121 resultados para sympathy


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The execution of 25-year-old Melbourne man, Van Nguyen, by Singaporean authorities on 2 December 2005 for attempting to smuggle 400 grams of heroin out of Singapore was cruel. It was also futile. Yet, there are three important lessons that can be learned from his killing. The first lesson is that if Australia is to exert genuine moral pressure on nations to abolish the death penalty it must do so in a principled manner, rather than making expedient pleas when Australians happen to be on the wrong end of the cruel practice. Secondly, sentencing practice in Australia, while not condoning capital punishment, is unjustifiably punitive and we should ameliorate the harshness of some of our sentencing laws. Finally, the death of Nguyen, while tragic, was no more tragic than the millions of other preventable deaths that occur daily throughout the world. The compassion displayed toward Nguyen should be used as a catalyst for enlarging our sympathy gland in relation to all preventable deaths. I now discuss these in further detail.


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France has a long tradition of asylum for refugees. Since the Revolution, this has made it the land of liberty (pays de la liberte) and the land of asylum (la terre d'asile)." "In practice, responses have been shaped less by principle than by political and social conditions. Various refugee movements - from the late eighteenth-century Lowlands, to Spanish and Italian liberals in the 1820s, Polish nationalists in the 1830s. German social revolutionaries of 1848-9, anti-Bolsheviks from the Russian Revolution, Christians from the former Ottoman Empire, and Jews from Nazi Germany - have met with mixed responses, which shifted uneasily between sympathy, principle, pragmatism, and open hostility." "This book examines the tensions between refugee rights and political responses to refugees, and between humanitarian concern for their plight and hostility to their imposition on the state. Increasingly punitive measures against refugees saw, in 1939, the end of asylum in the internment of republican exiles from the Spanish Civil War.


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Research suggests that, in line with the chivalry hypothesis of female offending, a range of mitigatory factors such as mental health problems, substance abuse, and personal experiences of abuse are brought into play when women who offend against children are brought to trial. This is reflected in sentencing comments made by judges and in the sanctions imposed on the offenders, and as a result female offenders are treated differently to male offenders. The current study investigated this in an Australian context. Seven cases of female-perpetrated child sexual abuse were identified over a 6-year period through the Austlii database. Seven cases of male-perpetrated child sex abuse matched as far as possible to these were identified. Court transcripts were then located, and sentencing comments and sanctions imposed were analysed. All offenders were sentenced to imprisonment, but in general the women were more likely than the men to receive less jail time and lower non-parole periods because their personal backgrounds or situation at the time of the offending (i.e., difficulties with intimate relationship, male dependence issues, depression, loneliness and anger) were perceived as worthy of sympathy, and they were considered as likely to be rehabilitated. Further investigations are needed to support these findings.


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Perspective taking, the main cognitive component of empathy, has a particularly important and complex role to play in the clinician-client relationship, particularly in mental health nursing. However, despite extensive investigation into the outcomes of this construct (e.g. sympathy, altruism), the process by which people take another's psychological point of view has received comparatively little attention. The purpose of this study was to investigate what the individual does when attempting to take the perspective of another person. The aims were to identify the specific strategies people used to accomplish this task, to consider how and why these strategies were chosen, and the relationship between the strategies and subsequent outcomes. Participants described an example of their own perspective-taking experience. Adopting an interpretive phenomenological approach, analysis resulted in the generation of several themes of direct relevance to both the perspective taking process and the wider empathic experience. Of particular importance were two superordinate themes, use of other-information and use of self-information. One significant subordinate theme (within use of selfinformation) to emerge was that of past experience, where the participant had experienced either (a) a similar role to that which they occupied in the present situation, or (b) a similar situation to that of the target person. Both of these experiences were determinants of how easy participants perceived the task of apprehending the target’s perspective. Within the wider empathic experience, themes included emotional manifestations (e.g. sympathy), as well as judgements of appropriate behaviours. Implications of findings when working in clinical and mental health settings are discussed.


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The ability to take the perspectives of others is considered a prerequisite for effective interpersonal interaction. Despite extensive investigation into the correlates of perspective taking, there have been few previous attempts to understand the process by which people take another's psychological point of view. The purpose of this exploratory study was to identify the strategies used by individuals when attempting to take the perspective of another person. Twelve participants discussed a time they engaged in perspective taking. The analysis revealed that perspective taking was used in situations in which significant negative emotions could arise, and that participants shifted between the use of self-information (e.g., switching places, past experience) and other-information (e.g., target's personal characteristics) during the process of perspective taking. Different emotions and cognitions were associated with taking one's own perspective and taking that of the other person. The study provides a direct consideration of an under-investigated component of social and personal relationships.


