925 resultados para sequencing batch reactors
En el campo agrícola se producen una serie de desechos orgánicos, que por un lado representan serios problemas de contaminación ambiental y por otro el desperdicio de valores energéticos importantes. Es decir una acción contraria a la sostenibilidad que debe buscarse en este siglo XXI. Entre estos productos agrícolas pueden citarse la pulpa de café, residuos herbáceos, bagazo de caña y la fracción insoluble de estiércol de ganado porcino conocida como cerdaza. Un problema añadido para dar solución adecuada es la disponibilidad de estos solo en cortas épocas del año. Todo lo anterior ha sido el origen de la presente investigación, para dar solución adecuada tanto en el aprovechamiento de biogás como en la reducción de la contaminación. La investigación descrita en este documento contempla el desarrollo de los siguientes aspectos: 1) Caracterización y problemática de cada uno de los productos señalados, 2) la solución al problema mediante el proceso de digestión anaerobia con fases separadas con el aprovechamiento del biogás generados y 3) recomendaciones para el arranque del proceso de digestión anaerobia y su mantenimiento en una alternancia de los productos citados. En la primera etapa de la fase experimental se estimó el rendimiento específico de metano para los diferentes sustratos, utilizando reactores batch configurados en una y dos fases concluyendo que la digestión anaerobia en dos fases presenta diferentes ventajas sobre la digestión monoetapa. En general se obtuvo un mayor rendimiento en la producción de metano, una reducción en los tiempos de retención, mayor eficiencia en la eliminación de los sólidos volátiles agregados, y una mayor estabilidad en el proceso reflejado en el mantenimiento de valores de pH en los rangos de operación recomendados. Seguidamente, al comparar dos procesos para la puesta en marcha de digestores metanogénicos operados en forma continua, se concluye que las variables determinantes en la estabilidad del sistema son la alcalinidad total presente en el digestor, el establecimiento de la población de microorganismos y la carga orgánica aplicada. Las dos primeras están determinadas por la calidad y proporción del inóculo suministrado al inicio del proceso. La alternación de sustratos suministrados al sistema de digestión en dos fases, permitió determinar el impacto sobre el desempeño del mismo, registrando una reducción en la producción de biogás, la riqueza de metano y la eficiencia de eliminación de sólidos volátiles durante los primeros días de operación luego del cambio de sustrato. Este periodo corresponde al proceso de aclimatación de los microorganismos el cual requirió de 20 días para asimilar los componentes del nuevo sustrato. Finalmente, entre los sustratos analizados, la menor carga orgánica de operación para mantener la operación del sistema en continuo corresponde a la pulpa de café con 0.1 kg SV/m3. La composición de este sustrato favorece la rápida acumulación de acidez volátil en el sistema, proporcionando una tendencia a la acidificación. Sin embargo, al controlar las cargas orgánicas volumétricas, el sistema permaneció operando sin necesidad de adición de alcalinizantes. La aplicación de los resultados de la presente investigación a la problemática de residuos de café es alentadora, comprobando que el sistema puede ser operado en continuo alternando residuos boreales y pulpa de café, ambos sustratos disponibles en las plantas de procesamiento de la cereza de café. ABSTRACT In the agricultural field there are series of organic wastes, which in one hand are the source of serious problems of environmental pollution and in the other, they represent a residue that could be used as a feedstock with significant energy values. These actions are contrary to efforts towards sustainability, which should be a priority in this century. Among agricultural residues with significant abundance, the coffee pulp, herbaceous waste, sugarcane bagasse and the insoluble fraction of pig manure can be mentioned. An added problem to the development of appropriate treatment systems, which provides a solution to the disposal of such wastes, is the limited availability of these feedstocks only in short seasons. These arguments have been the source of our research, in order to provide properly measures to biogas usage and pollution reduction. The research presented in this document includes the approaches to the following aspects. 