94 resultados para snowmelt


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The first step for the application of stable isotope analyses of ice wedges for the correct paleoclimatic reconstruction supposes the study of the isotopic composition of modern ice wedges and their relationship with the isotopic composition of modern precipitation. The purpose of this research is to present, to analyze and to discuss new data on isotopic composition (d18O, dD, 3H) of modern ice wedges obtained in the Laptev Sea region in 1998-99. Investigations were carried out at two sites: on Bykovsky Peninsula in 1998 and on Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island in 1999 and were based on the combined application of both tritium CH) and stable isotope (d18O, dD) analyses. Tritium analyses of the atmospheric precipitation collected during two field seasons show seasonal variations: high tritium concentration in snow (to a maximum of 207 TU) and low values of tritium concentration (<20 TU) in rain. High tritium concentrations are also observed in the surface water, in suprapermafrost ground waters, and in the upper part of permafrost. High tritium concentrations range between 30-40 TU and 750 TU in the studied modern ice wedges (active ice wedges), which let us believe that they are of modern growth. Such high tritium concentrations in ice wedges can not be associated with old thermonuclear tritium because of the radioactive decay. High tritium concentrations found in the snow cover in 1998/99, in the active layer and in the upper part of permafrost give evidence of modern (probably the last decade) technogenic tritium arrival from the atmosphere on to the Earth surface in the region. The comparison of the isotopic composition (d18O, dD and d-excess) of active ice wedges and modern winter precipitation in both sites shows: 1) the isotopic composition of snow correlates linearly with a slope close to 8.0 and parallel to the GMWL at both sites; 2) the mean isotopic composition of active ice wedges on Bykovsky Peninsula is in good agreement with the mean isotopic composition of modern snow; 3) the isotopic composition of active ice wedges and snow on Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island are considerably different. There are low values of d-excess in all studied active ice wedges (mean value is about 4.8 per mil), while in snow, the mean value of d-excess is about 9.5 per mil. Possible reasons for this gap are the following: 1) the modification of the isotopic composition in snow during the spring period; 2) changes in the isotopic composition of ice wedges due to the process of ice sublimation in open frost cracks during the cold period; 3) mixing of snowmelt water with different types of surface water during the spring period; 4) different moisture source regions.


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New data on elemental composition of particulate matter from the North Dvina River are presented. In May (period of snowmelt flood) it is similar to the upper layer of the continental crust due to active erosion of crust material in the catchment area. In August (summer low water period) impact of biogenic components increases and elevated concentrations of Cd, Sb, Mn, Zn, Pb, and Cu are observed. At other seasons no significant increase in heavy and rare earth element concentrations is observed.


