942 resultados para peripheral nerves
Local anesthetic efficacy of tramadol has been reported following intradermal application. Our aim was to investigate the effect of perineural tramadol as the sole analgesic in two pain models. Male Wistar rats (280-380 g; N = 5/group) were used in these experiments. A neurostimulation-guided sciatic nerve block was performed and 2% lidocaine or tramadol (1.25 and 5 mg) was perineurally injected in two different animal pain models. In the flinching behavior test, the number of flinches was evaluated and in the plantar incision model, mechanical and heat thresholds were measured. Motor effects of lidocaine and tramadol were quantified and a motor block score elaborated. Tramadol, 1.25 mg, completely blocked the first and reduced the second phase of the flinching behavior test. In the plantar incision model, tramadol (1.25 mg) increased both paw withdrawal latency in response to radiant heat (8.3 ± 1.1, 12.7 ± 1.8, 8.4 ± 0.8, and 11.1 ± 3.3 s) and mechanical threshold in response to von Frey filaments (459 ± 82.8, 447.5 ± 91.7, 320.1 ± 120, 126.43 ± 92.8 mN) at 5, 15, 30, and 60 min, respectively. Sham block or contralateral sciatic nerve block did not differ from perineural saline injection throughout the study in either model. The effect of tramadol was not antagonized by intraperitoneal naloxone. High dose tramadol (5 mg) blocked motor function as well as 2% lidocaine. In conclusion, tramadol blocks nociception and motor function in vivo similar to local anesthetics.
La complexité de l’étude des neuropathies héréditaires provient de leur hétérogénéité clinique et génétique et de la diversité des fibres composant les nerfs périphériques. Cette complexité se reflète dans les nombreuses classifications différentes. Les neuropathies héréditaires se classifient entre autres selon leur mode de transmission et leur atteinte sensitive, autonomique et motrice. Les neuropathies héréditaires sensitives et autonomiques (NHSA) se présentent avec une perte de la sensation distale aux membres, accompagnée d’autres manifestations selon le type de NHSA. L’étude des NHSA est facilitée lorsqu’il existe des grappes de familles originaires de régions du Québec où des effets fondateurs pour des maladies récessives ont déjà été identifiés. Nous avons recruté une grande famille canadienne-française originaire de Paspébiac dans la Baie-des-Chaleurs dans laquelle nous avons identifié quatre cas atteints d’une neuropathie héréditaire sensitive avec rétinite pigmentaire et ataxie (NHSRPA). Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que nous étions en présence d’une nouvelle forme de neuropathie héréditaire sensitive récessive à effet fondateur. Afin d’identifier la position chromosomique du gène muté responsable de la NHSRPA, nous avons tout d’abord complété un criblage du génome en génotypant des marqueurs microsatellites «single tandem repeat» (STR) sur des individus clés et nous avons ensuite procédé à une analyse de liaison génétique paramétrique. Ces études nous ont permis de lier cette famille au chromosome 1 et de définir un premier intervalle candidat de 6,7 Mb. Grâce à un génotypage de marqueurs «single nucleotide polymorphism» (SNP), nous avons réduit l’intervalle candidat à 5,3 Mb au locus 1q32,2-q32,3. Cette région contient 44 gènes candidats. Une revue plus fine de la littérature a fait ressortir qu’une famille espagnole et une américaine de souche hollandaise souffrant de la même maladie avaient déjà été liées au même locus. L’origine possiblement basque de notre famille gaspésienne nous a poussé à comparer l’haplotype porteur avec celui de la famille espagnole qui, quoi que gitane, provient du pays basque espagnol. Ces travaux ont démontré le partage d’une région de 203 kb. Afin de rétrécir davantage notre intervalle candidat, nous avons comparé les haplotypes des cas entre les deux familles et nous avons identifié un dernier intervalle candidat de 60 SNP au locus 1q32,3. Cette région ne contient que quatre gènes candidats dont le plus intéressant est le gène «activating transcription factor» (ATF3). À ce jour, aucune mutation n’a été trouvée dans le gène ATF3 et les gènes FAM71A, BATF3 et NSL1. Des expériences supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin d’identifier le gène muté responsable de la NHSRPA.
