins by developing the main concepts concerning consumer behavior theory in order to continue the study of the main existing acceptance models (among others, TPB, TAM, IDT, UTAUT and other models derived from them) – paying special attention to their application in e–commerce–. Subsequently, the models of technology reuse are analyzed (CDT, ECT; Theory of Justice), focusing again specifically on their application in e–commerce. Once the main technology acceptance and reuse models have been studied, Chapter 4 analyzes the main factors that are used in these models: quality, value, factors based on the contradiction of expectations/failure to meet expectations– satisfaction, perceived usefulness– and specific factors pertaining to special situations– for example, after receiving a complaint justice, emotions or confidence. The third part– which appears in Chapter 5– develops the plan for the investigation and the sample selection for the models that have been designed. In the first section of the Chapter, the hypothesis is presented– beginning with general ideas and then becoming more specific, using the detailed factors that were analyzed in Chapter 4– for its later study and validation in Chapter 6– as well as the corresponding statistical factors. Based on the hypothesis and the models and factors that were studied in Chapters 3 and 4, two original theoretical models are defined and organized in order to answer the questions posed in Chapter 1. In the second part of the Chapter, the empirical investigation is designed, defining the following aspects: geographic–temporal scope, type of investigation, nature and setting of the investigation, primary and secondary sources used, data gathering methods, instruments according to the extent of their use and characteristics of the sample used. The results of the project constitute the fourth part of the investigation and are developed in Chapter 6, which begins analyzing the statistical techniques that are based on the Models of Structural Equations. Two alternatives are put forth: confirmatory models which correspond to Methods Based on Covariance (MBC) and predictive models– Methods Based on Components–. In a well–reasoned manner, the predictive techniques are chosen given the explorative nature of the investigation. The second part of Chapter 6 explains the results of the analysis of the measurement models and structural models built by the formative and reflective indicators defined in Chapter 4. In order to do so, the measurement models and the structural models are validated one by one, while keeping in mind the threshold values of the necessary statistic parameters for their validation. The fifth part corresponds to Chapter 7 which explains the conclusions of the study, basing them on the results found in Chapter 6 and analyzing them from the perspective of the theoretical and practical contributions, and consequently obtaining conclusions for business management. The limitations of the investigation are then described and new research lines about various topics that came up during the project are proposed. Lastly, all of the references that were used during the project are listed in a final bibliography. Key Words: constant buyer, repurchase models, continuity of use of technology, e–commerce, B2C, technology acceptance, technology acceptance models, TAM, TPB, IDT, UTAUT, ECT, intention of repurchase, satisfaction, perceived trust/confidence, justice, feelings, the contradiction of expectations, quality, value, PLS.