975 resultados para psychotic symptoms


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie, option intervention


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Enfermedades mentales de tipo psicótico en gestantes se han asociado con mayor número de resultados negativos. Los síntomas psicóticos durante el embarazo se presentan aproximadamente 7.1 por 100.000 casos. Dentro de las consecuencias se incluye mayor riesgo de parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer, alteraciones placentarias, malformaciones congénitas de predominio cardiovascular y mayor tasa de muertes perinatales. Como abordaje terapéutico son frecuentes los antipsicóticos de primera generación, aceptados como seguros pero en menor grado se han considerados los antipsicóticos de segunda generación pues ha sido escasamente evaluada su seguridad durante la gestación. Aún existe controversia sobre los potenciales efectos secundarios de algunos antipsicóticos dado los resultados contradictorios. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos que proporcionaron mejor evidencia para determinar cuáles antipsicóticos de elección durante la gestación en pacientes con esquizofrenia de acuerdo a su perfil de seguridad. Se evaluó calidad metodológica reconociendo particularidades y resultados de los estudios incluidos. Resultados: De 39 estudios seleccionados, cinco fueron incluidos en esta revisión, clasificándose como nivel de evidencia IIa y evaluados según su calidad metodológica con escala NOS. Se evaluó paso placentario de antipsicóticos, malformaciones fetales, complicaciones obstétricas como parto pretérmino, bajo y alto peso fetal, complicaciones respiratorias, diabetes gestacional, aborto espontáneo, entre otros. Discusión: Se debe sopesar el riesgo-beneficio, la significancia estadística, la significancia clínica y las particularidades de las pacientes a tratar. Conclusión: Los estudios analizados evaluaron diferentes medicamentos antipsicóticos, dificultando consolidación de información en especial en conclusiones solidas ante algunas premisas como fármacos de elección.


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Introducción: El Alzhéimer tiene una prevalencia de 1,6% en las personas mayores de 65 años. Se caracteriza por la pérdida de memoria y otras funciones cognoscitivas, pero más del 70% de los afectados presentan síntomas no cognitivos entre los que se encuentran alteraciones del afecto, comportamiento y psicosis. Estos síntomas están asociados a mayores tasas de institucionalización, morbilidad y mortalidad. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos que proporcionaron información sobre la eficacia de los inhibidores selectivos de recaptación de serotonina en síntomas no cognitivos del Alzhéimer. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial arrojó un total de 495 resultados, 64 artículos fueron preseleccionados y 7 se incluyeron en la revisión; éstos se clasificaron como nivel de evidencia Ib; citalopram mostró ser más eficaz que el placebo y similar a antipsicóticos para síntomas comportamentales y psicóticos asociados al Alzhéimer con un perfil de efectos adversos más tolerable; sertralina no mostró eficacia en depresión y sí una mayor incidencia de efectos adversos con respecto al placebo. Discusión: Se obtuvieron resultados favorables en síntomas comportamentales y psicóticos pero no en afectivos. Las diferencias metodológicas de los estudios le dan complejidad a la interpretación de los resultados. Conclusión: La evidencia sugiere que el tratamiento con citalopram es eficaz en síntomas comportamentales y psicóticos asociados al Alzhéimer; para el tratamiento de la depresión asociado a esta demencia aún no existe un antidepresivo que pueda considerarse de elección.


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Objective: To evaluate CBTp delivered by non-expert therapists, using CBT relevant measures. Methods: Participants (N=74) were randomised into immediate therapy or waiting list control groups. The therapy group was offered six months of therapy and followed up three months later. The waiting list group received therapy after waiting nine months (becoming the delayed therapy group). Results: Depression improved in the combined therapy group at both the end of therapy and follow-up. Other significant effects were found in only one of the two therapy groups (positive symptoms; cognitive flexibility; uncontrollability of thoughts) or one of the two timepoints (end of therapy: PANSS general symptoms, anxiety, suicidal ideation, social functioning, resistance to voices; follow-up: power beliefs about voices, negative symptoms). There was no difference in costs between the groups. Conclusions: The only robust improvement was in depression. Nevertheless, there were further encouraging but modest improvements in both emotional and cognitive variables, in addition to psychotic symptoms.


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The positive, psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia can be treated by antipsychotic drugs and it has been assumed that these are antagonists at the D-2 and D-3 dopamine receptors in the brain. Recently, the D-2/D-3 partial agonist aripiprazole has been introduced as an antipsychotic drug. It has also been realized that, using in vitro assays, the other antipsychotic drugs are in fact inverse agonists at D-2/D-3 dopamine receptors. This raises questions about how these disparate drugs can achieve a similar clinical outcome. In this review, I shall consider the efficacies of these drugs in signalling assays and how these efficacies might affect treatment outcomes. It seems that the treatment outcome might depend on the overall level of cell stimulation, which is in turn dependent on the level of residual dopamine and the efficacy of the drug in signalling assays.