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La Turbera de Padul, en la Provincia de Granada, ofrece unas posibilidades de estudio muy atractivas desde el punto de vista de la reconstrucción paleoambiental. Se trata de una fosa tectónica subsidente de naturaleza detrítica, a cuyo techo aparecen alternantes niveles de turba. El sondeo, de 107 metros, se realizó en un punto donde los estratos de turba aparecen a mayor profundidad, lo que permite obtener un registro geoquímico orgánico con mucho detalle con una antigüedad de hasta 1Ma. Se tomaron muestras cada 20 cm para el análisis de biomarcadores. Estos biomarcadores se obtuvieron mediante extracción Soxhlet, posterior separación de fracciones de diferente polaridad mediante Cromatografía en Columna, con Gel de Sílice y Alúmina, y posteriormente el análisis e identificación por Cromatografía de Gases - Espectrometría de masas, con confirmación de los compuestos químicos identificados por comparación con Bibliotecas de Espectros de Masas. La datación del sondeo se realizó utilizando distintos métodos como datación por 14C, U/Th, y datación por racemización de aminoácidos. Los resultados dataron el muro del sondeo con una antigüedad de 1 millón de años. El estudio de los biomarcadores ha permitido identificar episodios con distintas características en un escenario complejo, como es la Turbera de Padul, donde el aporte de agua por fusión nival complica la interpretación paleoambiental, y es la responsable de la existencia de la lámina de agua en la turbera en periodos secos con temperaturas elevadas. Se han identificado series de n-alcanos, de n-metilcetonas y series de nalcanoles, que han permitido identificar la aportación de materia orgánica de distintas fuentes al sedimento y por tanto la interpretación paleoambiental. La identificación de diterpenoides fenólicos (cis-Totatol, trans-Totarol y Ferruginol) han permitido identificar episodios de clima templado y húmedo con proliferación de cupresáceas, y precipitaciones abundantes. Por otro lado, se han identificado triterpenoides como el Friedelan-3-ona (Friedelin) y el A-norfriedel-8en-10-ona, cuya relación como precursor (Friedelin) y producto (A-norfriedel-8en-10-ona) ha permitido identificar episodios con fluctuaciones del espesor de la lámina de agua y aporte de material vegetal. ABSTRACT The Bog of Padul, in the province of Granada, offers very attractive possibilities for the study of paleoenvironmental reconstruction. It is a subsiding graben of detrital nature, whose upper part appear alternating peat levels. The core of 107 meters, obtained from a borehole drilled in a place where the layers of peat appear deeper, allowing to obtain organic geochemist information along the last 1 million years. Every 20 cm samples for biomarkers analysis were taken. These biomarkers were obtained by Soxhlet extraction, subsequent separation of fractions of different polarity by column chromatography with silica gel and alumina, and then analyzed and identified by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, with confirmation of the chemicals identified by comparison to mass spectral libraries. The dating of the core was conducted using different methods such as 14C dating, U/Th, and amino acid racemization dating. The results dated the base of the core to be 1 million years old. The study has identified biomarkers episodes with different characteristics in a complex scenario, such as the Bog of Padul, where the contribution of snowmelt water complicates the paleoenvironmental interpretation, and is responsible for the existence of a sheet of water in dry periods with high temperatures. There have been identified series of n-alkanes, n-methyl ketones and series of n-alkanols that have shown the contribution of different organic matter sources to the sediment and therefore allowed to paleo interpretation. The identification of phenolic diterpenoids (cis-Totatol, trans-Totarol and Ferruginol) have identified episodes of mild and humid climate with proliferation of Cupressaceae, and abundant rainfall. In addition, triterpenoids have been identified, as the friedelan-3-one (friedelin) and the A-norfriedel-8en-10-one, whose relationship as precursor (friedelin) and product (A-norfriedel-8en-10-one) has identified episodes with fluctuations on the thickness of the sheet of water and supply of plant material debris.


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Calendar date of the beginning of the growing season at high altitude in the Colorado Rocky Mountains is variable but has not changed significantly over the past 25 years. This result differs from growing evidence from low altitudes that climate change is resulting in a longer growing season, earlier migrations, and earlier reproduction in a variety of taxa. At our study site, the beginning of the growing season is controlled by melting of the previous winter's snowpack. Despite a trend for warmer spring temperatures the average date of snowmelt has not changed, perhaps because of the trend for increased winter precipitation. This disjunction between phenology at low and high altitudes may create problems for species, such as many birds, that migrate over altitudinal gradients. We present data indicating that this already may be true for American robins, which are arriving 14 days earlier than they did in 1981; the interval between arrival date and the first date of bare ground has grown by 18 days. We also report evidence for an effect of climate change on hibernation behavior; yellow-bellied marmots are emerging 38 days earlier than 23 years ago, apparently in response to warmer spring air temperatures. Migrants and hibernators may experience problems as a consequence of these changes in phenology, which may be exacerbated if climate models are correct in their predictions of increased winter snowfall in our study area. The trends we report for earlier formation of permanent snowpack and for a longer period of snow cover also have implications for hibernating species.


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We report experimental results of near-surface winter temperatures along and adjacent to the channel bed of a High Arctic river on Melville Island, Canada. Temperature loggers 5cm below the ground surface in areas where the terrain suggests varying snow accumulation patterns revealed that the maximum winter difference between air and near-surface temperatures ranged from 0 to +30°C during the winter of 2012–13, and that shallow near-surface freezing conditions were delayed for up to 21 days in some locations. Cooling to -10°C was delayed for up to 117 days. Modelled temperature at the top of permafrost indicates that permafrost at locations with thick snow can be up to 8°C warmer than those with thin snow. This thermal evidence for an ameliorated surface environment indicates the potential for substantial extended microbial and biogeochemical cycling during early winter. Rapid thaw of the bed during initiation of snowmelt in spring also indicates a high degree of hydrological connectivity. Therefore, snow-filled channels may contribute to biogeochemical and aquatic cycling in High Arctic rivers.