La présente étude s’inscrit dans une lignée de travaux de recherche en traductologie réalisés dans un cadre de sémantique cognitive et visant à dégager les modes de conceptualisation métaphorique dans les domaines de spécialité, et plus précisément dans les sciences biomédicales. Notre étude se concentre sur les modes de conceptualisation métaphorique utilisés en neuroanatomie en français, en anglais et en allemand, dans une perspective d’application à la traduction. Nous nous penchons plus spécifiquement sur la description anatomique de deux structures du système nerveux central : la moelle spinale et le cervelet. Notre objectif est de repérer et de caractériser les indices de conceptualisation métaphorique (ICM). Notre méthode s'appuie sur un corpus trilingue de textes de référence traitant de ces structures et fait appel à une annotation sémantique en langage XML, ce qui autorise une interrogation des corpus annotés au moyen du langage XQuery. Nous mettons en évidence que les ICM jouent un rôle prédominant dans la phraséologie et les dénominations propres à la description anatomique du système nerveux, comme c'est le cas en biologie cellulaire et en anatomie des muscles, des nerfs périphériques et des vaisseaux sanguins. Sous l’angle lexical, il faut distinguer les ICM prédicatifs, les ICM non prédicatifs ainsi que les ICM quasi prédicatifs. La plupart des modes de conceptualisation métaphorique préalablement repérés en biologie cellulaire et en anatomie sont également présents dans le domaine plus spécifique de la neuroanatomie. Certains ICM et modes de conceptualisation sont toutefois spécifiques à des éléments des régions étudiées. Par ailleurs, les modes de conceptualisation métaphorique en français, en anglais et en allemand sont semblables, mais sont exprimés par des réseaux lexicaux d'ICM dont la richesse varie. De plus, la composition nominale étant une des caractéristiques de l'allemand, la forme linguistique des ICM présente des caractéristiques spécifiques. Nos résultats mettent en évidence la richesse métaphorique de la neuroanatomie. Cohérents avec les résultats des études antérieures, ils enrichissent cependant la typologie des ICM et soulignent la complexité, sur les plans lexical et cognitif, de la métaphore conceptuelle.
Neuroscience is the study of'tbe ne rvous system , including the i - ; . in, spinal cord and peripheral nerves . Neurons are the basic cells of the brain and nervous system which exerts its functional role through various neurotransmitters and receptor systems . The activity of a nen ren depends on the balance between the number of excitatory and inhibito r y processes affecting it, both processes occurring individually and sin ,tlte-' ,ieously. The functional bal,ince of different neurotransmitters such as Acct >>lcholine (Ach), Dopamine (DA), Serotonin (5-1-17), Nor epinepbri,te (N.1 j, Epinephrine (LPI), Glutamate and Gamma amino butyric acid (GA BA) regulates the growth , division and other vital functions ofa normal cell / organisin (Sudha, 1 998). The micro-environ ; nertt of the cell is controlled / the macro-environment that surrounds the individual. Any change in the cell environment causes imbalance in cell homeostasis and f,ntction. Pollution is a significant cause of imbalance caused iii the inacYcenvironment. Interaction with polluted environments can have an adverse impact on the health of humans. The alarming rise in enviromilmieil cont.iniin :rtion has been linked to rises in levels of pesticides, ndltstr al effluents, domestic Waste, car exhausts and other anthropogenic activities. Persistent exposures to contaminant cause a negative imp,-, on brain health and development . Pollution also causes a change in the neurotransmitters and their receptor function leading to earl.;' recurrence of neurodcge,terative disorders such as flypoxia , Alzbeimers's and Huntington 's disease early in life.
