91 resultados para surrender


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"In this volume the attempt has been made to imperfectly supply the great desire to have something from Robert E. Lee's pen, by introducing, at the periods referred to, such extracts from his private letters as would be of great interest. He is thus made, for the first time, to give his impressions and opinions on most of the great events with which he was so closely connected"--Preface.


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Another issue in 8 vols. has title: The story of the great war, the complete historical records of events to date. Illustrated with drawings, maps and photographs by Francis J. Reynolds ... Allen L. Churchill ... Francis Trevelyan Miller ...


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"Comprising details of the numerous conflicts for its possession between the Moors and the Christians, until its final surrender in 1462; and of subsequent events: with an appendix containing interesting documents."


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--A further account of the province of Pennsylvania, by William Penn, 1685.--Letters of Doctor Nicholas More, and others, 1686.--A short description of Pennsylvania, by Richard Frame, 1692.--An historical and geographical account of Pennsylvania and West-New-Jersey, by Gabriel Thomas, 1698.--Circumstantial geographical description of Pennsylvania, by Francis Daniel Pastorius, 1700.--Letter of John Jones, 1725.


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Anthology of contemporary accounts of the Dutch period in New York.


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(Con't.) Washington's farewell address (1796) -- Treaty with France (1803) -- Treaty with Great Britain (1814) -- Arrangement as to the naval force to be respectively maintained on the American lakes (1817) -- Treaty with Spain (1819) -- The Monroe doctrine (1823) -- Treaty with Great Britain (1842) -- Treaty with Mexico (1848) -- Fugitive slave act (1850) -- Lincoln's first inaugural address (1861) -- Emancipation proclamation (The Batle of Gettysburg / by Frank Aretas Haskell -- Lincoln's Gettysburg address (1863) -- Proclamation of anmesty (1863) -- Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby (1864) -- Terms of Lee's surrender at Appomattox (1865) -- Lee's farewell to his army (1865) -- Lincoln's second inaugural address (1865) -- Procdeclaring the insurrection at an end (1866) -- Treaty with Russia (1867) -- Annexation of the Hawaiian Islands (1898) -- Recognition on the indepence of Cuba (1898) -- Convention between the United States and the Republic of Panama (1904).


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Este trabalho de pesquisa faz uma abordagem não exaustiva acerca da temática da liberdade na perspectiva da teóloga cristã protestante norte-americana Ellen G. White, partindo do estudo de sua pessoa e dos contextos geopolítico e sociocultural nos quais viveu, avançando ainda para uma noção de sua produção literária e a importância da sistematização de seu pensamento para uma compreensão de sua tratativa quanto ao tema proposto. Toma-se como critério de análise a organização de seu pensamento em três linhas de raciocínios teológicos chamadas, respectivamente, Teologia Integral, Teologia do Compromisso e Teologia do Discipulado, as quais, combinadas, constituem sua perspectiva teológica de liberdade. Mostra-se que a primeira linha justifica as razões da liberdade, a segunda explica como ela ocorre no ser humano, e a terceira propõe o roteiro de sua exteriorização positiva para a humanidade. Segue-se, então, examinando os conceitos, fundamentos, características e desdobramentos temáticos de cada um dos elementos constituintes dos roteiros teológicos mencionados, evidenciando os teólogos que mais influenciaram a autora e apontando as aproximações de sua perspectiva à de teólogos que lhe são posteriores. Em conclusão, propõe-se, na perspectiva da autora, liberdade como expressão significante de uma vida comprometida com o servir em amor de forma piedosa. Liberdade é, assim, uma condição experimentada por aqueles que creem e se submetem a Deus, experimentando uma vida de permanente amor e serviço abnegado ao próximo, realidade testemunhada na prática da genuína piedade cristã. E, por último, desafia-se o leitor à urgente percepção, crítica e reação proativa equilibrada em relação às ideologias humanistas de matriz antropocêntrica exclusiva, mostrando-as como principais fundamentos dos equívocos (pós)modernos de liberdade. Diante dessa realidade, propõe-se a reumanização da ideia de liberdade numa perspectiva teocêntrica por meio do retorno a Deus e à Sua Palavra, empreendimento para o qual a proposta de Ellen G. White se mostra um potencial Teo-humanizador de considerável valor, capaz de possibilitar inclusive o desenvolvimento harmônico da integralidade humana.


