976 resultados para quadratic polynomial


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In this paper, we present a wavelet - based approach to solve the non-linear perturbation equation encountered in optical tomography. A particularly suitable data gathering geometry is used to gather a data set consisting of differential changes in intensity owing to the presence of the inhomogeneous regions. With this scheme, the unknown image, the data, as well as the weight matrix are all represented by wavelet expansions, thus yielding the representation of the original non - linear perturbation equation in the wavelet domain. The advantage in use of the non-linear perturbation equation is that there is no need to recompute the derivatives during the entire reconstruction process. Once the derivatives are computed, they are transformed into the wavelet domain. The purpose of going to the wavelet domain, is that, it has an inherent localization and de-noising property. The use of approximation coefficients, without the detail coefficients, is ideally suited for diffuse optical tomographic reconstructions, as the diffusion equation removes most of the high frequency information and the reconstruction appears low-pass filtered. We demonstrate through numerical simulations, that through solving merely the approximation coefficients one can reconstruct an image which has the same information content as the reconstruction from a non-waveletized procedure. In addition we demonstrate a better noise tolerance and much reduced computation time for reconstructions from this approach.


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Darken's quadratic formalism is extended to multicomponent solutions. Equations are developed for the representation of the integral and partial excess free energies, entropies and enthalpies in dilute multicomponent solutions. Quadratic formalism applied to multicomponent solutions is thermodynamically consistent. The formalism is compared with the conventional second order Maclaurin series or interaction parameter representation and the relations between them are derived. Advantages of the quadratic formalism are discussed.


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High-speed evaluation of a large number of linear, quadratic, and cubic expressions is very important for the modeling and real-time display of objects in computer graphics. Using VLSI techniques, chips called pixel planes have actually been built by H. Fuchs and his group to evaluate linear expressions. In this paper, we describe a topological variant of Fuchs' pixel planes which can evaluate linear, quadratic, cubic, and higher-order polynomials. In our design, we make use of local interconnections only, i.e., interconnections between neighboring processing cells. This leads to the concept of tiling the processing cells for VLSI implementation.


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A linear state feedback gain vector used in the control of a single input dynamical system may be constrained because of the way feedback is realized. Some examples of feedback realizations which impose constraints on the gain vector are: static output feedback, constant gain feedback for several operating points of a system, and two-controller feedback. We consider a general class of problems of stabilization of single input dynamical systems with such structural constraints and give a numerical method to solve them. Each of these problems is cast into a problem of solving a system of equalities and inequalities. In this formulation, the coefficients of the quadratic and linear factors of the closed-loop characteristic polynomial are the variables. To solve the system of equalities and inequalities, a continuous realization of the gradient projection method and a barrier method are used under the homotopy framework. Our method is illustrated with an example for each class of control structure constraint.


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We report large quadratic nonlinearity in a series of 1:1 molecular complexes between methyl substituted benzene donors and quinone acceptors in solution. The first hyperpolarizability, beta(HRS), which is very small for the individual components, becomes large by intermolecular charge transfer (CT) interaction between the donor and the acceptor in the complex. In addition, we have investigated the geometry of these CT complexes in solution using polarization resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS). Using linearly (electric field vector along X direction) and circularly polarized incident light, respectively, we have measured two macroscopic depolarization ratios D = I-2 omega,I-X,I-X/I-2 omega,I-Z,I-X and D' = I-2 omega,I-X,I-C/I-2 omega,I-Z,I-C in the laboratory fixed XYZ frame by detecting the second harmonic scattered light in a polarization resolved fashion. The experimentally obtained first hyperpolarizability, beta(HRS), and the value of macroscopic depolarization ratios, D and D', are then matched with the theoretically deduced values from single and double configuration interaction calculations performed using the Zerner's intermediate neglect of differential overlap self-consistent reaction field technique. In solution, since several geometries are possible, we have carried out calculations by rotating the acceptor moiety around three different axes keeping the donor molecule fixed at an optimized geometry. These rotations give us the theoretical beta(HRS), D and D' values as a function of the geometry of the complex. The calculated beta(HRS), D, and D' values that closely match with the experimental values, give the dominant equilibrium geometry in solution. All the CT complexes between methyl benzenes and chloranil or 1,2-dichloro-4,5-dicyano-p-benzoquinone investigated here are found to have a slipped parallel stacking of the donors and the acceptors. Furthermore, the geometries are staggered and in some pairs, a twist angle as high as 30 degrees is observed. Thus, we have demonstrated in this paper that the polarization resolved HRS technique along with theoretical calculations can unravel the geometry of CT complexes in solution. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3514922]


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In this paper, we have computed the quadratic nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of a class of weak charge transfer (CT) complexes. These weak complexes are formed when the methyl substituted benzenes (donors) are added to strong acceptors like chloranil (CHL) or di-chloro-di-cyano benzoquinone (DDQ) in chloroform or in dichloromethane. The formation of such complexes is manifested by the presence of a broad absorption maximum in the visible range of the spectrum where neither the donor nor the acceptor absorbs. The appearance of this visible band is due to CT interactions, which result in strong NLO responses. We have employed the semiempirical intermediate neglect of differential overlap (INDO/S) Hamiltonian to calculate the energy levels of these CT complexes using single and double configuration interaction (SDCI). The solvent effects are taken into account by using the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) scheme. The geometry of the complex is obtained by exploring different relative molecular geometries by rotating the acceptor with respect to the fixed donor about three different axes. The theoretical geometry that best fits the experimental energy gaps, beta(HRS) and macroscopic depolarization ratios is taken to be the most probable geometry of the complex. Our studies show that the most probable geometry of these complexes in solution is the parallel displaced structure with a significant twist in some cases. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3526748]


