334 resultados para sleeping


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OBJECTIVE: To describe sleep, stress and compensatory behaviors in nurses and midwives. METHODS: The study included 41 midwives and 21 nurses working in Australian hospitals between 2005 and 2009. Participation was voluntary. All participants recorded on a daily basis their work and sleep hours, levels of stress and exhaustion, caffeine intake and use of sleep aids for a month (1,736 days, 1,002 work shifts). RESULTS: Participants reported moderate to high levels of stress and exhaustion on 20-40% of work days; experienced sleep disruption on more than 50% of work days; struggled to remain awake on 27% of work days; and suffered extreme drowsiness or experienced a near accident while travelling home on 9% of workdays. Age, perceived sleep duration and work hours were significant predictors of caffeine intake. About 60% of participants reported using sleep aids (about 20% reported taking prescription medications and 44% of nurses and 9% of midwives reported alcohol use as a sleep aid at least once during the study). Stress and workdays were significant predictors of sedative use. Overall, 22% reported being indifferent or mildly dissatisfied with their job. CONCLUSIONS: Sleep problems, high levels of stress and exhaustion and low job satisfaction are prevalent among nurses and midwives. The use of alcohol and sleeping pills as sleep aids, and the use of caffeine to help maintain alertness is also common. Nurses and midwives may use caffeine to compensate for reduced sleep, especially on workdays, and sleeping pills to cope with their daily work-related stress.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze if metabolic syndrome and its altered components are associated with demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral factors in fixed-shift workers.METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 902 shift workers of both sexes in a poultry processing plant in Southern Brazil in 2010. The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome was determined according to the recommendations from Harmonizing the Metabolic Syndrome. Its frequency was evaluated according to the demographic (sex, skin color, age and marital status), socioeconomic (educational level, income and work shift), and behavioral characteristics (smoking, alcohol intake, leisure time physical activity, number of meals and sleep duration) of the sample. The multivariate analysis followed a theoretical framework for identifying metabolic syndrome in fixed-shift workers.RESULTS The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the sample was 9.3% (95%CI 7.4;11.2). The most frequently altered component was waist circumference (PR 48.4%; 95%CI 45.5;51.2), followed by high-density lipoprotein. Work shift was not associated with metabolic syndrome and its altered components. After adjustment, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was positively associated with women (PR 2.16; 95%CI 1.28;3.64), workers aged over 40 years (PR 3.90; 95%CI 1.78;8.93) and those who reported sleeping five hours or less per day (PR 1.70; 95%CI 1.09;2.24). On the other hand, metabolic syndrome was inversely associated with educational level and having more than three meals per day (PR 0.43; 95%CI 0.26;0.73).CONCLUSIONS Being female, older and deprived of sleep are probable risk factors for metabolic syndrome, whereas higher educational level and higher number of meals per day are protective factors for metabolic syndrome in fixed-shift workers.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To examine whether the level of complexity of the services structure and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients in hemodialysis are associated with the prevalence of poor health self-assessment. METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated 1,621 patients with chronic terminal kidney disease on hemodialysis accompanied in 81 dialysis services in the Brazilian Unified Health System in 2007. Sampling was performed by conglomerate in two stages and a structured questionnaire was applied to participants. Multilevel multiple logistic regression was used for data analysis. RESULTS The prevalence of poor health self-assessment was of 54.5%, and in multivariable analysis it was associated with the following variables: increasing age (OR = 1.02; 95%CI 1.01–1.02), separated or divorced marital status (OR = 0.62; 95%CI 0.34–0.88), having 12 years or more of study (OR = 0.51; 95%CI 0.37–0.71), spending more than 60 minutes in commuting between home and the dialysis service (OR = 1.80; 95%CI 1.29–2.51), having three or more self-referred diseases (OR = 2.20; 95%CI 1.33–3.62), and reporting some (OR = 2.17; 95%CI 1.66–2.84) or a lot of (OR = 2.74; 95%CI 2.04–3.68) trouble falling asleep. Individuals in treatment in dialysis services with the highest level of complexity in the structure presented less chance of performing a self-assessment of their health as bad (OR = 0.59; 95%CI 0.42–0.84). CONCLUSIONS We showed poor health self-assessment is associated with age, years of formal education, marital status, home commuting time to the dialysis service, number of self-referred diseases, report of trouble sleeping, and also with the level of complexity of the structure of health services. Acknowledging these factors can contribute to the development of strategies to improve the health of patients in hemodialysis in the Brazilian Unified Health System.