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presente pesquisa apresenta-se em uma perspectiva qualitativa, de cunho etnográfico. Analisa o movimento da prática avaliativa de professores que participaram do curso sobre Avaliação numa perspectiva construtivista. Inicialmente, discute a hipótese de não-mudança em relação à prática avaliativa. Em uma trajetória reflexiva, a análise passa a ser inspirada nos estudos de Michel de Certeau, ao não se render à supremacia de produtos culturais impostos por uma ordem social dominante; ao não se limitar à perspectiva das teorias sobre Avaliação da aprendizagem. O foco da pesquisa direcionou-se à ação dos consumidores desses produtos os professores que, ao se apropriarem de tais teorias, o fazem à sua maneira, redimensionando-as e as resignificando, com astúcia, criatividade, inventividade. Ao entender que tais profissionais, em situações menos privilegiadas nas estruturas sociais de poder constituído, possuem uma inteligência que engendra uma multiplicidade de interpretações, abrimos nosso olhar para surpresas, possibilitando a apreciação de variados caminhos que delineiam as práticas avaliativas dos professores. No entanto, se elegêssemos um único padrão de referência para a análise das ações cotidianas, poderíamos nos fechar em apenas duas conclusões: obediências ou resistências. Optamos, todavia, por aproximarmo-nos de Certeau, e acreditar, como ele, na inteligência e criatividade também presentes nas ações dos mais fracos nas organizações sociais, que são os consumidores dos produtos culturais. Criamos, destarte, nova oportunidade para que a multidão adquira vida, evidenciando a diversidade de práticas avaliativas de um grupo de professores, focalizando a análise em ações concretas, de professores reais.


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Objective: This essay aims at identifying, describing and analyzing possible changes both in the experience of the body and in interpersonal relations of women with breast cancer, which result from their participation in Dance Therapy group meetings.Method: This is a phenomenologically oriented qualitative research using Maria Fux´s dance therapy method for group experiences. Eight meetings are described here, and an analysis of descriptions based primarily on Merleau-Ponty and María Fux is provided.Results: The participants have been able to express pain and sorrow over the circumstances that breast cancer and its relational environments have brought to their lives. They have been able to go through moments of creation and surrender to the rhythmic body sensations and experiential environment with different emotions lived separately and jointly. They have revived memories and sensations of their childhood and adolescence, and finally, they have rediscovered their sensitive body through body resignifications marked by the absence of the breast, and by means of feelings of greater acceptance and integration of lived experiences in new gestalts.Conclusions: This project is still under way, but it is already possible to conclude that the life experiences provided in dance therapy have allowed these women to improve their integration and welfare. Likewise, they have felt positive changes in the perception of their corporality and in their way of being in the world and with other subjects, thus experiencing the body in a new and different way.


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Prepared March 1, 2001 by Sherburne F. Cook, Jr. The official Court Proceedings of the second and third sentencing are recorded in the official Court Ledger for the 2nd Judicial District; Olympia, Thurston County, W.T., from which the following transcription has been taken. The Ledger picks up the Trial action on March 18, 1857.


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To present research had for objective to study the quality of the employment in the maturation Laboratories and larviculture of the Beach of Barreta/RN, adopting for so much the criteria used by Reinecke(1999) to characterize a quality employment: surrender, benefits non salary, regularity and work reliability and of the wage, contractual status, social protection, work day, intensity of the work, risk of accidents and of occupational diseases, involvement in linked decisions to the section work, possibility for the development of professional qualifications. Of the exam of the data it was verified that the generated employments are considered employments of good quality. However, this result should be analyzed to the light of a context of extreme informality and of precarization of the work. Therefore, the results should be relativized. He/she/you imports to retain that one of the limitations of the study resides in the impossibility of generalizing the data for the whole section of the sea carcinicultura. In spite of that fact, he/she is considered that the objectives of the research were assisted fully and that the characterization of the profile of the employment generated by the section of the shrimpculture it is extremely important for the drawing of public politics gone back to foment this activity.