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Environmental conditions influence the breeding and migratory patterns of many avian species and may have particularly dramatic effects on long-distance migrants that breed at northern latitudes. Environment, however, is only one of the ecological variables affecting avian phenology, and recent work shows that migration tactics may be strongly affected by changes in predator populations. We used long-term data from 1978 to 2000 to examine the interactions between snowmelt in western Alaska in relation to the breeding or migration phenologies of small shorebirds and their raptor predators. Although the sandpipers' time of arrival at Alaskan breeding sites corresponded with mean snowmelt, late snowmelts did delay breeding. These delays, however, did not persist to southward migration through British Columbia, likely due to the birds' ability to compensate for variance in the length of the breeding season. Raptor phenology at an early stopover site in British Columbia was strongly related to snowmelt, so that in years of early snowmelt falcons appeared earlier during the sandpipers' southbound migration. These differential effects indicate that earlier snowmelt due to climate change may alter the ecological dynamics of the predator-prey system.


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Climate change in the Arctic is predicted to increase plant productivity through decomposition-related enhanced nutrient availability. However, the extent of the increase will depend on whether the increased nutrient availability can be sustained. To address this uncertainty, I assessed the response of plant tissue nutrients, litter decomposition rates, and soil nutrient availability to experimental climate warming manipulations, extended growing season and soil warming, over a 7 year period. Overall, the most consistent effect was the year-to-year variability in measured parameters, probably a result of large differences in weather and time of snowmelt. The results of this study emphasize that although plants of arctic environments are specifically adapted to low nutrient availability, they also posses a suite of traits that help to reduce nutrient losses such as slow growth, low tissue concentrations, and low tissue turnover that result in subtle responses to environmental changes.


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Funded by Leverhulme Trust. Grant Number: F/00 152/AG


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Les polygones à coin de glace sont très répandus dans la zone du pergélisol continu. Lorsque le ruissellement d’eau de fonte nivale s’infiltre de façon concentrée dans une cavité, il peut initier le processus de thermo-érosion du pergélisol (notamment des coins de glace) pouvant mener à la formation de ravins. Dans la vallée de Qalikturvik sur l’Ile Bylot (NU, Canada), le développement de ravins de thermo-érosion dans un milieu de polygones à coins de glace entraîne comme impact : i. la réorganisation des réseaux de drainage impliquant un assèchement des milieux humides en marge des chenaux d’érosion, ii. des variations dans le régime thermique et de l’humidité de proche-surface et iii. la prise en charge et le déplacement des sédiments vers l’extérieur du bassin-versant. L’objectif de cette thèse vise à approfondir les connaissances géomorphologiques propres au ravinement par thermo-érosion, d’examiner, caractériser et quantifier les impacts du ravinement (tel que sus-mentionné en i. ii. iii.) et le rôle de celui-ci dans une optique d’évolution du paysage périglaciaire à l’échelle temporelle de l’année à la décennie. Les ravins sont dynamiques : un ravin en particulier déclenché en 1999 et étudié depuis s’érodait à une vitesse de 38 à 50 m/a durant sa première décennie d’existence, pour atteindre une longueur totale de ~750 m et une surface érodée de ~25 000 m² en 2009. Des puits sont localisés près des zones de ravinement actives ; des levées alluviale, mares et polygones effondrés dans les zones stabilisées post-perturbation. Sur la terrasse de polygones recouvrant le plancher de la vallée au site à l’étude, 35 ravins furent identifiés et 1401 polygones furent perturbés avec 200 000 m³ de sols transportés. Une amélioration du drainage, une dégradation de la capacité de rétention de l’humidité, une transition d’un écoulement de ruissellement vers un écoulement canalisé caractérise les aires ravinées et leurs environs. Les polygones intacts sont homogènes d’un à l’autre et dans leurs centres ; les polygones perturbés ont une réponse hétérogène (flore, humidité et régime thermique). Les milieux érodés hétérogènes succèdent aux milieux homogènes et deviennent le nouvel état d’équilibre pour plusieurs décennies.


