785 resultados para public learning space
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Este estudo consiste na investigação das representações sociais de alunas da 8ª série do ensino fundamental sobre o fenômeno bullying e suas implicações no processo de escolarização. O problema da pesquisa teve como foco as representações sociais das alunas sobre o bullying. Os sujeitos são estudantes do sexo feminino, com idade entre 13 e 18 anos, regularmente matriculadas em três turmas da 8ª série do ensino fundamental de uma escola da rede estadual de ensino. O lócus da pesquisa foi uma instituição de ensino fundamental e médio da rede pública estadual do município de Castanhal, localizado na região nordeste do estado do Pará. Os objetivos do estudo foram os seguintes: a) Identificar e caracterizar, a partir do pensamento consensual de jovens do ensino fundamental, as imagens e os significados que elas possuem sobre as intimidações, agressões e /ou assédio, caracterizados como bullying; b) Verificar em que situações o bullying ocorre e quais as formas utilizadas com maior frequência entre as alunas; c) Destacar as causas que concorrem para a afirmação de práticas de bullying no ambiente escolar e suas consequências; d) Destacar as percepções das alunas sobre as implicações decorrentes do bullying no processo de escolarização; e) Evidenciar as objetivações e as ancoragens que compõem o processo de construção das RS de jovens sobre o bullying. O estudo teve uma abordagem qualitativa e teve como referencial teórico a Teoria das Representações Sociais de Moscovici (1978) e jodelet (2001). Dentre os referenciais teóricos utilizados constam: Abramavay, 2003; Beaudoin e Taylor (2006), Boneti e Priotto (2009) Constantine (2004) Fante (2005), Lopes Neto e Saavedra (2003) Nascimento (2006; 2011), Middelton-Moz e Zawadski (2007), e Silva (2010). Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta dos dados foram o questionário semi-estruturado e a entrevista grupal. O tratamento dos dados pautou-se na análise de conteúdo de acordo com a abordagem proposta por Franco (2003). Os resultados assinalaram que as representações sociais das alunas sobre o bullying, constituíram-se em maus tratos, cuja imagem se assenta em condutas de agressão verbal, psicológica e física; Ameaça e invisibilidade, na qual a imagem se constitui pelos elementos, diferença, intolerância, desrespeito, inveja, competição e rivalidade; Contradição que corresponde à imagem da escola como um espaço de aprendizagem que se fragiliza e se descaracteriza diante da disseminação da violência e; Educação familiar e escolar que corresponde a imagem do papel da família e da escola como instâncias que partilham a responsabilidade pela orientação e formação dos alunos. As implicações escolares evidenciadas a partir das representações sociais das estudantes sobre o bullying, relacionam-se à uma série de repercussões negativas no processo de escolarização, dentre as quais: dificuldades de aprendizagem, queda do rendimento escolar, absenteísmo e evasão escolar.
The present work discuss the reproduction of the social relations from the point of view of the new urban production relations - having as empirical universe for analysis-, the Itaquera district in the Sao Paulo metropolis, with the advent of the World Cup in Brazil. Starting with the reading of a reality in movement, in which the analysis walks covering the dialectic relationship between space and society, where the first is translated into product and life reproduction condition, aiming to unveil the metamorphoses that will take place in the urban space with its consequent contradiction, what it may be the expanded capital reproduction concomitantly with the process that denounces a spoliation movement of the social space. With the society approval before these big architectural projects enabled by ideology, it’s determined the (re) production of artificial spaces of consumption, funded for the capital extension. The current stage that the capitalism reveals a space turned into mass consumption merchandise, consequence of the victory of the exchange value over the usage value, amalgamated in positive measures of expulsion/sweeping of low income socio-economic layers
We know that studies on reading and writing take place within the Linguistic for several decades and, with de computer, the language entered the network and this is opening a learning space for writing classes, no more reduced to a classroom but expanded to a universe that has no geographical boundaries, namely de Internet. Our research fits into this context and is part of the project The discourse on writing practices in contemporary Brazilian media: the art making, the pedagogical practice, and the production of meaning to develop discourse analysis on the practice of writing on sites dedicated to teaching and learning of this practice. The main objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between school attendance of redaction - made here as discourse gender, as you know Bakhtin - and the discourse of the sites that constitute our corpus. We set out the hypothesis that the sites are intended for the teaching/learning of writing seeking to create virtually teaching imaginarily conditions similar to those that exist in school attendance of the Portuguese language. We are interested in, therefore, observe, discursively, as the image is created of the interlocutors to which they are intended considering that the enunciators are not in front of those who occupy the place of real students, because they are virtual students. We, too, to know as the gender class manifested itself in those sites, as these sites dialogue with the face-to-face class in relation to ideology, the function of the teacher, the conception of language and writing. The constitution of the corpus was from search tools on the internet. The sites that we analyzed were: alunosonline.com.br, brasilescola.com.br, coladaweb.com.br, guiadoestudante.com.br, infoescola.com.br, mundoeducação.com.br, mundovestibular.com.br, português.com.br, professorjuscelino.com.br and redaçãodissertativa.com.br. The selection was qualitative, considering the...