1) Characterization and problems regarding the selected feedstocks 2) the solution to the problem by anaerobic digestion process with separate phases and 3) recommendations for starting the process of anaerobic digestion and its maintenance with alternation of the products listed For the first stage of the experimental phase, the specific methane yield of the selected feedstocks was estimated using batch reactors configured in one and two phases. It was concluded that two-phase anaerobic digestion offered distinct advantages over the single-stage digestion. In general a higher methane production yields, lower retention times, higher efficiency in volatile solids removal, and increased stability among the process were obtained. When comparing two processes for starting up methanogenic digesters, it is concluded that the variables that determine the stability of the system are the total alkalinity in the digester, the establishment of the population of microorganisms and the organic load. The first variables are influenced by the proportion and quality of the inoculum supplied at the beginning of the process. The alternation of substrates gave as a result a negative impact on system performance, recording a reduction on biogas production, the methane concentration and the efficiency of volatile solids removal. The situation was observed during the first days of operation after the change of feeding. This period corresponds to the process of acclimatization of the microorganisms which required 20 days to assimilate new substrate components. Finally, among substrates studied, the lowest organic load applied to maintain a continuous operation of the system, corresponds to the coffee pulp with 0.1 kg VS / m3. The composition of this substrate promotes a rapid accumulation of volatile acidity within the system, providing a tendency to acidification. However, by controlling organic loads, the operating system remained stable without addition of alkalizing components. The application of the results of this research to the problem of coffee waste is promising, proving that an anaerobic system can be operated continuously by alternating boreal waste and coffee pulp, both substrates available in coffee processing plants.
Neste estudo foi avaliada a remoção de metil paration - inseticida e atrazina - herbicida presentes em água, em reatores de bancada, com fungos. A pesquisa foi dividida em quatro etapas: operação em batelada com metil paration e micélio fúngico, com e sem glicose; teste de toxicidade em placas com Aspergillus niger AN400; operação em batelada com os pesticidas atrazina e metil paration e esporos de Aspergillus niger AN400, com e sem glicose; e operação em reatores de leito fixo e fluxo ascendente. Na primeira etapa, a remoção de metil paration foi de 97% nos reatores sem glicose e 94% nos reatores com glicose com 32 dias de reação. Na operação em batelada, com esporos, um modelo cinético de primeira ordem representou bem a velocidade de decaimento de metil paration nesta fase, principalmente, nos reatores que continham glicose. Para os experimentos sem adição de glicose, a constante cinética foi de 0,063 ± 0,005/h, enquanto que para os experimentos com glicose a constante foi de 0,162 ± 0,014/h. Dessa forma, a adição de glicose resultou efetivamente em aumento na velocidade de conversão do inseticida. Na fase experimental, com atrazina e esporos de Aspergillus niger AN400, a presença do substrato primário (glicose) não teve influência na remoção de atrazina, sendo que os percentuais de remoção foram muito próximos aos percentuais encontrados nos reatores sem glicose. O estudo cinético, nessa fase com atrazina e esporos, revelou que para os experimentos sem a adição de glicose, o valor da velocidade de conversão de atrazina (RATZo) foi de 0,023/d, enquanto que para os experimentos com glicose (RATZo) foi 0,022/d. Portanto, a adição de glicose parece não ter influenciado significativamente a velocidade de remoção do herbicida por Aspergillus niger AN400. O teste de toxicidade demonstrou que metil paration e atrazina não inibiram o crescimento do fungo nas várias concentrações testadas, inclusive nas mais elevadas, que foram 60 mg/L e 25 mg/L para metil paration e atrazina, respectivamente. No reator de leito fixo a remoção de metil paration foi de 40% com 12 h de tempo de detenção hidráulica, e 0,5 g glicose/L. Porém, quando a concentração de glicose foi duplicada a remoção de metil paration diminuiu para 35%. Neste reator o pH se manteve na faixa ácida 3,4 a 5,2, considerada ideal para os fungos. Os resultados encontrados mostram a viabilidade dos fungos para remoção desses pesticidas, considerados persistentes no ambiente.