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2 Centre of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention In Sport, Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, Portugal Background: Regarding children aged _10 years, only a few international studies were conducted to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain. Although other studies on the older Portuguese children point to prevalence between 17% and 39%, none exists for this specific age-group. Thus, the aim of this study was conducted to establish the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain in schoolchildren aged 7–10 years. Methods: A cross-sectional survey among 637 children was conducted. A self-rating questionnaire was used to verify prevalence and duration of back pain, life habits, school absence, medical treatments or limitation of activities. For posture assessment, photographic records with a bio-photogrammetric analysis were used to obtain data about head, acromion and pelvic alignment, horizontal alignment of the scapulae, vertical alignment of the trunk and vertical body alignment. Results: Postural problems were found in 25.4% of the children, especially in the 8- and 9-year-old groups. Back pain occurs in 12.7% with the highest values among the 7- and 10-year-old children. The probability of back pain increased 7 times when the children presented a history of school absences, 4.3 times when they experienced sleeping difficulties, 4.4 times when school furniture was uncomfortable, 4.7 times if the children perceived an occurrence of parental back pain and 2.5 times when children presented incorrect posture. Conclusions: The combination of school absences, parental pain, sleeping difficulties, inappropriate school furniture and postural deviations at the sagittal and frontal planes seem to prove the multifactorial aetiology of back pain.


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The favorable outcome of the treatment of a disease is influenced by the adherence to therapy. Our objective was to assess factors associated with adherence to treatment of patients included in a clinical trial of equivalence between the standard and alternative treatment schemes with meglumine antimoniate (MA) in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Between 2008 and 2011, 57 patients with CL were interviewed using a questionnaire to collect socioeconomic data. The following methods were used for adherence monitoring: counting of vial surplus, monitoring card, Morisky test and modified Morisky test (without the question regarding the schedule); we observed 82.1% (vial return), 86.0% (monitoring card), 66.7% (Morisky test) and 86.0% (modified Morisky test) adherence. There was a strong correlation between the method of vial counting and the monitoring card and modified Morisky test. A significant association was observed between greater adherence to treatment and low dose of MA, as well as with a lower number of people sleeping in the same room. We recommend the use of the modified Morisky test to assess adherence to treatment of CL with MA, because it is a simple method and with a good performance, when compared to other methods.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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RESUMO - Introdução: Os problemas do sono, designadamente a insónia, os sintomas de insónia, os padrões de sono inadequados e a sonolência diurna, são frequentes na adolescência. Estes problemas estão frequentemente associados a múltiplos fatores, entre os quais estilos de vida e fatores ambientais, e apresentam consequências significativas na vida do adolescente e posteriormente na idade adulta. O sono e as suas perturbações deveriam constituir uma preocupação para os profissionais da saúde e da educação com o objetivo de tornar os hábitos de sono saudáveis num estilo de vida - com benefícios calculáveis como os associados a outros estilos de vida saudáveis (alimentação e exercício físico). Em Portugal, os estudos sobre problemas do sono em adolescentes são escassos, bem como as intervenções individuais e comunitárias no âmbito da higiene do sono. Os objetivos desta investigação foram estimar a prevalência de insónia e de sintomas de insónia em adolescentes, identificar fatores de risco e protetores dos sintomas de insónia, analisar as repercussões dos sintomas de insónia, caracterizar os padrões de sono dos adolescentes do distrito de Viseu e elaborar uma proposta de intervenção destinada à promoção da higiene do sono adaptada às características dos adolescentes do distrito de Viseu. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal onde se avaliaram alunos de vinte e seis escolas públicas do terceiro ciclo e secundário do distrito de Viseu, durante ano letivo 2011/2012. A recolha dos dados foi efetuada através de um questionário autoaplicado e respondido pelos alunos em sala de aula. Foram considerados elegíveis para participar no estudo todos os alunos que frequentassem entre o 7.