The changes on learning space where Dentistry Students stay in front of social reality, by university extension, represent a strategy to form dentists according to Brazilian Curricular Directresses. In Araçatuba Dental School (FOA-UNESP), one of alternatives to add students on real locals of dentistry practices is the “Always Smiling Project – Dental Attention for institutionalized elderly in Araçatuba City, São Paulo State – Brazil”. The aim of this study was to verify the self-perception of dentistry students about aging before and after participation in this Project during one school year. To data collection, an instrument with 3 opened questions was performed and applied on 45 students, in the beginning of activities in 2009 and after 8 months. The answers were analyzed by content categorization. The results showed that the perception of students about old people was negative relating them with frail person that needs help and the students’ expectations were higher about clinical aspects of attention. In the end of school year was clear the difference of students’ comprehension about aging and their thoughts demonstrated the empathy resulting from relation. Besides, students related knowledge gain and noted that health attention involve others aspects that are over than biological space. It was possible to conclude that insertion of students in “Always Smiling” contributed to reflection and learn about aging process and suggest that practices like these should be added in Brazilian Universities.
The study presents the application of an ergonomic method based on graphical mesh, created to analyze the attributes of public open space and that influence on their usability. It was based on DePAN method, created to classify the service level offered by niches present in open relationship spaces. However, this method adopted Geographical Information System (GIS ) to make maps that represent the space attributes. This study proposed an adaptation of this method, which replaces GIS by AutoCAD software to generate maps . The goal is to test the feasibility and efficiency of producing maps in AutoCAD software to represent the service niches level. An relashionship area on a college campus for data collecting in graphical meshes and maps confection. By applying the graphical mesh the attributes of that space were evaluated to help promote people permanence on site. Although the process through AutoCAD seems to be harder by being mechanical it guarantees a satisfactory result for analysis, resembling images generated by GIS. Therefore, it is concluded that it’s possible to represent graphically the riches service level.
Este trabajo intenta marcar las líneas fundamentales del modelo explicativo elaborado por Jürgen Habermas para dar cuenta del proceso de configuración de un espacio público en la modernidad, y observar sus posibilidades de aplicación a la realidad del mundo revolucionario iberoamericano de comienzos del siglo XIX. Asimismo, se ocupa de la trayectoria del concepto de opinión pública como recurso de legitimidad del sistema representativo liberal que intentó ser aplicado en las antiguas colonias a todo lo largo del siglo.
Inman E. Page Library participated in the ARCL's Assessment in Action project led by Academic Librarian kYmberly Keeton. This is the final project poster presented by Ms. Keeton at ALA's 2016 Annual at Orlando, Florida. The poster shows how one faculty library group comes together to explore assessing students’ writing intensive projects in three academic semesters within a scholarly learning space at a Historically Black College University.
Report by the Illinois Office of Water Resources on a flood hazard mitigation project in Elizabethtown, Illinois. Three residences in the Ohio River floodplain will be purchased, demolished, and the property held as public open space.
Description of a flood hazard mitigation project in Sparland whereby floodplain properties will be purchased, cleared and held as public open space.
Description of a flood hazard mitigation project in Sidney, Illinois, whereby 12 floodplain properties along the Right Bank tributary of the Salt Fork River will be purchased, cleared of structures, and held as public open space.
A method is proposed to offer privacy in computer communications, using symmetric product block ciphers. The security protocol involved a cipher negotiation stage, in which two communicating parties select privately a cipher from a public cipher space. The cipher negotiation process includes an on-line cipher evaluation stage, in which the cryptographic strength of the proposed cipher is estimated. The cryptographic strength of the ciphers is measured by confusion and diffusion. A method is proposed to describe quantitatively these two properties. For the calculation of confusion and diffusion a number of parameters are defined, such as the confusion and diffusion matrices and the marginal diffusion. These parameters involve computationally intensive calculations that are performed off-line, before any communication takes place. Once they are calculated, they are used to obtain estimation equations, which are used for on-line, fast evaluation of the confusion and diffusion of the negotiated cipher. A technique proposed in this thesis describes how to calculate the parameters and how to use the results for fast estimation of confusion and diffusion for any cipher instance within the defined cipher space.