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Abstract Background: Depression is highly prevalent within individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, and is associated with an increased risk of suicide. There are no current evidence based treatments for low mood within this group. The specific targeting of co-morbid conditions within complex mental health problems lends itself to the development of short-term structured interventions which are relatively easy to disseminate within health services. A brief cognitive intervention based on a competitive memory theory of depression, is being evaluated in terms of its effectiveness in reducing depression within this group. Methods/Design: This is a single blind, intention-to-treat, multi-site, randomized controlled trial comparing Positive Memory Training plus Treatment as Usual with Treatment as Usual alone. Participants will be recruited from two NHS Trusts in Southern England. In order to be eligible, participants must have a DSM-V diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizo-affective disorder and exhibit at least a mild level of depression. Following baseline assessment eligible participants will be randomly allocated to either the Positive Memory Training plus Treatment as Usual group or the Treatment as Usual group. Outcome will be assessed at the end of treatment (3-months) and at 6-month and 9-month post randomization by assessors blind to group allocation. The primary outcome will be levels of depression and secondary outcomes will be severity of psychotic symptoms and cost-effectiveness. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with all participants who are allocated to the treatment group so as to explore the acceptability of the intervention. Discussion: Cognitive behaviour therapy is recommended for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. However, the number of sessions and length of training required to deliver this intervention has caused a limit in availability. The current trial will evaluate a short-term structured protocol which targets a co-morbid condition often considered of primary importance by service users. If successful the intervention will be an important addition to current initiatives aimed at increasing access to psychological therapies for people diagnosed with severe mental health problems. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials. ISRCTN99485756. Registered 13 March 2014.


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Objective: This study assesses the long-term cost-effectiveness of a comprehensive model of mental health care for first-episode psychosis. The study is an extension of a previous economic evaluation of the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) that assessed the first-year costs and outcomes of treatment.

Method: The current study used a matched, historical control group design with a follow-up of approximately 8 years. Complete follow-up data were available for 65 of the original 102 participants. Direct public mental health service costs incurred subsequent to the first year of treatment and symptomatic and functional outcomes of 32 participants initially treated for up to 2 years at EPPIC were compared with a matched cohort of 33 participants initially treated by generic mental health services. Treatment-related resource use was measured and valued using Australian published prices.

Results: Almost 8 years after initial treatment, EPPIC subjects displayed lower levels of positive psychotic symptoms (P = .007), were more likely to be in remission (P = .008), and had a more favorable course of illness (P = .011) than the controls. Fifty-six percent of the EPPIC cohort were in paid employment over the last 2 years compared with 33% of controls (P = .083). Each EPPIC patient costs on average A$3445 per annum to treat compared with controls, who each costs A$9503 per annum.

Conclusions: Specialized early psychosis programs can deliver a higher recovery rate at one-third the cost of standard public mental health services. Residual methodological limitations and limited sample size indicate that further research is required to verify this finding.


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a novel and effective surgical intervention for refractory Parkinson's disease (PD). The authors review the current literature to identify the clinical correlates associated with subthalamic nucleus (STN) DBS-induced hypomania/mania in PD patients. Ventromedial electrode placement has been most consistently implicated in the induction of STN DBS-induced mania. There is some evidence of symptom amelioration when electrode placement is switched to a more dorsolateral contact. Additional clinical correlates may include unipolar stimulation, higher voltage (>3 V), male sex, and/or early-onset PD. STN DBS-induced psychiatric adverse events emphasize the need for comprehensive psychiatric presurgical evaluation and follow-up in PD patients. Animal studies and prospective clinical research, combined with advanced neuroimaging techniques, are needed to identify clinical correlates and underlying neurobiological mechanisms of STN DBS-induced mania. Such working models would serve to further our understanding of the neurobiological underpinnings of mania and contribute valuable new insight toward development of future DBS mood-stabilization therapies.


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Cross-sectional studies have indicated that alterations in social functioning, particularly interpersonal functioning, are associated with the occurrence of psychotic symptoms and experiences at different levels of the extended psychosis phenotype (ranging from population psychometric expression of liability to overt psychotic disorder). However, more research is needed on the development of this association over time


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 The main finding was that first-episode psychosis (FEP) displayed impaired social cognition compared to healthy control subjects. Certain psychotic symptoms were associated with poorer social cognition in the FEP group. Symptomatology, and not cognitive variables, predicted social functioning in FEP patients


