American historical documents, 1000-1904 : with introductions and notes.

Autoria(s): New York, P. F. Collier



(Con't.) Washington's farewell address (1796) -- Treaty with France (1803) -- Treaty with Great Britain (1814) -- Arrangement as to the naval force to be respectively maintained on the American lakes (1817) -- Treaty with Spain (1819) -- The Monroe doctrine (1823) -- Treaty with Great Britain (1842) -- Treaty with Mexico (1848) -- Fugitive slave act (1850) -- Lincoln's first inaugural address (1861) -- Emancipation proclamation (The Batle of Gettysburg / by Frank Aretas Haskell -- Lincoln's Gettysburg address (1863) -- Proclamation of anmesty (1863) -- Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby (1864) -- Terms of Lee's surrender at Appomattox (1865) -- Lee's farewell to his army (1865) -- Lincoln's second inaugural address (1865) -- Procdeclaring the insurrection at an end (1866) -- Treaty with Russia (1867) -- Annexation of the Hawaiian Islands (1898) -- Recognition on the indepence of Cuba (1898) -- Convention between the United States and the Republic of Panama (1904).

Eliot's brief narrative (1670) -- Declaration of rights (1765) -- The Declaration of Independence (1776) -- The Mecklenburg declaration of independence (1775) -- Articles of confederation (1777) -- Articles of capitulation, Yorktown (1781) -- Treaty with Great Britain (1783) -- Constitution of the United States (1787) -- The Federalist, nos. 1 and 2 (1787) -- Opinion of Chief Justice Marshall in the case of McCulloch vs. the State of Maryland (1819) -- Washington's inaugural address (1789) -- Treaty with the Six Nations (1794) --

The voyages to Vinland (c. 1000) -- The letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel announcing his discovery (1493) -- Amerigo Vespucci's account of his first voyage (1497) -- John Cabot's discovery of North America (1497) -- First Charter of Virginia (1606) -- The Mayflower compact (1620) -- The fundamental orders of Connecticut (1639) -- The body of liberties (1641) -Arbitrary government described and the Government of the Massachusetts vindicated from that aspersion / by John Winthrop (1644) -- The instrument of government (1653) -- A healing question / by Sir Henry Vane (1656)

Mode of access: Internet.

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New York, P. F. Collier


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