º e o 12.º ano de escolaridade e tivessem idades entre os 12 e os 18 anos. Dos 9237 questionários distribuídos recolheu-se 7581 (82,1%). Foram excluídos da análise os questionários relativos a adolescentes com idade inferior a 12 ou superior a 18 anos e os questionários devolvidos por preencher. A amostra global foi constituída por 6919 adolescentes, sendo 3668 (53,2%) do sexo feminino. A insónia foi definida com base na presença, no mês prévio, dos sintomas de insónia definidos nos critérios do DSM-IV (dificuldade em adormecer, dificuldade em manter o sono, acordar muito cedo e ter dificuldade em voltar a adormecer e sono não reparador) com uma frequência de pelo menos três vezes por semana e associados a consequências no dia-a-dia. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada com recurso à escala de qualidade de vida SF-36; a sintomatologia depressiva através do Inventário de Depressão de Beck para adolescentes (BDI-II) e a sonolência diurna utilizando a Escala de Sonolência de Epworth (ESE). Para responder ao último objetivo foi elaborada uma proposta de intervenção individual e comunitária no âmbito da higiene do sono. A proposta resulta da evidência científica, dos resultados da presente investigação e de reuniões com profissionais da saúde e da educação. Resultados: No total da amostra, a prevalência de insónia foi de 8,3% e de sintomas de insónia foi de 21,4%. A prevalência de insónia foi superior no sexo feminino (10,1% vs. 5,9%; p<0,001) assim como a prevalência de sintomas de insónia (25,6% vs. 15,8%; p<0,001). Individualmente, todos os sintomas foram mais prevalentes no sexo feminino, sendo a diferença estatisticamente significativa (p<0,001). Em média os adolescentes dormiam, durante a semana, 8:04±1:13 horas. A prevalência de sono insuficiente (< 8 horas) foi de 29%. Apenas 6,4% dos adolescentes indicaram que se deitavam todas as noites à mesma hora. A prevalência de sintomatologia depressiva foi de 20,9% (26,0% nas raparigas e 15,1% nos rapazes, p<0,001). A prevalência de sonolência diurna foi de 33,1%, apresentando o sexo feminino um risco superior (OR=1,40; IC95%: 1,27-1,55). A prevalência de sintomatologia depressiva e de sonolência diurna foi superior entre os adolescentes com sintomas de insónia (48,2% vs. 18,8%, p<0,001 e 42,4% vs. 33,0%, p<0,001, respetivamente). Os adolescentes com sintomas de insónia apresentavam igualmente pior qualidade de vida. Em relação a outras repercussões no dia-a-dia, foram os adolescentes com sintomas de insónia que referiam mais vezes sentir dificuldade em levantar-se de manhã, acordar com cefaleias, acordar cansado e recorrer a medicação para dormir. Nos rapazes os sintomas de insónia associaram-se com o IMC. Após o ajustamento para o sexo e idade com recurso à regressão logística verificou-se uma associação entre sintomas de insónia e sexo feminino [OR ajustado(idade)= 1,82; IC95%: 1,56-2,13], idade ≥16 anos [OR ajustado(sexo)= 1,17; IC95%: 1,01-1,35], residência urbana (OR ajustado= 1,30; IC95%: 1,04-1,63), consumo de café (OR ajustado= 1,40; IC95%: 1,20-1,63), consumo de bebidas alcoólicas (OR ajustado= 1,21; IC95%: 1,03-1,41) e sintomatologia depressiva (OR ajustado= 3,59; IC95%: 3,04-4,24). Quanto à escolaridade dos pais, verificou-se uma redução do risco com o aumento da escolaridade dos pais (5º-6º ano OR ajustado= 0,82; IC95%: 0,64- 1,05; 7º-12º ano OR ajustado= 0,77; IC95%: 0,61-0,97; >12º ano OR ajustado= 0,64; IC95%: 0,47-0,87). Após uma análise multivariada, o modelo preditivo para a ocorrência de sintomas de insónia incluiu as variáveis sexo feminino, viver em meio urbano, consumir café e apresentar sintomatologia depressiva. Este modelo apresenta uma especificidade de 84,2% e uma sensibilidade de 63,6%. O sono insuficiente associou-se, após ajuste para o sexo e idade, com o ano de escolaridade, estado civil dos pais, determinados estilos de vida (consumo de café, tabagismo, consumo de álcool, consumo de outras drogas, sair à noite, presença de TV no quarto e número de horas despendido a ver televisão e no computador), latência do sono, sesta > 30 minutos, horários de sono irregulares e com a toma de medicamentos para dormir. Os resultados deste estudo constituem um diagnóstico de situação relativamente aos problemas de sono em adolescentes no distrito de Viseu. Tendo por base os princípios da Carta de Ottawa relativamente à promoção da saúde, a proposta elaborada visa a implementação de estratégias de prevenção agrupadas em intervenções individuais, comunitárias e sobre os planos curriculares. As intervenções baseiam-se na utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação, no contexto da nova arquitetura na esfera pública da saúde conducente aos sistemas personalizados de informação em saúde (SPIS). Conclusões: Registou-se uma elevada prevalência de insónia e sintomas de insónia entre os adolescentes do distrito de Viseu, superior no sexo feminino. A presença de sintomas de insónia esteve associada, sobretudo, a determinados estilos de vida e à ausência de higiene do sono. Os problemas de sono em adolescentes, devido à sua frequência e repercussões, devem constituir uma preocupação em termos de saúde pública e constituir uma prioridade nas estratégias de educação para a saúde. Os 9 princípios da intervenção delineada visam uma abordagem preventiva de problemas de sono - através da ação conjunta de profissionais da saúde e da educação, de elementos da comunidade e com o indispensável envolvimento dos adolescentes e da família -, procurando instituir os hábitos de sono saudáveis como um estilo de vida.