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We consider the following question: Let S (1) and S (2) be two smooth, totally-real surfaces in C-2 that contain the origin. If the union of their tangent planes is locally polynomially convex at the origin, then is S-1 boolean OR S-2 locally polynomially convex at the origin? If T (0) S (1) a (c) T (0) S (2) = {0}, then it is a folk result that the answer is yes. We discuss an obstruction to the presumed proof, and provide a different approach. When dim(R)(T0S1 boolean AND T0S2) = 1, we present a geometric condition under which no consistent answer to the above question exists. We then discuss conditions under which we can expect local polynomial convexity.


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This study aims to determine optimal locations of dual trailing-edge flaps and blade stiffness to achieve minimum hub vibration levels in a helicopter, with low penalty in terms of required trailing-edge flap control power. An aeroelastic analysis based on finite elements in space and time is used in conjunction with an optimal control algorithm to determine the flap time history for vibration minimization. Using the aeroelastic analysis, it is found that the objective functions are highly nonlinear and polynomial response surface approximations cannot describe the objectives adequately. A neural network is then used for approximating the objective functions for optimization. Pareto-optimal points minimizing both helicopter vibration and flap power ale obtained using the response surface and neural network metamodels. The two metamodels give useful improved designs resulting in about 27% reduction in hub vibration and about 45% reduction in flap power. However, the design obtained using response surface is less sensitive to small perturbations in the design variables.


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Let G be an undirected graph with a positive real weight on each edge. It is shown that the number of minimum-weight cycles of G is bounded above by a polynomial in the number of edges of G. A similar bound holds if we wish to count the number of cycles with weight at most a constant multiple of the minimum weight of a cycle of G.


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Let K be any quadratic field with O-K its ring of integers. We study the solutions of cubic equations, which represent elliptic curves defined over Q, in quadratic fields and prove some interesting results regarding the solutions by using elementary tools. As an application we consider the Diophantine equation r + s + t = rst = 1 in O-K. This Diophantine equation gives an elliptic curve defined over Q with finite Mordell-Weil group. Using our study of the solutions of cubic equations in quadratic fields we present a simple proof of the fact that except for the ring of integers of Q(i) and Q(root 2), this Diophantine equation is not solvable in the ring of integers of any other quadratic fields, which is already proved in [4].


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The paper deals with the existence of a quadratic Lyapunov function V = x′P(t)x for an exponentially stable linear system with varying coefficients described by the vector differential equation S0305004100044777_inline1 The derivative dV/dt is allowed to be strictly semi-(F) and the locus dV/dt = 0 does not contain any arc of the system trajectory. It is then shown that the coefficient matrix A(t) of the exponentially stable sy


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We explore a pseudodynamic form of the quadratic parameter update equation for diffuse optical tomographic reconstruction from noisy data. A few explicit and implicit strategies for obtaining the parameter updates via a semianalytical integration of the pseudodynamic equations are proposed. Despite the ill-posedness of the inverse problem associated with diffuse optical tomography, adoption of the quadratic update scheme combined with the pseudotime integration appears not only to yield higher convergence, but also a muted sensitivity to the regularization parameters, which include the pseudotime step size for integration. These observations are validated through reconstructions with both numerically generated and experimentally acquired data. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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Polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) with Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) is employed for calculating the vibrational frequencies of an inviscid incompressible fluid partially filled in a rectangular tank with and without a baffle. Vibration frequencies of the coupled system are described through their projections on the PCE which uses orthogonal basis functions. PCE coefficients are evaluated using LHS. Convergence on the coefficient of variation is used to find the orthogonal polynomial basis function order which is employed in PCE. It is observed that the dispersion in the eigenvalues is more in the case of a rectangular tank with a baffle. The accuracy of the PCE method is verified with standard MCS results and is found to be more efficient.


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We address the problem of local-polynomial modeling of smooth time-varying signals with unknown functional form, in the presence of additive noise. The problem formulation is in the time domain and the polynomial coefficients are estimated in the pointwise minimum mean square error (PMMSE) sense. The choice of the window length for local modeling introduces a bias-variance tradeoff, which we solve optimally by using the intersection-of-confidence-intervals (ICI) technique. The combination of the local polynomial model and the ICI technique gives rise to an adaptive signal model equipped with a time-varying PMMSE-optimal window length whose performance is superior to that obtained by using a fixed window length. We also evaluate the sensitivity of the ICI technique with respect to the confidence interval width. Simulation results on electrocardiogram (ECG) signals show that at 0dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), one can achieve about 12dB improvement in SNR. Monte-Carlo performance analysis shows that the performance is comparable to the basic wavelet techniques. For 0 dB SNR, the adaptive window technique yields about 2-3dB higher SNR than wavelet regression techniques and for SNRs greater than 12dB, the wavelet techniques yield about 2dB higher SNR.