La presente investigación, intenta generar un impacto positivo dentro del ámbito médico-quirúrgico, ya que se espera que la revisión de la literatura genere mayor conocimiento sobre el manejo de las lesiones del plexo braquial con lesión vascular concomitante, ocasionada mediante un trauma abierto por herida causada por arma corto punzante, y con base en esto proponer una guía de manejo que se pueda aplicar en el día a día de todos aquellos especialistas quirúrgicos y no quirúrgicos para el tratamiento de dicha lesión. Es importante resaltar la dificultad metodológica presentada ante la poca validez de los estudios seleccionados, a pesar de que se aplicaron normas estrictas para la selección de los artículos. Las lesiones vasculares y nerviosas concomitantes del miembro superior no solo comprometen la viabilidad de la extremidad sino que además se constituyen en lesiones con secuelas severas desde el punto de vista funcional para el paciente. No se ha establecido un protocolo de manejo de estas lesiones. Los estudios realizados carecen de metodología adecuada de evaluación tanto en el momento de ingreso del paciente a urgencias como en su preoperatorio, postoperario y en las evaluaciones de los resultados funcionales de la extremidad una vez superada la lesión inicial. No hay una evolución consignada en la literatura con respecto al manejo integral de estos pacientes, que nos permita discernir con respecto al momento adecuado de la reparación nervios. El establecimiento de una guía clínica para cirujanos vasculares y cirujanos de mano para el manejo integral de este tipo de lesiones es apremiante. Los costos de tratamiento y rehabilitación de este tipo de pacientes son indiscutiblemente elevados desde todo punto de vista, pero es definitivo que el resultado funcional es mejor cuando se establece un manejo sistemático que incluya el manejo vascular y el manejo de la lesión neurológica de una forma integral.
El manejo de las lesiones de plejo braquial ha sido ampliamente discutido e investigado, especialmente en las lesiones cerradas por tracción. Las lesiones abiertas con compromiso vascular, muchas veces comprometen la viabilidad de la extremidad o la vida del paciente; son de difícil manejo con prioridades distintas, tiempos de establecimiento de los procedimientos que varían respecto a los hallazgos con resultados funcionales pobres por el diagnostico tardío de la lesión nerviosa. Se plantean interrogantes desde el punto de vista vascular y de la lesión nerviosa. se realiza una revisión sistemática de la literatura, encontrando puntos importantes con respecto a la exploración, el momento de la reparación nerviosa pero sin establecer resultados funcionales claros ante la deficiencia metodológica de los estudios encontrados.
Introducción La mutación genética Val30Met de la proteína transtiretina (TTR) es causante de la polineuropatía amiloidótica familiar, comprometiendo en fases iniciales las fibras nerviosas pequeñas (mielinizadas Aδ y amielínicas tipo C), involucradas en funciones autonómicas, nocicepción, percepción térmica y sudoración. Los métodos neurofisiológicos convencionales, no logran detectar dichas anormalidades, retardando el inicio de tratamientos específicos para la enfermedad. Metodología El objetivo principal fue evaluar el test de cuantificación sensitiva (QST) como método de detección temprana de anormalidades de fibra pequeña, en individuos Val30Met, seguidos en el Hospital Universitario Santa María, Lisboa. Se clasificaron los pacientes en 3 grupos, según sintomatología y examen neurológico. Se analizaron los umbrales para percepción de frío, dolor con el calor y vibración en los grupos, en correlación con controles sanos. Resultados 18 registros de controles sanos y 33 de individuos con la mutación, divididos en asintomáticos (24,2%), sintomáticos con examen neurológico normal (42,4%) y sintomáticos con examen neurológico anormal (33,3%). No se encontraron diferencias entre los pacientes asintomáticos y los controles. Los umbrales para frío (p=0,042) y en el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5) (p=0,007) se encuentran elevados en individuos Val30Met sintomáticos con examen normal. En los pacientes sintomáticos con alteraciones al examen, también se presentaron alteraciones en el intervalo entre el inicio y el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5-0,5) (p=0,009). Discusión Los umbrales de frío y de percepción de dolor con el calor, permiten detectar anormalidades en personas con la mutación TTR Val30Met, sintomáticos, incluyendo aquellos sin cambios objetivos al examen neurológico.
Neuroprostheses interfaced with transected peripheral nerves are technological routes to control robotic limbs as well as convey sensory feedback to patients suffering from traumatic neural injuries or degenerative diseases. To maximize the wealth of data obtained in recordings, interfacing devices are required to have intrafascicular resolution and provide high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) recordings. In this paper, we focus on a possible building block of a three-dimensional regenerative implant: a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel electrode capable of highly sensitive recordings in vivo. The PDMS 'micro-cuff' consists of a 3.5 mm long (100 µm × 70 µm cross section) microfluidic channel equipped with five evaporated Ti/Au/Ti electrodes of sub-100 nm thickness. Individual electrodes have average impedance of 640 ± 30 kΩ with a phase angle of −58 ± 1 degrees at 1 kHz and survive demanding mechanical handling such as twisting and bending. In proof-of-principle acute implantation experiments in rats, surgically teased afferent nerve strands from the L5 dorsal root were threaded through the microchannel. Tactile stimulation of the skin was reliably monitored with the three inner electrodes in the device, simultaneously recording signal amplitudes of up to 50 µV under saline immersion. The overall SNR was approximately 4. A small but consistent time lag between the signals arriving at the three electrodes was observed and yields a fibre conduction velocity of 30 m s−1. The fidelity of the recordings was verified by placing the same nerve strand in oil and recording activity with hook electrodes. Our results show that PDMS microchannel electrodes open a promising technological path to 3D regenerative interfaces.