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RESUMO: A reabilitação respiratória (RR) é uma intervenção abrangente e interdisciplinar dirigida aos doentes respiratórios crónicos e inclui o treino de exercício, programas de educação e de modificação comportamental, entre outros, desenhados individualmente para melhorar o desempenho físico e psicossocial e promover a adesão a longo prazo a comportamentos promotores de saúde. A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC) é uma doença comum, afetando cerca de 210 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, com elevada mortalidade e com custos económicos significativos decorrentes do agravamento progressivo da doença, das hospitalizações e de reinternamentos frequentes. Apesar do crescente conhecimento da DPOC e do papel da RR nos benefícios para a saúde, existem aspetos ainda não esclarecidos que têm impacto na prática clínica e de investigação e nas decisões das autoridades de saúde. A primeira parte desta tese focou a DPOC e o seu impacto negativo e incluiu: o estudo da prevalência da DPOC em Portugal; os fatores clínicos e funcionais que se associam à mortalidade em doentes com DPOC avançada; a morbilidade, impacto funcional e risco dos doentes se tornarem dependentes para as atividades diárias e a influência da inflamação sistémica. A prevalência estimada da DPOC de 14,2% indica que esta é uma doença comum em Portugal e alerta para a necessidade de uma maior sensibilização da população, dos profissionais de saúde e autoridades de saúde com vista a um diagnóstico precoce e à alocação dos recursos terapêuticos adequados. A elevada taxa de mortalidade em doentes com DPOC avançada - 36,6% em 3 anos - associou-se a insuficiência respiratória, a elevado número de exacerbações, ao cancro do pulmão e a reduzida capacidade funcional para a marcha, salientando a importância da referenciação precoce para RR, a identificação e o tratamento das comorbilidades e a prevenção das exacerbações. A aplicação de um questionário que avaliou as atividades da vida diária básicas e instrumentais, permitiu identificar um marcador clínico do risco de dependência, complementando as avaliações funcionais e associando-se a outros marcadores de mau prognóstico, como as exacerbações. Em doentes com DPOC, com FEV1 médio de 46,76% (desvio padrão: 20,90%), 67% da categoria D do GOLD, verificou-se uma associação positiva entre a expressão de genes inflamatórios avaliada pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (ARN mensageiro de IFNg, IL1b, IL6, IL8, TNFa, TGFb1, iNOS) e o índice de massa corporal em repouso, acentuando-se após o exercício. Este estudo aponta a inflamação como o potencial elo de ligação entre a obesidade e a inflamação sistémica em doentes com DPOC. A segunda parte da tese focou a RR, nomeadamente os seus efeitos em doentes das categorias GOLD A, B, C e D; o impacto das comorbilidades nos resultados da RR e os resultados de diferentes intensidades de treino aeróbio. Após o programa de RR, verificaram-se melhorias significativas na capacidade de exercício funcional e de endurance e no estado geral de saúde dos doentes de todas as categorias GOLD. Esta classificação não distingue os doentes que melhor poderão beneficiar desta intervenção, indicando que devem ser referenciados para RR, os doentes sintomáticos ou com repercussão na qualidade de vida, independentemente da categoria da DPOC a que pertençam. A prevalência das comorbilidades no grupo de doentes com DPOC que é referenciado para RR, é elevada, sendo as mais frequentes, as cardiovasculares, as respiratórias e as psicológicas. Apesar de poderem diminuir o impacto da RR, os resultados desta foram semelhantes independentemente do número de comorbilidades. A identificação e o tratamento sistemáticos das comorbilidades conferem maior segurança clínica a esta intervenção terapêutica a qual, por apresentar bons resultados, não deve limitar a referenciação dos doentes. Com o programa de RR, verificou-se melhoria significativa em todos os resultados centrados no doente para ambas as intensidades de treino aeróbio, a 60% e a 80% da potência aeróbica máxima (Wmax), com melhoria do estado geral de saúde, nos sintomas e na capacidade para o exercício, o que questiona a indicação sistemática de elevadas intensidades de treino