366 resultados para sailing


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The letter describes Eleanore Celeste's time away with her brother. She has spent her time canoeing, playing golf, dancing and plans to attend the movies. The next day is a sailing trip to see Plymouth Rock. The next week she will be in Connecticut and then home.


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The letter reads:"Daddy dearie I have been so blue and homesick to-day that I could have cried my eyes out. Oh! Sweetheart, will the time ever come for that ice breaker to go down? I love you so and miss you so that dearie me if I don't see you soon, I'll die. Please keep reminding Mr. Grogan to let me know when that boat goes, for if I should miss it, I would be distincted. And if you should hear of it's sailing, dear, you let me know, too. The way I talk anyone might think that I am having a very unpleasant visit. On the contrary, I am enjoying my little sojourn here very much. I am with the family most of the time and they are all perfectly wonderful to me. They can't do enough for me. Shower me with love all the time, but with it all there is that big, big desire to be with my Dadd. I want to be where my heart is - in Shelter Bay. I can hardly wait to hear about the house. Have they started the plastering yet? I forgot to tell you that I cannot find out whether or not that linoleum can be bought in Canada. I shall keep on making inquiries, tho, dear, and hope to hear something about it soon. Well Daddy my own, bye-bye for another time. Al the love in the world your little Bubbles."


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Letter to William Dickson from his niece Jane Hamilton. Jane thanks her uncle for his kind letter and the 50 pounds that he has sent her. The letter concerns family matters such as her nephew sailing for Calcutta and she assumes that Helen has heard about the death of her grandmother (3 ¼ pages, handwritten), Jan. 2, 1845.


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La thèse a été réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université Paul Céazanne (Aix Marseille III).


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Les vagues de bateau ajoutent une pression supplémentaire sur les berges de rivières et doivent être considérées dans les modèles de prédiction des taux de recul des berges. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner le rôle des vagues de bateau sur l’écoulement et le transport en suspension le long des berges en milieu fluvial. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous utilisons un transect perpendiculaire à la berge de quatre courantomètres électromagnétiques (ECMs) mesurant deux dimensions de l’écoulement et deux turbidimètres (OBSs) placés dos à dos, orientés vers la berge et le large pour mesurer les conditions moyennes et turbulentes de l’écoulement longitudinal et vertical ainsi que les flux de sédiments en suspension provoqués par les vagues. Une chaloupe à moteur de 16 pieds, équipée d’un moteur 40 hp, a été utilisée afin de générer des vagues. Nous avons mesuré l’effet de trois distances à partir de la berge (5, 10, 15 m) et trois vitesses de bateau (5, 15 et 25 km/h) et cinq répliques de chaque combinaison de distance et de vitesse ont été réalisées, totalisant 45 passages. Nous avons caractérisé la variabilité des conditions d’écoulement, de vagues et de transport de sédiments et nous avons réalisé des analyses spectrales afin de séparer les portions oscillatoire et turbulente de l’écoulement généré par les vagues de bateau. L’effet de la distance et de la vitesse du bateau sur le transport de sédiments est non-linéaire et la réponse sédimentaire induite par les passages de bateau montre une variabilité importante entre les répliques et les deux sondes OBS, ce qui suggère un changement morphologique induit par les vagues de bateau. Les corrélations entre les variables d’écoulement et de transport montrent l’importance des relations entre le cisaillement et la puissance de la portion turbulente de l’écoulement avec le transport de sédiments. Cette étude a permis de quantifier les relations entre la dynamique des vagues et les flux de concentrations de sédiments en suspension, ce qui représente une contribution importante au développement de mesures de mitigation dans les environnements fluviaux où les berges sont fragilisées par le trafic plaisancier.


