809 resultados para reverse-J shape


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We introduce a simple model for a biaxial nematic liquid crystal. This consists of hard spheroids that can switch shape between prolate (rodlike) and oblate (platelike) subject to an energy penalty Δε. The spheroids are approximated as hard Gaussian overlap particles and are treated at the level of Onsager's second-virial description. We use both bifurcation analysis and a numerical minimization of the free energy to show that, for additive particle shapes, (i) there is no stable biaxial phase even for Δε=0 (although there is a metastable biaxial phase in the same density range as the stable uniaxial phase) and (ii) the isotropic-to-nematic transition is into either one of two degenerate uniaxial phases, rod rich or plate rich. We confirm that even a small amount of shape nonadditivity may stabilize the biaxial nematic phase.


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Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil


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We show here a simplified RT-PCR for identification of dengue virus types 1 and 2. Five dengue virus strains, isolated from Brazilian patients, and yellow fever vaccine 17DD as a negative control, were used in this study. C6/36 cells were infected and supernatants were collected after 7 days. The RT-PCR, done in a single reaction vessel, was carried out following a 1/10 dilution of virus in distilled water or in a detergent mixture containing Nonidet P40. The 50 µl assay reaction mixture included 50 pmol of specific primers amplifying a 482 base pair sequence for dengue type 1 and 210 base pair sequence for dengue type 2. In other assays, we used dengue virus consensus primers having maximum sequence similarity to the four serotypes, amplifying a 511 base pair sequence. The reaction mixture also contained 0.1 mM of the four deoxynucleoside triphosphates, 7.5 U of reverse transcriptase, 1U of thermostable Taq DNA polymerase. The mixture was incubated for 5 minutes at 37ºC for reverse transcription followed by 30 cycles of two-step PCR amplification (92ºC for 60 seconds, 53ºC for 60 seconds) with slow temperature increment. The PCR products were subjected to 1.7% agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized by UV light after staining with ethidium bromide solution. Low virus titer around 10 3, 6 TCID50/ml was detected by RT-PCR for dengue type 1. Specific DNA amplification was observed with all the Brazilian dengue strains by using dengue virus consensus primers. As compared to other RT-PCRs, this assay is less laborious, done in a shorter time, and has reduced risk of contamination