em doentes com DPOC para a obtenção de benefícios a curto prazo. Na terceira e última parte da tese foi estudado o papel da atividade física na DPOC, focando os fatores que influenciam a atividade física diária; a evolução da capacidade funcional e o estado de saúde 2 anos após um programa de RR e o papel da telemonitorização na quantificação e monitorização da atividade física. Confirmámos que os doentes com DPOC são marcadamente sedentários e os fatores que se associaram ao sedentarismo nestes doentes foram a dispneia e a distância percorrida na prova de marcha de seis minutos. Este estudo sublinha a importância do controlo sintomático, nomeadamente da dispneia, bem como, mais uma vez, o potencial papel da reabilitação respiratória no aumento da capacidade funcional para o exercício e na aquisição de hábitos de vida fisicamente ativa. Verificámos que, apesar de os doentes com DPOC apresentarem benefícios clinicamente significativos na capacidade funcional para o exercício e no estado geral de saúde com o programa de RR, apenas os que se mantêm ativos, podem, no final dos dois anos de seguimento, manter os efeitos benéficos desse programa. O sistema de telemonitorização que combina a oximetria e a quantificação da atividade física provou ser clinicamente útil na avaliação da necessidade de oxigenoterapia de longa duração (OLD) e na aferição do débito de oxigénio em repouso, no esforço e no sono, podendo contribuir para uma melhor adequação da prescrição da OLD. A monitorização dos níveis de atividade física regular é um importante instrumento de avaliação dos programas de RR e o seu uso potencial na telereabilitação permitirá prolongar a eficácia dos programas e reduzir os custos associados aos cuidados de saúde.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a comprehensive interdisciplinary intervention that includes, but is not limited to, exercise training, education, and behavior change, individually designed to improve physical and psychological conditions of people with chronic respiratory disease and to promote long-term adherence to health-enhancing behaviors. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common disease, affecting about 210 million people worldwide, with high mortality and significant health-related costs due to disease progression, hospitalizations and frequent hospital readmissions. Although the increasing knowledge about COPD and benefitial outcomes of PR, some aspects with impact in clinical practice, research and health authorities’ decisions, remain to be clarified. The first part of this thesis focused on COPD and its negative impact, including the study of COPD prevalence in Portugal; clinical and functional factors associated with mortality in advanced COPD patients; morbidity, functional impact and risk of others’ dependance to perform activities of daily living; and the role of systemic inflammation. The evidence of 14.2% estimated COPD prevalence as a common disease in Portugal raises the need of an increasing awareness of population, health care professionals and health authorities towards an earlier diagnosis and apropriate treatment resources allocation. High mortality in patients with advanced COPD – 36.6% in 3 years - was associated with respiratory failure, high frequency of exacerbations, lung cancer and a low functional capacity in walking. This highlightens the importance of an earlier referral to PR, comorbidity identification and treatment, and prevention of exacerbations. A questionnaire evaluated basic and instrumental activities of daily living, and identified a clinical marker of the risk of becoming dependent. This clinical marker complemented other functional evaluations and was associated with prognosis markers such as the number of exacerbations. In COPD patients with a mean FEV1 46.76% (SD 20.90%), 67% belonging to GOLD grade D, we found a positive association between inflammatory gene expression evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (IFNg, IL1b, IL6, IL8, TNFa, TGFb1, iNOS RNA messenger) and body mass index at rest, and a further increase with exercise. This study evidenced obesity as one potential link between COPD and systemic inflammation. The second part of this thesis focused PR, namely its outcomes in patients of GOLD categories A, B, C and D; comorbidities impact in PR outcomes, and the impact of different exercise training intensities in patient related outcomes. xviii With PR intervention, we found significant improvement in functional exercise capacity, endurance exercise capacity and health status in patients of all GOLD categories. This classification did not differentiate which patients would benefit more from PR, hence all symptomatic patients with a negative impact in health status should be referred to PR, regardless of the GOLD category they belong to. There is a high prevalence of comorbidities in COPD patients referred to PR, being cardiovascular, respiratory and psychological, the