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Nach 35 Jahren Entwicklungszeit wurde im Jahr 2004 in Shanghai die erste kommerzielle Anwendung des innovativen Magnetbahnsystems Transrapid in Betrieb genommen; in Deutschland konnte bislang keine Transrapid-Strecke realisiert werden, obwohl dieses System entsprechend den Ergebnissen einer vom damaligen Bundesverkehrsminister beauftragten Studie aus dem Jahr 1972 für den Einsatz in Deutschland entwickelt wurde. Beim Transrapid handelt es sich um eine echte Produkt-Innovation im Bahnverkehr und nicht um eine Weiterentwicklung oder Optimierung wie beim ICE, und ist somit als innovativer Verkehrsträger der Zukunft in die langfristige Entwicklung der Verkehrssysteme einzufügen. Die modernen HGV Bahnsysteme (Shinkansen/TGV/ICE) hingegen sind, ähnlich der Clipper in der Phase der Segelschifffahrt im Übergang zum Dampfschiff, letzte Abwehrentwicklungen eines am Zenit angekommenen Schienen-Verkehrssystems. Die Einführung von Innovationen in einen geschlossenen Markt stellt sich als schwierig dar, da sie zu einem Bruch innerhalb eines etablierten Systems führen. Somit wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit im ersten Teil der Themenkomplex Innovation und die Einordnung der Magnet-Schwebe-Technologie in diese langfristig strukturierten Abläufe untersucht und dargestellt. Das Transrapid-Projekt ist demzufolge in eine zeitstrukturelle Zyklizität einzuordnen, die dafür spricht, die Realisierung des Gesamtprojektes in eine Zeitspanne von 20 bis 30 Jahre zu verlagern. Im zweiten Teil wird auf der Basis einer regionalstrukturellen Analyse der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ein mögliches Transrapidnetz entworfen und die in diesem Netz möglichen Reisezeiten simuliert. Weiterhin werden die Veränderungen in den Erreichbarkeiten der einzelnen Regionen aufgrund ihrer Erschließung durch das Transrapidnetz simuliert und grafisch dargestellt. Die vorliegende Analyse der zeitlichen Feinstruktur eines perspektiven Transrapidnetzes ist ein modellhafter Orientierungsrahmen für die Objektivierung von Zeitvorteilen einer abgestimmten Infrastruktur im Vergleich zu real möglichen Reisezeiten innerhalb Deutschlands mit den gegebenen Verkehrsträgern Schiene, Straße, Luft. So würde der Einsatz des Transrapid auf einem entsprechenden eigenständigen Netz die dezentrale Konzentration von Agglomerationen in Deutschland fördern und im Durchschnitt annähernd 1 h kürzere Reisezeiten als mit den aktuellen Verkehrsträgern ermöglichen. Zusätzlich wird noch ein Ausblick über mögliche Realisierungsschritte eines Gesamtnetzes gegeben und die aufgetretenen Schwierigkeiten bei der Einführung des innovativen Verkehrssystems Transrapid dargestellt.


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La pérdida del litoral Boliviano en 1904, ha traído consigo, el aislamiento de procesos y fenómenos mundiales tales como la navegación y exploración libre de vías de comercio para la ampliación de sus intereses económicos y sociales, también ha deteriorado el ánimo de una nación que vive con la memoria de haber sido de algún modo víctima de un desfalco centenario. El diferendo de la región sur de Bolivia, es una de las situaciones políticas fronterizas que han ceñido a lo largo de la historia las relaciones bilaterales entre ambas naciones. Sin embargo, la dimensión del diferendo poco a poco se ha convertido en un asunto de política continental, debido a que muchas naciones en el mundo están de acuerdo en apoyar la devolución de una salida al mar para Bolivia. Lo que en un inicio fue un asunto bilateral, con el paso del tiempo se fue convirtiendo en un asunto multilateral y de importancia continental.


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The taxonomic status of Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann), C. havilandi Holmgren, C. travians (Haviland) and C. borneensis Oshima (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is revised. The apparent discrepancy between the reported importance of C. havitandi in countries to which it has been introduced and the region from which it originated is shown to be due to misidentification and taxonomic confusion between C. travians, C. havilandi and C. gestroi. Based on an examination of specimens from Southeast Asia, two species are recognized, namely C. gestroi and C. travians. Coptotermes havilandi, described from imagos, is shown to be the same species as C. gestro described earlier from the soldier caste, and is designated a junior synonym. Coptotermes gestroi occurs from Assam through Burma and Thailand to Malaysia and the Indonesian archipelago, and has been introduced into other geographic regions, including parts of North and South America and the Caribbean. It is frequently found damaging wood in buildings, and is often intercepted outside its range in cargo onboard ships and sailing vessels, which is a likely mechanism for its spread to new geographical areas. Coptotermes gestroi has been misidentified in much literature as C. travians. Conversely, C. travians has been misidentified in recent literature in Peninsular Malaysia as C. havilandi and was redescribed from Borneo as C. borneensis, which is here designated a junior synonym of C. travians. It has a known distribution from Peninsular Malaysia to Borneo, and has not been found infesting wood in buildings. It is envisaged that the resolution of this taxonomic problem will enable the deployment of common pest management strategies for C. gestro the primary pest species of Coptotermes originating from Southeast Asia.