Schwann cells (SCs) are the supporting cells of the peripheral nervous system and originate from the neural crest. They play a unique role in the regeneration of injured peripheral nerves and have themselves a highly unstable phenotype as demonstrated by their unexpectedly broad differentiation potential. Thus, SCs can be considered as dormant, multipotent neural crest-derived progenitors or stem cells. Upon injury they de-differentiate via cellular reprogramming, re-enter the cell cycle and participate in the regeneration of the nerve. Here we describe a protocol for efficient generation of neurospheres from intact adult rat and murine sciatic nerve without the need of experimental in vivo pre-degeneration of the nerve prior to Schwann cell isolation. After isolation and removal of the connective tissue, the nerves are initially plated on poly-D-lysine coated cell culture plates followed by migration of the cells up to 80% confluence and a subsequent switch to serum-free medium leading to formation of multipotent neurospheres. In this context, migration of SCs from the isolated nerve, followed by serum-free cultivation of isolated SCs as neurospheres mimics the injury and reprograms fully differentiated SCs into a multipotent, neural crest-derived stem cell phenotype. This protocol allows reproducible generation of multipotent Schwann cell-derived neurospheres from sciatic nerve through cellular reprogramming by culture, potentially marking a starting point for future detailed investigations of the de-differentiation process.
Dystrophin is the product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) gene. Dystrophin-related protein (utrophin), an autosomal homologue of dystrophin, was studied in skeletal muscle from normal fetuses aged 9-26 weeks and one stillbirth of 41 weeks' gestation, and compared with low- and high-risk DMD fetuses aged 9-20 weeks. Utrophin was present at the sarcolemma from before 9 weeks' gestation, although there was variability in intensity both within and between myotubes. Sarcolemmal immunolabelling became more uniform, and levels of utrophin increased to a maximum at approximately 17-18 weeks. Levels then declined, until by 26 weeks sarcolemmal labelling was negligible and levels were similar to adult control muscle. By 41 weeks there was virtually no sarcolemmal labelling, although immunolabelling of capillaries was bright. Similar results were obtained with normal and DMD fetal muscle. Utrophin is therefore expressed in the presence and absence of dystrophin and down-regulated before birth in normal fetal muscle fibres. Samples were not available to determine whether or when, utrophin levels decline in DMD fetal muscle. On Western blots, utrophin was shown to have a smaller relative molecular mass than adult dystrophin, but similar to the fetal isoform. Blood vessels were brightly immunolabelled at all ages, although utrophin immunolabelling of peripheral nerves increased with gestational age.
In the present study, we propose a theoretical graph procedure to investigate multiple pathways in brain functional networks. By taking into account all the possible paths consisting of h links between the nodes pairs of the network, we measured the global network redundancy R (h) as the number of parallel paths and the global network permeability P (h) as the probability to get connected. We used this procedure to investigate the structural and dynamical changes in the cortical networks estimated from a dataset of high-resolution EEG signals in a group of spinal cord injured (SCI) patients during the attempt of foot movement. In the light of a statistical contrast with a healthy population, the permeability index P (h) of the SCI networks increased significantly (P < 0.01) in the Theta frequency band (3-6 Hz) for distances h ranging from 2 to 4. On the contrary, no significant differences were found between the two populations for the redundancy index R (h) . The most significant changes in the brain functional network of SCI patients occurred mainly in the lower spectral contents. These changes were related to an improved propagation of communication between the closest cortical areas rather than to a different level of redundancy. This evidence strengthens the hypothesis of the need for a higher functional interaction among the closest ROIs as a mechanism to compensate the lack of feedback from the peripheral nerves to the sensomotor areas.
MORENO,Cléa Maria da Costa,ENDERS,Bertha Cruz, SIMPSON, Clélia Albino. Avaliação das capacitações de Hanseníase: enfermeiros opinião de médicos e enfermeiros das equipes de saúde da família. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, Brasília, v.61,n.esp.p. 671-5.2008.
Neurotrofinas são fatores de crescimento com papel fundamental na fisiopatologia neural. Esses mediadores modulam funcionalmente fibras nociceptivas. Mudanças em sua expressão têm sido relacionadas à perda precoce da nocicepção na hanseníase. Este estudo investigou a expressão de NGF, BDNF e NT3 em nervos dérmicos de pacientes hansenianos. A caracterização de fibras nervosas não mielinizadas foi feita por p75NTR e marcadores axonais NF-L e PGP 9.5. Os parâmetros clínicos de dano neural foram avaliados por monofilamentos Semmes-Wenstein. Nossos achados demonstram diminuição de NGF nos pacientes dimorfos em comparação aos controles. Resultados similares foram observados para PGP 9.5 (dimorfos: p<0,001; virchowianos: p<0,05) e NF-L (virchowianos: p<0.05), sugerindo degeneração avançada das terminações nervosas na hanseníase multibacilar. Foi observada correlação positiva entre p75NTR e PGP 9.5, indicando associação entre células de Schwann e axônios em fibras nervosas não mielinizadas. Os resultados indicam que o desequilíbrio na expressão das neurotrofinas pode participar do dano neural periférico.
Termino-lateral neurorrhaphies have been used up to the beginning of this century. After this period, they have no longer been reported. We tested the efficacy of a new type of latero-terminal neurorrhaphy and evaluated the role of the epineural sheath. A group of 10 rats had the fibular nerve sectioned and the distal ending was sutured to the lateral face of the tibial nerve without removing the epineurium. All experiments were made on the right side, the left one remaining untouched in half of the animals of each group. The other half were denervated by sectioning and inverting the endings of the fibular nerves. In this way, tibial cranial muscles were either normal or denervated in the left side and reinnervated through latero-terminal neurorrhaphy in the right side. After 7.7 months, the animals were subjected to electrophysiological tests, sacrificed, and the nerves and muscles were taken for histological exams. A response of the tibial cranial muscle was obtained in 75% of the animals. The distal ending of the fibular nerve showed an average of 498 nerve fibers. The average areas of the reinnervated tibial cranial muscles were (mu 2):841.30 for M2n and 1798.33 for M2d. We concluded that the termino-lateral neurorrhaphy was functional, conducting electrical stimuli and allowing the passage of axons from the lateral surface of a healthy nerve, to reconstitute the distal segment of a sectioned nerve. The presence of the epineurium was no impediment to axonal regeneration or to the passage of electrical stimuli.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Nerve regeneration in a sensory nerve was obtained by the application of different techniques: inside-out vein graft (IOVG group) and standard vein graft (SVG group). These techniques provide a good microenvironment for axon regeneration in motor nerves, but their efficiency for regeneration of sensory nerves is controversial. The saphenous nerve was sectioned and repaired by the inside-out and standard vein graft techniques in rats. After 4, 12, and 20 weeks the graft and the distal stump were observed under electron microscopy. In each studied period, the pattern, diameters, and thickness of the myelin sheaths of the regenerated axons were measured in the graft and distal stump. A comparative study about the regenerated nerve fibers by these two different techniques was performed. Regenerated nerve fibers were prominent in both vein grafts 4 weeks after the surgical procedures. On the other hand, in the distal stump, regenerated nerve fibers were observed only from 12 weeks. In both inside-out vein graft and standard vein graft statistical difference was not observed about the diameters and thickness of the myelinated fibers after 20 weeks. On the other hand, the inside-out group had greater regenerated axon number when compared to the standard group. There is a capillary invasion in both graft and distal stump, especially in the IOVG group. The regenerated axons follow these capillaries all the time like satellite microfascicles. After 20 weeks, the diameters of regenerated fibers repaired by the standard vein graft technique were closer to the normal fibers compared to the inside-out vein graft. On the other hand, the pattern of these regenerated axons was better in the IOVG group.