890 resultados para spatio-temporal correlation


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We present a Spatio-temporal 2D Models Framework (STMF) for 2D-Pose tracking. Space and time are discretized and a mixture of probabilistic "local models" is learnt associating 2D Shapes and 2D Stick Figures. Those spatio-temporal models generalize well for a particular viewpoint and state of the tracked action but some spatio-temporal discontinuities can appear along a sequence, as a direct consequence of the discretization. To overcome the problem, we propose to apply a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) in the 2D-Pose eigenspace, thus interpolating unseen data between view-based clusters. The fitness to the images of the predicted 2D-Poses is evaluated combining our STMF with spatio-temporal constraints. A robust, fast and smooth human motion tracker is obtained by tracking only the few most important dimensions of the state space and by refining deterministically with our STMF.


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Object tracking is an active research area nowadays due to its importance in human computer interface, teleconferencing and video surveillance. However, reliable tracking of objects in the presence of occlusions, pose and illumination changes is still a challenging topic. In this paper, we introduce a novel tracking approach that fuses two cues namely colour and spatio-temporal motion energy within a particle filter based framework. We conduct a measure of coherent motion over two image frames, which reveals the spatio-temporal dynamics of the target. At the same time, the importance of both colour and motion energy cues is determined in the stage of reliability evaluation. This determination helps maintain the performance of the tracking system against abrupt appearance changes. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the other state of the art techniques in the used test datasets.


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The crowned sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) and Decken’s sifaka (Propithecus deckenii) are Endangered lemurs endemic to west and central Madagascar. Both have suffered habitat loss and fragmentation throughout their ranges. The goal
of this study, conducted in the Mahavavy-Kinkony Wetland Complex (MKWC) in northwestern Madagascar, was to assess the effects of historical change in the species’ habitats, and to model the potential impact of further land-use change on their habitats. The IDRISI Andes Geographical Information System and image-processing software was used for satellite-image classifiation, and the Land Change Modeler was used to compare the natural habitat of the species from 1973 to 2005, and to predict available habitat for 2050. We analyzed two forests in the MKWC occupied by P. coronatus (Antsilaiza and Anjohibe), and three forests occupied by P. deckenii (Tsiombikibo, Marofandroboka and Andohaomby). The two forests occupied by P. coronatus contracted during the period 1949–1973, but then expanded to exceed their 1949 area by 28% in 2005. However, the land change model predicted that they will contract again to match their 1949 area by 2050, and will again lose their corridor connection, meaning that the conservation gains for this species in the complex are at risk of being reversed. The three forests occupied by P. deckenii have declined in area steadily since 1949, losing 20% of their original area by 2005, and are predicted to lose a further 15% of their original area by 2050. Both species are therefore at risk of becoming even more threatened if land-use change continues within the complex. Improved conservation of the remaining forest is recommended to avoid further loss, as well as ecological restoration and reforestation to promote connectivity between the forests. A new strategy for controlling agriculture and forest use is required in order to avoid further destruction of the forest.


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Aim: Impacts of invasive species may vary across invasion gradients, owing to trait-based sorting of individuals through dispersal: those aggregating at invasion fronts may be more aggressive and voracious. We examine, in the field and laboratory, variation in the predatory impacts of an invasive Ponto-Caspian crustacean Hemimysis anomala G.O. Sars, 1907 at two sites along a spatio-temporal gradient of invasion.

Location: Republic of Ireland.

Methods: We used reciprocal transplant field-deployed mesocosms to compare predation rates of invasion front and well-established H. anomala on natural zooplankton assemblages. In the laboratory, we measured the functional response (relationship between predation rate and prey supply) of H. anomala from both sites, for a per capita mechanistic comparison of predation efficiency. We also assessed prey selectivity of H. anomala in the mesocosm experiments to further compare feeding behaviour. Finally, we used a correlative approach to assess the community impact of H. anomala across sites, including a nearby uninvaded site, by comparing zooplankton diversities and densities.

Results: Invasion front H. anomala had higher predation rates than well-established H. anomala at high in situ zooplankton densities. Invasion front H. anomala also had higher functional responses - in particular showing higher 'attack rates' - indicating a heightened ability to locate and capture prey. Prey selectivity was consistent across the spatio-temporal contrast, with positive selection for cladocerans. Zooplankton diversity and density declined with time since H. anomala invasion, both being maximal at the uninvaded site.

Main conclusions: Our study, for the first time, (1) reveals differences in predatory per capita effects and associated behavioural traits between two sites along a spatio-temporal invasion gradient and (2) shows a negative community-level impact of the invasive H. anomala in natural water bodies. Further spatio-temporal comparisons of predatory per capita effects of invaders are needed to assess the generality of these results.