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We report experimental results of near-surface winter temperatures along and adjacent to the channel bed of a High Arctic river on Melville Island, Canada. Temperature loggers 5cm below the ground surface in areas where the terrain suggests varying snow accumulation patterns revealed that the maximum winter difference between air and near-surface temperatures ranged from 0 to +30°C during the winter of 2012–13, and that shallow near-surface freezing conditions were delayed for up to 21 days in some locations. Cooling to -10°C was delayed for up to 117 days. Modelled temperature at the top of permafrost indicates that permafrost at locations with thick snow can be up to 8°C warmer than those with thin snow. This thermal evidence for an ameliorated surface environment indicates the potential for substantial extended microbial and biogeochemical cycling during early winter. Rapid thaw of the bed during initiation of snowmelt in spring also indicates a high degree of hydrological connectivity. Therefore, snow-filled channels may contribute to biogeochemical and aquatic cycling in High Arctic rivers.


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Morphological, anatomical and physiological plant and leaf traits of A. distorta, an endemic species of the Central Apennines on the Majella Massif, growing at 2,675 m a.s.l, were analyzed. The length of the phenological cycle starts immediately after the snowmelt at the end of May, lasting 128 ± 10 days. The low A. distorta height  (Hmax= 64 ± 4 mm) and total leaf area (TLA= 38 ± 9 cm2) associated to a high leaf mass area (LMA =11.8±0.6 mg cm−2) and a relatively high leaf tissue density (LTD = 124.6±14.3 mg cm−3) seem to be adaptive traits to the stress factors of the environment where it grows. From a physiological point of view, the high A. distorta photosynthetic rates (PN =19.6 ± 2.3 µmol m−2 s−1) and total chlorophyll content (Chla+b = 0.88 ± 0.13 mg g−1) in July are justified by the favorable temperature. PN decreases by 87% in September at the beginning of plant senescence. Photosynthesis and leaf respiration (RD) variations allow A. distorta to maintain a positive carbon balance during the growing season becoming indicative of the efficiency of plant carbon use. The results could be an important tool for conservation programmes of the A. distorta wild populations.


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De nombreuses populations migratrices sont actuellement en déclin. Les changements climatiques entrainent des modifications dans les habitats des espèces migratrices et la phénologie des processus naturels, lesquels se répercutent sur la migration, une période critique pour ces espèces. Comprendre comment les variables environnementales et climatiques affectent la phénologie et les patrons de migration est donc crucial. Ma thèse s’intéresse à l’impact du climat, des ressources alimentaires et de la compétition sur les migrations printanières et automnales des caribous migrateurs, Rangifer tarandus, des troupeaux Rivière-George (TRG) et Rivière-aux-Feuilles (TRF) du Nord-du-Québec et du Labrador. Le premier volet de ma thèse propose une approche objective, basée sur la détection des changements dans la structure des déplacements saisonniers, pour identifier les dates de départ et arrivée en migration. Validée à l’aide de trajets simulés, elle a été appliquée aux migrations printanières et automnales de femelles caribous. Le second volet porte sur l’impact des conditions environnementales sur la phénologie des migrations de printemps et d’automne. Il montre que la phénologie de la migration est principalement affectée par les conditions climatiques rencontrées lors de la migration, les conditions d’enneigement affectant notamment les coûts des déplacements. Au printemps, les caribous subissent des conditions défavorables lorsque la fonte des neiges est précoce. À l’automne, ils semblent ajuster leurs déplacements et migrent plus vite quand la neige débute tôt pour limiter les coûts de déplacement dans une neige profonde. Le troisième volet porte sur les patrons de migration à l’automne et montre que ceux-ci sont affectés essentiellement par une compétition intra- et inter-troupeaux pour les aires d’hivernages. Les caribous du TRG répondent à une augmentation de la compétition sur les aires les plus proches de l’aire de mise bas, liée à une taille de population élevée, en migrant préférentiellement vers les aires les plus éloignées. L’utilisation des aires hivernales par les caribous du TRF est, quant à elle, contrainte par la présence et l’abondance du TRG, cette contrainte diminuant à mesure que le TRG décline et abandonne les migrations vers les aires d’hivernages communes aux deux troupeaux. Cette thèse améliore notre compréhension de l’influence des facteurs environnementaux sur la phénologie et les patrons de migration du caribou migrateur. Ces connaissances sont très utiles pour comprendre l’impact des changements climatiques et établir les plans de conservation pour les espèces migratrices.