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Screening blood donations for anti-HCV antibodies and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) serum levels generally prevents the transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) by transfusion. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) screening policy in identifying potentially infectious blood donors capable to transmit hepatitis C through blood transfusion. We have used a reverse transcriptase (RT)-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to investigate the presence of HCV-RNA in blood donors. The prevalence of HCV-RNA positive individuals was compared with the recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA-2) results in order to assess the usefulness of both tests as confirmatory assays. Both tests results were also compared with the EIA-2 OD/C ratio (optical densities of the samples divided by the cut off value). ALT results were expressed as the ALT quotient (qALT), calculated dividing the ALT value of the samples by the maximum normal value (53UI/l) for the method. Donors (n=178) were divided into five groups according to their EIA anti-HCV status and qALT: group A (EIA > or = 3, ALT<1), group B (EIA > or = 3, ALT>1), group C (1<=EIA<3, ALT<1), group D (1<=EIA<3, ALT>1) and group E (EIA<=0.7). HCV sequences were detected by RT-nested PCR, using primers for the most conserved region of viral genome. RIBA-2 was applied to the same samples. In group A (n=6), all samples were positive by RT-nested PCR and RIBA-2. Among 124 samples in group B, 120 (96.8%) were RIBA-2 positive and 4 (3.2%) were RIBA-2 indeterminate but were seropositive for antigen c22.3. In group B, 109 (87.9%) of the RIBA-2 positive samples were also RT-nested PCR positive, as well as were all RIBA-2 indeterminate samples. In group C, all samples (n=9) were RT-nested PCR negative: 4 (44.4%) were also RIBA-2 negative, 4 (44.4%) were RIBA-2 positive and 1 (11.1%) was RIBA-2 indeterminate. HCV-RNA was detected by RT-nested PCR in 3 (37.5%) out of 8 samples in group D. Only one of them was also RIBA-2 positive, all the others were RIBA-2 indeterminate. All of the group E samples (controls) were RT- nested PCR and RIBA-2 negative. Our study suggests a strong relation between anti-HCV EIA-2 ratio > or = 3 and detectable HCV-RNA by RT-nested PCR. We have also noted that blood donors with RIBA-2 indeterminate presented a high degree of detectable HCV-RNA using RT-nested PCR (75%), especially when the c22.3 band was detected.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotypic resistance profiles of HIV-1 in children failing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Forty-one children (median age = 67 months) receiving HAART were submitted to genotypic testing when virological failure was detected. cDNA was extracted from PBMCs and amplified by nested PCR for the reverse transcriptase and protease regions of the pol gene. Drug resistance genotypes were determined from DNA sequencing. According to the genotypic analysis, 12/36 (33.3%) and 6/36 (16.6%) children showed resistance and possible resistance, respectively, to ZDV; 5/36 (14%) and 4/36 (11.1%), respectively, showed resistance and possible resistance to ddI; 4/36 (11.1%) showed resistance to 3TC and D4T; and 3/36 (8.3%) showed resistance to Abacavir. A high percentage (54%) of children exhibited mutations conferring resistance to NNRTI class drugs. Respective rates of resistance and possible resistance to PIs were: RTV (12.2%, 7.3%); APV (2.4%, 12.1%); SQV(0%, 12.1%); IDV (14.6%, 4.9%), NFV (22%, 4.9%), LPV/RTV (2.4%, 12.1%). Overall, 37/41 (90%) children exhibited virus with mutations related to drug resistance, while 9% exhibited resistance to all three antiretroviral drug classes.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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INTRODUCTION: Left ventricular reverse remodeling (LVRR), defined as reduction of end-diastolic and end-systolic dimensions and improvement of ejection fraction, is associated with the prognostic implications of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). The time course of LVRR remains poorly characterized. Nevertheless, it has been suggested that it occurs ≤6 months after CRT. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the long-term echocardiographic and clinical evolution of patients with LVRR occurring >6 months after CRT and to identify predictors of a delayed LVRR response. METHODS: A total of 127 consecutive patients after successful CRT implantation were divided into three groups according to LVRR response: Group A, 19 patients (15%) with LVRR after >6 months (late LVRR); Group B, 58 patients (46%) with LVRR before 6 months (early LVRR); and Group C, 50 patients (39%) without LVRR during follow-up (no LVRR). RESULTS: The late LVRR group was older, more often had ischemic etiology and fewer patients were in NYHA class ≤II. Overall, group A presented LVRR between group B and C. This was also the case with the percentage of clinical response (68.4% vs. 94.8% vs. 38.3%, respectively, p<0.001), and hospital readmissions due to decompensated heart failure (31.6% vs. 12.1% vs. 57.1%, respectively, p<0.001). Ischemic etiology (OR 0.044; p=0.013) and NYHA functional class


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Reverse Mortgage é um tipo de produto financeiro já comercializado em vários países (EUA, Reino Unido, Austrália, Espanha, etc.) mas que não teve ainda visibilidade em Portugal. Destina-se a pessoas com mais de 65 anos, com habitação própria e livres de encargos com a mesma, que pretendam obter um rendimento extra, dando a sua casa como garantia. Na contratação de uma Reverse Mortgage, os proprietários podem receber um montante inicial e/ou uma renda até ao final das suas vidas, mantendo o usufruto da habitação. No momento da morte, o valor da venda do imóvel é utilizado para pagar o empréstimo contraído. Assim, Reverse Mortgage permite reestabelecer ou reforçar a autonomia financeira de pessoas que, durante a sua vida activa, constituíram património mas que, por algum motivo, perderam poder económico ou se encontram actualmente com dificuldades financeiras e que não estão, no entanto, dispostas a desfazer-se da sua habitação para fazer face aos seus compromissos. Nesta dissertação pretende estudar-se a possibilidade de implementação em Portugal desta solução de hipoteca e analisar do ponto de vista actuarial as diferentes variáveis associadas a este produto, nomeadamente os montantes a receber pelo mutuário.


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Shape memory alloys are characterized by the ability of recovering their initial shape after being deformed and by superelasticity. Since the discovery of these alloys, a new field of interest emerged not only for the scientific community but also to many industries. However, these alloys present poor machinability which constitute a constrain in the design of complex components for new applications. Thus, the demand for joining techniques able to join these alloys without compromising their properties became of great importance to enlarge the complexity of existing applications. Literature shows that these alloys are joined mainly using laser welding. In the present study, similar NiTi butt joints, were produced using TIG welding. The welds were performed in 1.5 mm thick plates across the rolling direction. A special fixture and gas assist device was designed and manufactured. Also a robot arm was adapted to accommodate the welding torch to assure the repeatability of the welding parameters. Welds were successfully achieved without macroscopic defects, such as pores and distortions. Very superficial oxidation was seen on the top surface due to insufficient shielding gas flow on the weld face. The welded joints were mechanically tested and structurally characterized. Testing methods were used to evaluate macro and microstructure, as well as the phase transformation temperatures, the mechanical single and cyclic behaviour and the shape recovery ability. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), microhardness measurements were techniques also used to evaluate the welded joints. A depletion in Ni in the fusion zone was seen, as well as a shift in Ms temperature. For strain values of 4% the accumulated irrecoverable strain was of about 30% and increased with the strain imposed during cycling. Nevertheless, a complete recovery of initial shape was observed when testing the shape memory effect on a dedicated device that introduces a deformation of 6.7%. That is, the welding procedure does not remove the ability of the specimens to recover their initial shape.


