976 resultados para possibilities


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Belfast is often presented as an exemplary divided or post-conflict city. However, this focus can be limiting and an exploration of alternative narratives for Belfast is needed. This paper investigates the diversification of post-conflict Belfast in light of the substantial migration which has occurred in the last decade, outlining the complexities of an emerging narrative of diversity. We note discrepancies in how racial equality is dealt with at an institutional level and report on the unevenness of migrant geographies, issues which require future consideration. We also raise questions that problematize the easy assumption that cultural diversity ameliorates existing sectarian divisions.


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When it comes to assessing the deontic status of acts and policies in the context of risk and uncertainty, moral theories are often at a loss. In this paper we hope to show that employing a multi-dimensional consequentialist framework provides ethical guidance for decision-making in complex situations. The paper starts by briefly rehearsing consequentialist responses to the issue of risk, as well as their shortcomings. We then go on to present our own proposal based on three dimensions: wellbeing, fairness and probability. In the last section we apply our approach to a comparison of different climate policy options, including stratospheric solar-radiation management.


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In many countries, strategies to further develop services and institutions for the education and care of young children are linked to a discourse on professionalism. Ambitious policy goals, it is argued, can only be achieved by a skilled and qualified workforce whose practice is guided by a professional body of knowledge. This article argues that the prevailing conceptualisation of the early childhood professional is constructed out of a particular, hierarchical mode of producing and applying expert knowledge that is not necessarily appropriate to professional practice in the field of early childhood education. However, it is highly effective and contributes to forming a professional habitus that contradicts the relational core of early childhood practice. Drawing on the conceptual framework of hermeneutics, the article explores an alternative paradigm of a relational, systemic professionalism that embraces openness and uncertainty, and encourages co‐construction of professional knowledges and practices. Research, in this frame of thinking, is understood as a dialogic activity of asking critical questions and creating understandings across differences, rather than producing evidence to direct practice.


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Both culture coverage and digital journalism are contemporary phenomena that have undergone several transformations within a short period of time. Whenever the media enters a period of uncertainty such as the present one, there is an attempt to innovate in order to seek sustainability, skip the crisis or find a new public. This indicates that there are new trends to be understood and explored, i.e., how are media innovating in a digital environment? Not only does the professional debate about the future of journalism justify the need to explore the issue, but so do the academic approaches to cultural journalism. However, none of the studies so far have considered innovation as a motto or driver and tried to explain how the media are covering culture, achieving sustainability and engaging with the readers in a digital environment. This research examines how European media which specialize in culture or have an important cultural section are innovating in a digital environment. Specifically, we see how these innovation strategies are being taken in relation to the approach to culture and dominant cultural areas, editorial models, the use of digital tools for telling stories, overall brand positioning and extensions, engagement with the public and business models. We conducted a mixed methods study combining case studies of four media projects, which integrates qualitative web features and content analysis, with quantitative web content analysis. Two major general-interest journalistic brands which started as physical newspapers – The Guardian (London, UK) and Público (Lisbon, Portugal) – a magazine specialized in international affairs, culture and design – Monocle (London, UK) – and a native digital media project that was launched by a cultural organization – Notodo, by La Fábrica – were the four case studies chosen. Findings suggest, on one hand, that we are witnessing a paradigm shift in culture coverage in a digital environment, challenging traditional boundaries related to cultural themes and scope, angles, genres, content format and delivery, engagement and business models. Innovation in the four case studies lies especially along the product dimensions (format and content), brand positioning and process (business model and ways to engage with users). On the other hand, there are still perennial values that are crucial to innovation and sustainability, such as commitment to journalism, consistency (to the reader, to brand extensions and to the advertiser), intelligent differentiation and the capability of knowing what innovation means and how it can be applied, since this thesis also confirms that one formula doesn´t suit all. Changing minds, exceeding cultural inertia and optimizing the memory of the websites, looking at them as living, organic bodies, which continuously interact with the readers in many different ways, and not as a closed collection of articles, are still the main challenges for some media.


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by Ilan Averbuch presented to Brock in 1988.