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This paper positions the work of colonial poet Eliza Hamilton Dunlop amongst international Romantic poetry of the period, and argues that Dunlop’s poetry reflects a transposition of Romantic women’s poetry to Australia. Dunlop’s poetry, such as ‘The Aboriginal Mother’, demonstrates the relationship of Romantic women’s poetry to early feminism and Social Reform. As with the work of Felicia Hemans, Dunlop was interested in the role of women, and the ‘domestic’ as they related to broader national and political concerns. Dunlop seems to have been consciously applying the tropes, such as that of the mother, of anti slavery poetry found within American, British, and international poetic traditions to the Australian aboriginal context. Themes of indigenous motherhood, and also of Sati or widow burning in India, and human rights had been favored by early women’s rights campaigners in Britain from the 1820s, focusing on abolition of slavery through the identification of white women with the Negro mother. Dunlop’s comparative sympathy for the situation of aboriginals in Australia has been given critical attention as the aspect which makes her work valuable. However, in this essay I hope to outline how Dunlop’s poetry fits in to the international context of the engagement of Romantic women poets with Western Imperialist models and colonial Others.


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Emotional Contagion is the mechanism that includes mimicking and the automatic synchronization of facial expressions, vocalizations, postures, and movements with another person and, consequently, convergence of emotions between the sender and receiver. Researches of this mechanism conducted usually in the fields of Psychology and Marketing tends to investigate face-to-face interactions. However, the question remains to what extent, if any, emotional contagion may occur with facial expressions in photos, since many purchase situations are brought on by catalogues or websites. This thesis has the goal to verify this gap and, in addition, verify whether emotional contagion is more common in females than in males as stated in previous studies. Emotions have been studied because it is intuitively apparent that emotions affect the dynamics of the interaction between a salesperson and customers (Verbeke, 1997); in other words, emotions may significantly affect consumer behavior. Therefore, this thesis also verified whether the facial expressions that transmit emotions could be associated to product evaluations. To investigate these questions, an experiment was done with 171 participants, which were exposed to either smiling (positive emotion) or neutral advertising. The differences between the individual advertisements were limited to the facial expressions of figures in the advertisements (either smiling or neutral/without smiling). One specialist and two students analyzed videotaped records of the participants’ responses, and found that participants who saw the positive stimulus mimicked the picture (smiling back) confirming the Emotional Contagion in Photos (the first hypothesis). The second hypothesis was to analyze if there is difference based in gender. The results demonstrated that there is not a significant difference between genders; female and male equally suffer Emotional Contagion. The third hypothesis was related to whether the positive emotions vs. neutral emotions acquired from the positive facial expression in the photo are associated to a positive evaluation of the product also displayed in the photo. Evidences show that the ad with a positive expression could change more positively the attitude, the sympathy, the reliability, and the intention of purpose of the participant compared to those who were exposed to the neutral condition. Therefore, the analysis concludes that the facial expressions displayed in photos produce emotional contagion and may interfere on the evaluation product. A discussion of the theoretical and practical implications and limitations for these findings are presented.


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Os anos entre 1956 a 1961 foram pródigos para o desenvolvimento do Brasil. O governo JK consolidou a industrialização brasileira, criou Brasília e foi considerado um caso singular na política contemporânea, por ser o único governo civil que começou e terminou seu mandato segundo as regras constitucionais, até o período da ditadura militar. Através da rememoração, lembramos de fatos históricos, que através da narrativa da revista Manchete, contribuíram para a criação de uma imagem positiva de Juscelino Kubitschek e de seu governo. As edições constantes de sua imagem de grande estadista justificam a existência, na memória coletiva, do mito político. Sua trajetória foi caracterizada por sua simpatia, seu poder de persuasão e pela força de sua oratória durante o seu governo e posteriormente calada pela ditadura militar, implantada no Brasil em 1964. Manchete deu forma, através de suas fotorreportagens, aos acontecimentos de um país em acelerado processo de desenvolvimento, contribuindo desta maneira, com a criação do mito dos anos dourados.