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Understanding the dietary consumption and selection of wild populations of generalist herbivores is hampered by the complex array of factors. Here, we determine the influence of habitat, season, and animal density, sex, and age on the diet consumption and selection of 426 red deer (Cervus elaphus scoticus) culled in Fiordland National Park, New Zealand. Our site differs from studies elsewhere both in habitat (evergreen angiosperm-dominated forests) and the intensity of hunting pressures. We predicted that deer would not consume forage in proportion to its relative availability, and that dietary consumption would change among and within years in response to hunting pressures that would also limit opportunities for age and sex segregation. Using canonical correspondence analysis, we evaluated the relative importance of different drivers of variation in diet consumption assessed from gut content and related these to available forage in the environment. We found that altitude explained the largest proportion of variation in diet consumption, reflecting the ability of deer to alter their consumption and selection in relation to their foraging grounds. Grasses formed a high proportion of the diet consumption, even for deer culled several kilometres from the alpine grasslands. In the winter months, when the alpine grasslands were largely inaccessible, less grass was eaten and deer resorted to woody plants that were avoided in the summer months. Surprisingly, there were no significant dietary differences between adults and juveniles and only subtle differences between the sexes. Sex-based differences in diet consumption are commonly observed in ungulate species and we suggest that they may have been reduced in our study area owing to decreased heterogeneity in available forage as the diversity of palatable species decreased under high deer browsing pressures, or by intense hunting pressure. © 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 Ecological Society of Australia.


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We propose a spatio-temporal rich model of motion vector planes as a part of a full steganalytic system against motion vector based steganography. Superior detection accuracy of the rich model over the previous methods has been lately demonstrated for digital images in both spatial and DCT domain. It has not been heretofore used for detection of motion vector steganography. We also introduced a transformation so as to extend the feature set with temporal residuals. We carried out the tests along with most recent motion vector steganalysis and steganography methods. Test results show that the proposed model delivers an outstanding performance compared to the previous methods.


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The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented growth in availability of data having spatio-temporal characteristics. Given the scale and richness of such data, finding spatio-temporal patterns that demonstrate significantly different behavior from their neighbors could be of interest for various application scenarios such as – weather modeling, analyzing spread of disease outbreaks, monitoring traffic congestions, and so on. In this paper, we propose an automated approach of exploring and discovering such anomalous patterns irrespective of the underlying domain from which the data is recovered. Our approach differs significantly from traditional methods of spatial outlier detection, and employs two phases – i) discovering homogeneous regions, and ii) evaluating these regions as anomalies based on their statistical difference from a generalized neighborhood. We evaluate the quality of our approach and distinguish it from existing techniques via an extensive experimental evaluation.


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Ozone present in the atmosphere not only absorbs the biologically harmful ultraviolet radiation but also is an important ingredient of the climate system. The radiative absorption properties of ozone make it a determining factor in the structure of the atmosphere. Ozone in the troposphere has many negative impacts on humans and other living beings. Another significant aspect is the absorption of outgoing infrared radiation by ozone thus acting as a greenhouse gas. The variability of ozone in the atmosphere involves many interconnections with the incoming and outgoing radiation, temperature circulation etc. Hence ozone forms an important part of chemistry-climate as well as radiative transfer models. This aspect also makes the quantification of ozone more important. The discovery of Antarctic ozone hole and the role of anthropogenic activities in causing it made it possible to plan and implement necessary preventive measures. Continuous monitoring of ozone is also necessary to identify the effect of these preventive steps. The reactions involving the formation and destruction of ozone are influenced significantly by the temperature fluctuations of the atmosphere. On the other hand the variations in ozone can change the temperature structure of the atmosphere. Indian subcontinent is a region having large weather and climate variability which is evident from the large interannual variability of monsoon system over the region. Nearly half of Indian region comprises the tropical region. Most of ozone is formed in the tropical region and transported to higher latitudes. The formation and transport of ozone can be influenced by changes in solar radiation and various atmospheric circulation features. Besides industrial activities and vehicular traffic is more due to its large population. This may give rise to an increase in the production of tropospheric ozone which is greenhouse gas. Hence it becomes necessary to monitor the atmospheric ozone over this region. This study probes into the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of ozone over Indian subcontinent and discusses the contributing atmospheric parameters.


