922 resultados para supermarkets, food shopping, male shoppers, cluster analysis, segmentation


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmicb. 2016.00390


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Between March and May of 2011, a cluster of three fatal cases of meningococcal sepsis occurred in Andalusia, Spain, in a municipality with a population of around 20,000 inhabitants. The cases were in their mid-teens to early thirties and were notified to the epidemiological surveillance system of Andalusia (Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Andalucía, SVEA) during a 68-day period from March through May 2011. All three were infected with the same strain of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C genosubtype VR1:5-1;VR2:10-8. None of the cases had been previously vaccinated against N. meningitidis serogroup C. Antibiotic post-exposure chemoprophylaxis was administered to close contacts of every diagnosed case. Once the cluster was confirmed, the local population was informed through the media about the control measures taken by the health authorities. The vaccination history against N. meningitidis serogroup C of the population under 25 years-old in the municipality was checked. Vaccination was offered to unimmunised individuals younger than 25 years of age and an additional dose of vaccine was offered to those who had been vaccinated between 2000 and 2006 with a vaccination schedule of three doses before the first year of age. No further cases occurred since the beginning of these actions.


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Previously published scientific papers have reported a negative correlation between drinking water hardness and cardiovascular mortality. Some ecologic and case-control studies suggest the protective effect of calcium and magnesium concentration in drinking water. In this article we present an analysis of this protective relationship in 538 municipalities of Comunidad Valenciana (Spain) from 1991-1998. We used the Spanish version of the Rapid Inquiry Facility (RIF) developed under the European Environment and Health Information System (EUROHEIS) research project. The strategy of analysis used in our study conforms to the exploratory nature of the RIF that is used as a tool to obtain quick and flexible insight into epidemiologic surveillance problems. This article describes the use of the RIF to explore possible associations between disease indicators and environmental factors. We used exposure analysis to assess the effect of both protective factors--calcium and magnesium--on mortality from cerebrovascular (ICD-9 430-438) and ischemic heart (ICD-9 410-414) diseases. This study provides statistical evidence of the relationship between mortality from cardiovascular diseases and hardness of drinking water. This relationship is stronger in cerebrovascular disease than in ischemic heart disease, is more pronounced for women than for men, and is more apparent with magnesium than with calcium concentration levels. Nevertheless, the protective nature of these two factors is not clearly established. Our results suggest the possibility of protectiveness but cannot be claimed as conclusive. The weak effects of these covariates make it difficult to separate them from the influence of socioeconomic and environmental factors. We have also performed disease mapping of standardized mortality ratios to detect clusters of municipalities with high risk. Further standardization by levels of calcium and magnesium in drinking water shows changes in the maps when we remove the effect of these covariates.


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We propose a method for brain atlas deformation in the presence of large space-occupying tumors, based on an a priori model of lesion growth that assumes radial expansion of the lesion from its starting point. Our approach involves three steps. First, an affine registration brings the atlas and the patient into global correspondence. Then, the seeding of a synthetic tumor into the brain atlas provides a template for the lesion. The last step is the deformation of the seeded atlas, combining a method derived from optical flow principles and a model of lesion growth. Results show that a good registration is performed and that the method can be applied to automatic segmentation of structures and substructures in brains with gross deformation, with important medical applications in neurosurgery, radiosurgery, and radiotherapy.


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The present study tested the effect of a school-based physical activity (PA) program on quality of life (QoL) in 540 elementary school children. First and fifth graders were randomly assigned to a PA program or a no-PA control condition during one academic year. QoL was assessed by the Child Health Questionnaire at baseline and postintervention. Based on mixed linear model analyses, physical QoL in first graders and physical and psychosocial QoL in fifth graders were not affected by the intervention. In first graders, the PA intervention had a positive impact on psychosocial QoL (effect size [d], 0.32; p < .05). Subpopulation analyses revealed that this effect was caused by an effect in urban (effect size [d], 0.38; p < .05) and overweight first graders (effect size [d], 0.45; p < .05). In conclusion, a school-based PA intervention had little effect on QoL in elementary school children.