A elevada concentração de cloro das bifenilas policloradas provoca alta toxicidade do composto, o qual dificulta sua biodegradação. A contaminação de PCB no Brasil foi confirmada em estudo realizado na Bahia de Santos-São Vicente (São Paulo), o qual revelou a necessidade de um plano de ação para o controle e remoção de PCB no Brasil. Pretendeu-se assim, na realização da presente pesquisa, verificar quatro hipóteses: (1) A técnica de Microextração em fase sólida é uma metodologia eficaz para avaliação de bifenilas policloradas de amostras de reatores; (2) A condição fermentativa-metanogênica abriga comunidade resistente ao PCB, e removê-lo; (3) A condição desnitrificante abriga comunidade resistente ao PCB, e removê-lo e (4) A remoção de PCB, bem como, a composição microbiana é distinta em cada condição metabólica. Para tanto, reatores em batelada foram montados separadamente com biomassa anaeróbia proveniente de reator UASB usado no tratamento de água residuária de avicultura e biomassa de sistemas de lodos ativados de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Os reatores operados em condição mesófila foram alimentados com meio sintético, co-substratos, sendo etanol (457 mg.L-1) e formiato de sódio (680 mg.L-1) para os reatores anaeróbios, e somente etanol (598 mg.L-1) para os reatores anóxicos, além de PCB padrão Sigma (congêneres PCBs 10, 28, 52, 153, 138 e 180) em diferentes concentrações, dependendo do objetivo do ensaio. A aplicação do método de extração por SPME com análise em cromatógrafo gasoso com detector por captura de elétrons foi adequada para a determinação dos seis congêneres de PCB. Obteve-se ampla faixa de linearidade, seletividade frente aos vários interferentes, além da robustez do método, utilidade e confiabilidade na identificação e quantificação específica dos seis congêneres de PCB. A Hipótese 1 foi aceita; ou seja, por meio da aplicação da metodologia SPME foi possível quantificar os PCB nos reatores em batelada. Apesar de ter sido comprovada a inibição metanogênica na presença de PCB, com IC50 de 0,03 mg.L
Esta tese apresenta e discute os dados obtidos a partir de trabalho experimental projetado para avaliar comparativamente o desempenho de reatores desnitrificantes em batelada, tendo etanol, metanol e gás metano como doadores de elétrons. Os experimentos foram realizados em reatores em escala de bancada. Os ensaios com gás metano objetivaram verificar a efetividade deste sub-produto de reatores anaeróbios em substituir os doadores exógenos de elétrons comumente utilizados, tais como metanol e etanol. Para alcançar o objetivo principal deste trabalho, os parâmetros cinéticos de desnitrificação, para os doadores de elétrons ensaiados, foram determinados nas diferentes condições operacionais. Além disso, as alterações ocorridas na população microbiana, ao longo do período experimental, foram avaliadas em relação à diversidade microbiana, por meio de análises microscópicas (óptica, de fluorescência e eletrônica de varredura) e da técnica de Biologia Molecular de PCR/DGGE. A completa desnitrificação foi alcançada para todos os compostos testados, e o etanol foi o doador de elétrons mais eficiente para a desnitrificação. A melhor razão carbono-nitrogênio para a desnitrificação foi igual a 1,0. Contudo, este parâmetro foi encontrado ser inadequado para utilização no processo de desnitrificação, uma vez que não expressa a capacidade real do composto usado em doar elétrons. A desnitrificação com metano ocorreu tanto na presença como na ausência de oxigênio, embora a baixas velocidades quando comparado com os outros compostos. No entanto, a configuração do reator utilizado neste estudo não foi adequada para promover a efetiva dissolução do gás metano na fase líquida. Por essa razão, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de configurações de reatores apropriadas para minimizar as resistências à transferência de massa da fase gasosa para a líquida e também desta para a biomassa.