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Previous efforts in the prospective evaluation of individuals who experience attenuated psychotic symptoms have attempted to isolate mechanisms underlying the onset of full-threshold psychotic illness. In contrast, there has been little research investigating specific predictors of positive outcomes. In this study, we sought to determine biological and clinical factors associated with treatment response, here indexed by functional improvement in a pre-post examination of a 12-week randomized controlled intervention in individuals at ultra-high risk (UHR) for psychosis. Participants received either long-chain omega-3 (ω-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) or placebo. To allow the determination of factors specifically relevant to each intervention, and to be able to contrast them, both treatment groups were investigated in parallel. Univariate linear regression analysis indicated that higher levels of erythrocyte membrane α-linolenic acid (ALA; the parent fatty acid of the ω-3 family) and more severe negative symptoms at baseline predicted subsequent functional improvement in the treatment group, whereas less severe positive symptoms and lower functioning at baseline were predictive in the placebo group. A multivariate machine learning analysis, known as Gaussian Process Classification (GPC), confirmed that baseline fatty acids predicted response to treatment in the ω-3 PUFA group with high levels of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. In addition, GPC revealed that baseline fatty acids were predictive in the placebo group. In conclusion, our investigation indicates that UHR patients with higher levels of ALA may specifically benefit from ω-3 PUFA supplementation. In addition, multivariate machine learning analysis suggests that fatty acids could potentially be used to inform prognostic evaluations and treatment decisions at the level of the individual. Notably, multiple statistical analyses were conducted in a relatively small sample, limiting the conclusions that can be drawn from what we believe to be a first-of-its-kind study. Additional studies with larger samples are therefore needed to evaluate the generalizability of these findings.


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 Background: Debate continues about the consequences of adolescent cannabis use. Existing data are limited in statistical power to examine rarer outcomes and less common, heavier patterns of cannabis use than those already investigated; furthermore, evidence has a piecemeal approach to reporting of young adult sequelae. We aimed to provide a broad picture of the psychosocial sequelae of adolescent cannabis use. Methods: We integrated participant-level data from three large, long-running longitudinal studies from Australia and New Zealand: the Australian Temperament Project, the Christchurch Health and Development Study, and the Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study. We investigated the association between the maximum frequency of cannabis use before age 17 years (never, less than monthly, monthly or more, weekly or more, or daily) and seven developmental outcomes assessed up to age 30 years (high-school completion, attainment of university degree, cannabis dependence, use of other illicit drugs, suicide attempt, depression, and welfare dependence). The number of participants varied by outcome (N=2537 to N=3765). Findings: We recorded clear and consistent associations and dose-response relations between the frequency of adolescent cannabis use and all adverse young adult outcomes. After covariate adjustment, compared with individuals who had never used cannabis, those who were daily users before age 17 years had clear reductions in the odds of high-school completion (adjusted odds ratio 0·37, 95% CI 0·20-0·66) and degree attainment (0·38, 0·22-0·66), and substantially increased odds of later cannabis dependence (17·95, 9·44-34·12), use of other illicit drugs (7·80, 4·46-13·63), and suicide attempt (6·83, 2·04-22·90). Interpretation: Adverse sequelae of adolescent cannabis use are wide ranging and extend into young adulthood. Prevention or delay of cannabis use in adolescence is likely to have broad health and social benefits. Efforts to reform cannabis legislation should be carefully assessed to ensure they reduce adolescent cannabis use and prevent potentially adverse developmental effects. Funding: Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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The inflammatory hypothesis of schizophrenia (SZ) posits that inflammatory processes and neural-immune interactions are involved in its pathogenesis, and may underpin some of its neurobiological correlates. SZ is the psychiatric disorder causing the most severe burden of illness, not just owing to its psychiatric impairment, but also owing to its significant medical comorbidity. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a commonly used biomarker of systemic inflammation worldwide. There are some conflicting results regarding the behaviour of CRP in SZ. The aims of this study were to verify whether peripheral CRP levels are indeed increased in SZ, whether different classes of antipsychotics divergently modulate CRP levels and whether its levels are correlated with positive and negative symptomatology. With that in mind, we performed a meta-analysis of all cross-sectional studies of serum and plasma CRP levels in SZ compared to healthy subjects. In addition, we evaluated longitudinal studies on CRP levels before and after antipsychotic use. Our meta-analyses of CRP in SZ included a total of 26 cross-sectional or longitudinal studies comprising 85 000 participants. CRP levels were moderately increased in persons with SZ regardless of the use of antipsychotics and did not change between the first episode of psychosis and with progression of SZ (g=0.66, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.43 to 0.88, P<0.001, 24 between-group comparisons, n=82 962). The extent of the increase in peripheral CRP levels paralleled the increase in severity of positive symptoms, but was unrelated to the severity of negative symptoms. CRP levels were also aligned with an increased body mass index. Conversely, higher age correlated with a smaller difference in CRP levels between persons with SZ and controls. Furthermore, CRP levels did not increase after initiation of antipsychotic medication notwithstanding whether these were typical or atypical antipsychotics (g=0.01, 95% CI -0.20 to 0.22, P=0.803, 8 within-group comparisons, n=713). In summary, our study provides further evidence of the inflammatory hypothesis of SZ. Whether there is a causal relationship between higher CRP levels and the development of SZ and aggravation of psychotic symptoms, or whether they are solely a marker of systemic low-grade inflammation in SZ, remains to be clarified.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)