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The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of high pressure processing (HPP) on consumer acceptance for chilled ready meals manufactured using a low-value beef cut. Three hundred consumers evaluated chilled ready meals subjected to 4 pressure treatments and a non-treated control monadically on a 9-point scale for liking for beef tenderness and juiciness, overall flavour, overall liking, and purchase intent. Data were also collected on consumers' food consumption patterns, their attitudes towards food by means of the reduced food-related lifestyle (FRL) instrument, and socio-demographics. The results indicated that a pressure treatment of 200 MPa was acceptable to most consumers. K-means cluster analysis identified 4 consumer groups with similar preferences, and the optimal pressure treatments acceptable to specific consumer groups were identified for those firms that would wish to target attitudinally differentiated consumer segments


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Sharing instead of buying is regaining traction among today's consumers. This study aims at identifying segments of sharing consumers to unearth potentially viable clusters of a consumer behavior that is a market of growing economic relevance. By means of a qualitative study and a survey with a roughly representative sample of 1121 Swiss-German and German consumers, a set of trait-related, motivational, and perceived socioeconomic variables is identified that can be used to group individuals into segments that differ with regard to their approach to sharing. A cluster analysis based on these variables suggests four potential clusters of sharing consumers-sharing idealists, sharing opponents, sharing pragmatists, and sharing normatives. Two sets of testable propositions are derived that can guide further research in this domain and pave the way to a more targeted approach to the growing market of "sharing" businesses.