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Urban developments have exerted immense pressure on wetlands. Urban areas are normally centers of commercial activity and continue to attract migrants in large numbers in search of employment from different areas. As a result, habitations keep coming up in the natural areas / flood plains. This is happening in various Indian cities and towns and large habitations are coming up in low-lying areas, often encroaching even over drainage channels. In some cases, houses are constructed even on top of nallahs and drains. In the case of Kochi the situation is even worse as the base of the urban development itself stands on a completely reclaimed island. Also the topography and geology demanded more reclamation of land when the city developed as an agglomerative cluster. Cochin is a coastal settlement interspersed with a large backwater system and fringed on the eastern side by laterite-capped low hills from which a number of streams drain into the backwater system. The ridge line of the eastern low hills provides a welldefined watershed delimiting Cochin basin which help to confine the environmental parameters within a physical limit. This leads to an obvious conclusion that if physiography alone is considered, the western flatland is ideal for urban development. However it will result in serious environmental deterioration, as it comprises mainly of wetland and for availability of land there has to be large scale filling up of these wetlands which includes shallow mangrove-fringed water sheets, paddy fields, Pokkali fields, estuary etc.Chapter 1 School 4 of Environmental Studies The urban boundaries of Cochin are expanding fast with a consequent over-stretching of the existing fabric of basic amenities and services. Urbanisation leads to the transformation of agricultural land into built-up areas with the concomitant problems regarding water supply, drainage, garbage and sewage disposal etc. Many of the environmental problems of Cochin are hydrologic in origin; like water-logging / floods, sedimentation and pollution in the water bodies as well as shoreline erosion


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In this paper, moving flock patterns are mined from spatio- temporal datasets by incorporating a clustering algorithm. A flock is defined as the set of data that move together for a certain continuous amount of time. Finding out moving flock patterns using clustering algorithms is a potential method to find out frequent patterns of movement in large trajectory datasets. In this approach, SPatial clusteRing algoRithm thrOugh sWarm intelligence (SPARROW) is the clustering algorithm used. The advantage of using SPARROW algorithm is that it can effectively discover clusters of widely varying sizes and shapes from large databases. Variations of the proposed method are addressed and also the experimental results show that the problem of scalability and duplicate pattern formation is addressed. This method also reduces the number of patterns produced


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The phytoplankton standing crop was assessed in detail along the South Eastern Arabian Sea (SEAS) during the different phases of coastal upwelling in 2009.During phase 1 intense upwelling was observed along the southern transects (8◦N and 8.5◦N). The maximum chlorophyll a concentration (22.7 mg m −3) was observed in the coastal waters off Thiruvananthapuram (8.5◦N). Further north there was no signature of upwelling, with extensive Trichodesmium erythraeum blooms. Diatoms dominated in these upwelling regions with the centric diatom Chaetoceros curvisetus being the dominant species along the 8◦N transect. Along the 8.5◦N transect pennate diatoms like Nitzschia seriata and Pseudo-nitzschia sp. dominated. During phase 2, upwelling of varying intensity was observed throughout the study area with maximum chlorophyll a concentrations along the 9◦N transect (25 mg m−3) with Chaetoceros curvisetus as the dominant phytoplankton. Along the 8.5◦N transect pennate diatoms during phase 1 were replaced by centric diatoms like Chaetoceros sp. The presence of solitary pennate diatoms Amphora sp. and Navicula sp. were significant in the waters off Kochi. Upwelling was waning during phase 3 and was confined to the coastal waters of the southern transects with the highest chlorophyll a concentration of 11.2 mg m−3. Along with diatoms, dinoflagellate cell densities increased in phases 2 and 3. In the northern transects (9◦N and 10◦N) the proportion of dinoflagellates was comparatively higher and was represented mainly by Protoperidinium spp., Ceratium spp. and Dinophysis spp.


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Time-resolved diffraction with femtosecond electron pulses has become a promising technique to directly provide insights into photo induced primary dynamics at the atomic level in molecules and solids. Ultrashort pulse duration as well as extensive spatial coherence are desired, however, space charge effects complicate the bunching of multiple electrons in a single pulse.Weexperimentally investigate the interplay between spatial and temporal aspects of resolution limits in ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) on our highly compact transmission electron diffractometer. To that end, the initial source size and charge density of electron bunches are systematically manipulated and the resulting bunch properties at the sample position are fully characterized in terms of lateral coherence, temporal width and diffracted intensity.Weobtain a so far not reported measured overall temporal resolution of 130 fs (full width at half maximum) corresponding to 60 fs (root mean square) and transversal coherence lengths up to 20 nm. Instrumental impacts on the effective signal yield in diffraction and electron pulse brightness are discussed as well. The performance of our compactUEDsetup at selected electron pulse conditions is finally demonstrated in a time-resolved study of lattice heating in multilayer graphene after optical excitation.