Avaliou-se o desempenho do reator anaeróbio em batelada seqüencial com biomassa imobilizada (ASBBR) no tratamento de soro de queijo quanto submetido a diferentes estratégias de alimentação e cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV). O reator operou com agitação mecânica através de impelidor do tipo hélice na rotação de 500 rpm. Um volume de 2 litros foi alimentado por ciclo com 1 litro de volume residual, totalizando 3 litros. O substrato utilizado foi soro de queijo desidratado reconstituído. Suplementou-se o sistema com NaHCO3 na razão de 50% NaHCO3/DQO. Foram testadas as seguintes COVs: 2, 4, 8 e 12 gDQO/l.d. Para ciclos de 8 horas e em cada COV, três estratégias de alimentação foram testadas: (a) operação em batelada com ciclo de 8 horas, (b) batelada alimentada de 2 horas (c) batelada alimentada de 4 horas. Na COV de 2 gDQO/l.d, a conversão de matéria orgânica como DQO em amostras filtradas foi de 92, 96 e 91% para as estratégias de alimentação (a), (b) e (c), respectivamente. Para a COV de 4 gDQO/l.d, o desempenho foi de 94, 97 e 93%, respectivamente. Para a COV de 8 gDQO/l.d houve redução nas eficiências de conversão a 83, 85 e 86%, respectivamente. O aumento da COV para 12 gDQO/l.d, resultou na redução em eficiências de 72, 73 e 81%, respectivamente. Os perfis durante os ciclos da concentração de ácidos voláteis totais mostraram que, apesar do aumento gradual com o tempo de enchimento aumentando, nenhuma diferença significativa foi detectada em termos dos seus valores máximos. Foi observada a redução de ácido propiônico como conseqüência do aumento do tempo de enchimento. Assim, para COV de 2 e 4 gDQO/l.d, a estratégia de alimentação (b) proporcionou maiores eficiências de conversão e estabilidade operacional, enquanto que este comportamento foi observado na estratégia de alimentação (c) para os valores de COV de 8 e 12 gDQO/l.d.
The catalytic activity and durability of 2 wt.% Pd/Al2O3 in powder and washcoated on cordierite monoliths were examined for the liquid phase hydrodechlorination (LPHDC) of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), also known as dioxins. NaOH was employed as a neutralizing agent, and 2-propanol was used as a hydrogen donor and a solvent. Fresh and spent powder and monolith samples were characterized by elemental analysis, surface area, hydrogen chemisorption, scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX), and transmission electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (TEM/EDX). Three reactor configurations were compared including the slurry and monolith batch reactors as well as the bubble loop column resulting in 100, 70, and 72% sample toxicity reduction, respectively, after 5 h of reaction. However, the slurry and monolith batch reactors lead to catalyst sample loss via a filtration process (slurry) and washcoat erosion (monolith batch), as well as rapid deactivation of the powder catalyst samples. The monolith employed in the bubble loop column remained stable and active after four reaction runs. Three preemptive regeneration methods were evaluated on spent monolith catalyst including 2-propanol washing, oxidation/reduction, and reduction. All three procedures reactivated the spent catalyst samples, but the combustion methods proved to be more efficient at eliminating the more stable poisons.
This study examines the behavior of Ba isotope fractionation between witherite and fluid during mineral dissolution, precipitation and at chemical equilibrium. Experiments were performed in batch reactors at 25 oC in 10-2 M NaCl solution where the pH was adjusted by continuous bubbling of a water saturated gas phase of CO2 or atmospheric air. During witherite dissolution no Ba isotope fractionation was observed between solid and fluid. In contrast, during witherite precipitation, caused by a pH increase, a preferential uptake of the lighter 134Ba isotopomer in the solid phase was observed. In this case, the isotope fractionation factor αwitherite-fluid is calculated to be 0.99993 ± 0.00004 (or Δ137/134Bawitherite-fluid ≈ -0.07 ± 0.04 ‰, 2sd). The most interesting feature of this study, however, is that after the attainment of chemical equilibrium, the Ba isotope composition of the aqueous phase is progressively becoming lighter, indicating a continuous exchange of Ba2+ ions between witherite and fluid. Mass balance calculations indicate that the detachment of Ba from the solid is not only restricted to the outer surface layer of the solid, but affects several (~7 unit cells) subsurface layers of the crystal. This observation comes in excellent agreement with the concept of a dynamic system at chemical equilibrium in a mineral-fluid system, denoting that the time required for the achievement of isotopic equilibrium in the witherite-fluid system is longer compared to that observed for chemical equilibrium. Overall, these results indicate that the isotopic composition of Ba bearing carbonates in natural environments may be altered due to changes in fluid composition without a net dissolution/precipitation to be observed.
The spatial arrangement and metabolic activity of 'Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis' was investigated in granular sludge from an anaerobic-aerobic sequencing batch reactor enriched for glycogen-accumulating organisms. In this process, the electron donor (acetate) and the electron acceptor (oxygen) were supplied sequentially in each phase. The organism, identified by fluorescence in situ hybridisation, was present throughout the granules; however, metabolic activity was limited to a 100-mum-thick layer immediately below the surface of the granules. To investigate the cause of this, oxygen microsensors and a novel microscale biosensor for volatile fatty acids were used in conjunction with chemical staining for intracellular storage polymers. It was found that the limited distribution of activity was caused by mass transport limitation of oxygen into the granules during the aerobic phase. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A denitrifying microbial consortium was enriched in an anoxically operated, methanol-fed sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed with a mineral salts medium containing methanol as the sole carbon source and nitrate as the electron acceptor. The SBR was inoculated with sludge from a biological nutrient removal activated sludge plant exhibiting good denitrification. The SBR denitrification rate improved from less than 0.02 mg of NO3-.N mg of mixed-liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS)(-1) h(-1) to a steady-state value of 0.06 mg of NO3-.N mg of MLVSS-1 h(-1) over a 7-month operational period. At this time, the enriched microbial community was subjected to stable-isotope probing (SIP) with [C-13] methanol to biomark the DNA of the denitrifiers. The extracted [C-13]DNA and [C-12]DNA from the SIP experiment were separately subjected to full-cycle rRNA analysis. The dominant 16S rRNA gene phylotype (group A clones) in the [C-13]DNA clone library was closely related to those of the obligate methylotrophs Methylobacillus and Methylophilus in the order Methylophilales of the Betaproteobacteria (96 to 97% sequence identities), while the most abundant clone groups in the [C-12]DNA clone library mostly belonged to the family Saprospiraceae in the Bacteroidetes phylum. Oligonucleotide probes for use in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were designed to specifically target the group A clones and Methylophilales (probes DEN67 and MET1216, respectively) and the Saprospiraceae clones (probe SAP553). Application of these probes to the SBR biomass over the enrichment period demonstrated a strong correlation between the level of SBR denitrification and relative abundance of DEN67-targeted bacteria in the SBR community. By contrast, there was no correlation between the denitrification rate and the relative abundances of the well-known denitrifying genera Hyphomicrobium and Paracoccus or the Saprospiraceae clones visualized by FISH in the SBR biomass. FISH combined with microautoradiography independently confirmed that the DEN67-targeted cells were the dominant bacterial group capable of anoxic [C-14] methanol uptake in the enriched biomass. The well-known denitrification lag period in the methanol-fed SBR was shown to coincide with a lag phase in growth of the DEN67-targeted denitrifying population. We conclude that Methylophilales bacteria are the dominant denitrifiers in our SBR system and likely are important denitrifiers in full-scale methanol-fed denitrifying sludges.
Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) via the nitrite pathway and anaerobic-anoxic enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) are two processes that can significantly reduce the COD demand for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The combination of these two processes has the potential of achieving simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal with a minimal requirement for COD. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was operated in alternating anaerobic-aerobic mode with a low dissolved oxygen concentration (DO, 0.5 mg/L) during the aerobic period, and was demonstrated to accomplish nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal. Under anaerobic conditions, COD was taken up and converted to polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), accompanied with phosphorus release. In the subsequent aerobic stage, PHA was oxidized and phosphorus was taken up to less than 0.5 mg/L at the end of the cycle. Ammonia was also oxidised during the aerobic period, but without accumulation of nitrite or nitrate in the system, indicating the occurrence of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. However, off-gas analysis found that the final denitrification product was mainly nitrous oxide (N2O) not N-2. Further experimental results demonstrated that nitrogen removal was via nitrite, not nitrate. These experiments also showed that denitrifying glycogen.-accumulating organisms rather than denitrifying polyphosphate-accumulating organisms were responsible for the denitrification activity.
In this article we present a study of the effects of external and internal mass transfer limitation of oxygen in a nitrifying system. The oxygen uptake rates (OUR) were measured on both a macro-scale with a respirometric reactor using off-gas analysis (Titrimetric and Off-Gas Analysis (TOGA) sensor) and on a micro-scale with microsensors. These two methods provide independent, accurate measurements of the reaction rates and concentration profiles around and in the granules. The TOGA sensor and micro-sensor measurements showed a significant external mass transfer effect at low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the bulk liquid while it was insignificant at higher DO concentrations. The oxygen distribution with anaerobic or anoxic conditions in the center clearly shows major mass transfer limitation in the aggregate interior. The large drop in DO concentration of 22 - 80% between the bulk liquid and aggregate surface demonstrates that the external mass transfer resistance is also highly important. The maximum OUR even for floccular biomass was only attained at much higher DO concentrations ( approximate to 8 mg/L) than typically used in such systems. For granules, the DO required for maximal activity was estimated to be > 20mg/L, clearly indicating the effects of the major external and internal mass transfer limitations on the overall biomass activity. Smaller aggregates had a larger volumetric OUR indicating that the granules may have a lower activity in the interior part of the aggregate. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The acetate-utilizing microbial consortium in a full-scale activated sludge process was investigated without prior enrichment using stable isotope probing (SIP). [C-13]acetate was used in SIP to label the DNA of the denitrifiers. The [C-13]DNA fraction that was extracted was subjected to a full-cycle rRNA analysis. The dominant 16S rRNA gene phylotypes in the C-13 library were closely related to the bacterial families Comamonadaceae and Rhodocyclaceae in the class Betaproteobacteria. Seven oligonucleotide probes for use in fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were designed to specifically target these clones. Application of these probes to the sludge of a continuously fed denitrifying sequencing batch reactor (CFDSBR) operated for 16 days revealed that there was a significant positive correlation between the CFDSBR denitrification rate and the relative abundance of all probe-targeted bacteria in the CFDSBR community. FISH-microautoradiography demonstrated that the DEN581 and DEN124 probe-targeted cells that dominated the CFDSBR were capable of taking Up [C-14] acetate under anoxic conditions. Initially, DEN444 and DEN1454 probe-targeted bacteria also dominated the CFDSBR biomass, but eventually DEN581 and DEN124 probe-targeted bacteria were the dominant bacterial groups. All probe-targeted bacteria assessed in this study were denitrifiers capable of utilizing acetate as a source of carbon. The rapid increase in the number of organisms positively correlated with the immediate increase in denitrification rates observed by plant operators when acetate is used as an external source of carbon to enhance denitrification. We suggest that the impact of bacteria on activated sludge subjected to intermittent acetate supplementation should be assessed prior to the widespread use of acetate in the waste-water industry to enhance denitrification.