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GC/MS/FID analyses of volatile compounds from cladodes and inflorescences from male and female specimens of Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC. collected in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, Brazil, showed that carquejyl acetate was the primary volatile component (38% to 73%), while carquejol and ledol were identified in lower concentrations. Data were subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis, which confirmed that the chemical compositions of all samples were similar. The results presented here highlight the occurrence of the same chemotype of B. trimera in three southern states of Brazil.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisiin yliopistoihin valikoitumista 2000-luvun alussa. Tarkastelu pohjautuu yliopistoon hakeneiden, opiskelemaan hyväksyttyjen ja opiskelupaikkaa ilman jääneiden taustojen vertailuun. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten koulutuksellinen tasa-arvo toteutuu opiskelemaan pääsyssä. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään sukupuolten, eri-ikäisten, sosiaalisten ryhmien sekä eri alueella asuvien opiskelijavalinnoissa pärjäämiseen. Lisäksi pohditaan, millaiset taustatekijät ovat yhteydessä opiskelemaan pääsyyn ja miten suomalainen yliopistokenttä on lohkoutunut yliopistoittain ja aloittain hakijoiden ja sisään päässeiden taustojen perusteella. Tutkimuksen pääaineistona on henkilöpohjainen rekisteriaineisto, joka on laadittu valtakunnallisen hakijarekisterin (HAREK) ja Tilastokeskuksen yhteistyönä. Aineisto käsittää 40 %:n satunnaisotoksen vuonna 2003 suomalaisiin yliopistoihin hakeneista (N = 55 790). Aineiston muuttujat kuvaavat hakijoiden taustoja, elämäntilannetta, aiempaa koulutusta ja lapsuudenperheen asemaa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään lisäksi kokonaisjoukosta muodostettua taulukkoaineistoa (N = 139 668). Yliopistoihin hakevat eivät ole yhtenäinen ryhmä. Vaikka suurin osa hakijoista oli nuoria, oli joukossa myös varttuneempia hakijoita, jotka olivat ehtineet hankkia koulutusta ja muuta elämänkokemusta. Päävalinnat toimivat siten myös aikuishakijoiden hakuväylänä; erillisvalintoja eivät hyödynnä läheskään kaikki, joilla siihen olisi mahdollisuus. Klusterianalyysin avulla hakijoista voitiin erottaa neljä ryhmää: 1) nuoret ylioppilaat, 2) toisen tutkinnon suorittajat, 3) koulutuspääoman kartuttajat sekä 4) aikuiset lisäkouluttautujat. Opiskelemaan pääsyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä analysoitiin logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla. Analyysin mukaan hakijan iällä oli muista taustatekijöistä riippumaton vaikutus opiskelemaan pääsyyn niin, että todennäköisyys päästä yliopistoon vähenee hakijan iän kohotessa. Parhaiten opiskelemaan pääsivät kaikkein nuorimmat, alle 20-vuotiaat hakijat, jotka siis useimmiten ovat saman kevään ylioppilaita. Vanhemmille hakijoille oli usein kertynyt jo koulutusta, mutta aiemmat tutkinnot paransivat sisäänpääsyn mahdollisuuksia vain, mikäli ne olivat korkea-asteelta. Alemmilla ammatillisilla tutkinnoilla oli pikemminkin opiskelemaan pääsyä heikentävä vaikutus. Myös se, mitä hakija oli tehnyt ennen valintakokeita, vaikutti sisäänpääsyn mahdollisuuksiin. Parhaiten valinnoissa pärjäsivät päätoimiset opiskelijat, heikoiten työttömät hakijat. Vaikka miesten hyväksymisprosentit olivat keskimäärin korkeammat kuin naisten, sukupuoli ei osoittautunut itsenäiseksi opiskelemaan pääsyä selittäväksi tekijäksi. Naisten huonompi pärjääminen valinnoissa selittyykin pitkälti sukupuolten eriytyneillä alavalinnoilla. Naisten suosimat alat kun ovat pääsääntöisesti vaikeapääsyisempiä kuin miesten. Tutkimuksessa selvisi myös, että kaupunkilaisuus lisäsi todennäköisyyttä tulla hyväksytyksi. Toisaalta opiskelemaan pääsy erosi myös asuinmaakunnittain, mikä kertoo lähinnä siitä, että eri yliopistojen sisäänpääsyasteissa on varsin suuria eroja. Yliopistojen lohkoutuminen hakijoiden sosiaalisen taustan mukaan oli paljon selvempää kuin alojen. Kaikki pääkaupunkiseudun yliopistot – lukuun ottamatta Teatterikorkeakoulua – luokittuivat isän asemalla mitaten elitistisiksi. Matalimmista taustoista haettiin Lapin, Joensuun ja Vaasan yliopistoihin. Alojen paikka elitistisyyskansanomaisuus -ulottuvuudella vaihteli suuresti yliopistoittain. Teknillistieteellinen, matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen ja kauppatieteellinen ala sijoittuivat kuitenkin keskimääräistä ylemmäs, kun taas kasvatustiede ja farmasia olivat kansanomaisimpia hakukohteita. Opiskelijaksi valikoitumisen peruselementit toistuivat myös tässä tutkimuksessa: koulutetuimpien ja hyvässä asemassa olevien vanhempien jälkeläiset saivat opiskelupaikan useammin kuin muut. Yliopistolaitoksessa vuosikymmenten saatossa toteutetut rakenteelliset muutokset eivät siis ole muuttaneet valikoitumisen peruslinjaa, joskin uutena huomiona nousi maanviljelijöiden jälkeläisten hyvä valinnoissa pärjääminen. Maanviljelijäperheestä tulevien opiskelemaan pääsyn todennäköisyys oli kaikkein suurin.


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The contents of total phenolic compounds (TPC), total flavonoids (TF), and ascorbic acid (AA) of 18 frozen fruit pulps and their scavenging capacities against peroxyl radical (ROO•), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxyl radical (•OH) were determined. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that TPC (total phenolic compounds) and AA (ascorbic acid) presented positive correlation with the scavenging capacity against ROO•, and TF (total flavonoids) showed positive correlation with the scavenging capacity against •OH and ROO• However, the scavenging capacity against H2O2 presented low correlation with TF (total flavonoids), TPC (total phenolic compounds), and AA (ascorbic acid). The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) allowed the classification of the fruit pulps into three groups: one group was formed by the açai pulp with high TF, total flavonoids, content (134.02 mg CE/100 g pulp) and the highest scavenging capacity against ROO•, •OH and H2O2; the second group was formed by the acerola pulp with high TPC, total phenolic compounds, (658.40 mg GAE/100 g pulp) and AA , ascorbic acid, (506.27 mg/100 g pulp) contents; and the third group was formed by pineapple, cacao, caja, cashew-apple, coconut, cupuaçu, guava, orange, lemon, mango, passion fruit, watermelon, pitanga, tamarind, tangerine, and umbu pulps, which could not be separated considering only the contents of bioactive compounds and the scavenging properties.