most prevalent. Although some comorbidities might reduce PR impact, the results were similar regardless of the number of comorbidities. Systematic comorbidities identification and treatment provides safety to PR intervention, and its good results should not preclude patients referral. With PR intervention we found a significant improvement in all patient reported outcomes for exercise training intensities at 60% and 80% maximum work rate (Wmax), namely in health status, symptoms and exercise capacity. These findings challenge the current systematic indication of high exercise training intensities to achieve PR short-term benefits. In the third and last part of the thesis, the role of physical activity in COPD was studied, focusing factors that may influence daily physical activity; the evolution of functional capacity and health status two years after a PR program, and the role of a telemonitoring system in physical activity quantification and monitoring. We confirmed that COPD patients are markedly inactive and factors associated with a sedentary lifestyle are dyspnea and 6 minute walking distance. This study emphasized the importance of symptom control, namely of dyspnea, as well as, once again, the potential role of PR in functional exercise improvement and in integrating physically active habits in daily life. We verified that, although COPD patients improve functional exercise capacity and health status after a PR program, only those who kept physical activity habits were able to maintain those effects after 2 years of follow-up. A telemonitoring system that combines oximetry and physical activity quantification proved to be clinically useful in the evaluation of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) indication, as well as in the titration of oxygen levels at rest, exertion, and sleeping, which might contribute to a more adequate LTOT prescription. Monitoring of daily physical activity levels is an important PR evaluation instrument and its potential use in telerehabilitation might allow lengthening programs efficacy, while reducing health-care costs.


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PURPOSES: To determine the level of compliance and major non-compliant behaviors in contact lens (CL) wearing medical doctors (MDs) and to compare it with age matched CL wearing normal subjects with no medical background (NS). METHODS: Thirty-nine current CL wearing MDs, who were prescribed CLs in Nepal Eye Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal, between 2007 and 2011, were interviewed on ten modifiable compliant behaviors regarding lens care and maintenance. The level of compliance and the rate of non-compliance for each behavior were determined and compared with NS. RESULTS: Level of compliance was good, average and poor in 35.9%, 48.7% and 15.4% of MDs, respectively. There was no significant difference in compliance between MDs and NS (p=0.209). Level of compliance was not associated with age, gender and duration of lens wear (p>0.05). Compliance rate varied according to different behaviors, achieving a good compliance level of 95% for hand hygiene, avoidance of water contact and not sleeping with lenses. There was poor compliance for topping up solution (53.8%) and lens case replacement (15.4%). CONCLUSION: About one third of MDs had a good level of compliance. Level of compliance and compliance rate of different behaviors were similar in MDs and NS. Periodic lens case replacement was the most neglected behavior in CL wearers for this region.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between 24-hour ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring and the prognosis of patients with advanced congestive heart failure. METHODS: We studied 38 patients with NYHA functional class IV congestive heart failure, and analyzed left ventricular ejection fraction, diastolic diameter, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring data. RESULTS: Twelve deaths occurred. Left ventricular ejection fraction (35.2±7.3%) and diastolic diameter (72.2±7.8mm) were not correlated with the survival. The mean 24-hour (SBP24), waking (SBPw), and sleeping (SBPs) systolic pressures of the living patients were higher than those of the deceased patients and were significant for predicting survival. Patients with mean SBP24, SBPv, and SBPs > or = 105mmHg had longer survival (p=0.002, p=0.01 and p=0.0007, respectively). Patients with diastolic blood pressure sleep decrements (dip) and patients with mean blood pressure dip <=6mmHg had longer survival (p=0.04 and p=0.01, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, SBPs was the only variable with an odds ratio of 7.61 (CI: 1.56; 3704) (p=0.01). Patients with mean SBP<105mmHg were 7.6 times more likely to die than those with SBP > or = 105 mmHg CONCLUSION: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring appears to be a useful method for evaluating patients with congestive heart failure.