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with the customer satisfaction and loyalty focusing on a private higher education institution in Belém city, Brazil. The literature review focuses on costumer satisfaction and loyalty concepts and theory, models of quality managing systems and methodologies of costumer satisfaction measurement. The research was a survey with a random stratified sample of 329 undergraduate students of Business Administration at the Faculdade do Pará , in the morning and the night periods. The data analysis was made through the descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The main findings are that the model was satisfactory and the main factors affecting Satisfaction to the School were Best Professor Didatics (beta=0.297), Courses Contents (beta=0.280), Clerks Sympathy (beta=0.201), and Number of Students in Classroom (beta=0,187) with a adjusted R2 = 0,47. The main factors affecting School Loyalty with an adjusted R2 = 0,43 were School Image (beta=0.383), Affective Commitment (beta=0.255), and Satisfaction with Professors (beta=0,218). The findings suggest also that may be differences between the set of students and those that complain for something


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The quantification of the degree of activity of inflammatory bowel disease is assuming growing importance nowadays. The activity index of the disease can be attained by clinical and laboratorial indicators. For ulcerative colitis the mostly used clinical parameters are daily bowel movements and presence of bloody diarrhea whereas albumin, hemoglobin, ESR and positive acute phase protein measurements are the laboratory parameters. For Crohn's disease activity besides the daily bowel movements the presence of abdominal pain and discomfort sensation are also frequently used whereas the C-reactive protein is the most used laboratory test which is able to detect the disease reactivation even before the appearance of any clinical sign. The combinations of clinical signs with the laboratory tests earned the sympathy of the specialists and the set of ensembled indicators has been recognized by the author's name. In this sense, the classification of the ulcerative colitis activity originally proposed by Truelove and Witts deserves presently a wide acceptance whereas such agreement is still lacking for Crohn's disease activity. In the mean time, the Bristol index is clinically the most feasible, once the Crohn's disease activity index and the Van Hees index are considered too complex. However the latter indexes are still useful mainly for comparisons among multicentric data. It seems that the currently existing clinical signs used for Crohn's disease activity would be quantitatively improved by adding some easily made laboratory tests such as C-reactive protein.


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The main purpose of the article is to describe and to analyse Sérgio Buarque de Holanda's trajectory in Universidade de São Paulo (USP). At USP, he could dedicate himself entirely in what he liked to do: to research. There, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda formed a researchers' group and he changed the teaching routes in History course, which formed only Elementary and High School teachers. He idealized and founded the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (Brazilian Studies Intitute), a multi-disciplinary institution responsible for important researches included the theme Brasil. In this Institute (IEB), he formed a ample archive and a important library. In 1969, the 13-years-job at USP finished itself in a careworm process, when he asked for his retirement in sympathy with other retired professors compulsorily by AI-5.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper aims to present the contribution of Public Relations in the process of branding, using digital communication as a tool for interaction with the public, and through strategic management, building and maintaining strong and lasting relationships with consumers, resulting in building bonds of sympathy, identification, and networks engaged and loyal consumers to brands. Therefore, were performed bibliographical research covering topics such as information society, network society, the dynamics of social networks, digital media, brands, branding, marketing 3.0, Public Relations and Public Relations 2.0. Were also undertaken observations on communication actions that used digital social media, focusing on interactivity, collaboration and relationship, to better understand how organizations are realizing the importance of interaction and relationship management with the public and how they are performing this communication. At the end, some of these actions are presented as examples of the theories studied, and as a demonstration of the benefits brought to these organizations and their brands


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This paper aims to analyze the Constitutionalist Movement in 1932, trying to understand, more specifically, the political end sought by the Front Unique Paulista, on a literal translation, union of the political parties of São Paulo (Republican Party Paulista and Democratic Party). The research is motivated by the need to understand the political project of FUP with the movement and the existing motivations why it was articulated. The comprehension of the constitutionalists' reasons is relevant to understanding the history of the revolution, from its origin to its outcome. Based on literature and its historical analysis, the paper will demonstrate that the Front, with the advent of the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, had as its main purpose regain political control of the state of São Paulo lost with the revolution of 1930. More than the vaunted concern with the implementation of a new constitution for the nation, the FUP leaders had intended to retrieve the lost power with the movement of 30 and the rise of Getulio Vargas to power. Under a banner to fight for a new constitution and the expected change from a totalitarian and centralized state imposed by Vargas for a more autonomous state, the cause of São Paulo enticed sympathy and support from the community, whose social history always harbored separatist ideas, even that they have never been carried out to its ultimate consequences