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In order to determine the variability of pequi tree (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) populations, volatile compounds from fruits of eighteen trees representing five populations were extracted by headspace solid-phase microextraction and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Seventy-seven compounds were identified, including esters, hydrocarbons, terpenoids, ketones, lactones, and alcohols. Several compounds had not been previously reported in the pequi fruit. The amount of total volatile compounds and the individual compound contents varied between plants. The volatile profile enabled the differentiation of all of the eighteen plants, indicating that there is a characteristic profile in terms of their origin. The use of Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis enabled the establishment of markers (dendrolasin, ethyl octanoate, ethyl 2-octenoate and β-cis-ocimene) that discriminated among the pequi trees. According to the Cluster Analysis, the plants were classified into three main clusters, and four other plants showed a tendency to isolation. The results from multivariate analysis did not always group plants from the same population together, indicating that there is greater variability within the populations than between pequi tree populations.


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AbstractWith the aim of comparing the acceptance of milk obtained from cloned, genetically modified (GM) and conventionally bred cows among working adults and university students, and identifying and characterizing typologies among both subsamples in terms of their preferences, a survey was applied to 400 people in southern Chile, distributed using a simple allocation among the subsamples. Using a conjoint analysis, it was found that consumers preferred milk from a conventional cow. Using a cluster analysis, in both subsamples two segments sensitive to production technology were identified. Rejection of cloning was greatest among university students, whereas a higher proportion of working adults rejected GM. The segments differed in terms of area of residence, knowledge about GM, and milk consumption habits. Contrary to what was expected, no differences were found according to education, gender or degree of satisfaction with food-related life.


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Investments in direct real estate are inherently difficult to segment compared to other asset classes due to the complex and heterogeneous nature of the asset. The most common segmentation in real estate investment analysis relies on property sector and geographical region. In this paper, we compare the predictive power of existing industry classifications with a new type of segmentation using cluster analysis on a number of relevant property attributes including the equivalent yield and size of the property as well as information on lease terms, number of tenants and tenant concentration. The new segments are shown to be distinct and relatively stable over time. In a second stage of the analysis, we test whether the newly generated segments are able to better predict the resulting financial performance of the assets than the old dichotomous segments. Applying both discriminant and neural network analysis we find mixed evidence for this hypothesis. Overall, we conclude from our analysis that each of the two approaches to segmenting the market has its strengths and weaknesses so that both might be applied gainfully in real estate investment analysis and fund management.


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Objective: To identify food acquisition patterns in Brazil and relate them to the sociodemographic characteristics of the household. Design: A cross-sectional national Household Budget Survey (HBS). Principal component factor analysis was used to derive food patterns (factors) on the basis of the acquisition of food classified into thirty-two food groups. Setting: The source of data originates from the 2002-2003 HBS carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics between June 2002 and July 2003 using a representative sample of all Brazilian households. Subject: A total of 48 470 households allocated into 443 strata of households that were geographically and socio-economically homogeneous as a study unit. Results: We identified two patterns of food acquisition. The first, named `dual`, was characterized by dairy, fruit, fruit juice, vegetables, processed meat, soft drinks, sweets, bread and margarine, and by inverse correlations with Brazilian staple foods. In contrast, the second pattern, named `traditional`, was characterized by rice, beans, manioc, flour, milk and sugar. The `dual` pattern was associated with higher household educational level, income and the average age of adults on the strata, whereas the `traditional` presented higher loadings in less-educated households and in the rural setting. Conclusions: Dietary patterns described here suggest that policies and programmes to promote healthy eating need to consider that healthy and non-healthy foods may be integral in the same pattern.