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This thesis identifies and defines the new African sovereignty. It establishes a modern sovereignty in Africa hatched from the changing nature of sovereignty in which countries come together at various levels or grades of partial surrender of national sovereignty in order to work closer together for their mutual advantage and benefit. To this end, the narrative zooms in on the central issues within the realms of money matters whereby a new model of monetary sovereignty and monetary solutions is designed in an attempt to ease the recurring tensions and challenges of modern national sovereignty in the continent of Africa. As such, this discussion will offer a historical journey through the constitution of sovereignty, to the birth of the nation state and international public law. It develops the theory of the changing nature of sovereignty within the modern state and opens new lines of inquiry for Africa. In this regard, it draws from juxtaposing and mixing elements of regional and global financial integration as well as retaining national financial sovereignty features to form this new design which I dub continental sovereignty. At its core, the thesis will deal with the legal aspects that stem from the co-mingling of legal systems of nation states and communities at the regional and global levels within the context of financial integration. The argument is that the rule of law remains sacrosanct in monetary management. Effective financial integration is the result of properly structured and managed legal frameworks with robust laws and institutions whether at a national, regional or global level. However, the thesis reveals that in order to avoid undermining the progress of Africa’s financial integration project, any solution for Africa must be immersed within a broader global solution where development issues are addressed and resolved and Africa can form a more central part in all relevant international discussion fora. The work will expound these issues by applying them within a regional and global context, with the state of affairs in Africa forming the nucleus. This application consequently presents the six key themes of the thesis which will be considered therein. They are: a.) regional advantage: which exploits the possibilities of deeper and further financial integration between smaller communal arrangements; b.) regional risk and exposure: the extent to which this deeper form of financial integration can spiral out of control if effected too quickly and too ambitiously; c.) global advantage: which considers the merits of global financial integration and the influence exerted by financial laws on the global financial architecture; d.) global risk and exposure: which considers the challenges of global financial integration especially within the background of the Global Financial Crisis 2007-2008; e.) African challenge: which considers the extent to which this analysis impacts the African economic and financial integration agenda; and f.) development challenge: which examines the extent to which global development issues impact the African solution (continental sovereignty) and the need for any solution for the continent to be roped into a broader global solution within which Africa can form an important part. Even though the thesis requests an optimistic undertone on the progress made so far, it unearths the African problem of multiple national sovereignty and multiple overlapping regional sovereignty constituted as the ‘spaghetti bowl’ dilemma. As such, the unique contribution to knowledge on financial integration in Africa can be echoed in these words: Africa‘s financial integration agenda has had little success in authenticating a systematic and dependable legal framework for monetary management. Efforts made have been incomplete, substandard, and not carefully followed through particularly reflected in the impuissant nature of the judicial enforcement mechanisms. Thus, the thesis argues that, any meaningful answer to the problems dogging the continent is inter alia deeply entrenched within a new form of cooperative monetary sovereignty. In other words, the thesis does not prescribe the creation of new laws; rather it advocates the effective enforcement of existing laws.


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To present research had for objective to study the quality of the employment in the maturation Laboratories and larviculture of the Beach of Barreta/RN, adopting for so much the criteria used by Reinecke(1999) to characterize a quality employment: surrender, benefits non salary, regularity and work reliability and of the wage, contractual status, social protection, work day, intensity of the work, risk of accidents and of occupational diseases, involvement in linked decisions to the section work, possibility for the development of professional qualifications. Of the exam of the data it was verified that the generated employments are considered employments of good quality. However, this result should be analyzed to the light of a context of extreme informality and of precarization of the work. Therefore, the results should be relativized. He/she/you imports to retain that one of the limitations of the study resides in the impossibility of generalizing the data for the whole section of the sea carcinicultura. In spite of that fact, he/she is considered that the objectives of the research were assisted fully and that the characterization of the profile of the employment generated by the section of the shrimpculture it is extremely important for the drawing of public politics gone back to foment this activity.


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Con el final de las grandes conquistas del siglo XIII, la frontera con el recién creado reino de Granada quedó prácticamente estancada. El presente artículo estudia la situación del territorio murciano y el efecto que la presencia de la cercana frontera ejerció sobre él. Se hace referencia a organización del territorio, a la concentración de la población en grandes núcleos como Lorca, Caravaca, Cehegín y otros. Se alude también a la función que la frontera murciana ejerció, como lugar de refugio político, en el contexto de las luchas internas de la región entabladas en el siglo XV. Todo ello permite a los autores trazar un amplio parorama sobre la realidad de la región murciana durante el último siglo de la Edad Media e, incluso, analizar las repercusiones que tuvo para el territorio murciano la desaparición del reino nazarí de Granada tras su capitulación en 1492.


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El interés de este Estudio de Caso, tiene como objetivo analizar la incidencia de la desmovilización de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) en la Política de Seguridad Ciudadana y Convivencia de Bogotá (PSCCB) durante el periodo 2004 – 2013. Se identifica y analiza, cómo se incluyó un programa para desmovilizados en la Política de Seguridad Ciudadana y Convivencia; además de la reconfiguración de las estructuras del crimen organizado tras dicha desmovilización. Lo anterior, para explicar el aumento de los delitos de alto impacto y la percepción de inseguridad en la capital durante este periodo de tiempo.