982 resultados para reflector antennas


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Among the branches of astronomy, radio astronomy is unique in that it spans the largest portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, e.g., from about 10 MHz to 300 GHz. On the other hand, due to scientific priorities as well as technological limitations, radio astronomy receivers have traditionally covered only about an octave bandwidth. This approach of "one specialized receiver for one primary science goal" is, however, not only becoming too expensive for next-generation radio telescopes comprising thousands of small antennas, but also is inadequate to answer some of the scientific questions of today which require simultaneous coverage of very large bandwidths.

This thesis presents significant improvements on the state of the art of two key receiver components in pursuit of decade-bandwidth radio astronomy: 1) reflector feed antennas; 2) low-noise amplifiers on compound-semiconductor technologies. The first part of this thesis introduces the quadruple-ridged flared horn, a flexible, dual linear-polarization reflector feed antenna that achieves 5:1-7:1 frequency bandwidths while maintaining near-constant beamwidth. The horn is unique in that it is the only wideband feed antenna suitable for radio astronomy that: 1) can be designed to have nominal 10 dB beamwidth between 30 and 150 degrees; 2) requires one single-ended 50 Ohm low-noise amplifier per polarization. Design, analysis, and measurements of several quad-ridged horns are presented to demonstrate its feasibility and flexibility.

The second part of the thesis focuses on modeling and measurements of discrete high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) and their applications in wideband, extremely low-noise amplifiers. The transistors and microwave monolithic integrated circuit low-noise amplifiers described herein have been fabricated on two state-of-the-art HEMT processes: 1) 35 nm indium phosphide; 2) 70 nm gallium arsenide. DC and microwave performance of transistors from both processes at room and cryogenic temperatures are included, as well as first-reported measurements of detailed noise characterization of the sub-micron HEMTs at both temperatures. Design and measurements of two low-noise amplifiers covering 1--20 and 8—50 GHz fabricated on both processes are also provided, which show that the 1--20 GHz amplifier improves the state of the art in cryogenic noise and bandwidth, while the 8--50 GHz amplifier achieves noise performance only slightly worse than the best published results but does so with nearly a decade bandwidth.


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We have investigated the damage for ZrO2/SiO2 800 nm 45 degrees high-reflection mirror with femtosecond pulses. The damage morphologies and the evolution of ablation crater depths with laser fluences are dramatically different from that with pulse longer than a few tens of picoseconds. The ablation in multilayers occurs layer by layer, and not continuously as in the case of bulk single crystalline or amorphous materials. The weak point in damage is the interface between two layers. We also report its single-short damage thresholds for pulse durations ranging from 50 to 900 fs, which departs from the diffusion-dominated tau(1/2)(p) scaling. A developed avalanche model, including the production of conduction band electrons (CBE) and laser energy deposition, is applied to study the damage mechanisms. The theoretical results agree well with our measurements. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The first part of this work describes the uses of aperiodic structures in optics and integrated optics. In particular, devices are designed, fabricated, tested and analyzed which make use of a chirped grating corrugation on the surface of a dielectric waveguide. These structures can be used as input-output couplers, multiplexers and demultiplexers, and broad band filters.

Next, a theoretical analysis is made of the effects of a random statistical variation in the thicknesses of layers in a dielectric mirror on its reflectivity properties. Unlike the intentional aperiodicity introduced in the chirped gratings, the aperiodicity in the Bragg reflector mirrors is unintentional and is present to some extent in all devices made. The analysis involved in studying these problems relies heavily on the coupled mode formalism. The results are compared with computer experiments, as well as tests of actual mirrors.

The second part of this work describes a novel method for confining light in the transverse direction in an injection laser. These so-called transverse Bragg reflector lasers confine light normal to the junction plane in the active region, through reflection from an adjacent layered medium. Thus, in principle, it is possible to guide light in a dielectric layer whose index is lower than that of the surrounding material. The design, theory and testing of these diode lasers are discussed.


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The evolution of nonlinear light fields traveling inside a resonantly absorbing Bragg reflector is studied by use of Maxwell-Bloch equations. Numerical results show that a pulse initially resembling a light bullet may effectively experience negative refraction and anomalous dispersion in the resonantly absorbing Bragg reflector. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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A novel design for dielectric anisotropic mirrors with birefringent thin films for normal incidence is presented. This mirror consists of a stack of quarter-wave biaxial layers. The biaxial anisotropic layers can be fabricated by oblique deposition. The reflectance is different for two linear polarizations of light incidence on the mirrors. As a numerical example, the design is carried out on glass with TiO2 and ZrO2. These thin films could be applied to anisotropic reflective devices for lasers.


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HfO2 single layers, 800 run high-reflective (HR) coating, and 1064 ran HR coating were prepared by electron-beam evaporation. The laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDTs) and damage morphologies of these samples were investigated with single-pulse femtosecond and nanosecond lasers. It is found that the LIDT of the HfO2 single layer is higher than the HfO2-SiO2 HR coating in the femtosecond regime, while the situation is opposite in the nanosecond regime. Different damage mechanisms are applied to study this phenomenon. Damage morphologies of all samples due to different laser irradiations are displayed. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.