The effects of free ammonia (FA; NH3) and free nitrous acid (FNA; HNO2) concentrations on the metabolisms of an enriched ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) culture were investigated using a method allowing the decoupling of growth and energy generation processes. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was operated for the enrichment of an AOB culture. Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) analysis showed that 82% of the bacterial population in the SBR bound to the NEU probe specifically designed for Nitrosomonas europaea. Batch tests were carried out to measure the oxygen and ammonium consumption rates by the culture at various FA and FNA levels, in the presence or absence of inorganic carbon (CO2, HCO3, and CO32-). It was revealed that FA of up to 16.0 mgNH(3)-N (.) L-1, which was the highest concentration used in this study, did not have any inhibitory effect on either the catabolic or anabolic processes of the Nitrosomonas culture. In contrast, FNA inhibited both the growth and energy production capabilities of the Nitrosomonas culture. The inhibition on growth initiated at approximately 0.10 mgHNO(2)-(NL-1)-L-., and the data suggested that the biosynthesis was completely stopped at an FNA concentration of 0.40 mgHNO(2)-N (.) L-1. The inhibition on energy generation initiated at a slightly lower level but the Nitrosomonas culture was still oxidizing ammonia at half of the maximum rate at an FNA concentration of 0.50-0.63 mgHNO(2)-N (.) L-1. The affinity constant of the Nitrosomonas culture with respect to ammonia was determined to be 0.36 mgNH3-N (.) L-1, independent of the presence or absence of inorganic carbon. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Separate treatment of dewatering liquor from anaerobic sludge digestion significantly reduces the nitrogen load of the main stream and improves overall nitrogen elimination. Such ammonium-rich wastewater is particularly suited to be treated by high rate processes which achieve a rapid elimination of nitrogen with a minimal COD requirement. Processes whereby ammonium is oxidised to nitrite only (nitritation) followed by denitritation with carbon addition can achieve this. Nitrogen removal by nitritation/denitritation was optimised using a novel SBR operation with continuous dewatering liquor addition. Efficient and robust nitrogen elimination was obtained at a total hydraulic retention time of 1 day via the nitrite pathway. Around 85-90% nitrogen removal was achieved at an ammonium loading rate of 1.2 g NH4+-N m(-3) d(-1). Ethanol was used as electron donor for denitritation at a ratio of 2.2gCODg(-1) N removed. Conventional nitritation/denitritation with rapid addition of the dewatering liquor at the beginning of the cycle often resulted in considerable nitric oxide (NO) accumulation during the anoxic phase possibly leading to unstable denitritation. Some NO production was still observed in the novel continuous mode, but denitritation was never seriously affected. Thus, process stability can be increased and the high specific reaction rates as well as the continuous feeding result in decreased reactor size for full-scale operation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Deterioration of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) has been linked to the proliferation of glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs), but few organisms possessing the GAO metabolic phenotype have been identified. An unidentified GAO was highly enriched in a laboratory-scale bioreactor and attempts to identify this organism using conventional 16S rRNA gene cloning had failed. Therefore, rRNA-based stable isotope probing followed by full-cycle rRNA analysis was used to specifically identify the putative GAOs based on their characteristic metabolic phenotype. The study obtained sequences from a group of Alphaproteobacteria not previously shown to possess the GAO phenotype, but 90% identical by 16S rRNA gene analysis to a phylogenetic clade containing cloned sequences from putative GAOs and the isolate Defluvicoccus vanus. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes (DF988 and DF1020) were designed to target the new group and post-FISH chemical staining demonstrated anaerobic-aerobic cycling of polyhydroxyalkanoates, as per the GAO phenotype. The successful use of probes DF988 and DF1020 required the use of unlabelled helper probes which increased probe signal intensity up to 6.6-fold, thus highlighting the utility of helper probes in FISH. The new group constituted 33% of all Bacteria in the lab-scale bioreactor from which they were identified and were also abundant (51 and 55% of Bacteria) in two other similar bioreactors in which phosphorus removal had deteriorated. Unlike the previously identified Defluvicoccus-related organisms, the group identified in this study were also found in two full-scale treatment plants performing EBPR, suggesting that this group may be industrially relevant.