984 resultados para science learning


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The article discusses project funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council which is designed to establish excellence in science learning and teaching in Australian universities. Six universities across the country were chosen for the initial implementation of the project. According to the article, during the duration of the project, leaders will undergo leadership training to equip them with skills necessary to foster change in classroom practices.


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Final report of the the Active Learning in University Science (ALIUS) project.

This project aims to establish a new direction in first year chemistry teaching – away from didactic teaching methods in large lecture style teaching to more active, student centred learning experiences. Initially six universities have been involved in practice-based innovation: Charles Sturt University (NSW), The University of Sydney (NSW), Curtin University of Technology (WA), The University of Adelaide (SA), Deakin University (Vic), University of Tasmania (Tas).

Three domains have been identified as the architecture upon which sustainable L&T innovation will be built. These domains include Learning and Teaching innovation in project leaders’ and colleagues’ classrooms, development of project leaders as Science Learning Leaders, and creation of a Science Learning Hub to serve as a locus and catalyst for the development of a science teaching community of practice.

Progress against specified outcomes and deliverables

Learning and Teaching Innovation

The purpose of this domain is to improve student learning, engagement, retention and performance in large chemistry classes through increased use of student-centred teaching practice.
• The Project is named: ALIUS (Active Learning in University Science) - Leading Change in Australian Science Teaching
• All six ALIUS universities have now implemented Teaching Innovation into ALIUS team member classrooms
• Chemistry colleagues at three ALIUS universities have now implemented Teaching Innovation into their classrooms
• The ALIUS member in physics has implemented Teaching Innovations into his classrooms
• Chemistry colleagues at three ALIUS institutions have tried some Teaching Innovations in their classrooms
• Non-chemistry colleagues at four ALIUS institutions have tried, or expressed an interest in trying, Teaching Innovations in their classrooms
• The POGIL method has proved to be a useful model for Teaching Innovation in the classroom
• Many classroom resources have been developed and used at several ALIUS institutions; some of these have been submitted to the ALIUS database for public access. The remainder will continue to submitted
• Two seminars about Teaching Innovation have been developed, critiqued, revised, and presented at five ALIUS universities and three non-ALIUS universities
• Particular issues associated with implementing Teaching Innovations in Australian classrooms have been identified and possible solutions developed
• ALIUS members have worked with Learning and Teaching Centres at their universities to share methods.

Developing Science Learning Leaders

The purpose of this domain is to develop leadership capacity in the project leaders to equip them with skills to lead change first at their institutions, followed by developing leaders and leading change at other local institutions
• ALIUS members participated in Leadership Professional Development sessions with Craig McInnis and Colin Mason; both these sessions were found to be valuable and provide context and direction for the members and the ALIUS team
• The passion of an ‘early adopter’ was found to be a significant element in each node of the distributed framework
• Members developed an awareness of the necessity to build both the ‘sense of urgency’ and the ‘guiding coalition’ at each node
• ALIUS found the success of the distributed framework is strongly influenced by the relational aspects of the team.

Create a Science Learning Hub

The online Hub serves as a local and national clearinghouse for development of institutional Learning Leaders and dissemination of L&T innovation.
• The ALIUS website is now active and being populated with resources
• The sharing resource database structure is finalised and being populated with contributed materials.

Lessons Learnt

In order to bring about change in teaching practice it is necessary to:
• demonstrate a convincing benefit to student learning
• show that beyond an initial input of effort classroom innovations will not take more time than what is now done
• maintain a prominent exposure among colleagues - repeatedly give seminars, workshops, and everyday conversations; talk about teaching innovation; talk about easy tools to use; invite people to your classroom; engage colleagues in regular peer review of classroom practice
• have support from people already present in leadership roles to lead change in teaching practice
• have a project leader, someone for whom the project is paramount and will push it forward
• find a project manager, even with money budgeted
• meet face-to-face.

• Seminars presented 19 times including over 400 individuals and more than 24 Australian universities
• Workshops presented 25 times, over 80 participants at 11 Australian and two New Zealand Universities
• Two articles published in Chemistry in Australia, the Australian Chemistry Industry Journal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute
• One refereed paper published in the Journal of Learning Design.


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In this chapter we lay out the principles of an approach to teaching and learning science based on student generation, negotiation and refinement of representations in a guided inquiry process. We first tell the story of how we developed this perspective, building on Chapters 1 and 2, and the research approach that led to these principles. The principles of the representation construction approach are described, then exemplified using detailed analysis of parts of classroom learning sequences on force, and substances. We then give examples of teacher responses and beliefs, and finally provide evidence of student conceptual, and meta-representational learning, from this approach.