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Esta Tese tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre as práticas de governança para Federações esportivas e a sua efetividade no Brasil, utilizando a Teoria dos Stakeholders e teorias sobre organizações esportivas. Ela sugere práticas de governança para as entidades esportivas que podem aumentar a sua efetividade - em um contexto em que o esporte é relevante para o Estado e a sociedade. São identificados os principais Stakeholders no esporte e em seguida apresentados parâmetros para uma boa governança, divididos nos campos: regulação, resultados, profissionalismo, transparência e participação. A confecção da presente Tese abrangeu uma pesquisa qualitativa, onde foram entrevistados 26 atores do mundo do esporte e analisados Estatutos e outros documentos de Confederações esportivas. Isso foi facilitado pelo envolvimento do autor com o assunto, pois exerce a direção de Federação Esportiva desde 2005 (Vice Presidente da Federação de Vela do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2005/2010 e Presidente da mesma entidade 2011/2012). A solução aqui proposta ajuda a conferir mais transparência e controle sobre as organizações esportivas, criando uma racionalidade instrumental que melhor atenda aos interesses objetivos do conjunto de seus Stakeholders.


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In the last decade the complexity of the environment in which organizations are embedded increased dramatically, having on one side the increasingly demanding consumers in regard to the quality and value of the product and the other companies with the need to reduce operating costs in order to achieve greater profitability, without this there is a downturn in growth or market share powers. In this context the necessity of effectively structuring actions relating to the line with the operational work processes so that business objectives are achieved organizational strategic planning, ensuring the competitiveness of the organization. This study aims to analyze how you have made the management of the supply chain in a grocery retailer in the light of guidelines of Supply Chain Management by using the SCOR model. For realization of this study a survey was needed, classified according to their goals, exploratory and descriptive as to its procedure, document, field and case study. Thus, the processing of data will be qualitative merit, using the thematic categorical analysis of Bardin (1977). Thus, to obtain data interviews together the operational and strategic management of a company that was named Supermarket Omega were performed. After analyzing the information obtained is perceived that there is an effort of the organization enhance its management of the supply chain. However, there is a lack of alignment between the various areas that compose it. About their work processes, we stress that the focus of the company is still very directed on sailing than profitability, although it is undergoing a transformation in its organizational culture However, records the existence of many improvement projects in developing. Thus, it can be noticed that there is some consistency between the assumptions of the SCOR model and applied within the supply chain Omega Supermarket, although a greater effort to better align with the model still needs to be studied


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Remote Communities. Absence of artifacts and minimization of the exacerbated consumption of modernity. The desire which spread beyond what reality can provide. Expressions like this are present in this paper which focus in the social representations of school built by residents who live at the riversides of Môa and Azul Rivers, in Mâncio Lima, Acre State. To do so, we used the methodological contribution of the semi-structured interview, observation of the place while a natural inhabitant of the region, and also photos analyses of local reality. A key feature of the riverside homes is the glued paper on the walls of houses forming a panel set of portraits, pictures, letters and numbers for all appreciated. Regardless of whether or not read, there is admiration for the color of the images, the layout of the letters, and the things of the city awakening the desire to obtain school knowledge. The resident of this Amazon region maintains a close relationship between thinking, acting and feeling living harmonically with nature that connects them to the ideal landscape which is revisited by the graphic material that attracts wondering what exists beyond the shores of the river, beyond the horizon of green forests. It is a life entirely accomplished by the imaginary where exist a framed landscape merged and confused by the real and the supernatural, in which men and gods walk together by the forest, sailing by the rivers and seek a possible aesthetic between the real and ideal. The Theory of Social Representations spread by Serge Moscovici (2005) and Jodelet (2001) guided our gaze on the understanding what the school is and its representation to the riversides, as well to reveal the relation they practice with the knowledge that is spread by the mystification and the knowledge that is practice daily. Based in Bardin s thematic analysis (2004) we tried to raise such contents combining them in five analysis categories


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Cuttings return analysis is an important tool to detect and prevent problems during the petroleum well drilling process. Several measurements and tools have been developed for drilling problems detection, including mud logging, PWD and downhole torque information. Cuttings flow meters were developed in the past to provide information regarding cuttings return at the shale shakers. Their use, however, significantly impact the operation including rig space issues, interferences in geological analysis besides, additional personel required. This article proposes a non intrusive system to analyze the cuttings concentration at the shale shakers, which can indicate problems during drilling process, such as landslide, the collapse of the well borehole walls. Cuttings images are acquired by a high definition camera installed above the shakers and sent to a computer coupled with a data analysis system which aims the quantification and closure of a cuttings material balance in the well surface system domain. No additional people at the rigsite are required to operate the system. Modern Artificial intelligence techniques are used for pattern recognition and data analysis. Techniques include the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), Artificial Neural Network using Multilayer Perceptrons (ANN-MLP), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and a Bayesian Classifier (BC). Field test results conducted on offshore floating vessels are presented. Results show the robustness of the proposed system, which can be also integrated with other data to improve the efficiency of drilling problems detection. Copyright 2010, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)