984 resultados para phase fraction


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In this work we present results of zinc diffusion in GaAs using the liquid phase epitaxy technique from liquid solutions of Ga‐As‐Zn and Ga‐As‐Al‐Zn. Using silicon‐doped n‐GaAs substrates, working at a diffusion temperature of 850 °C, and introducing a dopant concentration ranging 1018–1019 cm−3, the most important findings regarding the diffusion properties are as follows: (a) zinc concentration in the solid depends on the square root of zinc atomic fraction in the liquid; (b) the diffusion is dominated by the interstitial‐substitutional process; (c) the diffusivity D varies as about C3 in the form D=2.9×10−67C3.05; (d) aluminum plays the role of the catalyst of the diffusion process, if it is introduced in the liquid solution, since it is found that D varies as (γAsXlAs)−1; (e) the zinc interstitial is mainly doubly ionized (Zn++i); (f) the zinc diffusion coefficient in Al0.85 Ga0.15 As is about four times greater than in GaAs; (g) by means of all these results, it is possible to control zinc diffusion processes in order to obtain optimized depth junctions and doping levels in semiconductor device fabrication.


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We have studied liquid-liquid phase separation in aqueous ternary solutions of calf lens gamma-crystallin proteins. Specifically, we have examined two ternary systems containing gamma s--namely, gamma IVa with gamma s in water and gamma II with gamma s in water. For each system, the phase-separation temperatures (Tph (phi)) alpha as a function of the overall protein volume fraction phi at various fixed compositions alpha (the "cloud-point curves") were measured. For the gamma IVa, gamma s, and water ternary solution, a binodal curve composed of pairs of coexisting points, (phi I, alpha 1) and (phi II, alpha II), at a fixed temperature (20 degrees C) was also determined. We observe that on the cloud-point curve the critical point is at a higher volume fraction than the maximum phase-separation temperature point. We also find that typically the difference in composition between the coexisting phases is at least as significant as the difference in volume fraction. We show that the asymmetric shape of the cloud-point curve is a consequence of this significant composition difference. Our observation that the phase-separation temperature of the mixtures in the high volume fraction region is strongly suppressed suggests that gamma s-crystallin may play an important role in maintaining the transparency of the lens.


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We present a long-term phase-coherent timing analysis and pulse-phase resolved spectroscopy for the two outbursts observed from the transient anomalous X-ray pulsar CXOU J164710.2−455216. For the first outburst we used 11 Chandra and XMM–Newton observations between 2006 September and 2009 August, the longest baseline yet for this source. We obtain a coherent timing solution with P = 10.61065583(4) s, Ṗ = 9.72(1) × 10−13 s s−1 and P̈ = –1.05(5) × 10−20 s s−2. Under the standard assumptions this implies a surface dipolar magnetic field of ∼1014 G, confirming this source as a standard B magnetar. We also study the evolution of the pulse profile (shape, intensity and pulsed fraction) as a function of time and energy. Using the phase-coherent timing solution we perform a phase-resolved spectroscopy analysis, following the spectral evolution of pulse-phase features, which hints at the physical processes taking place on the star. The results are discussed from the perspective of magnetothermal evolution models and the untwisting magnetosphere model. Finally, we present similar analysis for the second, less intense, 2011 outburst. For the timing analysis we used Swift data together with 2 XMM–Newton and Chandra pointings. The results inferred for both outbursts are compared and briefly discussed in a more general framework.


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A deep-sea core over 16 m long from the crestal area of the Mediterranean Ridge has been investigated with different techniques, including quantitative micropaleontology, stable isotopes (measured on the epipelagic species Globigerinoides ruber and on the mesopelagic species Globorotalia inflata), and clay mineralogy. The resulting record of climatic fluctuations can be cross correlated to other Mediterranean cores by means of isochronous lithologies (tephra layers and sapropels). The climatic record of the Mediterranean is similar in character, phase, and chronology to the records investigated in the equatorial Pacific and in the Caribbean. Isotope stages 1 to 17 have been recognized. Cyclically repeated stagnant cycles resulting in sapropel deposition complicate both the isotopic and the faunal signal. The isotopic investigations reveal that the temperature change in the surface layers of the eastern Mediterranean was no greater than 8°C in the late "glacial" Pleistocene. The chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic interpretation of Core KS09 indicate that the mean sedimentation rate was 2.4 cm/1000 years, a value very close to the 2.5 cm/1000 years calculated for the entire Quaternary section at DSDP Site 125, also located in the crestal area of the Mediterranean Ridge in the Ionian Basin. The base of KS09 is likely to be very close to the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary dated at 0.7 my.


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The phase equilibria and liquidus temperatures in the binary SiO2-ZnO system and in the ternary Al2O3-SiO2-ZnO system at low Al2O3 concentrations have been experimentally determined using the equilibration and quenching technique followed by electron probe X-ray microanalysis. In the SiO2-ZnO system, two binary eutectics involving the congruently melting willemite (Zn2SiO4) were found at 1448 +/- 5 degrees C and 0.52 +/- 0.01 mole fraction ZnO and at 1502 +/- 5 degrees C and 0.71 +/- 0.01 mole fraction ZnO, respectively. The two ternary eutectics involving willemite previously reported in the Al2O3SiO2-ZnO system were found to be at 1315 +/- 5 degrees C and 1425 +/- 25 T, respectively. The compositions of the eutectics are 0.07, 0.52, and 0.41 and 0.05, 0.28, and 0.67 mole fraction Al2O3, SiO2, and ZnO, respectively. The results of the present investigation are significantly different from the results of previous studies.


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The West Nile virus (WNV) nonstructural protein NS1 is a protein of unknown function that is found within, associated with, and secreted from infected cells. We systematically investigated the kinetics of NS1 secretion in vitro and in vivo to determine the potential use of this protein as a diagnostic marker and to analyze NS1 secretion in relation to the infection cycle. A sensitive antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of WNW NS1 (polyclonal-ACE) was developed, as well as a capture ELISA for the specific detection of NS1 multimers (4G4-ACE). The 4G4-ACE detected native NS1 antigens at high sensitivity, whereas the polyclonal-ACE had a higher specificity for recombinant forms of the protein. Applying these assays we found that only a small fraction of intracellular NS1 is secreted and that secretion of NS1 in tissue culture is delayed compared to the release of virus particles. In experimentally infected hamsters, NS1 was detected in the serum between days 3 and 8 postinfection, peaking on day 5, the day prior to the onset of clinical disease; immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies were detected at low levels on day 5 postinfection. Although real-time PCR gave the earliest indication of infection (day 1), the diagnostic performance of the 4G4-ACE was comparable to that of real-time PCR during the time period when NS1 was secreted. Moreover, the 4G4-ACE was found to be superior in performance to both the IgM and plaque assays during this time period, suggesting that NS1 is a viable early diagnostic marker of WNV infection.


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Diffusions of free and adsorbed molecules of subcritical hydrocarbons in activated carbon were investigated to study the influence of adsorbed molecules on both diffusion processes at low pressures. A collision reflection factor, defined as the fraction of molecules undergoing collision to the solid surface over reflection from the surface, is incorporated into Knudsen diffusivity and surface diffusivity in meso/macropores. Since the porous structure of activated carbon is bimodal in nature, the diffusion of adsorbed molecules is contributed by that of weakly adsorbed molecules on the meso/macropore surfaces and that of strongly adsorbed molecules in the small confinement of micropores. The mobility of adsorbed molecules on the meso/macropore surface is characterized by the surface diffusivity D-mu 2, while that in the micropore is characterized by D-mu 1. In our study with subcritical hydrocarbons, we have found that the former increases almost linearly with pressure, while the latter exhibits a sharp increase at a very low-pressure region and then decreases beyond a critical pressure. This critical pressure is identified as a pressure at which the micropores are saturated.


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In recent years dual phase steels comprising of 5-20% martensite in a ferrite matrix have come into the limelight of high strength cold formable steels because of their potential for vehicle weight saving. They show the following features: no yield point; relatively low initial flow stress; high initial workhardening rate; well sustained work hardening. As a consequence of these characteristics, dual phase steels exhibit a better combination of strength and elongation than other HSLA steels. In this thesis, a broad view of the factors which influence their properties is presented. Mechanical properties and forming ability of a commercially available dual phase steel and an AL-Si killed steel processed to dual phase form are investigated to ascertain the effect of their microstructure on their properties. It is found that the yield phenomena are masked by the transformation induced stresses present during processing and so yield point could be recovered under suitable ageing treatment; that apart from giving the above properties dual phasing gives rise to very low strain-rate sensitivity and a low R value ~ 1; that the mechanical response under rolling conditions is not different from those under tension; that there is a danger of damage to tooling during forming operations of these steels if fracture should precede instability as a result of grain size dependent strength found for these steels. It is also found that very little deformation of the martensite islands took place during deformation except at high strains. The work-hardening and the strength levels can be controlled by either decreasing the grain size or increasing the martensite volume fraction, but it is found that increasing martensite has a detrimental effect on ductility and the ductility and fracture strength can be controlled better by refining the grain size. A remarkable effect found in the dual phase steel tested is that the compressive strength is higher than the tensile strength. The reason for this observation is not yet clear but it is suggested that it might be due to the introduction of emissary type dislocations into the ferrite lattice as a result of twins formed in the martensite during transformation from austenite. The twins are envisaged to be {111} <112> in character.


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Sewage sludge was pyrolysed with 40% mixed wood, 40% rapeseed and 40% straw. The reason for the mixture of different biomass is to investigate the impact of co-pyrolysis on the upper phase of bio-oil in terms of changes to composition, elemental analysis, viscosity, water content, pH, higher heating value and acid number that could impact on their applications. The biomass was pyrolysed in a laboratory at 450 °C and bio-oil was collected from two cooling traps. The bio-oil obtained from co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge with wood, rapeseed and straw was analysed for composition using the gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The upper phase from the co-pyrolysis process was also characterised for ultimate analysis, higher heating values, water content, viscosity, pH and acid number. There was an increase in the amount of upper phase produced with co-pyrolysis of 40% rapeseed. It was also found that the upper phase from sewage sludge with mixed wood has the highest viscosity, acid number and lowest pH. The bio-oil containing 40% straw was found to have a pH of 6.5 with a very low acid number while the 40% rapeseed was found to have no acid number. Sewage sludge with 40% rapeseed was found to have the highest energy content of 34.8 MJ/kg, 40% straw has 32.5 MJ/kg while the 40% mixed wood pyrolysis oil has the lowest energy content of 31.3 MJ/kg. The 40% rapeseed fraction was found to have the highest water content of 8.2% compared to other fractions.


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The knowledge of insulation debris generation and transport gains in importance regarding reactor safety research for PWR and BWR. The insulation debris released near the break consists of a mixture of very different fibres and particles concerning size, shape, consistence and other properties. Some fraction of the released insulation debris will be transported into the reactor sump where it may affect emergency core cooling. Experiments are performed to blast original samples of mineral wool insulation material by steam under original thermal-hydraulic break conditions of BWR. The gained fragments are used as initial specimen for further experiments at acrylic glass test facilities. The quasi ID-sinking behaviour of the insulation fragments are investigated in a water column by optical high speed video techniques and methods of image processing. Drag properties are derived from the measured sinking velocities of the fibres and observed geometric parameters for an adequate CFD modelling. In the test rig "Ring line-II" the influence of the insulation material on the head loss is investigated for debris loaded strainers. Correlations from the filter bed theory are adapted with experimental results and are used to model the flow resistance depending on particle load, filter bed porosity and parameters of the coolant flow. This concept also enables the simulation of a particular blocked strainer with CFDcodes. During the ongoing work further results of separate effect and integral experiments and the application and validation of the CFD-models for integral test facilities and original containment sump conditions are expected.


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The introduction of phase change material fluid and nanofluid in micro-channel heat sink design can significantly increase the cooling capacity of the heat sink because of the unique features of these two kinds of fluids. To better assist the design of a high performance micro-channel heat sink using phase change fluid and nanofluid, the heat transfer enhancement mechanism behind the flow with such fluids must be completely understood. ^ A detailed parametric study is conducted to further investigate the heat transfer enhancement of the phase change material particle suspension flow, by using the two-phase non-thermal-equilibrium model developed by Hao and Tao (2004). The parametric study is conducted under normal conditions with Reynolds numbers of Re = 90–600 and phase change material particle concentrations of ϵp ≤ 0.25, as well as extreme conditions of very low Reynolds numbers (Re < 50) and high phase change material particle concentration (ϵp = 50%–70%) slurry flow. By using the two newly-defined parameters, named effectiveness factor ϵeff and performance index PI, respectively, it is found that there exists an optimal relation between the channel design parameters L and D, particle volume fraction ϵp, Reynolds number Re, and the wall heat flux qw. The influence of the particle volume fraction ϵp, particle size dp, and the particle viscosity μ p, to the phase change material suspension flow, are investigated and discussed. The model was validated by available experimental data. The conclusions will assist designers in making their decisions that relate to the design or selection of a micro-pump suitable for micro or mini scale heat transfer devices. ^ To understand the heat transfer enhancement mechanism of the nanofluid flow from the particle level, the lattice Boltzmann method is used because of its mesoscopic feature and its many numerical advantages. By using a two-component lattice Boltzmann model, the heat transfer enhancement of the nanofluid is analyzed, through incorporating the different forces acting on the nanoparticles to the two-component lattice Boltzmann model. It is found that the nanofluid has better heat transfer enhancement at low Reynolds numbers, and the Brownian motion effect of the nanoparticles will be weakened by the increase of flow speed. ^


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Ferromanganese concretions from ten stations in the Barents Sea have been analysed for 24 elements. The deposits occur as discoidal and flat concretions and as coatings, in the latter case on lithified or detrital material or as extensive pavements on the Svalbard shelf. The concretions are compositionally similar to Baltic concretions but differ considerably from deep-ocean nodules, particularly in Cu, Ni and Co contents. Statistical analyses reveal distinct correlations between Mn, Na, Ba, Ni and Cu; the Mn-rich coatings showed enrichment of Mo, Zn and possibly Co in a Mn-phase. The iron phase holds high concretions of P and As. Two iron-rich concretions with high contents of P, Ca, Sr, Y, Yb and La were found east and northeast of Spitsbergen Banken, probably indicating upwelling of nutrient-rich, cold polar water along the Svalbard shelf.


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The introduction of phase change material fluid and nanofluid in micro-channel heat sink design can significantly increase the cooling capacity of the heat sink because of the unique features of these two kinds of fluids. To better assist the design of a high performance micro-channel heat sink using phase change fluid and nanofluid, the heat transfer enhancement mechanism behind the flow with such fluids must be completely understood. A detailed parametric study is conducted to further investigate the heat transfer enhancement of the phase change material particle suspension flow, by using the two-phase non-thermal-equilibrium model developed by Hao and Tao (2004). The parametric study is conducted under normal conditions with Reynolds numbers of Re=600-900 and phase change material particle concentrations ¡Ü0.25 , as well as extreme conditions of very low Reynolds numbers (Re < 50) and high phase change material particle concentration (0.5-0.7) slurry flow. By using the two newly-defined parameters, named effectiveness factor and performance index, respectively, it is found that there exists an optimal relation between the channel design parameters, particle volume fraction, Reynolds number, and the wall heat flux. The influence of the particle volume fraction, particle size, and the particle viscosity, to the phase change material suspension flow, are investigated and discussed. The model was validated by available experimental data. The conclusions will assist designers in making their decisions that relate to the design or selection of a micro-pump suitable for micro or mini scale heat transfer devices. To understand the heat transfer enhancement mechanism of the nanofluid flow from the particle level, the lattice Boltzmann method is used because of its mesoscopic feature and its many numerical advantages. By using a two-component lattice Boltzmann model, the heat transfer enhancement of the nanofluid is analyzed, through incorporating the different forces acting on the nanoparticles to the two-component lattice Boltzmann model. It is found that the nanofluid has better heat transfer enhancement at low Reynolds numbers, and the Brownian motion effect of the nanoparticles will be weakened by the increase of flow speed.


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BACKGROUND: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF) is a major health problem associated with myocardial leukocyte infiltration, inflammation, and fibrosis. Monocyte and macrophage subsets play a role in HFPEF but have not been studied. We analyzed peripheral blood monocyte phenotype and plasma markers of monocyte activation in patients with HFPEF, asymptomatic LV diastolic dysfunction (aLVDD), and asymptomatic hypertension (aHTN).

METHODS AND RESULTS: Peripheral blood was collected from 23 aHTN, 30 aLVDD, and 30 HFPEF patients. Peripheral cytokines of classic/pro-inflammatory (tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin (IL) 12, IL-6, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, C-X-C motif chemokine 10) and alternative/anti-inflammatory monocytes (chemokine-C-C motif ligand (CCL) 17, CCL-18, soluble CD163) were increased in aLVDD and HFPEF. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocytes were purified and surface-stained for CD14, CD16, CD163, and CD206. Peripheral monocyte percentage was increased in aLVDD and HFPEF and correlated with echocardiographic LVDD indices. Classic/pro-inflammatory monocyte numbers were increased in aLVDD and HFPEF, and alternative/anti-inflammatory monocyte numbers were increased in HFPEF. CD163 M2-macrophage receptor was reduced in HFPEF. Culture of healthy donor monocytes (n = 3) with HFPEF patient-derived sera (n = 6) promoted M2 macrophage features as evidenced by altered morphology and genes (CD206, IL-10).

CONCLUSIONS: Increased peripheral inflammation, monocytosis, and monocyte differentiation to anti-inflammatory/profibrotic M2 macrophages likely associate with HFPEF and its precedent asymptomatic LVDD phase.