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THIS STUDY INVESTIGATED THE teaching and learning approaches of three Victorian early childhood kindergarten teachers to science education, and how they used the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) to support them in the development of science in their curriculum. A qualitative, collective case study was designed to investigate how the participants introduced and explored science in their curriculum through two face-to-face individual, semi-structured interviews, separated by a week during which they completed a reflective journal focusing on science in their curriculum. The findings revealed teachers’ own negative school experiences of science education and an overall lack of confidence in their current science knowledge impacts on science in their curriculum. Conversely the findings also revealed instances of science learning anddiscovery, as well as a desire by the early childhood teachers to enhance science education in their curriculum


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The use of games as educational tools is common, however the effectiveness of games with educational purposes is still poorly known. In this study we evaluated three different low-cost teaching strategies make and play your own board game, just play an educational science game and make a poster to be exposed in the school regarding: (1) science learning; (2) use of deep learning strategies (DLS); and (3) intrinsic motivation. We tested the hypothesis that, in these three parameters evaluated, scores would be higher in the group that made and play their own game, followed respectively by the group that just played a game and the group that made a poster. The research involved 214 fifth-grade students from six elementary schools in Natal/RN. A group of students made and played their own science board game (N = 68), a second group played a science game (N = 75), and a third group made a poster to be exposed at school (N = 71). Our hypothesis was partly empirically supported, since there was no significant difference in science learning and in the use of DLS between the group that made their own game and the group that just played the game; however, both groups had significantly higher scores in science learning and in use of DLS than the group that made the poster. There was no significant difference in the scores of intrinsic motivation among the three experimental groups. Our results indicate that activities related to non-digital games can provide a favorable context for learning in the school environment. We conclude that the use of games for educational purposes (both making a game and just playing a game) is an efficient and viable alternative to teach science in Brazilian public school


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This work has as its theme the role of emotions and affectivity in learning, particularly in science learning, being developed from a literature review. We start from the idea that learning occurs through changes in the neural networks of each individual and that these changes are caused by a combination of genetic and biological factors also influenced by emotions and affectivity. We seek information on the functioning of the human brain, highlighting the neuroanatomy and neurocognition, to understand how the brain processes information, including the feelings and emotions experienced by the individual. Once we try to understand which roles are assigned to the feelings and emotions in different learning theories, emphasizing the cognitive and humanistic theories. Finally, we found some more recent contributions to the understanding of the learning process, to the field of neuroscience. We were led to conclude that there is great scope for research in applied neuroscience to education, since the work, especially in the national literature are still scarce


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Numa época em que nos regemos, cada vez mais, pela Ciência e Tecnologia é fundamental que os cidadãos estejam devidamente informados, exercendo uma cidadania plena, tomando decisões fundamentadas e intervindo na sociedade. Para viabilizar estes intentos, é importante que a educação científica se inicie nas escolas o mais cedo possível, para a edificação de futuros cidadãos cientificamente literatos. Apesar das dificuldades manifestadas pelos professores na implementação do ensino das Ciências nas escolas do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB), são várias as potencialidades que têm vindo a ser atribuídas a este campo curricular. Com este estudo pretendeu-se descrever e interpretar as conceções de ensino e aprendizagem de professores do 1.º CEB, no contexto do Programa de Formação em Ensino Experimental das Ciências (PFEEC), bem como averiguar como implementam as atividades práticas de índole experimental e investigativo em sala de aula, e quais as dificuldades sentidas durante a sua realização. Para atingir estas finalidades, utilizou-se uma abordagem metodológica de orientação interpretativa, de base naturalista, recorrendo-se ao método de estudo de casos múltiplos, fazendo-se uso de distintos instrumentos de recolha de dados: observação naturalista, entrevistas, notas de campo e documentos escritos. Participaram neste estudo três professoras do 1.º CEB, pertencentes a duas escolas do concelho de Faro. Os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria das conceções das professoras relativamente às categorias edificadas foram modificadas após a frequência do PFEEC. Contudo, outras aparentam estar fortemente enraizadas. Estas mudanças que ocorreram parecem estar relacionadas com a modificação das ações, atitudes e sentimentos das professoras que se coadunaram com a metodologia de trabalho defendida pelo PFEEC, culminando na modificação das suas práticas letivas. Durante a planificação e implementação das atividades as professoras manifestaram algumas dificuldades e constrangimentos. Todavia, no decorrer do PFEEC, estes obstáculos foram sendo minimizados; IMPACT OF A TRAINING PROGRAMME ON THE CONCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS ABSTRACT: In an era in which we are governed, more and more, by Science and Technology, it is fundamental that citizens are properly informed; exercising full citizenship; making fundamental decisions and intervening in society. To enable these intentions, it is important that scientific education takes place in schools as soon as possible, so as to edify future scientifically literate citizens. Despite the teachers' difficulties in implementing Science teaching in Primary Schools, there are many potentialities that have come to be attributed to this curricular field. This study is intended to describe and interpret science learning and teaching conceptions of the Primary School teachers, in the context of the Training Programme in Experimental Science Teaching (PFEEC), as well as determine how they implement the experimental science and inquiry based learning activities in the classroom, and take into account what experienced difficulties occur during their execution. To reach these goals, a methodological approach of interpretive orientation, on a naturalistic basis, using a method of multiple case study, by means of distinct data collection tools was used: naturalistic observation, interviews, field research notes and written documents. Three Primary School teachers of the municipality of Faro took part in this study. The results showed that the majority of the teachers' conceptions in relation to the edified categories were modified after the attendance of the PFEEC. However, others seem to be deeply rooted. These changes that occurred seem to be related to the modification of actions, attitudes and feelings of the teachers who complied with the work methodology defended by the PFEEC, culminating in the modification of their session practices. During the planning and implementation of the activities, the teachers showed some difficulties and constraints. Nevertheless, during the PFEEC, these obstacles were minimized.


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Teaching Primary Science Constructively helps readers to create effective science learning experiences for primary students by using a constructivist approach to learning. This chapter deals with the topic of Energy.