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A potentially renewable and sustainable source of energy is the chemical energy associated with solvation of salts. Mixing of two aqueous streams with different saline concentrations is spontaneous and releases energy. The global theoretically obtainable power from salinity gradient energy due to World’s rivers discharge into the oceans has been estimated to be within the range of 1.4-2.6 TW. Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is one of the emerging, membrane-based, technologies for harvesting the salinity gradient energy. A common RED stack is composed by alternately-arranged cation- and anion-exchange membranes, stacked between two electrodes. The compartments between the membranes are alternately fed with concentrated (e.g., sea water) and dilute (e.g., river water) saline solutions. Migration of the respective counter-ions through the membranes leads to ionic current between the electrodes, where an appropriate redox pair converts the chemical salinity gradient energy into electrical energy. Given the importance of the need for new sources of energy for power generation, the present study aims at better understanding and solving current challenges, associated with the RED stack design, fluid dynamics, ionic mass transfer and long-term RED stack performance with natural saline solutions as feedwaters. Chronopotentiometry was used to determinate diffusion boundary layer (DBL) thickness from diffusion relaxation data and the flow entrance effects on mass transfer were found to avail a power generation increase in RED stacks. Increasing the linear flow velocity also leads to a decrease of DBL thickness but on the cost of a higher pressure drop. Pressure drop inside RED stacks was successfully simulated by the developed mathematical model, in which contribution of several pressure drops, that until now have not been considered, was included. The effect of each pressure drop on the RED stack performance was identified and rationalized and guidelines for planning and/or optimization of RED stacks were derived. The design of new profiled membranes, with a chevron corrugation structure, was proposed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. The performance of the suggested corrugation geometry was compared with the already existing ones, as well as with the use of conductive and non-conductive spacers. According to the estimations, use of chevron structures grants the highest net power density values, at the best compromise between the mass transfer coefficient and the pressure drop values. Finally, long-term experiments with natural waters were performed, during which fouling was experienced. For the first time, 2D fluorescence spectroscopy was used to monitor RED stack performance, with a dedicated focus on following fouling on ion-exchange membrane surfaces. To extract relevant information from fluorescence spectra, parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) was performed. Moreover, the information obtained was then used to predict net power density, stack electric resistance and pressure drop by multivariate statistical models based on projection to latent structures (PLS) modeling. The use in such models of 2D fluorescence data, containing hidden, but extractable by PARAFAC, information about fouling on membrane surfaces, considerably improved the models fitting to the experimental data.


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Bioactive glass nanoparticles (BGNPs) promote an apatite surface layer in physiologic conditions that lead to a good interfacial bonding with bone.1 A strategy to induce bioactivity in non-bioactive polymeric biomaterials is to incorporate BGNPs in the polymer matrix. This combination creates a nanocomposite material with increased osteoconductive properties. Chitosan (CHT) is a polymer obtained by deacetylation of chitin and is biodegradable, non-toxic and biocompatible. The combination of CHT and the BGNPs aims at designing biocompatible spheres promoting the formation of a calcium phosphate layer at the nanocomposite surface, thus enhancing the osteoconductivity behaviour of the biomaterial. Shape memory polymers (SMP) are stimuli-responsive materials that offer mechanical and geometrical action triggered by an external stimulus.2 They can be deformed and fixed into a temporary shape which remains stable unless exposed to a proper stimulus that triggers recovery of their original shape. This advanced functionality makes such SMPs suitable to be implanted using minimally invasive surgery procedures. Regarding that, the inclusion of therapeutic molecules becomes attractive.  We propose the synthesis of shape memory bioactive nanocomposite spheres with drug release capability.3   1.  L. L. Hench, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 1993, 72, 93-98. 2.  A. Lendlein and S. Kelch, Angew Chem Int Edit, 2002, 41, 2034-2057. 3.  Ã . J. Leite, S. G. Caridade and J. F. Mano, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (in Press)


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The MAP-i Doctoral Program of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto