974 resultados para playing


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One big challenge in deploying games-based learning, is the high cost and specialised skills associated with customised development. In this paper we present a serious games platform that offers tools that allow educators without special programming or artistic skills to dynamically create three dimensional (3D) scenes and verbal and non-verbal interaction with fully embodied conversational agents (ECAs) that can be used to simulate numerous educational scenarios. We present evaluation results based on the use of the platform to create two educational scenarios for politics and law in higher education. We conclude with a discussion of directions for the further work.


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School playtime provides daily opportunities for children to be active outdoors, but only makes small contributions to physical activity (PA) requirements. Natural environments facilitate unstructured PA and children report a preference for play in nature. Thus, play on the school field might encourage children to be more active during playtime. The primary aim of this study was to examine the impact of the school playing environment on children's PA. Descriptive data and fitness were assessed in 25 children aged 8–9 years from a single primary school. Over two consecutive weeks participants were allocated to either play on the school field or playground during playtime. The order of play in the two areas was randomised and counterbalanced. Moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) was assessed during playtime on the last two days of each week using accelerometers. There was a significant interaction of environment and sex on MVPA during morning play (F(1,22) = 6.27; P<0.05; np2 = 0.222), but not during lunch (P>0.05; np2 = 0.060) or all of playtime combined (P>0.05; np2 = 0.140). During morning play boys were significantly more active than girls on the playground (t(23) = 1.32; P<0.01; n2 = 0.291), but not on the field (P>0.05; n2 = 0.071). For lunch (F(1,22) = 24,11; P<0.001; np2 = 0.523) and all of playtime combined (F(1,22) = 33.67; P<0.001; np2 = 0.616) there was a significant effect of environment. There was also a significant main effect of sex during lunch (F(1,22) = 11.56; P<0.01; np2 = 0.344) and all of playtime combined (F(1,22) = 12.37; P<0.01; np2 = 0.371). MVPA was higher on the field and boys were more active than girls. Play on the field leads to increases in MVPA, particularly in girls. The promising trend for the effect of the natural environment on MVPA indicates that interventions aimed at increasing MVPA should use the natural environment and that schools should encourage greater use of their natural areas to increase PA.


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Urban regeneration in Western countries can count on a long-lasting tradition of experiences in which civil society has played a fundamental role in counterbalancing the system of power, resulting in profound urban governance readjustments. This has been the result of the increasing centrality of horizontal alliances between citizens and associations involved in urban affairs since the late 1960s in the West. Similar theoretical frameworks have been applied in China. However, these have frequently resulted in conceptual shortcuts that depict civil society as immature or lacking and the state as authoritarian. This paper will explore whether these categories are still entirely valid to urban regeneration in China. While the regime has traditionally prevented horizontal linkages of associations in urban governance (supporting their vertical integration to ensure a certain degree of soft control), there are signs of change. In particular, three cases of urban regeneration in historic areas will be used to discuss the changing role played by civil society in China. The ultimate goal is to examine whether horizontal linkages across groups of heterogeneous citizens are arising at the micro-level of urban governance.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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In this study of 109 adolescents from the eighth grade of seven public elementary schools in Ontario, the relationship among adolescents’ violent video game playing patterns, habits and attitudes, their levels of moral reasoning, and their attitudes towards violence in real life was investigated. In addition, gender differences were addressed. The mixed-methodology was employed combining qualitative and quantitative data. The research results confirmed that playing video games in general is a very popular activity among those adolescents. Significant negative relationship was found between adolescents’ amount of time playing violent video games during the day and their scores on The Sociomoral Reflection Measure. Significant difference was also found between adolescents who play violent video games and those who do not play violent video games on their scores on The Attitudes Towards Violence Scale. Boys and girls significantly differed in the amount of playing video games during the day, the reasons for playing video games, their favourite video game choices, and their favourite video game character choices. Boys and girls also significantly differed on their choices of personality traits of selected video game characters, the identification with video game characters, and their mood experiences while playing video games. The findings are put into the educational context and the context of normal development, and suggestions are given for parents, for educators, and for future violent video game research.


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El proyecto acerca el Inglés a los niños del ciclo medio de una manera lúdica, haciendo especial énfasis en los aspectos comunicativos del lenguaje, con la intención de disminuir el fracaso que presenta el segundo idioma en el ciclo superior, y en el interés que pueda despertar por el conocimiento de otras culturas. 27 alumnos de tercero de EGB han recibido una iniciación al Inglés, básicamente oral, con las estructuras básicas referidas a sus intereses más inmediatos. La experiencia no puede evaluarse globalmente después de un solo curso, pues se considera que es al final del ciclo cuando pueden apreciarse los resultados.


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Resumen basado en el de la revista. Contiene dos anexos al final del artículo con la descripción de una situación concreta y con el cuestionario sobre expectativas del curso anterior


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Se incluye anexo con material elaborado


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Ofrece actividades fotocopiables, juegos y rompecabezas para los alumnos de la etapa clave 2 (key stage 2) del currículo nacional de Inglaterra y Gales, es decir para el nivel de primaria. Están diseñadas para desarrollar en los niños la comprensión y la facilidad con los números y, así, proporcionarles una buena base para el desarrollo de sus habilidades matemáticas. Las actividades se clasifican en tres secciones para los grupos de edad de 7 a 9, de 8 a 10 y de 9 a 11.


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Contiene: memoria final y 6 unidades didácticas: At the restaurant, at home, travelling, cooking is fantastic,out and about y the people i love. Premios concedidos a proyectos de innovación educativa en el curso 1996-1997. Anexo Memoria en C-Innov.45


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Per aconseguir un aprenentatge significatiu en el concepte d’atenció sanitària integral sobre el procés de morir ens va semblar interessant utilitzar com estratègia didàctica el role-playing. Aquesta metodologia afavoreix que els estudiants escenifiquin entrant empàticament al paper de qualsevol dels personatges simbòlics que es troben en la situació del procés de morir: afectat, cuidador/s, professional sanitari. En aquest marc permet que els estudiants a partir d’una dinàmica de grup identifiquin conceptes, procediments, actituds, valors i normes a partir de la vivenciació difícilment assolibles amb d’altres metodologies. En aquesta línia coneixen a fons l’impacte multidimensional que genera una situació de malaltia crònica irreversible i la repercussió en les vides de les persones implicades en el procés. Aquesta experiència didàctica, provoca un canvi d’actitud en les components cognitives, emocionals o afectives i conductuals. La tècnica del role-playing és una via ideal per incidir en la component afectiva i emocional que en la sessió magistral mostra una enorme complexitat d’identificar i retroalimentar. Aquesta intervenció repercuteix directament en l’aprenentatge i modificació de la conducta i en l’adquisició d’uns continguts apresos des d’una experiència vivencial i grupal. El procés d’estructuració racional de la vivència transfereix a un ensenyament-aprenentatge significatiu


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This paper explores student and teacher perspectives of challenges relating to the levels of competence in English of Chinese students studying overseas from the perspective of critical pedagogy. It draws on two complementary studies undertaken by colleagues at the University of Reading. The first—a research seminar attended by representatives from a wide range of UK universities—presents the views of teachers and administrators; the second draws on four case studies of the language learning of Chinese postgraduate students during their first year of study in the UK, and offers the student voice. Interview and focus group data highlight the limitations of current tests of English used as part of the requirements for university admission. In particular, university teachers expressed uncertainty about whether the acceptance of levels of written English which fall far short of native-speaker competence is an ill-advised lowering of standards or a necessary and pragmatic response to the realities of an otherwise uneven playing field. In spite of this ambivalence, there is evidence of a growing willingness on the part of university teachers and support staff to find solutions to the language issues facing Chinese students, some of which require a more strategic institutional approach, while others rely on greater flexibility on the part of individuals. Although the studies reported in this paper were based on British universities, the findings will also be of interest to those involved in tertiary education in other English-speaking countries which are currently attracting large numbers of Chinese students.