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A perda auditiva por exposição ao ruído é um problema de saúde ocupacional, não reconhecido nas escolas de música. Em Portugal, a legislação relativa a ruído ocupacional não possui indicações específicas para músicos, existindo apenas um código de conduta europeu, proveniente da Diretiva 2003/10/CE que estabelece as orientações gerais relativas a como devem ser protegidos do ruído músicos e trabalhadores de setores de entretenimento. Avaliou-se o nível sonoro contínuo equivalente (LAeq), individualmente no decorrer das atividades letivas, o que permitiu determinar o nível exposição pessoal diária ao ruído (Lex,8h) de 20 docentes de música. Paralelamente, os docentes preencheram um questionário relativo a fatores intrínsecos e individuais e todos efetuaram audiogramas tonais simples. Os dados recolhidos foram estatisticamente tratados através do programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 21. Existem atividades letivas que implicam níveis de exposição pessoal diária ao ruído superiores ao nível de ação inferior (25%), pelo que se devem adotar medidas para sensibilizar e alertar os docentes para a adoção de medidas de proteção. A atividade dos docentes expostos a níveis de exposição pessoal diária mais elevados correspondeu a aulas de grupo e a aulas individuais, com utilização de instrumentos musicais direcionais. A manifestação de sintomatologia relevante relativa a perda auditiva (audição de zumbidos, dificuldades de perceção do diálogo e dificuldade em adormecer) e a evolução da surdez profissional, não parecem estar diretamente relacionadas com os níveis de exposição pessoal diária ao ruído nem atividades com exposição ao ruído desenvolvidas nos tempos livres.


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An appropriate assessment of end-to-end network performance presumes highly efficient time tracking and measurement with precise time control of the stopping and resuming of program operation. In this paper, a novel approach to solving the problems of highly efficient and precise time measurements on PC-platforms and on ARM-architectures is proposed. A new unified High Performance Timer and a corresponding software library offer a unified interface to the known time counters and automatically identify the fastest and most reliable time source, available in the user space of a computing system. The research is focused on developing an approach of unified time acquisition from the PC hardware and accordingly substituting the common way of getting the time value through Linux system calls. The presented approach provides a much faster means of obtaining the time values with a nanosecond precision than by using conventional means. Moreover, it is capable of handling the sequential time value, precise sleep functions and process resuming. This ability means the reduction of wasting computer resources during the execution of a sleeping process from 100% (busy-wait) to 1-1.5%, whereas the benefits of very accurate process resuming times on long waits are maintained.