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Introduction: Coordination through CVHL/BVCS gives Canadian health libraries access to information technology they could not offer individually, thereby enhancing the library services offered to Canadian health professionals. An example is the portal being developed. Portal best practices are of increasing interest (usability.gov; Wikipedia portals; JISC subject portal project; Stanford clinical portals) but conclusive research is not yet available. This paper will identify best practices for a portal bringing together knowledge for Canadian health professionals supported through a network of libraries. Description: The portal for Canadian health professionals will include capabilities such as: • Authentication • Question referral • Specialist “branch libraries” • Integration of commercial resources, web resources and health systems data • Cross-resource search engine • Infrastructure to enable links from EHR and decision support systems • Knowledge translation tools, such as highlighting of best evidence Best practices will be determined by studying the capabilities of existing portals, including consortia/networks and individual institutions, and through a literature review. Outcomes: Best practices in portals will be reviewed. The collaboratively developed Virtual Library, currently the heart of cvhl.ca, is a unique database collecting high quality, free web documents and sites relevant to Canadian health care. The evident strengths of the Virtual Library will be discussed in light of best practices. Discussion: Identification of best practices will support cost-benefit analysis of options and provide direction for CVHL/BVCS. Open discussion with stakeholders (libraries and professionals) informed by this review will lead to adoption of the best technical solutions supporting Canadian health libraries and their users.


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In the backdrop of issues encountered by the marine product exports from Kerala in the traditional strongholds of the European Union and the United States, there is a need to target newer markets. The ASEAN India Trade in Goods Agreement (TIGA) though proposes to liberalize trade between India and the ASEAN member nations, fails to deliver greater market access for our marine products in the markets of the ASEAN nations. This can be attributed to factors such as the lower prevailing MFN base rate in the ASEAN nations, tariff reduction commitments reciprocated by them being lesser than India’s offers, inclusion of our prominent items of export in the restrictive lists of most of the ASEAN nations etc. Export forecast suggests that this is a market to be reckoned, which in turn stipulates the need to secure greater concessions and preferential treatment for our marine product exports in the ASEAN nations to capitalize on the gains that have been made


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Mn(II) complexes derived from a set of acylhydrazones were synthesised and characterized by elemental analyzes, IR, UV–vis and X-band EPR spectral studies as well as conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements. In the reported complexes, the hydrazones exist either in the keto or enolate form, as evidenced by IR spectral data. Crystal structures of two complexes are well established using single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. In both of these complexes two equivalent monoanionic ligands are coordinated in a meridional fashion using cis pyridyl, trans azomethine nitrogen and cis enolate oxygen atoms positioned very nearly perpendicular to each other. EPR spectra in DMF solutions at 77 K show hyperfine sextets and in some of the complexes the low intensity forbidden lines lying between each of the two hyperfine lines are also observed


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Due to the rapid and effective success of countries in the Pacific Rim for the last two decades, current world trade attention has been focussed on what appears to be the common vision of the ‘Pacific Century’. Reducing attention from the Atlantic and focusing it on the Pacific represents a new challenge for countries touching this ocean. The main Latin American economies bordering the pacific have taken upon this challenge with the creation of the Pacific Alliance in 2011. In this way, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru intend to penetrate and increase trade with the region by forming a coalition. The Pacific Alliance has attracted international attention, interest and support from nations around the world, counting 32 countries as observers; 7 are actually located in the region and six of them rank amongst the Top 15 world economies. As is expected, the possibility of closer trade engagement with big players such as China, India, Japan, South Korea or Australia absorb the main attention of media, governments and academics alike, leaving behind other feasible and possible opportunities unattended. That is precisely the case of New Zealand and its favourable commerce opportunities with the Pacific Alliance. The following document will study the major trends and variations in trade between New Zealand, the Pacific Alliance and its members between 2010 and 2014. Proving that mutual trade is most likely to keep on growing.


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Recurso con nuevas técnicas para ampliar la actividad tradicional del aprendizaje del dictado de idiomas. Los autores presentan algunas respuestas a cuestiones tan aparentemente simples como: quién elige el texto; quién dicta; quién corrige; qué y cómo corregir. Las actividades se centran en las dificultades de la ortografía y la puntuación y son adecuadas para una amplia gama de niveles y edades.