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The frogs of the Federal District of Brazil are listed and discussed as to habit, biology and ecology. The F. D is situated 22° 54' 24" S. & 43° 10' 21" W Gr. and comprises 1.356 km². Its topography includes sea-shore, maritime scrub, lagoons, plains and marsh, open slopes, forested mountains and great heads of rock. Three thousand feet of altitude are attained at two points. Fifty two different frogs occur in the F.D. Three fifths of them live in open country. Two fifths of these have never been found above the plains; the others range higher but mostly in open country. Their environment offers conditions suitable for average tadpoles and adults. these frogs are more or less unspecialized. There are six genera and thirty species. Two thirds of the latter belong to the type genera of the large neotropical families Bufonidae, Leptodactylidae and Hylidae. Only in the maritime scrub formation are conditions somewhat different. Water for average tadpoles is provided by the lagoons. The xerophytism of the vegetation is, however, so marked that bromeliads growing on the ground provide almost the only appropriate shelter for adult tree-frogs used to sleeping upright on the vegetation. One large Hylid genus lives entirely in them. It is casque-headed and phragmotic, shutting the lumen of the leaf-cup with head used as a plug. Another large Hylid genus shows a lesser degree of the same specialization. (Lutz A & Lutz B, 1939 II). One genus with two species is entirely saxicolous; it lives on wet ledges of rock at all phases of its life history. (B. Lutz 1948). The other two fifths of the frogs from F. D. are montane forest forms. Their environment offers numerous and varied biotopes and is near optimum for adults. There is,however, hardly any standing water available for larvae. These frogs are ecologically diversified. They also show a general trend towards spawning in the adult biotipe, which leads to delayed hatching, semi-aquatic and terrestrial larvae and direct development. (B Lutz, 1948). The author interprets the morphological specialization of the casque-headed Hylids and the biological specialization of the montane forest forms as adaptive. Casque-headedness and phragmosis increase protection against blood-suckers and predators. The humidity of the rain forest permits eggs, embryos and larvae to develop, unharmed, outside their usual, aquatic, environment.


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Study Objectives: Interspecific variation in sleep measured in captivity correlates with various physiological and environmental factors, including estimates of predation risk in the wild. However, it remains unclear whether prior comparative studies have been confounded by the captive recording environment. Herein we examine the impact of predation pressure on sleep in sloths living in the wild. Design: Comparison of two closely related sloth species, one exposed to predation and one free from predation. Setting: Panamanian mainland rainforest (predators present) and island mangrove (predators absent). Participants: Mainland (Bradypus variegatus, 5 males and 4 females) and island (Bradypus pygmaeus, 6 males) sloths. Interventions: None. Measurements and Results: EEG and EMG activity were recorded using a miniature data logger. Although both species spent between 9 and 10 hours per day sleeping, the mainland sloths showed a preference for sleeping at night, whereas island sloths showed no preference for sleeping during the day or night. EEG activity during NREM sleep showed lower low-frequency power, and increased spindle and higher frequency power in island sloths when compared to mainland sloths. Conclusions: In sloths sleeping in the wild, predation pressure influenced the timing of sleep, but not the amount of time spent asleep. The preference for sleeping at night in mainland sloths may be a strategy to avoid detection by nocturnal cats. The pronounced differences in the NREM sleep EEG spectrum remain unexplained, but might be related to genetic or environmental factors.


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Sleep spindles are synchronized 11-15 Hz electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillations predominant during nonrapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS). Rhythmic bursting in the reticular thalamic nucleus (nRt), arising from interplay between Ca(v)3.3-type Ca(2+) channels and Ca(2+)-dependent small-conductance-type 2 (SK2) K(+) channels, underlies spindle generation. Correlative evidence indicates that spindles contribute to memory consolidation and protection against environmental noise in human NREMS. Here, we describe a molecular mechanism through which spindle power is selectively extended and we probed the actions of intensified spindling in the naturally sleeping mouse. Using electrophysiological recordings in acute brain slices from SK2 channel-overexpressing (SK2-OE) mice, we found that nRt bursting was potentiated and thalamic circuit oscillations were prolonged. Moreover, nRt cells showed greater resilience to transit from burst to tonic discharge in response to gradual depolarization, mimicking transitions out of NREMS. Compared with wild-type littermates, chronic EEG recordings of SK2-OE mice contained less fragmented NREMS, while the NREMS EEG power spectrum was conserved. Furthermore, EEG spindle activity was prolonged at NREMS exit. Finally, when exposed to white noise, SK2-OE mice needed stronger stimuli to arouse. Increased nRt bursting thus strengthens spindles and improves sleep quality through mechanisms independent of EEG slow waves (<4 Hz), suggesting SK2 signaling as a new potential therapeutic target for sleep disorders and for neuropsychiatric diseases accompanied by weakened sleep spindles.